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Business - Renfrewshire Council
You are in Meetings


Admission to Meetings

Meetings of Renfrewshire Council and its Boards are open to members of the public and the press except when they require to be excluded during consideration of any item of business whenever it is likely that, if they were present, confidential information would be disclosed to them.  Confidential information means information provided by a Government department in confidence or information regarding which disclosure is prohibited by any statute or by any court order.  

Members of the public and press may also be excluded from a meeting or part of a meeting by resolution during consideration of an item of business whenever it is likely that there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as defined by Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Photographing and Recording Meetings

The taking of photographs during proceedings of the Council and its Boards is prohibited except with the prior approval of the authority.
