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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
26 Sep 2024 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Membership Section
Standard Items
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please email 

Hybrid Meeting
Please note that this meeting is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers.  However, it is a hybrid meeting and arrangements have been made for members to join the meeting remotely should they wish.
Webcasting of Council Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed.  The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on

To find the webcast please navigate to: and select the meeting from the calendar.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Provost Cameron intimated that this meeting would be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site.
Information Bulletin
To reduce the reporting of routine operational matters to Policy Boards, to allow Boards to focus on major policy issues and to streamline business for Members’ consideration and determination, a Bulletin, issued in line with the Council meeting timetable, is produced. The Bulletin is intended to provide members with a concise summary of significant decisions and action taken by officers in the exercise of their delegated powers, and details of issues which do not require a decision. A copy of the Bulletin has been attached under separate cover to this agenda.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillors Ann-Dowling; Davidson; Grady; and Gray.
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 27 June 2024
Council, 27 June 2024
Special Regulatory Functions Board, 11 July 2024
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 15 August 2024
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 19 August 2024
Communities and Housing Policy Board, 20 August 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 21 August 2024   
Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 22 August 2024
Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 27 August 2024
Planning and Climate Change Policy Board, 27 August 2024
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 28 August 2024     
Appointment Board - Head of Education (Strategy and Improvement), 29 August 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 5 September 2024
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 11 September 2024
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 12 September 2024
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 17 September 2024
Leadership Board, 18 September 2024
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 23 September 2024
Appointment Board - Head of Education (Strategy and Improvement), 24 September 2024  
Appointment Board - Head of Facilities and Property Services, 25 September 2024
There were submitted the Minutes of the following meetings of the Council, Boards and Panels on the dates specified:

Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 27 June 2024
Council, 27 June 2024
Special Regulatory Functions Board, 11 July 2024
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 15 August 2024
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 19 August 2024
Communities and Housing Policy Board, 20 August 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 21 August 2024
Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 22 August 2024
Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 27 August 2024
Planning and Climate Change Policy Board, 27 August 2024
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 28 August 2024
Appointment Board - Head of Education (Strategy and Improvement), 29 August 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 5 September 2024
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 11 September 2024
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 12 September 2024
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 17 September 2024
Leadership Board, 18 September 2024
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 23 September 2024
Appointment Board - Head of Education (Strategy and Improvement), 24 September 2024
Appointment Board - Head of Facilities and Property Services, 25 September 2024

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved.
Presentation by SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity
In the absence from the meeting of the invited representatives of SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity, it was agreed that arrangements be made for their presentation to be made at a future meeting of the Council.
Hear from Provost
The Provost provided an update on the duties she had undertaken since the last meeting of the Council held on 27 June 2024. 

DECIDED: That the update be noted.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources





There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the financial outlook and the medium-term financial plan of the Council. 

The report provided an update in relation to the medium-term forecast financial position and the key assumptions and risks which underpinned it. The update report emphasised the ongoing challenging financial environment for local government, a position that was unlikely to improve in the near future given the tone of messaging from both UK and Scottish Governments.  It was noted that successive financial update reports had highlighted the need for the Council to continue to develop and implement significant savings measures in order to ensure ongoing financial sustainability. It was highlighted that this position had not altered, but as the years of financial constraint continued, it would be increasingly difficult for these savings measures not to impact on service delivery and the communities that the Council served.

In addition, the report provided an update on the forecast level of spend and income over the medium term, and how these combined to provide a projected financial gap. The report outlined how specific reserves might be applied to support the Council’s financial stability in the short term and outlined specific challenges in the current capital programme.

Councillor Devine proposed that details of the current position in terms of financial reserves held by the Council and Council borrowing would be provided, in writing, to him. Provost Cameron proposed that this information be provided to all elected members. This was agreed.





(a) That the economic update outlined in section 3 of the report be noted;

(b) That the 2024/25 financial position update detailed in section 4 of the report be noted, and that the planned use of financial sustainability reserve funding, as detailed in sections 4.3 and 4.4 of the report, be agreed;

(c) That the learning estate update, section 5 of the report, be noted and the revised capital funding approach and position outlined be agreed; 

(d) That the medium-term financial position, key assumptions and projected reserves balances outlined in sections 6-8 of the report be noted and that the principles outlined in relation to the planned use of reserves be agreed; and 

(e) That details of the current position in terms of financial reserves held by the Council and Council borrowing would be provided, in writing, to all elected members.

Report by Chief Social Work Officer
There was submitted a report by the Chief Social Work Officer relative to the Annual Report 2023/24. 

The report advised that the annual reports of all Chief Social Work Officers were submitted to the office of the Chief Social Work Advisor in order that a national overview report could be produced. The annual report from the Renfrewshire Chief Social Work Officer provided a summary of the activities relating to the Chief Social Work Officer during 2023/24 and was attached as an appendix to the report.

DECIDED: That the key activities outlined in the Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report be noted.
Report by Chief Executive

There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the Renfrewshire Community Protection Chief Officers’ Group Annual Report 2023/24.


A copy of the annual report was attached as an appendix to the report. The report provided an overview of the key areas of activity overseen by the Renfrewshire Chief Officers’ Group and highlighted the ongoing key benefits of partnership working. The report noted that the Chief Officers’ Group provided regular reports to the Member Officer Group, which comprised of elected members on a cross-party basis and key officers from the Council and partners. The annual report was provided against the backdrop of some of the biggest challenges to face public services in many years. Renfrewshire, as with elsewhere in the country, faced both the emergence of new pressures and the exacerbation of existing ones. The cost-of-living crisis and inflation had added to existing inequalities. Public services also faced major challenges in addressing climate change, rising demand, and dealing with the longer-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

DECIDED: That the report be noted.

Report by Chief Executive

There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the Section 102 follow up Report on School Accommodation for Dargavel Village by the Controller of Audit.  

The report indicated that it was a statutory requirement for reports made in terms of Section 102 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to be reported to the Council to allow consideration of the findings and recommendations from the Accounts Commission and to agree any subsequent action by the Council.  During January 2024 the Audit Commission had set out within a Section 102 report its findings regarding school accommodation for Dargavel Village, alongside several issues on which they required further investigation. The Commission had also confirmed at that time that it intended to bring forward Renfrewshire Council’s Best Value report from 2027 to 2024, or, at the latest, early 2025.

The Audit Commission had required the Controller of Audit to report back to it on any issues raised within the report that she thought appropriate and sought specific further information and updates from the Council regarding a number of matters.  The report advised that at a meeting held on 8 August 2024, the Accounts Commission had been presented with a statutory Section102 follow-up report, by the Controller of Audit on School Accommodation for Dargavel Village. A copy of the follow-up report had been circulated to elected members on 5 August 2024. The Accounts Commission had subsequently issued findings following its meeting. These findings and a copy of the Controller of Audit S.102 follow up report were attached as Appendix 1 of the report.

A summary of the findings of the Accounts Commission in response to the Controller of Audit’s statutory follow-up report was provided in section 3 of the report, together with the proposed responses of the Council.

In response to enquiries relating to the perceived absence of a contemporaneous record of decision-making in respect of the supplementary report provided by David Bowles, the Chief Executive indicated that he would provide a written summary of matters to all elected members.


(a) That the Accounts Commission’s findings and recommendations be noted and accepted;  

(b) That the proposed responses outlined within the body of the report be noted; and

(c) That, in response to comments relating to the perceived absence of a contemporaneous record of decision-making in respect of the supplementary report provided by David Bowles, arrangements be made by the Chief Executive to provide a written summary of matters to all elected members.





Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the proposed voluntary winding up of the Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) Limited Liability Partnership.

The report advised that it had been agreed at the meeting of the Council held  on 17 December 2009 to participate in the regeneration of the former Arnotts site in partnership with Park Lane Developments through membership of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). The site had been identified as a key priority site for redevelopment within the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).  The LLP had, through a phased approach, steadily progressed the redevelopment of the site into a successful mix of residential and commercial space in Paisley town centre. The development site comprised 149 residential apartments with a mix of tenures and 330 sqm of ground floor commercial space.  It was highlighted that the social rented, mid-market and shared equity homes had been supported by £11,303,216 of Scottish Government Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) funding. 

A summary economic and social value statement produced by the LLP which provided both background to the redevelopment and further information on the impact the redevelopment had made in the town centre was appended to the report.

The report stated that the full redevelopment of the site was now complete and as the objectives of the LLP had been satisfied it was proposed that the LLP be voluntarily wound up. 

Councillor McNaughtan proposed that further details of those parts of the site to be retained by the Council in perpetuity be provided, in writing. This was agreed


(a) That it be noted that the redevelopment of the former Arnotts site in Paisley town centre was now complete;

(b) That the proposal that Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP be voluntarily wound up, noting that this decision would rest with the LLP Board be agreed; 

(c) That the Director of Finance & Resources be authorised, in consultation with the
Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure and the Head of Housing Services, as Council representatives on the LLP Board, to take all necessary action to proceed with the voluntary winding up of the LLP; 

(d) That the Head of Corporate Governance be authorised to sign, on the Council’s
Behalf, all documents required to formally conclude the Council’s participation in the LLP and voluntarily wind up the LLP;  

(e) That it be noted that a further report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Economy & Regeneration Policy Board to advise on the conclusion of the voluntary winding up process; and

(f) That further details of those parts of the site to be retained by the Council in perpetuity would be provided, in writing, to all elected members.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources seeking approval for proposed amendments to the Council’s Scheme of Delegations.

The report referenced previous Council decisions delegating authority to determine major events deserving of recognition in respect of which flags were to be flown from Council buildings and/or Council buildings/property were to be lit up. The report suggested that given the potential political considerations it was not appropriate for such decisions to be made by an officer even under consultation with nominated Elected Members. Accordingly, it was proposed that both delegations be removed from the Scheme of Delegation and the matters revert to decisions requiring to be made by Council. 

The report advised that there was a delegation to the Director of Children’s Services and appropriate Heads of Service to issue licences in terms of the Children (Performance and Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2014. These regulations covered situations where children were performing in public shows within the Council area and required the event organiser to submit individual applications for each child involved in the event. It was advised that under the terms of section 37(3)(b) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963 a Body of Persons application could be submitted where a number of children were involved, removing the requirement for individual applications however currently there was no delegation allowing officers to consider such an application. Accordingly, it was proposed that the existing delegation be amended to include such applications. The proposed terms of the revised delegation were detailed within the report. 

The report advised that it had also been noted, in reviewing the Scheme of Delegation that there was a delegation to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Provost, to make financial donations to charities however, there was no delegation that would allow officers to make donations of redundant furniture, fittings or equipment. This meant that such items required to be recycled, where possible, or otherwise disposed of. It was therefore proposed that the Scheme of Delegation be amended to insert a new delegation at Section 5 B to the Chief Executive, all Directors (including the City Deal & Infrastructure Programme Director) and the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership), Heads of Service and other Senior Officers to make arrangements for the safe disposal of redundant furniture, fittings and equipment, including donating it to local groups, bodies or individuals where appropriate.

DECIDED: That the changes to the Scheme of Delegated Functions, as set out within the report, be approved.
“New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, updated 2003 Act” amendment

“Council notes the condition of many pavements in Renfrewshire which have been affected by works carried out by utility companies and their contractors.

Council further notes the present situation, where reinstatement is to the detriment of pedestrians and the local authority who are expected to maintain and resurface. This is unsustainable, unfair & potentially discriminatory to constituents.

Council therefore agrees to write to the Secretary of State for transport to seek the following amendment to the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, updated 2003 Act.

Replace Section 8.1.2 which states “The excavation shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit.”
To “The full width of the footpath, encompassing the full length of the excavation, shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit or, if not possible, within 3 months.”"

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Steel and McDonald in the following terms:

“New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, updated 2003 Act” amendment 

“Council notes the condition of many pavements in Renfrewshire which have been affected by works carried out by utility companies and their contractors.

Council further notes the present situation, where reinstatement is to the detriment of pedestrians and the local authority who are expected to maintain and resurface. This is unsustainable, unfair & potentially discriminatory to constituents.

Council therefore agrees to write to the Secretary of State for transport to seek the following amendment to the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, updated 2003 Act.

Replace Section 8.1.2 which states “The excavation shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit.”
To “The full width of the footpath, encompassing the full length of the excavation, shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit or, if not possible, within 3 months.”" 

Councillor Steel, seconded by Councillor McDonald, then moved the motion which was approved unanimously.


Council notes the condition of many pavements in Renfrewshire which have been affected by works carried out by utility companies and their contractors.

Council further notes the present situation, where reinstatement is to the detriment of pedestrians and the local authority who are expected to maintain and resurface. This is unsustainable, unfair & potentially discriminatory to constituents

Council therefore agrees to write to the Secretary of State for transport to seek the following amendment to the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, updated 2003 Act.

Replace Section 8.1.2 which states “The excavation shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit.”

To “The full width of the footpath, encompassing the full length of the excavation, shall be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit or, if not possible, within 3 months.” 



Councillor Mylet left the meeting as the result of a technical issue during consideration of the following item of business.

"Rats Within Communities

Council recognises the concerns that local people have had over the apparent rise in the sighting of rats over within our communities.

Council therefore instructs officers to bring a report to the appropriate board that will produce evidence of the issue locally and provide possible solutions on how the council, partner organisations and residents can manage the situation."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McMillan and Gilmour in the following terms:

"Rats Within Communities

Council recognises the concerns that local people have had over the apparent rise in the sighting of rats over within our communities.

Council therefore instructs officers to bring a report to the appropriate board that will produce evidence of the issue locally and provide possible solutions on how the council, partner organisations and residents can manage the situation." 

Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, moved as an amendment:

"Rats Within Communities

Council recognises the concerns that local people have had over the apparent rise in the sighting of rats over within our communities.

Council therefore instructs officers to bring a report to the appropriate board that will focus on the issue in detail, including the legal context and highlighting the means and solutions on how the council, partner organisations and residents can manage the situation.”

Councillors McMillan and Gilmour, being the mover and seconder agreed in terms of Standing Order 27 to accept the amendment and moved the motion, as amended, which was agreed unanimously.


Council recognises the concerns that local people have had over the apparent rise in the sighting of rats over within our communities. 

Council therefore instructs officers to bring a report to the appropriate board that will focus on the issue in detail, including the legal context and highlighting the means and solutions on how the council, partner organisations and residents can manage the situation.
"Ban on Limited Companies Registering as Political Parties
Renfrewshire Council takes its role in facilitating the electoral process very seriously and wishes to see the widest expression of political choice available to the people of Renfrewshire, of all parties and none, at every election in which it has an organisational role.

Council, however, believes it is inimical to the tradition of parliamentary democracy to allow limited companies, such as Reform UK, to register as political parties and resolves to write to the Electoral Commission calling for them to enforce such a ban."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Devine and Mylet in the following terms:

"Ban on Limited Companies Registering as Political Parties

Renfrewshire Council takes its role in facilitating the electoral process very seriously and wishes to see the widest expression of political choice available to the people of Renfrewshire, of all parties and none, at every election in which it has an organisational role.

Council, however, believes it is inimical to the tradition of parliamentary democracy to allow limited companies, such as Reform UK, to register as political parties and resolves to write to the Electoral Commission calling for them to enforce such a ban." 

In the absence of Councillor Mylet, Councillor Devine, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, moved the motion.



Councillor Leishman, seconded by Councillor McGonigle moved as an amendment that the second paragraph 2 of the motion above be deleted. 


On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.


The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Clark, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McEwan, McGuire, McGurk, McMillan, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mullin, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw, Smith and Steel.


4 members having voted for the amendment and 34 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.




Ban on Limited Companies Registering as Political Parties


Renfrewshire Council takes its role in facilitating the electoral process very seriously and wishes to see the widest expression of political choice available to the people of Renfrewshire, of all parties and none, at every election in which it has an organisational role.


Council, however, believes it is inimical to the tradition of parliamentary democracy to allow limited companies, such as Reform UK, to register as political parties and resolves to write to the Electoral Commission calling for them to enforce such a ban.




Councillor Mylet re-joined the meeting during consideration of the following item of business.

"Winter Fuel Payments 

Council is dismayed and saddened by the recent vote on the Winter Fuel Payment and the UK Government’s plans to cut the payment leaving almost 900,000 Scottish pensioners without the vital financial support they need this winter. Council notes that the Labour UK Government pledged ‘no austerity measures under a Labour Government’ during the 2024 General Election Campaign. 

Council notes that this policy was devolved to the Scottish Parliament just weeks after an almost 90 per cent cut. 

Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Liz Kendall demanding that the UK Government scraps its plans to cut the Winter Fuel Payment and restore this funding to Scotland’s at-risk pensioners."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors J Cameron and Adam in the following terms:

"Winter Fuel Payments

Council is dismayed and saddened by the recent vote on the Winter Fuel Payment and the UK Government’s plans to cut the payment leaving almost 900,000 Scottish pensioners without the vital financial support they need this winter. Council notes that the Labour UK Government pledged ‘no austerity measures under a Labour Government’ during the 2024 General Election Campaign.

Council notes that this policy was devolved to the Scottish Parliament just weeks after an almost 90 per cent cut.

Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Liz Kendall demanding that the UK Government scraps its plans to cut the Winter Fuel Payment and restore this funding to Scotland’s at-risk pensioners." 

Councillor J Cameron, seconded by Councillor Adam, then moved the motion.

Councillor McMillan, seconded by Councillor Clark, moved as a first amendment that:

“Council acknowledges that care for pensioners should be at the heart of political parties values.
Council notes that the new full state pension will rise by £460 a year from April 2025.
Council accepts that because of the financial incompetence of SNP and Conservative governments, in the current financial climate difficult decisions have to be made in order to repair and grow the economy.

Council notes that overall public spending has increased under the new Labour Government. 


Council notes that the Scottish Fiscal Commission confirm that the 2024/2025 Scottish Government budget increased by £691m and that in-year negative adjustments are dealt with in reconciliations in the next financial year. The decision by the Scottish Government to means test the ‘Pension Age Winter Heating Payment’ in Scotland this year is a decision taken by SNP Ministers. 
Council further notes that the Scottish Government were advised by their own advisers as far back as March 2024 that the new devolved Scottish pension benefit should be means tested.   
Council re-affirms its current policy of encouraging pensioners to claim pension credit in order to boost their incomes as well as ensure they qualify for cold weather payment”.

Councillor Leishman, intimated that he, as the mover of Notice of Motion 11, wished to withdraw the Notice of Motion which formed item 20 of the agenda. 


Councillor Leishman, seconded by Councillor N Graham, moved as a second amendment that:


“This Council opposes and condemns the UK Government’s cuts to the Winter Fuel payment passed by the House of Commons on 10th September 2024. This Council believes that the Winter Fuel Payment should remain a universal benefit to those of pension age.

This Council opposes and condemns equally the Scottish Government’s decision to defer the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment until 2025/26 and for following the UK Government’s lead in withdrawing this assistance from approximately 860,000 Scottish pensioners.

This Council agrees to write to both governments, as a matter of urgency, expressing its disappointment at this measure and encouraging both to reverse it.

Furthermore, this Council agrees to disseminate targeted literature towards Renfrewshire’s pension-age population encouraging the maximum uptake of Pension Credit and offering assistance and guidance on how to apply for it. This Council hopes that this action will go some way to mitigate the harshness of these welfare cuts this winter."

On the roll being called, between the motion and the first amendment, the following members voted for the first amendment: Councillors Clark, Gilmour, G Graham, McCulloch, McDonald, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members abstained: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle. 

24 members having voted for the motion, 10 members having voted for the first amendment and 4 members having abstained, the motion was declared carried. 

On the roll being called between the motion and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members abstained: Councillors Clark, Gilmour, G Graham, McCulloch, McDonald, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith. 

4 members having voted for the second amendment, 25 members having voted for the motion and 10 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


Winter Fuel Payments 

Council is dismayed and saddened by the recent vote on the Winter Fuel Payment and the UK Government’s plans to cut the payment leaving almost 900,000 Scottish pensioners without the vital financial support they need this winter. Council notes that the Labour UK Government pledged ‘no austerity measures under a Labour Government’ during the 2024 General Election Campaign.

Council notes that this policy was devolved to the Scottish Parliament just weeks after an almost 90 per cent cut.

Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Liz Kendall demanding that the UK Government scraps its plans to cut the Winter Fuel Payment and restore this funding to Scotland’s at-risk pensioners.

“Renfrewshire Council congratulates Kirklandneuk Primary School and One Ren’s Active Schools team on their success in winning the Corporate Parent Positive Partnership category at the Who Cares? Scotland Corporate Parent Awards. 

Council commends Kirklandneuk Primary’s staff and the Active Schools team for their partnership work in supporting Care Experienced young people to be more active through their weekly club, and the children for getting involved.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Shaw and Hughes in the following terms:

“Renfrewshire Council congratulates Kirklandneuk Primary School and One Ren’s Active Schools team on their success in winning the Corporate Parent Positive Partnership category at the Who Cares? Scotland Corporate Parent Awards.

Council commends Kirklandneuk Primary’s staff and the Active Schools team for their partnership work in supporting Care Experienced young people to be more active through their weekly club, and the children for getting involved.” 

Councillor Shaw, seconded by Councillor Hughes, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.


Renfrewshire Council congratulates Kirklandneuk Primary School and One Ren’s Active Schools team on their success in winning the Corporate Parent Positive Partnership category at the Who Cares? Scotland Corporate Parent Award.

Council commends Kirklandneuk Primary’s staff and the Active Schools team for their partnership work in supporting Care Experienced young people to be more active through their weekly club, and the children for getting involved. 


Councillor McGuire left the meeting during consideration of the following item of business.
The Establishment of a UK Housing Commission  

Renfrewshire Council is proud of its role as a historic housing provider but notes with increasing concern the crisis which is engulfing the UK with regards to the lack of social housing for all those who need, and want it. Council further states its belief that intelligent state expenditure on social housing is an investment in a brighter future which benefits the social fabric of society as a whole. 

Council recognises efforts by central government in recent years, both in Holyrood and Westminster by all parties, to meet social housing demand, but sadly recognises that radical action is required.

Council therefore resolves to write to the UK Minister of State for Housing and Planning to call for the immediate establishment of a UK Housing Commission, composed of the national housing charity, Shelter, representatives of COSLA and the Local Government Association in England, and representatives of all the devolved administrations as well as the UK Government. Council believes the remit of this Commission should examine, not exclusively but primarily:

The repeal of the right to buy legislation in England.
Looking at giving local authorities as much fiscal freedom as possible to borrow to build new social housing.
Examining the need for land reform to maximise brownfield sites in urban areas to build upon.
Examining the need to reform the planning system to prioritise sites to build social housing on.”

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Devine in the following terms:

The Establishment of a UK Housing Commission


Renfrewshire Council is proud of its role as a historic housing provider but notes with increasing concern the crisis which is engulfing the UK with regards to the lack of social housing for all those who need, and want it. Council further states its belief that intelligent state expenditure on social housing is an investment in a brighter future which benefits the social fabric of society as a whole.

Council recognises efforts by central government in recent years, both in Holyrood and Westminster by all parties, to meet social housing demand, but sadly recognises that radical action is required.

Council therefore resolves to write to the UK Minister of State for Housing and Planning to call for the immediate establishment of a UK Housing Commission, composed of the national housing charity, Shelter, representatives of COSLA and the Local Government Association in England, and representatives of all the devolved administrations as well as the UK Government. Council believes the remit of this Commission should examine, not exclusively but primarily 

• The repeal of the right to buy legislation in England.
• Looking at giving local authorities as much fiscal freedom as possible to borrow to build new social housing.
• Examining the need for land reform to maximise brownfield sites in urban areas to build upon.
• Examining the need to reform the planning system to prioritise sites to build social housing on.” 

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor Leishman, moved as a first amendment that the reference within the motion to the repeal of the right to buy legislation in England be deleted:

Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor J Cameron, moved as a second amendment that: 

“This council recognises and respects that housing and planning are devolved matters to local government in each constituent part of the UK. It is for them to determine the best way forward with regards to identifying the necessary land and resources to meet the needs for new build and refurbishment of housing to meet the needs and demands for local social housing.


Council also recognises that having a safe, warm, secure and affordable home is a need, not a want and calls upon both the Scottish Government and UK Government to prioritise funds to deliver on meeting that need as a matter of priority and supports the call from the Scottish Government that the UK Government reverses the 9% reduction in Capital Funding for housing in Scotland”.

Councillors Andy Doig and Devine being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed in terms of Standing Order 27 to accept the second amendment and moved the motion as amended.

On the roll being called between the motion, as amended, and the first amendment, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Clark, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McEwan, McGurk, McMillan, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mullin, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw, Steel and Smith. 

4 members having voted for the amendment and 34 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


The Establishment of a UK Housing Commission 

This Council recognises and respects that housing and planning are devolved matters to local government in each constituent part of the UK. It is for them to determine the best way forward with regards to identifying the necessary land and resources to meet the needs for new build and refurbishment of housing to meet the needs and demands for local social housing.

Council also recognises that having a safe, warm, secure and affordable home is a need, not a want and calls upon both the Scottish Government and UK Government to prioritise funds to deliver on meeting that need as a matter of priority and supports the call from the Scottish Government that the UK Government reverses the 9% reduction in Capital Funding for housing in Scotland.

"Free School Meals for All Primary School Pupils

That this Council opposes and condemns the Scottish Government’s abandonment of its pledge to expand free school meals to all primary school pupils.

This Council is dismayed that the SNP-led Scottish Government will renege on a promise of assistance to Scotland’s families that had received cross-party endorsement in Parliament. 

This Council accepts the claim of Nicola Killean, the Children and Young Person’s Commissioner Scotland, that this welfare cut will cost families with P6 and P7 pupils a further £400 approximately per child per year. This Council also acknowledges that a very real benefit of universal school meals is in the reduction of shame and stigma for those schoolchildren in receipt of welfare assistance.

This Council agrees to write to the Scottish Government, expressing its disappointment and shock at this decision. Furthermore, this Council agrees to urge the Scottish Government to make good its broken promise and to continue the expansion of free school meals to all primary school pupils."




There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Leishman and N Graham in the following terms:

"Free School Meals for All Primary School Pupils

That this Council opposes and condemns the Scottish Government’s abandonment
of its pledge to expand free school meals to all primary school pupils.

This Council is dismayed that the SNP-led Scottish Government will renege on a promise of assistance to Scotland’s families that had received cross-party endorsement in Parliament.

This Council accepts the claim of Nicola Killean, the Children and Young Person’s Commissioner Scotland, that this welfare cut will cost families with P6 and P7 pupils a further £400 approximately per child per year. This Council also acknowledges that a very real benefit of universal school meals is in the reduction of shame and stigma for those schoolchildren in receipt of welfare assistance.

This Council agrees to write to the Scottish Government, expressing its disappointment and shock at this decision. Furthermore, this Council agrees to urge the Scottish Government to make good its broken promise and to continue the expansion of free school meals to all primary school pupils." 

Councillor G Graham, seconded by Councillor McMillan, moved as a first amendment that:

“and to commit adequate capital funding to Renfrewshire council to enable the school kitchens upgrade required to deliver Universal Free School Dinners in all Renfrewshire Primary schools.” be inserted after the final paragraph of the motion.

Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, moved as a second amendment that: 

“Council recognises that the impact of the austerity agenda pursued by the previous Conservative and current Labour UK administrations has reduced the value of Scotland’s budget, meaning that the required combined capital and revenue funding of £256 million is not available to deliver fully during the current parliamentary session. The Scottish Government has confirmed that it is committed to full universal delivery for all primary pupils when the budgetary position allows. 

Council recognises the progress that has already been made with the delivery of free school meals to all children in P1 to P5, special schools, as well as eligible pupils in P6 to S6 and that welcomes that expansion to P6 and P7 pupils in receipt of the Scottish Child  Payment and calls on the UK Government to change its fiscal rules to end austerity and allow increased investment in public services to eradicate child poverty."


Councillors Leishman and N Graham being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed in terms of Standing Order 27 to accept the first amendment as an addition to the motion and moved the motion as amended.

On the roll being called between the motion, as amended, and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Clark, Devine, Gilmour, G Graham, N Graham, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McMillan, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith. 

22 members having voted for the second amendment and 16 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.


Free School Meals for All Primary School Pupils

Council recognises that the impact of the austerity agenda pursued by the previous Conservative and current Labour UK administrations has reduced the value of Scotland’s budget, meaning that the required combined capital and revenue funding of £256 million is not available to deliver fully during the current parliamentary session. The Scottish Government has confirmed that it is committed to full universal delivery for all primary pupils when the budgetary position allows. 

Council recognises the progress that has already been made with the delivery of free school meals to all children in P1 to P5, special schools, as well as eligible pupils in P6 to S6 and that welcomes that expansion to P6 and P7 pupils in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment and calls on the UK Government to change its fiscal rules to end austerity and allow increased investment in public services to eradicate child poverty.

"Peak-time ScotRail Fare Scheme

That this Council opposes and disapproves of the Scottish Government’s decision to end the pilot scheme scrapping peak-time fares for ScotRail passengers.

This Council agrees that ending this scheme will lead to at least two harmful consequences: firstly, that the prospect of Scotland meeting its climate targets will be delayed, and; secondly, this will further punish Scotland’s commuters, many of whom are already labouring under hardship imposed by the SNP’s financial mismanagement.

This Council agrees to write to Transport Secretary, Fiona Hyslop, expressing its disappointment at her decision and urging her to reconsider the continuation of this scheme, in order to ease the burden on commuters, to help maintain our precious environment, and expedite the realisation of Scotland’s climate targets."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Leishman and J MacLaren in the following terms:

"Peak-time ScotRail Fare Scheme

That this Council opposes and disapproves of the Scottish Government’s decision to end the pilot scheme scrapping peak-time fares for ScotRail passengers.
This Council agrees that ending this scheme will lead to at least two harmful consequences: firstly, that the prospect of Scotland meeting its climate targets will be delayed, and; secondly, this will further punish Scotland’s commuters, many of whom are already labouring under hardship imposed by the SNP’s financial mismanagement.

This Council agrees to write to Transport Secretary, Fiona Hyslop, expressing its disappointment at her decision and urging her to reconsider the continuation of this scheme, in order to ease the burden on commuters, to help maintain our precious environment, and expedite the realisation of Scotland’s climate targets.”

Councillor Gilmour, seconded by Councillor McMillan moved as a first amendment that:

“Furthermore, Council commends the recent announcement by SPT that work should commence on establishing local bus franchising.
Council notes that some of our larger towns and outlying areas face difficulties in accessing train services and believes a fully integrated, affordable transport system is vital for our economy as well as the health and wellbeing of our residents.”

Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor J Cameron moved as a second amendment that:

“This council welcomes the re-nationalisation of the rail network in Scotland by the Scottish Government. It also notes that the Labour Government for England and Wales has indicated it will follow suit. This follows 30 years of privatisation dogma by Westminster which resulted in a fragmented rail service, allowed profits to be put ahead of people and a significant lack of investment to provide a modern rail service fit for a modern European country. Council agrees to write to the respective national Governments requesting they put in place an investment structure to support the modal shift from car to rail to help meet our climate change targets”.

Councillors Leishman and J MacLaren being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed in terms of Standing Order 27 to accept the first amendment as an addition to the motion and moved the motion as amended.

On the roll being called between the motion, as amended, and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Clark, Devine, Gilmour, G Graham, N Graham, Hannigan, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith. 

22 members having voted for the second amendment and 16 members having voted for the motion, the second amendment was accordingly declared carried.


This Council welcomes the re-nationalisation of the rail network in Scotland by the Scottish Government. It also notes that the Labour Government for England and Wales has indicated it will follow suit. This follows 30 years of privatisation dogma by Westminster which resulted in a fragmented rail service, allowed profits to be put ahead of people and a significant lack of investment to provide a modern rail service fit for a modern European country.

Council agrees to write to the respective national Governments requesting they put in place an investment structure to support the modal shift from car to rail to help meet our climate change targets.


Having previously declared an interest Councillor Montgomery left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item of business,
End Food Poverty

Council recognises that in a rich country such as Scotland the need for food banks or the existence of food poverty should not be part of our welfare system.

Council notes that food banks have become an essential and necessary part of the welfare system due to failings in the UK benefits system to support people in need.

Council agrees to write to Prime Minister Keir Starmer asking him to produce a plan of action for how he is going to eradicate food poverty and end the need for food banks in Renfrewshire once and for all.”

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Innes and MacFarlane in the following terms:

End Food Poverty

Council recognises that in a rich country such as Scotland the need for food banks or the existence of food poverty should not be part of our welfare system.

Council notes that food banks have become an essential and necessary part of the welfare system due to failings in the UK benefits system to support people in need.

Council agrees to write to Prime Minister Keir Starmer asking him to produce a plan of action for how he is going to eradicate food poverty and end the need for food banks in Renfrewshire once and for all.”

Councillor Mylet, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig moved as a first amendment that:

“Council further recognises that the best way to eradicate food poverty within Scotland is through independence.“

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor McGonigle moved as a second amendment that;

That the second paragraph “Council notes that food banks have become an essential and necessary part of the welfare system due to failings in the UK benefits system to support people in need” be deleted from the motion.

Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor McMillan moved as a third amendment that;

“Council is deeply concerned in the increasing number of people here in Scotland who are finding they have to use food banks, especially the growing numbers suffering from in-work-poverty.
Council wishes to thank all agencies and the fantastic volunteers who continue to provide assistance to those who struggle to afford to buy food.
These services have provided a lifeline to many of our residents here in Renfrewshire 
Council believes that the new Labour government in power at Westminster will work tirelessly to improve the countries economic fortunes and will use every lever available to it to alleviate the necessity for people to rely on Foodbanks.”

Councillors Innes and MacFarlane being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed in terms of Standing Order 27 to accept the first amendment as an addition to the motion and moved the motion as amended.

On the roll being called between the motion and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 
The following members abstained: Councillors Clark, Devine, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, McCulloch, McDonald, McMillan, Mullin and Smith. 

4 members having voted for the second amendment, 22 members having voted for the motion and 11 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

On the roll being called between the motion and the third amendment, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Clark, Devine, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, McCulloch, McDonald, McMillan, Mullin and Smith. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members abstained: Councillors N Graham, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

11 members having voted for the third amendment, 22 members having voted for the motion and 4 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


End Food Poverty 

Council recognises that in a rich country such as Scotland the need for food banks or the existence of food poverty should not be part of our welfare system.

Council notes that food banks have become an essential and necessary part of the welfare system due to failings in the UK benefits system to support people in need. 

Council agrees to write to Prime Minister Keir Starmer asking him to produce a plan of action for how he is going to eradicate food poverty and end the need for food banks in Renfrewshire once and for all.

Council further recognises that the best way to eradicate food poverty within Scotland is through independence.


Councillor Montgomery re-joined the meeting.

"Amendment of Business Leases Across Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council notes the economic importance of encouraging the growth of the small business sector across the county, and believes that it makes a crucial contribution to creating local sustainable jobs, which is especially important in sustaining and maintaining our town centres.

Council therefore resolves that para 70 of section Five A of the Scheme of Delegations should be amended to increase the period the Head of Economy & Development can approve leases or licences to occupy, or renewal of such leases or licences, to a period of ten years. The revised delegation would read as follows:-
“In consultation with the Head of Corporate Governance to approve the terms and conditions of and to sign missives for leases or licences to occupy by or to the Council for periods not exceeding ten years and to approve the renewal of leases or licences to occupy by the Council for up to a maximum overall term of 10 years.”"
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Hood in the following terms:

"Amendment of Business Leases Across Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council notes the economic importance of encouraging the growth of the small business sector across the county, and believes that it makes a crucial contribution to creating local sustainable jobs which is especially important in sustaining and maintaining our town centres.

Council therefore resolves that para 70 of section Five A of the Scheme of Delegations should be amended to increase the period the Head of Economy & Development can approve leases or licences to occupy, or renewal of such leases or licences, to a period of ten years. The revised delegation would read as follows:

“In consultation with the Head of Corporate Governance to approve the terms and conditions of and to sign missives for leases or licences to occupy by or to the Council for periods not exceeding ten years and to approve the renewal of leases or licences to occupy by the Council for up to a maximum overall term of 10 years.” “

Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Hood, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.


Amendment of Business Leases Across Renfrewshire 

Renfrewshire Council notes the economic importance of encouraging the growth of the small business sector across the County, and believes that it makes a crucial contribution to creating local sustainable jobs which is especially important in sustaining and maintaining our town centres.

Council therefore resolves that paragraph 70 of section Five A of the Scheme of Delegation should be amended to increase the period the Head of Economy & Development can approve leases or licences to occupy, or renewal of such leases or licences, to a period of ten years. The revised delegation would read as follows:

“In consultation with the Head of Corporate Governance to approve the terms and conditions of and to sign missives for leases or licences to occupy by or to the Council for periods not exceeding ten years and to approve the renewal of leases or licences to occupy by the Council for up to a maximum overall term of ten years.” 
"Winter Fuel Payment Reform/ PAWHP Deferral 

This Council opposes and condemns the UK Government’s cuts to the Winter Fuel payment passed by the House of Commons on 10th September 2024. This Council believes that the Winter Fuel Payment should remain a universal benefit to those of pension age. 

This Council opposes and condemns equally the Scottish Government’s decision to defer the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment until 2025/26 and for following the UK Government’s lead in withdrawing this assistance from approximately 860,000 Scottish pensioners. 

This Council agrees to write to both governments, as a matter of urgency, expressing its disappointment at this measure and encouraging both to reverse it. 

Furthermore, this Council agrees to disseminate targeted literature towards Renfrewshire’s pension-age population encouraging the maximum uptake of Pension Credit and offering assistance and guidance on how to apply for it. This Council hopes that this action will go some way to mitigate the harshness of these welfare cuts this winter."
This Notice of Motion had been previously withdrawn by Councillor Leishman, the mover of the Notice of Motion.

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