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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
9 May 2024 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Membership Section
Standard Items
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Hybrid Meeting
Please note that this meeting is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers.  However, it is a hybrid meeting and arrangements have been made for members to join the meeting remotely should they wish.
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please email 

Webcasting of Council Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed.  The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on

To find the webcast please navigate to: and select the meeting from the calendar.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Provost Cameron intimated that this meeting would be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site.
Information Bulletin
To reduce the reporting of routine operational matters to Policy Boards, to allow Boards to focus on major policy issues and to streamline business for Members’ consideration and determination, a Bulletin, issued in line with the Council meeting timetable, is produced. The Bulletin is intended to provide members with a concise summary of significant decisions and action taken by officers in the exercise of their delegated powers, and details of issues which do not require a decision. A copy of the Bulletin has been attached under separate cover to this agenda. 
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
Council, 29 February 2024, pages 1251-1274
Communities and Housing Policy Board, 12 March 2024, pages 1275-1286
Regulatory Functions Board, 13 March 2024, pages 1287-1294
Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 14 March 2024, pages 1295-1302
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 18 March 2024, pages 1303-1310
Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 19 March 2024, pages 1311-1316
Planning and Climate Change Policy Board, 19 March 2024, pages 1317-1324
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 20 March 2024, pages 1325-1336
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 21 March 2024, pages 1337-1338
Petitions Board, 25 March 2024, pages 1339-1342
Local Review Body, 26 March 2024, pages1343-1348
Regulatory Functions Board, 28 March 2024, pages 1349-1358
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 18 April 2024, pages 1359-1372
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 1 May 2024, pages 1373-1374
Leadership Board, 1 May 2024 (Copy to follow)
Appointment Board - Head of People & Organisational Development, 2 May 2024 (Copy to follow)
There were submitted the Minutes of the following meetings of the Council, Boards and Panels on the dates specified:

Council, 29 February 2024
Communities and Housing Policy Board, 12 March 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 13 March 2024
Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 14 March 2024
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 18 March 2024
Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 19 March 2024
Planning and Climate Change Policy Board, 19 March 2024
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 20 March 2024
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 21 March 2024
Petitions Board, 25 March 2024
Local Review Body, 26 March 2024
Regulatory Functions Board, 28 March 2024
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 18 April 2024
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 1 May 2024
Leadership Board, 1 May 2024
Appointment Board - Head of People & Organisational Development, 2 May 2024

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved.
Hear from Provost
The Provost provided an update in relation to the duties she had undertaken since the meeting of the Council held on 4 May 2024.

DECIDED:  That the update be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources 
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources providing an update on the Revenue and Capital Budget 2024/25.

The report intimated that on 29 February 2024, the Council had set its revenue budget for 2024/25 and Band D Council Tax level. The Scottish Government had passed the final stage of its 2024/25 budget on 28 February 2024 and the report provided an update to the Revenue Budget 2024/25 following these additional changes. Details of the budget allocation for each service was appended to the report.


(a) That the report, which reflected the impact of decisions taken at the meeting of the Council on 29 February 2024 and changes relating to the final Scottish Budget be noted;

(b) That the update outlined in section 7 of the report in relation to the Paisley Grammar School Community Campus project be noted;

(c) That an increased capital budget of £85.5 million funded through increased Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) funding and additional Council revenue funding of £0.2 million per annum, be agreed; and

(d) That the risk to the suggested funding arrangements until Scottish Ministers formally agreed the LEIP Phase 2 funding position as recommended by the LEIP Board and COSLA be noted.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the self-assessment and action plan arising from the Dargavel Independent Review and the outcome.

The report intimated that in response to the Dargavel Primary School Independent Review and recommendations made by the Council’s external auditors, the Council had undertaken a self-assessment of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board against CIPFA’s published good practice guide for audit committees. The format of this self-assessment was agreed at the meeting of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee held on 6 November 2023 and members participated in two development sessions on 19 January and 26 February 2024. The report highlighted the outcome from these development sessions and identified the required changes to the Council’s governance arrangements.

The revised governance documents were attached as appendices 1-4 to the report.


(a) That the outcome of the self-assessment against the CIPFA guidance for effective Audit Committees and the two development sessions be noted;

(b) That the Action Plan resulting from the self-assessment against the CIPFA guidance for effective Audit Committees, and the progress made in implementing the actions arising be noted;

(c) That the proposed revisions to the Terms of Reference for the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board be approved;

(d) That the proposed revisions to the Guidelines for the Operation of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board be approved;

(e) That the proposed revision to the Role Descriptions for Councillors, Senior Councillors and Leader of the Council be approved; and

(f) That the proposed revision to the Terms of Reference of the Policy Boards to include “performance” where it had previously been omitted from the general delegations be approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
Under reference to item 11 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 29 September 2022, there was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to a proposed timetable of meetings of the Council and its Boards from January 2025 until May 2027, a copy of which was appended to the report.

The report advised that the Conservative group had intimated that it wished to replace Councillor McGonigle on the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board with Councillor Leishman and replace Councillor McGonigle on the Investment Review Board with Councillor N Graham. The report also recommended that the Head of Economy & Development Services be appointed as an alternate member on the Bord of AMIDS (Renfrewshire) LLP.

Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor Paterson, moved:

 (a) That the timetable for meetings of the Council and its Boards, including the dates during which there were to be recesses until May 2027 be approved;

(b) That it be noted that meetings of the Appeals Board and Local Review Body, although timetabled, would be cancelled in consultation with the respective convener, if there was no substantive business;

(c) That it be agreed that the meeting of the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board timetabled to be held on 19 September 2024 be changed to 12 September 2024;

(d) That it be agreed that the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff would set its meeting dates from January 2025 onwards;

(e) That it be agreed that Councillor Leishman replace Councillor McGonigle on the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board and that Councillor N Graham replace Councillor McGonigle on the Investment Review Board;

(f) That it be agreed that Alasdair Morrison, Head of Economy & Development, be nominated as an alternate member to the Board of AMIDS (Renfrewshire) LLP as detailed in section 1.10 of the report;

(g) That Councillor J Cameron be replaced by Councillor Hughes on the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board;

(h) That Councillor Hughes be replaced on the Economy & Regeneration Policy Board by Councillor Paterson; and

(i) That Councillor Hughes be replaced by Councillor Nicolson on the Communities & Housing Policy Board.

This was agreed unanimously.


(a) That the timetable for meetings of the Council and its Boards, including the dates during which there were to be recesses until May 2027 be approved;

(b) That it be noted that meetings of the Appeals Board and Local Review Body, although timetabled, would be cancelled in consultation with the respective convener, if there was no substantive business;

(c) That it be agreed that the meeting of the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board timetabled to be held on 19 September 2024 be changed to 12 September 2024;

(d) That it be agreed that the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff would set its meeting dates from January 2025 onwards;

(e) That it be agreed that Councillor Leishman replace Councillor McGonigle on the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board and that Councillor N Graham replace Councillor McGonigle on the Investment Review Board;

(f) That it be agreed that Alasdair Morrison, Head of Economy & Development, be nominated as an alternate member to the Board of AMIDS (Renfrewshire) LLP as detailed in section 1.10 of the report;

(g) That Councillor J Cameron be replaced by Councillor Hughes on the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board;

(h) That Councillor Hughes be replaced on the Economy & Regeneration Policy Board by Councillor Paterson; and

(i) That Councillor Hughes be replaced by Councillor Nicolson on the Communities & Housing Policy Board.
Report by Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to a future governance update for the Clydeplan/Regional Spatial Strategy (G&CVSDPA).

The report sought approval to withdraw from the Glasgow & The Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority Joint Committee and agreement to transfer responsibility for the preparation of a Regional Spatial Strategy to a new Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee of the Glasgow City Region Cabinet.

Provost L Cameron, seconded by Councillor Nicolson, moved:

(a) That the recommendation of the G&CVSDPA (Clydeplan) Joint Committee to transfer responsibility for the development of a Regional Spatial Strategy to the Glasgow City Region Cabinet be noted;

(b) That Glasgow City Region Cabinet’s approval of the establishment of a new Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee to oversee the development of a Regional Spatial Strategy be noted;

(c) That it be noted that approval of any future Regional Spatial Strategy, as it affected Renfrewshire, would be a future decision for Renfrewshire Council;

(d) That Renfrewshire Council formally withdraw from the Clydeplan Joint Committee and transfer requisition funding to Glasgow City Council as lead authority for the Glasgow City Region and grant delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Governance, Head of Finance & Procurement and Head of Economy & Development to make any necessary arrangements to carry out that withdrawal;

(e) That it be agreed to participate in the Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee; and

(f) That it be agreed that Councillor McNaughtan and Councillor Smith be nominated as the Council’s representatives on the new Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee.

Councillor McMillan, seconded by Councillor Ann-Dowling, moved an amendment that at Bullet point 6 replace "Confirm elected members Councillor John McNaughtan and and Councillor Jim Paterson"  with "Council will have one elected member from the administration and one elected member from the largest opposition party "

In terms of Standing Order 27, Provost L Cameron and Councillor Nicolson, as mover and seconder of the motion accepted the amendment which was agreed unanimously.

Councillor Nicolson indicated that Councillor Paterson had agreed that he be replaced by Councillor Smith. This was agreed unanimously.


(a) That the recommendation of the G&CVSDPA (Clydeplan) Joint Committee to transfer responsibility for the development of a Regional Spatial Strategy to the Glasgow City Region Cabinet be noted;

(b) That Glasgow City Region Cabinet’s approval of the establishment of a new Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee to oversee the development of a Regional Spatial Strategy be noted;

(c) That it be noted that approval of any future Regional Spatial Strategy, as it affected Renfrewshire, would be a future decision for Renfrewshire Council;

(d) That Renfrewshire Council formally withdraw from the Clydeplan Joint Committee and transfer requisition funding to Glasgow City Council as lead authority for the Glasgow City Region and grant delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Governance, Head of Finance & Procurement and Head of Economy & Development to make any necessary arrangements to carry out that withdrawal;

(e) That it be agreed to participate in the Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee; and

(f) That it be agreed that Councillor McNaughtan and Councillor Smith be nominated as the Council’s representatives on the new Regional Spatial Planning Sub-committee.
"The International Community and Palestinian National Self Determination

“Renfrewshire Council notes that the state of Israel is a signatory to the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article One of which supports the right of national self-determination for all peoples. 

This Council regrets the UK’s recent abstention on the UN Security Council, thereby failing to grant the Palestinian people full UN membership, and applauds the majority of UN members who officially recognize Palestine.

Council accordingly resolves, in solidarity with this objective, to fly the Palestinian flag, on a bi-monthly basis with the Ukrainian flag.”"
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Devine and Andy Doig in the following terms:

"The International Community and Palestinian National Self Determination

“Renfrewshire Council notes that the state of Israel is a signatory to the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article One of which supports the right of national self-determination for all peoples.

This Council regrets the UK’s recent abstention on the UN Security Council, thereby failing to grant the Palestinian people full UN membership, and applauds the majority of UN members who officially recognize Palestine.

Council accordingly resolves, in solidarity with this objective, to fly the Palestinian flag, on a bi-monthly basis with the Ukrainian flag.””

Councillor Devine, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, then moved the motion.

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor Leishman, moved as a first amendment that the motion be replaced with “Renfrewshire Council notes the following:

That the State of Israel is a signatory to the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article One of which supports the right of national self-determination for all peoples.

That a majority of UN member states voted in favour of officially recognising statehood for the Palestinian people. 

That the United Kingdom abstained on this vote.

That the United Kingdom's abstention did not prevent the recognition of a State of Palestine and the granting of full UN membership. The motion was defeated by the United States of America exercising its right to veto."

Councillor McMillan, seconded by Councillor Montgomery, moved as a second amendment to “Keep paragraph1. (Renfrewshire Council notes that…..).

Paragraph 2 - Replace with Council calls on all parties including international bodies to create the conditions to work towards a political solution which meets the needs of all peoples within the region.

Remove paragraph 3.”

On the roll being called, between the motion and the first amendment, the following members voted for the first amendment: Councillors N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

The following members abstained: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, McCulloch, McDonald, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

25 members having voted for the motion, 5 members having voted for the first amendment and 13 members having abstained, the motion was declared carried.

On the roll being called between the motion and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hood, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

18 members having voted for the second amendment and 25 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: The International Community and Palestinian National Self Determination

Renfrewshire Council notes that the state of Israel is a signatory to the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article One of which supports the right of national self-determination for all peoples.

This Council regrets the UK’s recent abstention on the UN Security Council, thereby failing to grant the Palestinian people full UN membership, and applauds the majority of UN members who officially recognize Palestine.

Council accordingly resolves, in solidarity with this objective, to fly the Palestinian flag, on a bi-monthly basis with the Ukrainian flag.
"Renfrewshire HSCP and Lone Working Policy

“Renfrewshire Council notes that employees, UNISON, and elected members have raised concerns that the Renfrewshire HSCP is sanctioning lone working by social care staff at night, and that these concerns, contrary to the lone working policy of the Scottish Social Services Council, have not been listened to. 

This Council recognizes the primacy of the SSSC guidelines, as a regulatory body for the wider social care profession, and calls on the HSCP to suspend lone working at night pending negotiations with employees and all relevant trade unions to resolve legitimate concerns around health and safety.”"
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Hood in the following terms:

"Renfrewshire HSCP and Lone Working Policy

“Renfrewshire Council notes that employees, UNISON, and elected members have raised concerns that the Renfrewshire HSCP is sanctioning lone working by social care staff at night, and that these concerns, contrary to the lone working policy of the Scottish Social Services Council, have not been listened to.

This Council recognizes the primacy of the SSSC guidelines, as a regulatory body for the wider social care profession, and calls on the HSCP to suspend lone working at night pending negotiations with employees and all relevant trade unions to resolve legitimate concerns around health and safety.”"

Councillors Andy Doig and Hood then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  Renfrewshire HSCP and Lone Working Policy

Renfrewshire Council notes that employees, UNISON, and elected members have raised concerns that the Renfrewshire HSCP is sanctioning lone working by social care staff at night, and that these concerns, contrary to the lone working policy of the Scottish Social Services Council, have not been listened to.

This Council recognizes the primacy of the SSSC guidelines, as a regulatory body for the wider social care profession, and calls on the HSCP to suspend lone working at night pending negotiations with employees and all relevant trade unions to resolve legitimate concerns around health and safety.
"To commend Williamsburgh Primary School on an excellent inspection report
Renfrewshire Council commends the headteacher and staff of Williamsburgh Primary School on the report from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate where the inspection team found that Williamsburgh Primary School has high quality approaches to learning teaching across the school and nursery.   Council notes that this is an exceptional achievement given the school’s demographic and recent intake.

Renfrewshire Council echoes the report in its commendations of the highly effective head teacher and the fact that all staff work well together as a team; it further commends the schools strong focus on promoting inclusion and diversity; and acknowledges with approval that the children of Williamsburgh Primary School show respect, care and kindness."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Clark and Davidson in the following terms:

"To commend Williamsburgh Primary School on an excellent inspection report

Renfrewshire Council commends the headteacher and staff of Williamsburgh Primary School on the report from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate where the inspection team found that Williamsburgh Primary School has high quality approaches to learning teaching across the school and nursery. Council notes that this is an exceptional achievement given the school’s demographic and recent intake.

Renfrewshire Council echoes the report in its commendations of the highly effective head teacher and the fact that all staff work well together as a team; it further commends the schools strong focus on promoting inclusion and diversity; and acknowledges with approval that the children of Williamsburgh Primary School show respect, care and kindness."

Councillors Clark and Davidson then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: To commend Williamsburgh Primary School on an excellent inspection report

Renfrewshire Council commends the headteacher and staff of Williamsburgh Primary School on the report from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate where the inspection team found that Williamsburgh Primary School has high quality approaches to learning teaching across the school and nursery. Council notes that this is an exceptional achievement given the school’s demographic and recent intake.

Renfrewshire Council echoes the report in its commendations of the highly effective head teacher and the fact that all staff work well together as a team; it further commends the schools strong focus on promoting inclusion and diversity; and acknowledges with approval that the children of Williamsburgh Primary School show respect, care and kindness.


The meeting adjourned at 10.58 am and reconvened at 11.12 am.
Council agrees that the process of delivering justice for Renfrewshire WASPI women and their families has been too long, and that justice delayed is justice denied. 

Council notes with dismay that despite the publication of the final WASPI report to UK parliament following a five year investigation by the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman, the UK Government is showing disrespect not only to WASPI women but to its own watchdog when it refuses to set a date for a compensation announcement.

The Ombudsman’s report makes clear that 1950s women have faced pension injustice, that they are entitled to compensation and that Parliament must now identify an appropriate mechanism for redress. 

Council agrees to write to DWP minister Paul Maynard and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to demand Government must act on this urgently and bring forward compensation scheme proposals for debate."

Council agrees that the recommendations of the Cass Review be implemented in Scotland in full. The Council recognises that as a result of the Cass Review the Sandyford Clinic has now paused all prescribing of puberty blockers to under-18s and believes that NHS Scotland must ‘follow the science’ on this critical issue. 

Renfrewshire Council will write to Education Scotland recommending that they instruct all non-Cass compliant schools’ guidance be withdrawn with immediate effect. 

In addition, Renfrewshire Council will write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills Scotland requesting an immediate review of Education Policy in light of the Cass findings."






"Waspi (Women Against State Pension Inequality)


Council acknowledges the historic injustice resulting in state pension changes for women.


Council supports the WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women in their demands for compensation, acknowledges the PHSO’s (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman) recommendations and calls on the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to “act swiftly” on those recommendations and intervene to make sure a compensation scheme is established.


Council agrees to write to Mel Stride MP the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to establish such a scheme and calls on the Labour Party to commit to the State Pension Age (Compensation) Bill if they were to win an election."

"Heartstart in Schools

Teaching all young people what to do in an emergency, how to perform CPR and instruct an adult what to do, has been shown to dramatically increase survival rates from cardiac arrest. Renfrewshire Council believes this is a life skill every young person should have and instructs officers to liaise with Save a Life for Scotland to roll out delivery of a Heartstart Programme across all Renfrewshire Schools starting in the next academic year."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors G Graham and Smith in the following terms:

"Heartstart in Schools

“Teaching all young people what to do in an emergency, how to perform CPR and instruct an adult what to do, has been shown to dramatically increase survival rates from cardiac arrest. Renfrewshire Council believes this is a life skill every young person should have and instructs officers to liaise with Save a Life for Scotland to roll out delivery of a Heartstart Programme across all Renfrewshire Schools starting in the next academic year.”"

Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor Smith, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: Heartstart in Schools

Teaching all young people what to do in an emergency, how to perform CPR and instruct an adult what to do, has been shown to dramatically increase survival rates from cardiac arrest. Renfrewshire Council believes this is a life skill every young person should have and instructs officers to liaise with Save a Life for Scotland to roll out delivery of a Heartstart Programme across all Renfrewshire Schools starting in the next academic year.


Councillor Adam left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item of business.
“Renfrewshire Council re-affirms its previous decision for the cancelling of the renewal of Trident nuclear weapons and calls on both the Labour and Tory Party to withdraw their support for Trident and of it being the bedrock of the UK Defence Policy.

Trident is not and never will be an independent nuclear deterrent as its use is dependent on US foreign policy and permission to deploy.

Renfrewshire Council has agreed and expressed its view that it wants no part in any hosting weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde which would lead to Renfrewshire and Central Scotland being a first strike target in any Warfare.

Renfrewshire and Scotland no longer want to be seen as complicit in maintaining Trident as part of the United States Defence Policy."






There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McEwan and Audrey Doig in the following terms:

“Renfrewshire Council re-affirms its previous decision for the cancelling of the renewal of Trident nuclear weapons and calls on both the Labour and Tory Party to withdraw their support for Trident and of it being the bedrock of the UK Defence Policy.

Trident is not and never will be an independent nuclear deterrent as its use is dependent on US foreign policy and permission to deploy.

Renfrewshire Council has agreed and expressed its view that it wants no part in any hosting weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde which would lead to Renfrewshire and Central Scotland being a first strike target in any Warfare.

Renfrewshire and Scotland no longer want to be seen as complicit in maintaining Trident as part of the United States Defence Policy."

Councillor McEwan, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, then moved the motion.

Councillor Leishman, seconded by Councillor McGonigle, moved as a first amendment that the motion be replaced with “The UK’s independent nuclear deterrent, Trident, and its upcoming renewal in 2026, is more vital than ever.

This Council acknowledges that the current state of global politics is more volatile than it has been since the end of the Cold War. This Council acknowledges the harsh reality that the UK requires strong military capabilities including a nuclear arsenal for the protection of its citizens. This Council notes that Trident’s primary purpose is to deter aggression from potential enemies; its secondary purpose is retaliation in the event of attack.

The UK’s nuclear deterrent is entirely under the command and control of the UK government. No foreign power, including the USA, can intervene in its use or non-use.”

On the roll being called between the motion and the first amendment, the following members voted for the first amendment: Councillors N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hood, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

The following members abstained: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, McCulloch, McDonald, McGuire, McMilian, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

5 members having voted for the first amendment, 24 members having voted for the motion, and 13 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Davidson, moved as a second amendment that the motion be replaced with “Council recognises that the only way to achieve meaningful reductions in nuclear warheads is through international negotiations. Therefore, council voices its support for multilateral disarmament.

Reflecting on the current international climate, council does not believe that unilateral disarmament will stabilise current tensions between democratic countries and authoritarian regimes with nuclear capabilities, such as Russia and North Korea.”

On the roll being called between the motion and the second amendment, the following members voted for the second amendment:  Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hood, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

18 members having voted for the second amendment and 24 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED Renfrewshire Council re-affirms its previous decision for the cancelling of the renewal of Trident nuclear weapons and calls on both the Labour and Tory Party to withdraw their support for Trident and of it being the bedrock of the UK Defence Policy.

Trident is not and never will be an independent nuclear deterrent as its use is dependent on US foreign policy and permission to deploy.

Renfrewshire Council has agreed and expressed its view that it wants no part in any hosting weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde which would lead to Renfrewshire and Central Scotland being a first strike target in any Warfare.

Renfrewshire and Scotland no longer want to be seen as complicit in maintaining Trident as part of the United States Defence Policy.
"Head Injury Service

Council is concerned over the decision to cease funding to the Head Injury Service which has been provided by Quarriers for Renfrewshire Residents since 2003.

Council asks for a report to be given to the next appropriate board on how this decision was made.

Furthermore, council agrees that funding be found for this much valued service to continue during the next financial year and steps be made for it to operate in the longer term."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McMillan and Ann-Dowling which Provost Cameron ruled was not competent in terms of Standing Order 28.
"Net Zero

Council is disappointed in the Scottish Government’s abandonment of the 2030 emission reduction target. Council agrees that this latest setback in progress towards Net Zero greatly damages Scotland’s reputation internationally for being committed to tackling climate change. 

Council notes that the Chief Executive of Climate Change Committee commented that the Scottish Government had not set out a credible path to reach its own emissions targets. Therefore, council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero asking that the guidance on emissions reporting for local government be delivered as soon as possible."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Smith and McMillan in the following terms:

"Net Zero

“Council is disappointed in the Scottish Government’s abandonment of the 2030 emission reduction target. Council agrees that this latest setback in progress towards Net Zero greatly damages Scotland’s reputation internationally for being committed to tackling climate change.

Council notes that the Chief Executive of Climate Change Committee commented that the Scottish Government had not set out a credible path to reach its own emissions targets. Therefore, council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero asking that the guidance on emissions reporting for local government be delivered as soon as possible.”"

Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor McMillan, then moved the motion.

Councillor Paterson, seconded by Councillor MacFarlane, moved as an amendment that the motion be replaced with “Council notes that the UK-wide Climate Change Committee’s recent articulation that the 2030 target for emissions reduction is not achievable.

Council welcomes and recognises the fact that the Scottish Government is reaching a halfway target of achieving Net Zero and further welcomes the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to ending our contribution to global emissions by 2045 at the latest.

Council further welcomes the Scottish Governments commitment to bring forward legislation that will ensure that the legislative framework better reflects long term policy making.

Council notes with concern the recent Labour Party U-turn on their climate pledges including abandonment of their £28 billion a year green investment pledge which highlights Labour and are not serious about tackling the climate emergency.

Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero asking them to reaffirm their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2045 and for guidance on emissions reporting for local government to be delivered as soon as practically possible.”

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Devine, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, N Graham, Gray, Hannigan, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

21 members voted for the amendment and 21 members voted for the motion.  There being an equality of votes, the Provost used her second and casting vote in favour of the amendment.

DECIDED: Council notes that the UK-wide Climate Change Committee’s recent articulation that the 2030 target for emissions reduction is not achievable.

Council welcomes and recognises the fact that the Scottish Government is reaching a halfway target of achieving Net Zero and further welcomes the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to ending our contribution to global emissions by 2045 at the latest.

Council further welcomes the Scottish Governments commitment to bring forward legislation that will ensure that the legislative framework better reflects long term policy making.

Council notes with concern the recent Labour Party U-turn on their climate pledges including abandonment of their £28 billion a year green investment pledge which highlights Labour and are not serious about tackling the climate emergency.

Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero asking them to reaffirm their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2045 and for guidance on emissions reporting for local government to be delivered as soon as practically possible.
"Paisley Daily Express

Council congratulates the Paisley Daily Express in reaching the milestone of being 150 years old this year."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McMillan and Clark in the following terms:

"Paisley Daily Express

“Council congratulates the Paisley Daily Express in reaching the milestone of being 150 years old this year."”

Councillors McMillan and Clark then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: Paisley Daily Express

Council congratulates the Paisley Daily Express in reaching the milestone of being 150 years old this year.
"“Lights at Tweedie Hall”

Council welcomes the installation of LED lighting around the Tweedie Hall in Linwood and understands that this will make Linwood better equipped to celebrate events and raise awareness of causes throughout the year. 

Council notes that the campaign to raise awareness of water safety by William McNally's family was the inspiration for the installation of the LED lights. 

Council thanks the family of William McNally for continuing to raise awareness of Water Safety on our rivers in Renfrewshire. 

Further notes that an event will be held this summer where the lights will be illuminated for the first time and will shine blue for World Drowning Prevention Day alongside other Renfrewshire landmarks."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Innes and Audrey Doig in the following terms:

"Lights at Tweedie Hall

“Council welcomes the installation of LED lighting around the Tweedie Hall in Linwood and understands that this will make Linwood better equipped to celebrate events and raise awareness of causes throughout the year.

Council notes that the campaign to raise awareness of water safety by William McNally's family was the inspiration for the installation of the LED lights.

Council thanks the family of William McNally for continuing to raise awareness of Water Safety on our rivers in Renfrewshire.

Further notes that an event will be held this summer where the lights will be illuminated for the first time and will shine blue for World Drowning Prevention Day alongside other Renfrewshire landmarks.”"

Councillors Innes and Audrey Doig then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: Lights at Tweedie Hall

Council welcomes the installation of LED lighting around the Tweedie Hall in Linwood and understands that this will make Linwood better equipped to celebrate events and raise awareness of causes throughout the year.

Council notes that the campaign to raise awareness of water safety by William McNally's family was the inspiration for the installation of the LED lights.

Council thanks the family of William McNally for continuing to raise awareness of Water Safety on our rivers in Renfrewshire.

Further notes that an event will be held this summer where the lights will be illuminated for the first time and will shine blue for World Drowning Prevention Day alongside other Renfrewshire landmarks.
"The Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People.

That this Council welcomes the decision by NHS Scotland to pause the prescription of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones to children and young persons.

That this Council hopes that the pause will lead to a complete and permanent cessation of the prescription of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender dysphoric children and young persons. This Council is both saddened and horrified that children have been prescribed these drugs when the long-term impact of them is not yet known.

That this Council hopes that all future therapeutic interventions for gender dysphoric children and young persons will be based on evidence rather than ideology."
"The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021

That this Council agrees to write to the Scottish Government to press for the repeal of this legislation.

That this Council believes that pre-existing legislation on hate crime was fair and proportionate.

That this Council notes the statement from the Scottish Police Federation saying that Police Scotland cannot cope with the demand and that it will impact on policing services across the communities of Scotland."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Leishman and N Graham in the following terms:

"The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021

“That this Council agrees to write to the Scottish Government to press for the repeal of this legislation.

That this Council believes that pre-existing legislation on hate crime was fair and proportionate.

That this Council notes the statement from the Scottish Police Federation saying that Police Scotland cannot cope with the demand and that it will impact on policing services across the communities of Scotland."

Councillor J Cameron, seconded by Councillor Nicolson, moved as an amendment that the motion be replaced with “The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 has consolidated, modernised, and extended existing hate crime legislation ensuring it is fit for the 21st Century.

Crimes which are hate based are a daily reality for people who have protected characteristics. This legislation sends a strong message that offences motivated by prejudice will not be tolerated in Scotland.

The Scottish justice system including the Police, have been active regarding hate offences for decades. This Council has full faith in Police Scotland to deal with any vexatious complaints and in applying the criminal threshold sensibly and appropriately."

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Devine, N Graham, Gray, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members abstained: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Andy Doig, Gilmour, Grady, G Graham, McCulloch, McDonald, McGuire, McMilian, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

21 members having voted for the amendment, 7 members having voted for the motion and 14 members having abstained, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 has consolidated, modernised, and extended existing hate crime legislation ensuring it is fit for the 21st Century.

Crimes which are hate based are a daily reality for people who have protected characteristics. This legislation sends a strong message that offences motivated by prejudice will not be tolerated in Scotland.

The Scottish justice system including the Police, have been active regarding hate offences for decades. This Council has full faith in Police Scotland to deal with any vexatious complaints and in applying the criminal threshold sensibly and appropriately.

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