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Business - Renfrewshire Council

Public Documents

Public Documents

There are a number of key documents which set out how the Council and its Boards and officers makes decisions.  Some of these documents are listed below.  All governance documents are subject to periodic review by the Council.

Scheme of Delegated Functions

The Scheme of Delegated Functions provides for the delegation by the Council of decision making authority to Boards and officers. The Scheme sets out the Boards' terms of reference and any limitations on their decision making powers; sets out the extent of decision making powers delegated by the Council to senior officers and details statutory appointments of officers.
Procedural Standing Orders

The Council's Procedural Standing Orders govern the conduct of meetings of the Council and its Boards.  The Standing Orders provide for such matters including voting, motions and amendments and the power of the Provost/Chair.  

Standing Orders relating to Contracts

The Council has a statutory obligation to have Standing Orders relating to
Contracts to provide open and transparent processes for dealing with
tendering procedures; to achieve value for money for the Council; and to provide guidelines for officers. 

Financial Regulations

The Council has a statutory obligation to have adequate systems and controls in place to make sure that their finances are handled properly. They must also appoint an appropriate officer with the full responsibility for monitoring how they do so.  The Financial Regulations set out the responsibilities of the Director of Finance and Resources, who has been appointed as the ‘proper officer’, for the purposes of section 95 of the 1973 Act, along with the responsibilities of the Chief Executive, directors and other authorised people.

Protocol for Relationships between Political Groups, Elected Members and Officers

The purpose of this protocol is to guide members and officers of the Council in their relations with one another; to develop co-operative relationships between members; assist with ward management; and to provide a framework within which members of political groups within the council are able to operate individually and collectively.

In order to access these documents, please double click on the links below.

If you have any queries in relation to any of the documents, please contact committee services by e-mail at