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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board
27 Oct 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor Mags MacLaren declared an interest in respect of items 6 and 7 of the agenda – Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2021/26  and Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2016/21: Annual Update 2020 – as she was a member of the Boards of  Linstone Housing Association and Williamsburgh Housing Association and indicated that she would remain in the meeting but take no part in the discussion or voting thereon. 

Councillor James MacLaren declared an interest in respect of item 15(E) of the agenda - Planning Application 20/0102/PP – as he had previously made public statements in respect of the application and indicated that he would remain in the meeting but take no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
Recording of Meeting
This meeting will be recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 07534 058160. To find the recording please follow the link which will be attached to this agenda once the meeting has concluded.
Recording of Meeting
Councillor McGurk, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
M Crearie, Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services; C Orr, Senior Communications Officer  (Chief Executive’s); J Trainer, Head of Child Care & Criminal Justice (Children’s Services); F Carlin, Head of Planning & Housing Services, O Reid, Head of Communities & Public Protection, C Dalrymple, Communities & Regulatory Manager, S Marklow, Strategy & Place Manager and L Muirhead, Planning & Housing Manager (all Communities, Housing & Planning Services); and K Graham, Head of Corporate Governance,  M Conaghan, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, G Dickie, Partnering & Commissioning Manager, D Pole, End User Technician,  A McLaughlan, Solicitor Litigation & Licensing, S Muir, Finance Business Partner, J Barron, Assistant Committee Services Officer and R Devine and T Slater, both Senior Committee Services Officers (all Finance & Resources).
Also in Attendance(for Item 1 only)
K Murphy (Persimmon Homes); J O’Neil (representing Erskine Community Council, Inchinnan Community Council, Community Action for Erskine (CAfE), M Rollo, J and G Hamilton and M Thomson); A Horner (representing D Stevenson); and E Parsons (representing herself and Mrs I Hall).
Recording of Meeting
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Convener intimated that this meeting of the Board would be recorded and that the recording would be available to watch on the Council's website.
Declaration of Interest
Councillor Mags MacLaren having previously declared an interest in the following item of business remained in the meeting but took no part in the discussion or decision.
Declaration of Interest
Councillor Mags MacLaren having previously declared an interest in the following item of business remained in the meeting but took no part in the discussion or decision.
Section 1
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.

Under reference to Item 15 (a) of the Minute of the meeting of this Policy Board held on 18 August 2020 the Planning Authority convened a hearing under section 38A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to allow the applicants and persons who had made representations or objections to the application to address the Planning Authority on planning issues which arose from (i) the environmental impact including flooding risks and impact on Local Environmental Designations (SINCs) and (ii) the impact on infrastructure including roads and education facilities (bearing in mind the Planning Authority’s role in Getting It Right for Every Child).  

There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the application, together with the remit for and procedure to be employed at the hearing.

The applicants had been invited to join the meeting together with representatives of those who had previously submitted representations and/or objections to the application.

Persimmon Homes Limited were represented by K Murphy.  C Logan, C Watson and S Inger were also in attendance to provide technical expertise and clarification.

J O’Neil represented Erskine Community Council, Inchinnan Community Council, Community Action for Erskine (CAfE), M Rollo, J and G Hamilton and M Thomson who had submitted representations/objections. 

A Horner represented D Stevenson who had submitted representations/objections and E Parsons represented herself and Mrs I Hall.

K Murphy was invited to describe the proposal and address the Board on issues within the remit of the hearing

J O’Neil, E Parsons and A Horner, representing those who had submitted objections and/or representations were each invited to address the Board in respect of issues within the remit of the hearing.

The applicant’s representative was then given the opportunity to respond to the points raised by J O’Neil, E Parsons and A Horner, to questions from elected members and to provide clarification.

The applicant’s representative and those representing the objectors/representees were thanked for their participation and left the meeting. 

DECIDED: That the information be noted.

Section 2 Heading
Police and Fire & Rescue Services
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Police and Fire & Rescue Scrutiny Sub-committee held on 18 August 2020, which forms the Appendix to this Minute.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.
Section 2
Minute of meeting of Police, Fire & Rescue Scrutiny Sub-Committee held on 18 August 2020.
Section 3 Heading
Section 3
Report by Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a Housing Revenue Account, Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for the period 1 April to 26 June 2020.

The report stated that the projected revenue outturn at 31 March 2021 for all services reporting to this Policy Board was an overspend position of £2.466 million against the revised budget for the year.  The projected capital outturn at 31 March 2021 for projects reporting to the Board was an overspend position of £0.124 million (0.9%) against the revised budget for the year.  The projected capital outturn at 31 March 2021 for projects reported to this Policy Board was a breakeven position against the revised budget for the year.  Summaries were provided over the relevant services in the tables within the report, together with further analysis.  It was noted that for financial year 2020/21 the projected outturn position was split into core and Covid-19 related variances. It was highlighted that budget adjustments, totalling £99,000, comprising an increase of  £112,000 of specific grant for the Rapid Rehousing Project and reductions of £7,000 in employees costs arising from the buy-back of annual leave scheme and £6,000 of payroll virements within Community Protection, had been processed since the previous report considered by the Board.  It was also highlighted that the Housing Benefit function had transferred to Finance & Resources and was reflected in the column entitled movements in Appendix 1 under the heading transfer payments and income.


(a) That the projected Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Revenue outturn position, detailed in table 1 of the report, be noted; 

(b) That the projected Capital outturn position, detailed in table 2 of the report, be noted; and 

(c) That the budget adjustments, detailed in sections 4 and 6 of the report, be noted.

Section 4 Heading
Service Updates
Section 4
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
Under reference to Item 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Policy Board held on 18 August 2020, there was submitted a further update report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to key service areas of activity, within this Policy Board's remit, providing details of priorities to Spring 2021 and highlighting key areas of focus to support the Council’s recovery plans. 

Appended to the report was a performance update, covering all performance indicators and actions within the Service Improvement Plan 2019/20, for the period to 31 March 2020.  It was highlighted that an update report would also be submitted to the meeting of the Infrastructure, Land & Environment Policy Board, to be held on 4 November 2020, in relation to those areas of service activity within the Plan that were within that Policy Board’s remit. 

The report intimated that Service Improvement Plans for 2020/21 had been developed for all Council Services, with the Service Improvement Plan 2020/21 for Communities, Housing & Planning Services being approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 10 March 2020.  It was noted that the agreed actions and activities within the Plan had not proceeded following the national lockdown in March 2020 or were not being undertaken in the same way due to Covid-19.  In addition, it was noted that work was being progressed to develop Service Improvement Plans for 2021/22 in relation to all Council Services and that these Plans would have a strong focus on recovery and renewal rather than solely improvement. The Plans would also fully reflect the social, economic and financial recovery plans being progressed. 

DECIDED That the report be noted.
Report by Director of Children's Services.
There was submitted an update report by the Director of Children's Services relative to key service areas of activity, within this Policy Board's remit, providing details of priorities to Spring 2021 and highlighting key areas of focus to support the Council’s recovery plans.  

Appended to the report was a performance update, for the period to 31 March 2020, covering performance indicators and actions relating to Criminal Justice Social Work activity within the Service Improvement Plan 2019/20 for Children’s Services.

The report intimated that Service Improvement Plans for 2020/21 had been developed for all Council Services, with the Service Improvement Plan 2020/21 for Children’s Services, being approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 12 March 2020, in relation to those areas within the remit of this Policy Board.  It was noted that the agreed actions and activities within the Plan had not proceeded following the national lockdown in March 2020 or were not being undertaken in the same way due to Covid-19.  In addition, it was noted that work was being progressed to develop Service Improvement Plans for 2021/22 in relation to all Council Services and that these would have a strong focus on recovery and renewal rather than solely improvement. The Plans would also fully reflect the social, economic and financial recovery plans being progressed. 

DECIDED:  That the report be noted.
Section 5 Heading
Section 5
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to progress in implementing the housing investment strategy, which included the development of 101 newbuild properties and preparation of the wider area Development Framework, for the Tannahill area.

The report made reference to the decisions taken at the meetings of the Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board held on 30 October 2018 and the Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board held on 4 September 2019 to (i) approve a housing investment strategy for the Tannahill area of the Ferguslie Park area, involving the construction of 101 newbuild Council homes and the preparation of a Development Framework for the wider Ferguslie Park area in consultation with the local community; and (ii) to award a contract to AS Homes (Scotland) Limited for the design and build of 101 new Council dwellings on the site of the former St Fergus’ Primary School. 

It was noted that due to Coronavirus restrictions, it had not been possible to showcase the detailed design proposals for the newbuild housing at an open day event but to avoid delays in the delivery, online consultation had taken place, with information made available on the Council’s website and various social media networks.  Newsletters had also been issued to all addresses within the Tannahill regeneration area and Council officers had worked with tenants and residents, the local Community Council and Tenants and Residents Association to ensure that they were engaged in the design process.  It was highlighted that the feedback received had been positive and included some suggestions which had been reflected in the finalised plans.  The housing investment strategy for the Tannahill area allowed for the demolition of empty properties following completion of the newbuild homes.   The local community had expressed a desire for the removal of the wholly vacant blocks in the area to be brought forward and it was noted that a further report in this connection would be submitted to a future meeting of the Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board informed by the outcomes of the consultation with the local community on the development framework for the wider area.

The report advised that the District Valuer had been acting on behalf of the Council to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of private properties within the Tannahill area. To date, one commercial and 11 residential properties had been acquired by the Council, with two further offers recently accepted by the owners. The remaining 16 private residential owners (12 resident and 4 non-resident) were at various stages of the negotiation process. Agreement had been reached with the Scottish Government on the provision of grant funding for an element of shared equity properties as part of the overall package of grant funding for the 101 newbuild homes. It was highlighted that the other newbuild properties would be Council homes for social rent.  To complement the housing investment strategy for Tannahill, this Policy Board had previously agreed that a Development Framework for the wider Ferguslie Park area should be prepared in consultation with the local community.  During early 2020 and prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, a consultant team led by regeneration specialists Collective Architecture had hosted a series of events and workshops to hear the views of the community on the future of the neighbourhood.  These sessions reflected a creative approach to consultation which included artists workshops with residents, model making with local schools, the creation of a Ferguslie Board game and interactive mapping tools. This approach was supported by one-to-one meetings with local community groups and stakeholders. These events had generated a strong range of views and ideas which informed an emerging Development Framework. As a result of the Covid outbreak, it had not yet been possible to undertake a second phase of consultation on the emerging outcomes.  The report indicated that, as a consequence of the current restrictions, an online consultation approach had been developed, including a bespoke, interactive website. Information would also be made available on the Council’s website and social media channels while leaflets would be available for those local residents who might not have online access. It was anticipated that the second phase of consultation would take place in late 2020, with a finalised Development Framework being submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board. 

Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the progress being made in implementing the housing investment strategy for the Tannahill area be noted and that it also be noted that further updates would be provided to this Policy Board in relation to the wider area Development Framework.

Councillor J MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Strang, moved that the following additional recommendation be added to section 2 of the report:

that the Board notes the concern expressed by residents to the depressing look of properties with windows and doors boarded up and requests the Director brings back a report to the Board on other options that can be used to make properties secure that are aesthetically pleasing.  This was agreed.


(a) That the progress being made in implementing the housing investment strategy for the Tannahill area be noted and that it also be noted that further updates would be provided to this Policy Board in relation to the wider area Development Framework; and 

(b) That the Board note the concerns expressed by residents to the depressing look of properties, with windows and doors boarded up, and that the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services prepare and submit a report to a future meeting of this Policy Board on options that could be used to make properties secure that are also aesthetically pleasing.

Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
Under reference to Item 6 of the Minute of the meeting of this Policy Board held on 18 August 2020 there was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2021/26 (SHIP).

The report indicated that the SHIP, which detailed how funding for affordable housing would be targeted to achieve the objectives contained within Renfrewshire’s Local Housing Strategy, was reviewed and updated annually. A draft SHIP for the five-year period 2021/26, including a rollforward of projects from the previous SHIP and taking account of projects which were expected to complete during 2020/21 alongside estimates of when new projects could potentially be brought forward, had been developed for consultation.  It was highlighted that due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of all construction sites in March 2020, the delivery of projects within the current programme had been affected and there had been an adverse impact on completion timescales.  Consultation on the draft SHIP had been undertaken during a four week period, with local housing associations in Renfrewshire, local stakeholder groups and other stakeholders and a copy of the SHIP 2021/26, which took account of comments received during the consultation period, was appended to the report.

DECIDED: That the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2021/26, a copy of which was appended to the report, be approved.
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2016/21 annual update for 2020, a copy of which was appended to the report. 

The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) outlined the strategic vision for housing and housing related services in Renfrewshire and sought to provide clear direction for strategic housing investment. The LHS linked with other key plans and strategies for Renfrewshire, including the Local Development Plan, Our Renfrewshire - Renfrewshire’s Community Plan 2017/27 and the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan. The report highlighted key achievements and progress in the delivery of identified outcomes and actions within the Renfrewshire LHS. 


(a) That the progress in implementing the actions of the Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2016/21 be noted; and

(b) That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Planning would begin preparatory work, including consultation, on the new Local Housing Strategy for the five-year period 2021/26, and that this would be the subject of future reports to this Policy Board.
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the annual Housing Performance Benchmarking Report 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report, and which had been submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator during July 2020. 

The report provided information and analysis on the Council’s performance during 2019/20 in relation to key Housing Charter indicators such as tenant satisfaction, housing quality and maintenance, customer and landlord relationship, estate management, anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance, tenant disputes, homelessness, rents and services charges. Comparative information was provided in respect of other local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). 

DECIDED: That the Council’s performance during 2019/20, in relation to key Housing Charter indicators, compared to other local authorities and Registered Social Landlords be noted.
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the Annual Assurance Statement 2020 which the Council required to submit to the Scottish Housing Regulator in terms of the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Framework for the Regulation of Social Housing in Scotland.  

The report referred to the regular reports submitted to this Policy Board on housing services performance and benchmarking which demonstrated continuing strong performance across most areas of the housing service during 2019/20 and identified areas for improvement.  Reference was made to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, since March 2020, on housing services and highlighted areas where it had not been possible to achieve full compliance as a result of the pandemic.  Appendix 1 of the report detailed the Regulator’s Framework requirements for all local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and provided evidence to demonstrate Renfrewshire Council’s compliance.  A copy of the proposed Annual Assurance Statement 2020 for Renfrewshire Council was attached as Appendix 2 of the report, for approval. The report indicated that the deadline for submission of the Annual Assurance Statement was 30 November 2020. 
Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved : (a) That the regulatory requirements and evidence of Renfrewshire Council’s compliance, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted; and (b) That the Renfrewshire Council Annual Assurance Statement 2020, Appendix 2 of the report, be approved for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulaton.  


Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Montgomery moved that the following additional recommendations be added: 

that the Board notes that Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights gives everyone the right to respect for her/his private and family life and home. 
This Board notes with growing concern the damage and considerable stress and pain caused by anti-social tenants to other tenants to whom we have a duty of care, which breaches their human right to a family life and peaceful home environment.
This Board resolves to review the current method of dealing with anti-social tenants, and report back to Full Council, with a remit to examine:
Best practice elsewhere in local government across the British Isles in dealing with anti-social tenants.
Improved ways and procedures of dealing with anti-social cases which involve owner occupiers and private let tenants.
Examine within the law greater sanctions for anti-social tenants including the concept of deferred rights.
Giving greater funding and powers to Housing Officers on the ground to deal with anti-social behaviour.
Greater co-operation with Police, Social Work, and the Voluntary Sector, to provide a more integrated approach to ending anti-social behaviour by tenants.

This was agreed subject to the report being submitted in the first instance to a future meeting of the Policy Board.


(a) That the regulatory requirements and evidence of Renfrewshire Council’s compliance, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted;  

(b) That the Renfrewshire Council Annual Assurance Statement 2020, Appendix 2 of the report, be approved for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator; 

(c) That the Board noted that Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights gave everyone the right to respect for her/his private and family life and home;

(d) That this Policy Board noted with growing concern the damage and considerable stress and pain caused by anti-social tenants to other tenants, to whom the Council had a duty of care, which breached their human right to a family life and peaceful home environment; and

(e) That this Policy Board resolved to review the current method of dealing with anti-social tenants, and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board, with a remit to examine:
Best practice elsewhere in local government across the British Isles in dealing with anti-social tenants.
Improved ways and procedures of dealing with anti-social cases which involved owner occupiers and private let tenants.
Examine within the law greater sanctions for anti-social tenants including the concept of deferred rights.
Giving greater funding and powers to Housing Officers on the ground to deal with anti-social behaviour.
Greater co-operation with Police, Social Work, and the Voluntary Sector, to provide a more integrated approach to ending anti-social behaviour by tenants.

Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the Housing Customer Engagement Annual Report 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report. 

The Annual Report reviewed progress made in relation to the Council’s Customer Engagement Strategy, outlined resources made available to promote tenant involvement, detailed the mechanisms used to engage with customer groups during 2019/20 and provided an action plan for 2020/21. It was noted that the content of the Annual Report would be published on the Council’s website and made available at Council offices, while details of the outcomes and future priorities would be publicised via the tenants’ newsletter. The report highlighted that due to the restrictions in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic the annual re-registration process for Tenants’ & Residents’ Associations would not take place and, where applicable, enhanced registration status and eligibility to apply for grant funding from the Housing Revenue Account would be carried forward to the 2020/21 registration year.


(a) That the Housing Customer Engagement Annual Report 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report, be noted; and 

(b) That it be noted that due to the restrictions in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic the annual re-registration process for Tenants’ & Residents’ Associations would not take place and, where applicable, enhanced registration status and eligibility to apply for grant funding from the Housing Revenue Account would be carried forward to the 2020/21 registration year.
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the Housing Customer Engagement Annual Report 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report. 

The Annual Report reviewed progress made in relation to the Council’s Customer Engagement Strategy, outlined resources made available to promote tenant involvement, detailed the mechanisms used to engage with customer groups during 2019/20 and provided an action plan for 2020/21. It was noted that the content of the Annual Report would be published on the Council’s website and made available at Council offices, while details of the outcomes and future priorities would be publicised via the tenants’ newsletter. The report highlighted that due to the restrictions in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic the annual re-registration process for Tenants’ & Residents’ Associations would not take place and, where applicable, enhanced registration status and eligibility to apply for grant funding from the Housing Revenue Account would be carried forward to the 2020/21 registration year.


(a) That the Housing Customer Engagement Annual Report 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report, be noted; and 

(b) That it be noted that due to the restrictions in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic the annual re-registration process for Tenants’ & Residents’ Associations would not take place and, where applicable, enhanced registration status and eligibility to apply for grant funding from the Housing Revenue Account would be carried forward to the 2020/21 registration year.
Section 6 Heading
Development Management and Planning
Section 6
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the formal examination being undertaken by Reporters, appointed by the Scottish Ministers, in relation to the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Proposed Plan.  

The report summarised two significant decisions issued by the Court of Session, since the commencement of the examination into the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Proposed Plan, in relation to Housing Land Supply in the Inverclyde Council area which had implications for Development Plans throughout Scotland. 

The report also highlighted a Scottish Government consultation being undertaken on proposed changes to Scottish Planning Policy and Housing, the aims of which were detailed, and the collective response, a copy of which was appended to the report submitted on behalf of all eight Local Authorities in the Clydeplan area.


(a) That the progress being made into the Examination of the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Proposed Plan be noted; and 

(b) That the response submitted by the Glasgow & the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority Joint Committee to the Scottish Planning Policy and Housing consultation be noted.

Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.







There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020 and seeking authority to undertake the necessary publicity and consultation.

The report advised that Core Paths were recreational and travel routes which allowed the public reasonable access throughout each local authority area.  The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 required each local authority to prepare a Core Paths Plan.  Under the provisions of the Act, owners of land over which access rights applied had a duty to ensure that routes, such as designated Core Paths, were passable and free from obstruction.  A review of the current Core Paths Plan, which outlined a network of key access routes across Renfrewshire in line with the requirements of the Act and had been adopted by the Council in 2009, had commenced during 2018. 

The draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020, a copy of which was appended to the report, had been prepared in partnership with the Renfrewshire Local Access Forum, representing access users such as walkers, cyclists, community groups, and landowners/managers, as well as national organisations and other stakeholders. The draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020 detailed a strategic network of over 300 key access routes across Renfrewshire connecting communities and providing opportunities for active travel to schools, work and local amenities. The Plan also identified routes which connected people with areas of nature and greenspace and promoted and encouraged healthy lifestyles. It was noted that, in accordance with section 20B of the Act, written notices would be served on the owners and occupiers of any land which was included in the draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020, for the first time.  

The current Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan and the draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020, including the maps, would be available for public inspection for a statutory 12-week period, and be subject to consultation during late 2020 and early 2021.  It was highlighted that objections and representations would be invited only in respect of the proposed changes to the Core Paths Plan, and not in respect of existing Core Paths which were unchanged in the Plan.  A summary of objections and representations received, and the finalised Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020 would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board for consideration.


(a) That the draft Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020, as set out on Renfrewshire Council’s website be approved and that the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services be authorised to progress the necessary publicity and consultation in relation to the Plan; and 

(b) That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services would submit the finalised Renfrewshire Core Paths Plan 2020 to a future meeting of this Policy Board.
Proposal of Application Notices
Proposal of Application Notices are included for members information only. Members should note that the Notices may subsequently come before them for determination as planning applications and as such should consider the guidance contained in the Scottish Government Guidance on the Role of Councillors in Pre-Application Procedures and the Councillors Code of Conduct.
Report by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.

There were submitted a report by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services relative to the proposal of application notice 20/0424/NO.

DECIDED: That the key issues identified to date be noted.

Planning Applications
Members must deal with planning applications in an objective manner to ensure that they cannot be challenged with accusations of bias or predetermination. Votes on planning applications must be seen to be impartial and not influenced by party political issues.
Reports by Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services.

There were submitted reports by the Director of Communities, Housing & Planning
Services relative to the following applications for planning permission that required to
be determined by the Board.


Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor Rodden, moved that the application be refused for the following reasons:

(i) The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV2. The development will have a significant adverse impact on the integrity of three sites identified as SINC’s (Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation) and the biodiversity it provides to nature conservation and in meeting our climate change challenge.

(ii) The presence of Red Squirrels as a protected species was identified in the applicants supporting documentation (Pages 6 and 19 of the ecological survey). The habitat is protected under Sec 5&6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

(iii) The proposal introduces an overly intensified urban use into an area which includes an SPA designation and breaking the wildlife corridor which connects several nationally protected sites of conservation. Contrary to Scottish Planning Policy “Where appropriate, planning authorities should seek opportunities to create new woodland and plant native trees in association with development. If a development would result in the severing or impairment of connectivity between important woodland habitats, workable mitigation measures should be identified and implemented, preferably linked to a wider green network.” 

(iv) The proposal is contrary and presumptive to the policies of our adopted Town Centre strategy for Erskine which were adopted following a local Charette in 2016 which identified retention of the local SINC’s and any development was to follow a masterplan exercise for the area which is yet to be carried out.

(v) The proposal is contrary to Renfrewshire Council’s Supplementary Guidance on New Development 2019 as it significantly effects existing species, habitats and eco systems.

(vi) The proposal is contrary to Scottish Planning Policy where the proposals fail to consider the Woodland Removal Policy. Compensatory Planting should at least equal the net area of woodland that would be removed. The Compensatory Planting area must exceed the area of woodland removed to compensate for the loss of environmental value.

(vii) The proposal fails to meet the statutory guidance regarding the Natural Heritage Hierarchy of least damage and minimum damage.

(viii) Scottish Planning Policy where “Planning permission should be refused where the nature or scale of proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the natural environment.”

(ix) Scottish Planning Policy clearly states that ‘Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. The additional public benefits do not outweigh the loss of biodiversity and existing amenity to the public; and

(x) The location of at least 35 homes close to significant existing noise uses will have a significant detrimental impact on the amenity of the residents and the operation of an existing business use.

This was agreed.

DECIDED: That the application be refused for the following reasons:

(i) The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV2. The development would have a significant adverse impact on the integrity of three sites identified as SINC’s (Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation) and the biodiversity provided to nature conservation and in meeting our climate change challenge.

(ii) The presence of Red Squirrels as a protected species was identified in the applicants supporting documentation (Pages 6 and 19 of the ecological survey). The habitat is protected under Sec 5 and 6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

(iii) The proposal introduced an overly intensified urban use into an area which includes an SPA designation and breaking the wildlife corridor which connected several nationally protected sites of conservation and was contrary to Scottish Planning Policy “Where appropriate, planning authorities should seek opportunities to create new woodland and plant native trees in association with development. If a development would result in the severing or impairment of connectivity between important woodland habitats, workable mitigation measures should be identified and implemented, preferably linked to a wider green network.” 

(iv) The proposal was contrary and presumptive to the policies of the Council’s adopted Town Centre strategy for Erskine, which had been adopted following a local Charette in 2016 and which had identified retention of the local SINC’s and that any development was to follow a masterplan exercise for the area which is yet to be carried out.

(v) The proposal was contrary to Renfrewshire Council’s Supplementary Guidance on New Development 2019 as it significantly affected existing species, habitats and eco-systems.

(vi) The proposal was contrary to Scottish Planning Policy where the proposals fail to consider the Woodland Removal Policy. Compensatory Planting should at least equal the net area of woodland that would be removed. The Compensatory Planting area must exceed the area of woodland removed to compensate for the loss of environmental value.

(vii) The proposal failed to meet the statutory guidance regarding the Natural Heritage Hierarchy of least damage and minimum damage.

(viii) Scottish Planning Policy where “Planning permission should be refused where the nature or scale of proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the natural environment.”

(ix) Scottish Planning Policy clearly states that ‘Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. The additional public benefits do not outweigh the loss of biodiversity and existing amenity to the public; and

(x) The location of at least 35 homes close to significant existing noise uses would have a significant detrimental impact on the amenity of the residents and the operation of an existing business use.


Councillor McCulloch left the meeting prior to consideration of the following items of business.


Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, moved as an amendment that the application be refused as the proposed size and height of the hotel, in comparison to neighbouring properties, was out of keeping with the character of the area and was therefore contrary to the Local Development Plan.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Andy Doig, K MacLaren and M MacLaren. 

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Binks, Brown, Burns, Don, J MacLaren, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Nicolson, Rodden and Strang.

3 members having voted for the amendment and 11 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report. 


Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, moved as an amendment that the application be refused in view of the potential impact it could have on the conservation area in which it was situated, the scale and design of the accommodation block, the loss of light in neighbouring gardens, the detrimental impact to the amenity of the area and the resultant loss of  visual appeal and would therefore be contrary to the Local Development Plan.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Andy Doig, K MacLaren and M MacLaren.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Binks, Brown, Burns, Don, J MacLaren, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Nicolson, Rodden and Strang. 

3 members having voted for the amendment and 11 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.


It was proposed that the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report. This was agreed.

DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.


Councillor James MacLaren having previously declared an interest in the following item remained in the meeting.


Councillor McNaughtan, seconded by Councillor Brown, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.

Councillor Don, seconded by Councillor Montgomery, moved as an amendment that the application be refused as the nature of the proposal would have an adverse impact on the amenity of the area, residents and surrounding road network and would therefore be contrary to the Local Development Plan.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Binks, Burns, Doig, Don, K MacLaren, J MacLaren, McGurk, Montgomery, Nicolson, Rodden and Strang.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Brown, M MacLaren and McNaughtan.

11 members having voted for the amendment and 3 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That the application be refused as the nature of the proposal would have an adverse impact on the amenity of the area, residents and surrounding road network and would therefore be contrary to the Local Development Plan.


Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Burns, moved as an amendment that the application be continued for a site visit.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Burns, Andy Doig, Don, K MacLaren and M MacLaren.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Binks, Brown, J MacLaren, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Nicolson, Rodden and Strang.

5 members having voted for the amendment and 9 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and the reasons detailed within the report.

Section 7 Heading
Section 7
Section 8 Heading
Section 8


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mags MacLaren6 & 7Board member of Housing AssociationNon-PecuniaryRemained in the meeting but took no part in the discussions or decisions.
Councillor James MacLaren15(e)Planning Application 20/0102/PP Non-PecuniaryRemained in the meeting.


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