There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the annual audit of the Council’s financial statements which had been undertaken by the Council’s appointed external auditors, Azets.
The report intimated that each year the Council's appointed external auditors carried out an audit of the Council's financial statements and provided an opinion as to whether those statements provided a fair view of the financial position of the Council and its income and expenditure for the year and also whether the accounts had been prepared in accordance with the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
The report advised that in accordance with International Auditing Standards (ISA260) Azets was obliged to report to those charged with the governance of the organisation matters which had arisen in the course of the audit. A copy of the findings from the audit of the 2023/24 Renfrewshire Council accounts was attached as an appendix to the report. The report highlighted that there had been one material adjustment made to the accounts over the course of the audit in relation to the value of the Council’s pension asset disclosed in the 2022/23 Balance Sheet, owing to the exclusion of unfunded liabilities. Further detail was provided within the appendix. In addition, minor and presentational changes had been agreed.
It was noted that the Council’s Chief Financial Officer was obliged to provide a letter of representation to Azets, outlining the assurances the Council provided to the external auditor with regards to the annual accounts. A draft of this letter was attached as an appendix to the Annual Audit Report.
DECIDED: That, following consideration of the Annual Audit Report from Azets, the draft letter of representation from the Council's Chief Financial Officer be approved.