Under reference to item 7 of the Minute of the meeting of the IJB held on 25 September 2024, the Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement submitted a report providing an update on the work undertaken to progress the Sustainable Futures programme focussing on the savings ideas which had been identified to date to contribute towards the agreed target of 10% savings against the IJB’s influenceable budget.
The report intimated that the savings outlined were for the IJB’s consideration and agreement for (i) immediate approval of several savings, the implementation and monitoring of which would be undertaken by the HSCP’s senior management team though existing operational governance arrangements; (ii) progression of a number of savings ideas for further engagement, analysis and impact assessment; and (iii) ongoing consideration of the impact of moving to critical only eligibility should related proposals be required in future.
The report advised that the savings ideas identified could be delivered over the next three financial years and accounted for the 10% target agreed by the IJB in September. The report noted that delivering this target would be exceptionally challenging and would require very difficult decisions. The financial report considered earlier in the meeting set out a range of management actions which would be taken to reduce the projected overspend in this financial year which was currently expected to be approximately £7.58 million prior to any drawn down from reserves.
Councillor McMillan proposed:
Replace 2: 3 with Note the savings proposed, agree that these proposals are put on hold until such time as the Scottish Government's budget process is concluded
And add that the proposed savings are sent to the Scottish Government finance and health secretaries for their information.
Officers will also write to emphasise that these possible savings are as a result of the financial situation Renfrewshire IJB is in.
Furthermore we ask that more money is found to protect these services that vulnerable people and their families depend on.
As he failed to find a seconder, Councillor McMillan requested that his dissent be recorded in the Minute.
On behalf of the carers, Mark Halliwell advised that the carers appreciated the work that had gone into it but they did not support this paper.
(a) That the contents of the report be noted;
(b) That the current 10% savings target identified against influenceable spend and the exceptions to this, as set out in section 5 of the report, be noted;
(c) That the savings set out in section 7 of the report be approved and that it be noted that the senior management team would manage the implementation and monitoring of these through existing operational governance arrangements within the HSCP;
(d) That it be agreed that the other savings ideas identified in section 8 of the report be further developed and, where appropriate, engaged on with a view to bringing back more detailed impact assessments, including engagement feedback, to the IJB at future meetings for consideration;
(e) That reflective of the IJB’s financial position, it be agreed that the HSCP continue to review the current eligibility criteria policy, and the impact of moving to critical eligibility only, as described in section 8 of the report, and that the HSCP would, where appropriate or necessary, bring forward specific proposals to a future IJB meeting;
(f) That it be agreed that officers explore the appropriate use of Renfrewshire Council’s VR/VER policy to support the delivery of a number of saving ideas presented and use reserves to cover the non-recurring element of any packages agreed, as detailed in section 10 of the report; and
(g) That the next steps and associated risks and challenges for progressing savings, as set out in section 11 of the report, be noted.