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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board
26 May 2021 - 13:00 to 14:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Recording of Meeting

Please see below the link for the Infrastructure, Land & Environment Policy Board meeting for 26 May 2021 which has been recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 07934714023.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Convener intimated that this meeting of the Board would be recorded and that the recording would be available to view on the Council's website.
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Section 1 Heading
Section 1
Submit Minute of meeting of the Community Asset Transfer
Review Sub-committee held on 26 April, 2021.
  1. pdf CATR260421min (125Kb)
Section 2 Heading
Section 2
Joint report by Directors of Finance & Resources, Environment
& Infrastructure and Communities & Housing Services

There was submitted a joint Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources, Environment & Infrastructure and Communities & Housing Services for the period 1 April 2020 to 5 March 2021.


The report stated that the projected revenue outturn as at 31 March 2021 for all services reporting to this Policy Board was an overspend position of £2.496 million against the revised budget for the year, with £3.080 million of expenditure directly attributable to the Covid-19 pandemic response.  The projected capital outturn as at 31 March 2021 for projects reporting to the Board was a breakeven position against the revised budget for the year.  Summaries were provided over the relevant services in the tables within the report, together with further analysis.  It was noted that for financial year 2020/21 the projected outturn position was split into core and Covid-19 related variances. The report highlighted budget adjustments totalling £103,000, relating to internal Service budget realignments for services relating to other Policy Boards and with a nil effect to overall budgets.  In addition it was noted that there had been Capital budget adjustments of £2.712 million since the previous report, comprising a budget increase of £0.046 million for Underwood Depot Workshop Improvements, a budget reduction of £0.030 million for Strathclyde Passenger Transport and budget carry forwards from 2020/21 to 2021/22 of £0.249 million in the Roads/Footways Upgrade Programme; £0.054 million in relation to the Bridge Assessment/Strengthening budget; £0.269 million for the Lighting Columns Replacement Programme; £0.936 million in respect of Traffic Management; £0.44 million in relation to the Core Pathways and Cycle Network budget; and £0.950 million for the Vehicle Replacement Programme, processed since consideration of the previous report.  


Councillor McEwan, seconded by Councillor Campbell, moved (a) that the projected Revenue outturn position as detailed in table 1 of the report, acknowledging that the forecast position was based on best estimates at this point in time, be noted; (b) that the projected Capital outturn position, detailed in table 2 of the report, be noted; and (c) that the budget adjustments, detailed in section 5 of the report, be noted.

Councillor Sharkey, seconded by Councillor Hood, moved as an amendment that (a) that the projected Revenue outturn position as detailed in table 1 of the report, acknowledging that the forecast position was based on best estimates at this point in time, be noted; (b) that the projected Capital outturn position, detailed in table 2 of the report, be noted; and (c) that the budget adjustments, detailed in section 5 of the report, be noted and calls on the SPT not to use any funds to facilitate the bus cuts that were opposed by this Council on 13 May 2021.


On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Devine, Graham, Hood, Kennedy, J MacLaren and Sharkey.


The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam-McGregor, Burns, Cameron, Campbell, Audrey Doig, McEwan, Mylet and Nicolson.

6 members having voted for the amendment and 8 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the projected Revenue outturn position as detailed in table 1 of the report, acknowledging that the forecast position was based on best estimates at this point in time,  be noted; 

(b) That the projected Capital outturn position, detailed in table 2 of the report, be noted; and 

(c) That the budget adjustments, detailed in section 5 of the report, be noted.

Section 3 Heading
Service Delivery
Section 3
Report by Director of Environment & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a joint report by the Directors of Environment & Infrastructure and Communities & Housing relative to operational performance.  

The Convener indicated that there was a typographical error in the report and recommendation 2.2 required to be amended to read ”Approves the suspension of car parking charges in the Council owned car parks of Paisley Town Centre until the end of August 2021 as set out in paragraph 4.16 of the report.“

The report provided updates since the previous Board meeting in respect of key areas delivered by services within Environment & Infrastructure, which were within the remit of this Policy Board. It also outlined the areas of priority through to summer 2021, highlighting key areas of focus and plans for next steps to support the Council’s recovery plans. Whilst developing these plans, the local and national position remained fluid and services would remain flexible and able to respond quickly in relation to changes in restrictions and local outbreaks as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The report stated that operational services had continued within Covid-19 restrictions and that services were being delivered in most instances to levels similar to those experienced by services in a pre-covid environment.  It was noted that all required safety measures were in place and well established.

Reference was also made within the report to the decision taken in March 2020 when the initial national lockdown had commenced that charges in Council-owned car parks be suspended to support key workers to undertake their duties and to the decision taken at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 24 March 2021 to continue the suspension of charges in view of the lockdown restrictions imposed.  The report proposed that due to the continuation of restrictions the suspension of charges in Council-owned car parks be extended to the end of August 2021.  

DECIDED:  That the report be noted.
Report by Director of Environment & Infrastructure.
  1. pdf CombinedSIP (594Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment & Infrastructure relative to an overview of performance to deliver the Environment & Infrastructure Service Improvement Plan during the 12-month period to 31 March 2021. 

The report provided a summary of the performance of Environment & Infrastructure 
Services during 2020/21, with a detailed explanation on all relevant actions, performance indicators and targets which had been impacted as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.  The Service Improvement Plan Action Plan and Performance Scorecard, a copy of which was appended to the report, detailed progress against the agreed priorities for the service, which were aligned against the strategic outcomes of the Council Plan 2017/22.  The report also detailed the key achievements of the service, how the work of the service contributed to the priorities set out within the Council Plan, progress in relation to implementation of the action plan and an assessment of performance in terms of service scorecard of core performance indicators.

During March 2020, the service had identified key actions it aimed to achieve over the next three-year period, in order to deliver improved outcomes for local people and communities and contribute to the delivery of the Council Plan. Given the unprecedented nature of events in 2020/21, these three-year plans had been replaced by Service Delivery Plans which focused on a single year, 2021/22, and outlined what each service planned to do to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and associated restrictions, as well as actions to support recovery and renewal. 

The Environment & Infrastructure Service Delivery Plan had previously been considered at the meetings of the Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board and this Policy Board held on 16 and 24 March 2021 respectively. The report highlighted that the Covid-19 pandemic had had a significant impact on the operation of the Council and on how services were delivered. Whilst there had been periods where national policy required some services be paused, most service areas delivered by Environment & Infrastructure had continued throughout the year and adapted to new ways of working. 


(i) That the progress made by Environment & Infrastructure on actions and performance indicators, as detailed in Appendix 1 and as specific to the areas of activity within the remit of this Policy Board be noted; and

(ii) That it be noted that the Environment & Infrastructure Service Improvement Plan outturn report would also be submitted to the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board in respect of areas of activity that were within the remit of that Board. 
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to an overview of performance to deliver the Communities & Housing Service Improvement Plan during the 12-month period to 31 March 2021. 


The report provided a summary of the performance of Communities & Housing Services during 2020/21, with a detailed explanation on all relevant actions, performance indicators and targets which had been impacted as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.  The Service Improvement Plan Action Plan and Performance Scorecard, a copy of which was appended to the report, detailed progress against the agreed priorities for the service, which were aligned against the strategic outcomes of the Council Plan 2017/22.  The report also detailed the key achievements of the service, how the work of the service contributed to the priorities set out within the Council Plan, progress in relation to implementation of the action plan and an assessment of performance in terms of service scorecard of core performance indicators.

During March 2020, the service had identified key actions it aimed to achieve over the next three-year period, in order to deliver improved outcomes for local people and communities and contribute to the delivery of the Council Plan. Given the unprecedented nature of events in 2020/21, these three-year plans had been replaced by Service Delivery Plans which focused on a single year, 2021/22, and outlined what each service planned to do to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and associated restrictions, as well as actions to support recovery and renewal. 

The Communities & Housing Services Service Delivery Plan had been considered at the meetings of the Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board and this Policy Board held on 16 and 24 March 2021 respectively. The report highlighted that the Covid-19 pandemic had had a significant impact on the operation of the Council and on how services were delivered. Whilst there had been periods where national policy required some services be paused, most service areas delivered by Environment & Infrastructure had continued throughout the year and adapted to new ways of working.

The report highlighted that that the Covid-19 pandemic had had a significant impact on the operation of the Council and on how services were delivered. Whilst there had been periods where national policy required some services be paused, most service areas delivered by Communities & Housing had continued throughout the year and adapted to new ways of working. At the same time, the Council has taken on additional tasks directly related to supporting residents through the pandemic, whether as a single agency or in partnership with other public and third sector organisations.

In addition it was noted that as part of the Placeshaping service redesign within the Council’s change and transformation programme, “Right for Renfrewshire”, (i) the work of Future Paisley, across the Council and its key partners, had been broadened to focus on a wider set of strategic objectives both for Paisley and the wider geography of Renfrewshire and now sat within the Chief Executive’s Service; and (ii) Building Standards, Planning and employees involved in the preparation of the Local Housing Strategy had also transferred to the Chief Executive’s Service.

The Service Improvement Plans had been approved by relevant policy boards during March 2020 and contained actions and Performance indicators for these areas which, until January, sat within Communities, Housing & Planning Services. In order to keep the governance line correct with the approved Plan, updates for 2020/21 for these service areas had been included within the report, however moving forward, these service areas would be reported within the Chief Executive’s Service Delivery Plan.



(i) That the report be noted; 

(ii) That it be noted that the Communities & Housing Services Service Improvement Plan outturn report had also been submitted to the Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board in respect of areas of activity that were within the remit of that Board; 

(iii) That progress relative to areas of service performance within the remit of this Board be noted; and 

(iv) That progress made relative to actions and performance in the action plan be noted.

Section 4 Heading
Section 4
Section 5 Heading
Parks & Cemeteries
Section 5

Report by Director of Environment & Infrastructure.





There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment & Infrastructure relative to the outdoor access and play area improvements.

The report made reference to the decision taken at the meeting of the Council held on 4 March 2021 to invest £2.284 million to support improvements in outdoor access and play areas, the increased demand during the pandemic from residents for parks and outdoor green spaces and recent previous investment in play areas, parks and open spaces.  The report highlighted that the Council owned and maintained 97 play areas and outlined recent investment.  The Council currently possessed a detailed asset condition assessment for each of these play areas and the play equipment located therein.  This information, together with an overview of previous investment and the identification of areas where there had not been investment would be used in determining future proposed investment needs to ensure there was balanced provision across Renfrewshire.  The funding allocated would also be used to enhance access and infrastructure improvements to support increased recreational walking activity and general enjoyment of greenspace.  It was proposed that a community engagement exercise would be undertaken to obtain the views of the community on the content of the outdoor access and playpark investment programme, with the planned programme of investment for 2021/22, across every ward, submitted to the next meeting of this Policy Board for consideration.
DECIDED: That the capital investment to improve outdoor access and enhance play parks across Renfrewshire over the next two financial years be noted and that arrangements be made to submit to the meeting of this Policy Board to be held on 25 August 2021 a detailed report setting out the 2021/22 investment.
Section 6 Heading
Section 6
Report by Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the proposed amendment of the lease of ground at Paisley Golf Club to include an additional 0.25 hectares (0.6 acres) or thereby.

The report advised that the Council currently leased, on a 99-year lease, 156.66 acres or thereby at Gleniffer Braes, Paisley to Paisley Golf Club.  The lease had commenced on May 1951 at an annual rent of £0.01.  The Club had approached the Council with a request to lease an additional area of land, identified on a plan appended to the report,  to improve car parking for both members of the club and also members of the public who parked in this area to access Gleniffer Braes Country Park.  The report detailed the proposed main terms and conditions of the lease amendment which had provisionally been agreed.

During discussion, it was proposed that should the proposed lease be approved it be subject to the receipt of all necessary Planning Consent.  This was agreed.

DECIDED: That the amendment to the existing lease between Renfrewshire Council and Paisley Golf Club to include an additional area of 0.25 Hectares (0.62 acres) or thereby be approved, subject to the receipt of all necessary Planning Consent and that the Head of Corporate Governance be authorised to conclude the lease amendment as per the terms of the report.
Section 7 Heading
Section 7
Section 8 Heading
Section 8


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Scott Kerr 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting