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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board.
26 Jan 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Councillor Jennifer Adam (Chair) and John Matthews (Vice Chair)

Councillor Jacqueline Cameron: Councillor Fiona Airlie-Nicolson: Councillor Iain McMillan: Margaret Kerr: Frank Shennan: Ann Cameron Burns: Karen Jarvis: Paul Higgins: Lisa Cameron: Dr Shilpa Shivaprasad: Alan McNiven: Fiona Milne: Stephen Cruickshank: John Boylan: Annie Hair: Dr Stuart Sutton: Christine Laverty: Sarah Lavers: John Trainer.
Standard Items
Further Information - online meetings only

This meeting is on-line only but is a meeting which is open to members of the public by prior arrangement. A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please email

Members of the Press and Public - contact details
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should contact to allow the necessary arrangements to be made.


Recording of Meeting

This meeting will be recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact committee services on


To find the recording please follow the link which will be attached to this agenda once the meeting has concluded.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chair intimated that this meeting of the IJB would be recorded and that the recording would be available to watch on both the Council and HSCP websites.


Items Of Business
Apologies from members.

Ann Cameron Burns (Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board), Dr Shilpa Shivaprasad (other Medical Practitioner (non-GP)), Stephen Cruickshank (service user residing in Renfrewshire) and Annie Hair (Trade Union representative for Health Board).


Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
There were no declarations of interest or transparency statements intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.


1 Minute
Minute of meeting of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) held on 24 November 2023.
The Minute of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) held on 24 November 2023.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.
IJB action log.
The rolling action log for the IJB was submitted.

In relation to Arrangements for Future Meetings, Councillor Iain McMillan, being the mover of a motion, which failed to find a seconder asked that his dissent be recorded.

DECIDED: That the updates to the rolling action log be noted.
Report by Clerk.

There was submitted a report by the Clerk relative to the self-assessment conducted by the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee against updated good practice guidance for local government audit committees.

The report intimated that, following a member development session on 27 October 2023, an action plan had been developed to address the small number of improvement actions identified. The action plan had been approved at the meeting of the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee held on 17 November 2023 for submission to a future meeting of the IJB. A copy of the action plan formed Appendix 1 to the report.

The report advised that included in the action plan was an action to review the Terms of Reference of the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee and at the meeting of the Committee held on 17 November 2023 revised Terms of Reference were considered and it was agreed that these be submitted to a future meeting of the IJB for approval. A copy of the revised Terms of Reference detailing track changes for members information formed Appendix 2 to the report and the finalised version of the Terms of Reference formed Appendix 3 to the report.


(a) That the content of the action plan be noted; and

(b) That the revised Terms of Reference for the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee, which formed Appendix 3 to the report, be approved.

Report by Chief Officer.
Under reference to item 3 of the Minute of the meeting of the IJB held on 24 November 2023, the Chief Officer submitted a report providing an update on recent key developments and operational activity and additional policy developments which would be built into future workplans, strategies and action plans.

The key updates detailed in the report included an overview of actions that the HSCP would take in line with the Scottish Government’s new Tobacco and Vaping Framework, the refreshed national Equally Safe Strategy and ongoing activity to develop a refreshed NHSGGC Quality Strategy.

The report also provided detail on several national policy updates including the Scottish Government’s Budget 2024/25 and a progress update on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill. 


(a) That the range of key HSCP updates, as detailed in sections 4 to 7 of the report, be noted; and

(b) That the national policy updates, as detailed in sections 8 to 11 of the report, be noted.
Report by Chief Finance Officer.
The Chief Finance Officer submitted a report relative to the revenue budget position at 30 November 2023 and the projected year end position for the year ending 31 March 2024. 

The report intimated that pay negotiations for local government had now been agreed and that the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council had confirmed that Renfrewshire Council would pass through the relevant share of the funding from the Scottish Government to the IJB. It was noted that the IJB would require to fund any shortfall. Further, that the current projections did not include the impact of the pay award above the 3% included as part of the overall budget assumptions for 2023/24.

The report advised that the projected final outturn for 2023/24 was an overspend of £3,280k, taking into account the in-year drawdown of earmarked winter pressure reserves, and assumed a transfer of any in-year underspend at 31 March 2024 to earmarked reserves in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements in relation to winter pressure monies, Action 15, the Primary Care Improvement Programme and the Alcohol and Drug Partnership.

The report provided information on the key pressures; prescribing; Scottish Government funding 2023/24; other delegated services and reserves.

Appendices 1 to 4 of the report detailed the revenue budget position of the HSCP, adult social care, health, and Renfrewshire Council other delegated services; Appendices 5 and 6 to the report provided a reconciliation of the main budget adjustments applied this current financial year; Appendix 7 to the report detailed the Scottish Government funding streams and Appendix 8 to the report detailed the movement in ear marked reserves. 


(a) That the in-year position at 30 November 2023 be noted; and

(b) That the projected year-end position for 2023/24 be noted.
Report by Chief Finance Officer.
The Chief Finance Officer submitted a report relative to a review of Renfrewshire Council’s Non-residential Charging Policy.

The report intimated that in June 2018, Renfrewshire IJB approved a review of adult social care charging on behalf of Renfrewshire Council, to be taken forward by the Chief Finance Officer. The purpose of the review was to ensure greater transparency and consistency, including closing the inequality gap and was tasked with ensuring the Non-residential Charging Policy complemented wider policies including Self-directed Support. The review concluded in late 2019 and set out a number of high-level recommendations but the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 and the proposal from the Scottish Government at that time to remove non-residential charging, had resulted in a hold on progressing the recommendations from that initial work. At its meeting on 30 June 2023, the IJB agreed the outcomes of the initial review be revisited and further work be undertaken to review the Policy and this phase of work had been progressed as part of the IJB’s Sustainable Futures programme, resulting in additional recommendations expanding on those arising from the 2019 review.

The report provided detail on both reviews and sought approval from the IJB to take forward the suite of recommendations summarised in section 2 of the report for consideration by Renfrewshire Council.

Appendix 1 to the report provided examples of how a service user’s charge was calculated using Renfrewshire Council’s current Charging Policy; Appendix 2 to the report provided a summary of local authority charging approaches across Scotland derived from the 2023 CoSLA Non-residential Charge and Support Charging Survey and Appendix 3 to the report provided examples of how a service user’s charge would be calculated using a contributions policy retaining the current taper level of 50% and also examples showing the taper at increasing levels. A copy of the draft proposed Adult Services Non-residential Contribution Policy was appended to the report.

It was proposed that, prior to the report being submitted to Renfrewshire Council for consideration, the risk implications of the report be amended to include detail on the wider risks for service users reflecting the impact these changes would have for acute services should service users choose not to pay for the services they needed. This was agreed unanimously. 


(a) That the content of the report be noted; 

(b) That the recommendations summarised in section 2.2 of the report be noted; 

(c) That the submission of these recommendations to Renfrewshire Council for consideration be approved; and

(d) That the risk implications of the report be amended to include detail on the wider risks for service users reflecting the impact these changes would have for acute services should service users choose not to pay for the services they needed.
Report by Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement.
Under reference to item 5 of the Minute of the meeting of the IJB held on 24 November 2024, the Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement submitted a report providing an update on the Sustainable Futures programme.

The report provided detail in relation to the background of the Sustainable Futures programme; the Scottish Budget announcement on 19 December 2023; the routes to engagement implemented following the November IJB meeting; an overview of feedback received during early engagement sessions and the next steps.


(a) That the update provided on the Scottish Budget announcement, as detailed in section 4 of the report, be noted;

(b) That the updates provided on the stakeholder engagement process currently underway, as detailed in sections 5 and 6 of the report, be noted; and

(c) That the further activity to be undertaken in advance of the IJB’s meeting in March 2024 to enable the submission of updated options and additional savings options in line with the overarching approach previously agreed, as detailed in section 7 of the report, be noted.
Report by Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement.
The Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement submitted a report providing an update on the mid-year performance for April to September 2023. The full scorecard updating all performance measures was appended to the report. 

The report intimated that there were 48 performance indicators of which 28 had targets set against them. Performance status was assessed as either red, more than 10% variance from target; amber, within 10% variance from target; or green, on or exceeds target and the RAG status of the 28 indicators included 5 red indicators, 10 amber indicators and 13 green indicators. 

The Chief Officer advised that information in relation to A&E attendances would be circulated to members. 

DECIDED: That the Performance Management Mid-year Report 2023/24 for Renfrewshire HSCP be approved.
Report by Head of Health & Social Care.
The Head of Health & Social Care submitted a report providing the mid-year update on the work being undertaken to deliver whole-system change against urgent and unscheduled priorities to minimise the impact of unscheduled care during Winter 2023/24. 

The report intimated that unscheduled care work across NHSGGC was directed by the Unscheduled Care Design and Delivery Plan 2022/23 to 2024/25 which had been approved by all six IJBs. 

The report provided detail on key interventions led by HSCPs which were now live across NHSGGC and a summary of interventions across acute and community services was appended to the report.

DECIDED: That the content of the report be noted. 
Note that the next meeting of the IJB will be held remotely on MS teams at 10.00 am on 22 March 2024.
DECIDED: That it be noted that the next meeting of the IJB would be held remotely on MS teams at 10.00 am on 22 March 2024.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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