Representing Renfrewshire Council Management
Provost L Cameron; Councillor J Paterson; G McKinlay, Head of Schools (Joint Secretary); J Calder, Head of Service (Curriculum and Quality; J Colquhoun, Education Manager (Development); K Henry, Head Teacher, St Andrew’s Academy; H Paterson, Head Teacher, Heriot Primary School; A Hall, Education Manager (Development); M Thomas, Education Manager (Development); and L Mullin, Principal HR and OD Adviser (Finance & Resources).
Representing Renfrewshire Council Teaching Staff
K Fella (Joint Secretary), C Carson, T Millar, Y Murray, M Russell, D Tolland, JP Toner (all EIS); J Liston (SSTA); L Gibson (NASUWT); tbc (Voice); and S McCrossan (Adviser to the Teachers’ side).