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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board.
19 Nov 2021 - 10:00 to 12:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members

Councillor Jacqueline Cameron: Councillor Jennifer Adam-McGregor: Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes: Councillor James MacLaren: Margaret Kerr: Dorothy McErlean: John Matthews: Frank Shennan: Karen Jarvis: Dr Shilpa Shivaprasad: Louise McKenzie: Diane Young: Alan McNiven: Fiona Milne: Stephen Cruickshank: John Boylan: Annie Hair: Dr Stuart Sutton: Christine Laverty: Sarah Lavers: John Trainer.


John Matthews (Chair); and Councillor Jacqueline Cameron (Vice Chair)

Standard Items
Recording of Meeting

This meeting will be recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 0141 618 7111.

To find the recording please follow the link which will be attached to this agenda once the meeting has concluded.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chair intimated that this meeting of the IJB would be recorded and that the recording would be available to watch on both the Council and HSCP websites.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Margaret Kerr (for lateness) and Dorothy McErlean (both Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board); John Boylan (Trade Union representative for Council) and John Trainer, Chief Social Work Officer (Renfrewshire Council).
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor Hughes declared an interest in items 7 and 10 of the agenda as she was Chair of the Board of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited. However, as she was not conflicted by the items, she did not consider it necessary to leave the meeting.
Minute of meeting of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) held on 17 September 2021 and Minute of the special meeting of the IJB held on 28 October 2021.
The Minute of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) held on 17 September 2021 and the Minute of the special meeting of the IJB held on 29 October 2021 were submitted.

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved.
IJB rolling action log.
The rolling action log for the IJB was submitted.

DECIDED: That the rolling action log be noted.
Report by Clerk.
The Clerk submitted a report relative to the expiry of the period of membership of members of the IJB.

The report intimated that the membership of the IJB was split between voting members and non-voting members and the group of non-voting members was further divided into different categories to which different rules on period of membership applied. 

The Schedule to the report set out when the appointment of each of the current members of the IJB was due to expire. As the majority of the non-voting members in category 3 were appointed by the IJB on 23 November 2018, their membership required to be renewed prior to 22 November 2021. It was noted that the appointing bodies of those non-voting members had expressed an interest for future representation for their organisation on the IJB for the next three years. Members were advised that Lisa Cameron would replace Louise McKenzie as the Council Staff Member on the IJB.

Following discussion, the Interim Chief Officer intimated that substitute members would now be invited to attend all future development sessions.


(a) That the dates for expiry of membership of each of the current IJB members as set out in the Schedule to the report be noted;

(b) That the IJB confirm that those non-voting members appointed by the IJB who fall to be reappointed by 22 November 2021 be reappointed for a period of three years; 

(c) That it be noted that Dorothy McErlean would retire from NHSGGC on 31 December 2021 and that the NHS Board would confirm the appointment of a RIJB non-executive member; 

(d) That it be noted that Lisa Cameron would replace Louise McKenzie as the Council Staff Member on the IJB; and

(e) That the Interim Chief Officer make arrangements for substitute members to be invited to all future development sessions.
Report by Interim Chief Officer.
The Interim Chief Officer submitted a report providing an update on key operational activity, including the HSCP’s operational response to COVID-19, since the last meeting of the IJB held on 17 September 2021.

The report provided detail in relation to the vaccination programmes; care homes; the COVID assessment centre; operational services; HSCP strategic and operational updates; the financial planning process for 2022/23 and future years; staffing pressures; business continuity; the Scottish Government letter on winter planning; the review of administration and business support; and the IJB response to the National Care Service consultation.


(a) That the COVID updates, particularly the continued progress in rolling out the COVID booster and winter flu vaccination programmes, as detailed in sections 3 to 6 of the report, be noted;

(b) That the operational service updates, including the awaited decision from Renfrewshire Council CMT on the reopening of the Falcon Day Centre and the Disability Resource Centre on a limited capacity basis in early November 2021, as detailed in section 7 of the report, be noted;  

(c) That the update on the delivery of agreed savings and the process being developed by the HSCP to support financial planning for 2022/23 and future years, as detailed in section 8 of the report, be noted;

(d) That the further strategic updates provided by the HSCP describing ongoing actions undertaken by the Partnership to address resource constraints arising through current vacancies; further development of Winter Plans, including guidance received from the Scottish Government; and progress on the review of administration and business support, as detailed in sections 9 to 12 of the report, be noted; 

(e) That the IJB’s submission of a response to the consultation on proposals for a National Care Services, as detailed in section 13 of the report, be noted; and

(f) That the update provided by the Head of Health and Social Care (Paisley) relative to the Disability Resource Centre be noted and that members be provided with regular updates.
Report by Cheif Finance Officer.
The Chief Finance Officer submitted a report relative to the revenue budget position at 30 September 2021 and the projected year-end position for the year ended 31 March 2022.

The report intimated that the impact of COVID-19 on services delivered by the HSCP had been unprecedented and continued to create additional delivery and financial pressures for the HSCP as well as impacting on the HSCP’s transformation and savings plans, which were subject to ongoing review and realignment.   

The IJB year-to-date position, including the impact of COVID-19 funding, was an underspend of £606,000 and the projected outturn for 2021/22 was an underspend of £1,187,000. It was noted that the current projections assumed that once all COVID-19 related earmarked reserves had been fully utilised, any remaining balances would be fully funded by the Scottish Government. 

The report advised that the financial outlook for the IJB would be extremely challenging. The IJB’s transformation programme would be central to the IJB achieving financial sustainability in the medium-term. Therefore, as previously agreed by the IJB and to allow time for the IJB to develop and implement its transformation programme, any underspend in 2021/22 would be used to offset expected financial pressures in 2022/23 and beyond. The key pressures were highlighted in section 4 of the report.

The report provided information on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic; the current vacancy position; Scottish Government funding 2021/22; other delegated services; reserves; the 2021/22 Scottish Living Wage; and the National Care Home Contract 2021/22.

Appendices 1 to 5 of the report detailed the revenue budget position of the HSCP, Adult Social Care, Health and Renfrewshire Council other delegated services; Appendices 6 and 7 to the report provided a reconciliation of the main budget adjustments applied this current financial year; Appendix 8 to the report detailed the Scottish Government funding streams; Appendix 9 to the report detailed the movement in reserves; and Appendix 10 to the report detailed the vacancy position for the HSCP as at 15 October 2021.


(a) That the in-year position as at 30 September 2021 be noted;

(b) That the projected year-end position for 2021/22 be noted; and

(c) That the current estimated financial assessment of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for 2020/21 be noted.
Report by Chief Finance Officer. (not available - copy to follow)
Under reference to item 7 of the Minute of the meeting of the IJB held on 25 June 2021, the Chief Finance Officer submitted a report relative to the audited annual accounts for the IJB for 2020/21, a copy of which was appended to the report.

The report intimated that Audit Scotland had provided an audit opinion which was free from qualification. It was noted that Audit Scotland had also submitted a report to the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee held on 12 November 2021 which detailed matters arising over the course of the audit.

Councillor Hughes, as Chair of the IJB Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee, advised that the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee recommended approval of the audited accounts 2020/21 for signature in accordance with the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014. Councillor Hughes thanked the Chief Finance Officer and her team and the team from Audit Scotland for the work undertaken and the collaborative approach taken to ensure the accuracy and quality of the accounts.  

DECIDED: That the audited annual accounts 2020/21 be approved for signature in accordance with the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014.
Report by Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement. (not available - copy to follow)
Under reference to item 6 of the Minute of the meeting of this Joint Board held on 17 September 2021, the Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement submitted a report providing an update on the progress made by the HSCP in developing the IJB’s Strategic Plan 2022/25. 

The report provided a consultation draft of the Strategic Plan which had been developed for the IJB’s review and approval. It was noted that, subject to approval, a period of formal consultation would be undertaken with prescribed consultees and key stakeholders during December 2021 and January 2022 to test the draft Strategic Plan and obtain further feedback. Following this consultation, a final draft of the Strategic Plan would be developed, incorporating feedback received, as appropriate, and submitted to the IJB for approval in March 2022.

Members thanked the Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement and her team for the partnership work and meaningful engagement being undertaken; for involving carers in consultation processes and for listening to them and valuing their input; and for developing a plan in which partners were seen all the way through, highlighting that the IJB did not only involve the NHS and Renfrewshire Council but also third and voluntary sectors.


(a) That the consultation draft of the Strategic Plan be approved; and

(b) That the consultation plan to be taken forward, which set out the engagement process to be followed during the formal consultation period, be approved.
Report by Head of Strategic Planning & Health Improvement.
The Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement submitted a report relative to the Performance Management Mid-year Report 2021/22 covering the period April to September 2021. The full scorecard which updated all performance measures was appended to the report.

The report intimated that there were 57 performance indicators of which 39 had targets set against them. Performance status was assessed as either red, more than 10% variance from target; amber, within 10% variance of target; or green, on or exceeds target. At the mid-year point, the scorecard detailed the status of the 39 indicators which had targets set against them and it was noted that 12 had red status, 7 had amber status and 20 had green status. 

It was noted that paragraph 6.1 of the report should read “Performance at September 2021 for the percentage of children seen within 18 weeks for paediatric Speech and Language Therapy assessment to appointment (Outcome 4) was 52.4% down from 63% at March 2021.”

DECIDED: That the Performance Management Mid-year Report 2021/22 for Renfrewshire HSCP be approved.
Report by Chief Social Work Officer.
The Chief Social Work Officer submitted a report relative to the 2020/21 annual report by the Chief Social Work Officer (CSWO). In Renfrewshire this role was held by the Head of Child Care and Criminal Justice, Renfrewshire Council. 

The report provided an overview of the role of the CSWO, outlined local governance arrangements for the discharge of the functions of the post, highlighted key areas of activity of the CSWO locally, provided an overview of activities undertaken by social work services and identified key priorities for 2021/22.

A copy of the annual report by the CSWO was appended to the report. The report intimated that the scope of the CSWO role covered all social work and social care services, whether provided directly by the local authority, or in partnership with others, including the health and social care partnership. Where these services were purchased or commissioned from external providers, the CSWO had responsibility to advise on the specification, quality and standards of services commissioned.


(a) That the key activities outlined in the CSWO annual report be noted; 

(b) That it be noted that the CSWO annual report had been submitted to the Office of the Chief Social Work Advisor at the Scottish Government; and

(c) That it be agreed that the CSWO annual report for 2021/22 be presented to the IJB in Autumn 2022.
Report by Chief Social Work Officer.
The Chief Social Work Officer submitted a report relative to the Renfrewshire Children’s Services Partnership Plan 2021/24 which provided details of the plan which had been produced in line with the joint statutory duty of local authorities and health boards.

The report intimated that the plan was framed around a joint vision that “Renfrewshire’s children are happy, healthy, safe and thriving” and four outcomes, informed by a needs assessment, which partners wanted to achieve for the children and young people of Renfrewshire. 

The report also intimated that partners would continue to monitor their own single-agency plans, which included many initiatives which also contributed to the four outcomes identified in the Children’s Services Plan and that these contributions would be reflected as part of the monitoring and reporting process. 

The report advised that the circumstances for children and families might change further as supports such as the UK government furlough scheme were wound down and the economy moved into a recovery phase. As such, it was expected that the plan might need a significant refresh for its second and third years should new priorities emerge as a result of the social and economic impact of COVID-19.

The Renfrewshire Children’s Services Partnership Plan 2021/24 formed Appendix 1 to the report and a shorter and more accessible version, mirroring the plan on a page approach used for the 2018/21 plan, formed Appendix 2 to the report.


(a) That it be noted that the plan had been submitted to the Scottish Government in June 2021; 

(b) That the Renfrewshire Children’s Services Partnership Plan 2021/24, attached as Appendix 1 to the report, be homologated; and 

(c) That the plan on a page, attached as Appendix 2 to the report, be noted.
Note that the next meeting of the IJB will be held at 10.00 am on 28 January 2022.
DECIDED: That it be noted that the next meeting of the IJB would be held at 10.00 am on 28 January 2022.

Supplementary Agenda

Committee Members
Councillor Jacqueline Cameron: Councillor Jennifer Adam-McGregor: Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes: Councillor James MacLaren: Margaret Kerr: Dorothy McErlean: John Matthews: Frank Shennan: Karen Jarvis: Dr Shilpa Shivaprasad: Louise McKenzie: Diane Young: Alan McNiven: Fiona Milne: Stephen Cruickshank: John Boylan: Annie Hair: Dr Stuart Sutton: Christine Laverty: Sarah Lavers: John Trainer.
To Follow Item

I refer to the agenda for the meeting of the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board to be held on 19 November 2021  and enclose the undernoted reports relative to items 6 and 7 which were previously marked 'Not available - copy to follow':

Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Standard Items
Items Of Business
Report by Chief Finance Officer.
Report by Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement.
  1. pdf 7 Strategic Plan (6354Kb)

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes7Chair of RLLNon-Pecuniaryremained in meeting
Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes10Chair of RLLNon-Pecuniaryremained in meeting


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