Renfrewshire Council
The Council has adopted the principle that decisions should be made and the lowest or most local level consistent with the nature of the issues involved. Functions therefore have been delegated to Boards, the Chief Executive, Directors and Heads of Service and other officers as detailed in the Scheme of Delegated Functions. In terms of statute, certain responsibilities must be exercised at the level of the Council itself and in addition there are certain matters which the Council has chosen to deal with at Council level.
For further information please contact Dave Low on 0141 487 1118 -
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board
The remit of this Board is to act as the Council's audit committee; corporate governance; risk management; monitoring and reviewing service delivery performance, policies and practices; community leadership through monitoring of other public bodies; and standards and ethics. The Board prepares an annual programme, which may include issues for specific investigation.
For further information please contact Carol MacDonald on 0141 487 1097
email: and
Bursaries & Endowments Appeal Panel
The remit of this Panel is to determine appeals relating to higher school bursaries and education maintenance allowances and appeals in relation to education endowments.
Communities and Housing Policy Board
The remit of this Board covers Housing; Police; Fire & Rescue; Civil Contingencies; Community Learning & Community Safety & Development; Public Protection; Community Justice; Community Councils and Consumer Protection. For further information please contact Robert Devine on 0141 487 1117 or by email
Police and Fire and Rescue Scrutiny Sub-Committee
The remit of the sub-committee is to consider matters relating to the police service including the Council's involvement with the Scottish Police Authority and Scottish Police Service, and arrangements for local policing including the Council's contribution to the development and implementation of the Local Policing Plan;
In terms of Fire & Rescue to consider matters relating to fire & rescue service including the Council's involvement with the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and arrangements for local fire and rescue services including the Council's contribution to the development and implementation of the Local Fire & Rescue Plan.
For further information please contact Democratic Services
Community Asset Transfer Review Appeals Panel
The role of the Community Asset Transfer Review Appeals Panel consider and determine reviews of decisions or failures to take decisions on Asset Transfer Requests made in terms of Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
Cross Party Sounding Board
The remit of the Board is to act as a sounding board and discussion forum with no decision-making powers; to provide an opportunity to discuss matters of common interest or of Council-wide relevance; and to provide for cross-party discussion on non-partisan/non-political issue raised by each political party or group on Renfrewshire Council.
For further information please contact Dave Low on 0141 487 1118
Economy and Regeneration Policy Board
The remit of this Board is economy, employment, regeneration and strategic place-shaping, renewal and town
centres management. For further information please contact Robert Devine on 0141 487 1117 or email
Emergencies Board
The remit of this Board is to oversee the activities of the Council, including the deployment of resources, in the event of any emergency, such as may be defined by the Chief Executive.
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board
The remit of this Board includes Corporate Asset Management; Civic Functions; Customer and Business Services;
Finance and Resources; Human Resources and Organisational Development; ICT; Corporate Risk Arrangements; Procurement; Renfrewshire Licensing Forum;
Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board; Scotland Excel; Council service transformation programmes and Building Services.
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board
The remit of this Board includes Environmental Issues, Clyde Valley Waste Initiative, Water and Sewerage, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, Waste Management, Flood Prevention, Land,
Roads and Transportation, Fleet and Infrastructure, Sustainability
Parks and Cemeteries.
For further information please contact
Investment Review Board
The remit of this Board is to (i) determine the discretionary ageement and any amendments in relation to the investment of the Common Good funds and to review the performance and strategy relating to the invested funds for the Common Good funds, which are managed by the Council's Investment Manager appointed by the Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board.
(ii) To meet at least annually with the Investment Manager to review the performance and strategy relating to the invested funds for the Common Good funds and to report their findings to the Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board.
Joint Consultative Board (Non-Teaching)
The purpose of this Board is to act as a forum for consultation between the Council and the trades unions representing all non-teaching employees on employment/service conditions matters which are not specifically determined by their respective national negotiating bodies; to secure the greatest possible measures of joint action between the Council and the trades unions for the development and improvement of the work of the Council; to consider any reference from the Council or the trade union side on matters affecting the mutual interests of the Council and its employees and to make recommendations thereon to the appropriate Board of the Council; to consider measures for safeguarding the health and welfare of the Council's employees.
The JCB will not consider questions of individual appointment or other matters which are more properly the province of the Council's grievance or disciplinary procedures. For further information please contact Julie Barron on 0141 487 1100 email: and
Leadership Board
The remit of this Board includes Adult Social Care and Health Integration, Best Value and Performance Management, Clyde Muirshiel Park, Corporate Communications and Marketing,
Corporate Performance Management, Corporate Planning and Community Empowerment, Digital Inclusion, Future Paisley, Glasgow City Region City Deal Project, Leisure and Culture Trust
Public Service Reform, Strategic Leadership and Oversight
Tackling Inequality, Poverty and Social Renewal, Tourism and Events. For further information please contact Dave Low - email:
Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-committee
The remit of this Sub-committee is to consider matters relating to:-
1. Poverty and financial insecurity and the cost of living crisis.
2. Food and fuel insecurity.
3. Inequalities across Renfrewshire.
4. The Council’s response to the Alcohol and Drug Commission report.
5. Oversight of the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme; and
to make recommendations to the Council and the Leadership Board regarding those matters. For further information please contact Dave Low on 0141 487 1118 email:
Non Domestic Rates Appeals
The remit of the Appeals Panel is to determine appeals against the application of the Council's policy relating to the discretionary relief of rates and to determine appeals under section 238 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947.
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel
The following shall comprise the areas of responsibility of the Appeals Board: (i) To determine any appeals referred to it in terms of the Council's disciplinary and grievance procedures policies. (ii) To determine appeals arising from termination of service on the grounds of ill health or lack of capability. (iii) To consider and make recommendations to the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board regarding submissions made by the trade unions concerning the personnel policies of the Council.
Petitions Board
The remit of this Board is to consider petitions in accordance with the procedures agreed by the Council
Planning and Climate Change Policy Board
The remit of this Board includes matters relative to Building Standards; Climate Change; Development Management; Development Planning; Planning and the Strategic Development Plan. For further information, please contact Robert Devine at or 0141 487 1117.
Local Review Body
The purpose of the Local Review Body (LRB) is to review and determine: i. Appeals against decisions by officers to refuse planning permission; ii. Appeals against the nature of the conditions set by officers in respect of a planning permission; and iii. Failure by officers to make a decision in respect of a planning application within the statutory timescale.
For further information please contact Robert Devine on 0141 487 1117, email or Paul Shiach on 0141 487 1103 or email
Local Review Body.
The purpose of the Local Review Body (LRB) is to review and determine: i. Appeals against decisions by officers to refuse planning permission; ii. Appeals against the nature of the conditions set by officers in respect of a planning permission; and iii. Failure by officers to make a decision in respect of a planning application within the statutory timescale.
For further information please contact Robert Devine on 0141 487 1117, email or Paul Shiach on 0141 487 1103 or
Regulatory Functions Board
The areas of responsibility of this Board are to determine applications, review the Council's policies and to exercise the functions of the Council for licences, permits, permissions and/or registrations which are not specifically allocated to another policy Board. The terms of reference of the Board are available in the other information section
Renfrewshire Appointment Boards
The following shall comprise the areas of responsibility of the Appointment Board to be established for vacant posts at Chief Executive, Director and Head of Service level:
1. To consider applications for the post and short leet candidates.
2. To interview candidates and select the successful candidate.
Renfrewshire Information Bulletin
Information Bulletin
To reduce the reporting of routine operational matters to Policy Boards, to allow Boards to focus on major policy issues and to streamline business for Members’ consideration and determination, a Bulletin, issued in line with the Council meeting timetable, is produced. The Bulletin is intended to provide members with a concise summary of significant decisions and action taken by officers in the exercise of their delegated powers, and details of issues which do not require a decision.