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Joint Arrangements

Joint boards and joint committees are public bodies set up to work for several councils at once. Their administrative arrangements are generally managed by a single council. Renfrewshire Council look after the joint boards and joint committees listed below.  Additionally, there are other joint arrangements with which the Council is involved, including the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership and Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership (RCPP) which brings together public, private and third sector agencies, along with Renfrewshire’s local communities.  There are also a number of other forums which have members from outwith the Council. Use the links below to find out what they do.

Copies of Agendas and Minutes for these joint arrangements, where these existed prior to January 2015 can be accessed via the link below.



Joint Boards Agendas & Minutes (Prior to January 2015)



Joint Arrangements

Joint Arrangements

Glasgow & the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority Joint Committee.

The councils in the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley area work together on strategic development plan matters. A strategic development team is managed by a joint committee of 16 councillors from the eight participating councils. The Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority Joint Committee (formerly the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee) prepares, monitors and reviews the strategic plan on behalf of the member councils. It is supported by a steering group made up of the chief planning officers (or their equivalent) from each council together with the Strategic Development Plan Manager or their representative. Meetings of the Joint Committee are held quarterly on a rota basis. To contact the Strategic Development Plan Manager: phone: 0141 229 7733 email: web: visit or write to: Clydeplan, Floor 2, Room 29, City Chambers East, 40 John Street, Glasgow

Joint Renfrewshire Licensing Forum and Licensing Board.

Joint meeting between the Renfrewshire Licensing Forum and Licensing Board

Renfrewshire Area Support Team

The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (the Act) aims to improve the lives, outcomes and opportunities of Scotland’s most vulnerable children and young people by bringing together certain functions associated with Children’s Hearings. The Act, which came into force on 24th June, 2013, created the role of National Convener and Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS). The National Convener operates independently, has a limited number of statutory functions and, for the first time, acts as an ambassador and advocate for Scotland’s 2,700 volunteer Children’s Panel members, to ensure that they are supported to a consistently high standard. Children’s Hearings Scotland is the dedicated Non-Departmental Public Body that has a duty to support the National Convener in the delivery of the functions conferred on her by the 2011 Act. The Act empowers the National Convener to establish a national Children’s Panel for Scotland to replace the existing 32 local authority children’s panels. It establishes Area Support Teams (ASTs) which will replace the current Children’s Panel Advisory Committees and which will be responsible for supporting the national Children’s Panel at a local level. These reforms are driven by the desire to build on the best aspects of the current arrangements. The ethos of the system and the role of the three specially trained, lay panel members, who make decisions in the best interests of the child or young person who comes before them, will not change. The changes are designed to place the child at the centre of the hearing and ensure that their voice and experience is heard. They ensure that the rights of others are respected and that the hearing complies with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The role of Renfrewshire Area Support Team (AST) is to uphold the CHS vision, mission and values, work within the CHS national standards at a local level, carry out functions on behalf of the National Convener to support members of the Children’s Panel who sit on hearings in their area work with local authorities, the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) and all relevant partners towards continual improvement across the Children’s Hearings System. The AST is responsible at a local level for panel member recruitment; selecting applicants for recommendation to the National Convener for appointment and making recommendations for panel member reappointment; panel member induction; the management of the rota in the Renfrewshire area; and the support, practice observation and practice review processes for panel members at area level. The AST is also responsible for organising panel member training at the local level. This will comprise a mixture of learning and development sessions, in conjunction with the CHS national training provider(s), to equip panel members with the skills and competencies to effectively fulfil their role on an ongoing basis. ASTs will also organise information sessions on resources and initiatives available locally, awards ceremonies and an annual recognition event. The AST can set up sub committees for each constituent local authority, where there is more than one within the AST area, and/or for specific purposes, such as a training sub-committee.

Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board.

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 25 February 2014 and received Royal Assent on 1 April 2014. It requires Health Boards and Councils to integrate certain prescribed adult health and social care services and permits them to integrate certain additional services should they choose to do so. The Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board have agreed the integration model for Renfrewshire shall be the delegation of functions to a body corporate known as an Integration Joint Board which will assume responsibility for the planning and delivery of integrated services.

Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee

The overarching purpose of the Committee is to provide independent assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework, the internal control environment and the integrity of the financial reporting annual governance processes. The Committee is responsible for reviewing audit and inspection reports; promoting the observance of high standards of financial propriety and for receiving updates on and scrutinising progress with key pieces of work across the HSCP.

Renfrewshire Licensing Forum

Scottish licensing law requires that all councils set up a licensing forum for their area. Forums must be made up of between five and twenty members, with the actual number of members decided by each council. Renfrewshire Council has agreed that their licensing forum will have 12 members. The role of the forum is to keep the operation of the licensing system in Renfrewshire under review and to give advice and recommendations to the licensing board. This does not include reviewing, offering advice or making recommendations in relation to any particular application or case before the board. The licensing board has the duty to 'have regard' to the forum's views and must offer reasons where it takes decisions against the advice of the forum.

Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board.

The Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board is made up of 16 councillors drawn from East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire councils. Meetings of the Board are held every three months at the offices of: Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1TR; East Renfrewshire Council, Eastwood Park, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, G46 6UG; and Inverclyde Council, Municipal Buildings, 24 Clyde Square, Greenock, PA5 1LY.

Scotland Excel Joint Committee

Scotland Excel is the Centre of Procurement Expertise for the local government sector in Scotland. Established in 2008, we are an award-winning Joint Committee working in partnership with Scotland’s 32 local authorities. Our corporate strategy is closely aligned to the priorities and challenges facing our sector. Our contract portfolio supports the delivery of the wide range of essential public services provided by councils. Our contracts maximise the value of council spending, facilitate policy priorities, support the local economy and generate additional social value for communities. Savings from our contracts return c. £5 for every £1 invested in our funding. Scotland Excel also provides a range of assessment change management and education services which have supported a three-fold increase in the sector’s procurement performance since 2009. We represent the sector at a national level on all matters relating to public procurement, and lead the development and dissemination of good procurement practice. Scotland Excel is a non-profit organisation based in Paisley. Our funding comes mainly from local authorities and we are governed by a Joint Committee representing all 32 councils. Renfrewshire Council acts as our lead authority.

Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership

Forum for Empowering Communities Group

Ensures that the third sector and communities have a voice and influence in shaping partnership decisions and activity.

Local Partnership - Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton & Langbank

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - Gleniffer

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - Johnstone & Linwood

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - Paisley East

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - Paisley North, West & Central

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - Renfrew

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Local Partnership - The Villages

The new model of Local Partnerships has replaced the Local Area Committees. Key functions such as the administration and disbursement of grants to local organisations have been retained however, the key aim is to ensure that the Local Partnerships reflect the views and requirements of local communities and encourage people to be more involved.

Terminated Community Planning Groups

Improving Life Chances Group

Brings together the work of the Children and Young People Board and the Tackling Poverty Steering Group; and Focus on the contribution of partner organisations to health improvement, reducing inequalities and addressing the attainment gap.

Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership Oversight Group

Provides oversight to the strategic work of the Community Planning Partnership Executive Group in directing the Council's contribution to the work of Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership; Agrees outcomes and targets; and Considers any future changes to partnership working and governance structures.