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Meeting Details

27 Jun 2019 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Standard Items
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email or telephone 0141 618 7112.

Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Webcasting of Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed.  The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 0141 618 7112.  To find the webcast please navigate to and select the meeting from the calendar.
Provost L Cameron presided.
In Attendance
S Black, Chief Executive; M Crearie, Director of Communities, Housing & Planning Services; A Russell, Director of Finance & Resources; S Quinn, Director of Children’s Services; L Mahon, Head of Marketing (Chief Executive’s); G Hutton, Head of Operations & Infrastructure (Environment & Infrastructure); K Graham, Head of Corporate Governance), A MacArthur, Head of Finance, M Conaghan, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, L Belshaw Democratic Services Manager and A McNaughton, Senior Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources); and D Leese, Chief Officer (Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership).
Councillor Sharkey intimated that Mr David Haggerty, a local magician and member of the Magic Circle, had died and his funeral would be held at 12.00 noon that day.  Councillor Sharkey paid tribute to Mr Haggerty as a dedicated entertainer who brought joy to all and invited members to join him in sending condolences to his family and friends.

Provost Cameron endorsed the sentiments expressed and advised that she would extend sincere condolences to his family and friends on behalf of Renfrewshire Council.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor Kennedy declared a financial interest in respect of item 20 of the agenda (Notice of Motion 13) as the matter referred to her and indicated that it was her intention to leave the meeting and take no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor Devine declared a financial interest in respect of item 20 of the agenda (Notice of Motion 13) as the matter referred to his daughter and indicated that it was his intention to leave the meeting and take no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Appointment Board, 8 May 2019, pages 534-535

Council, 9 May 2019, pages 536-553

Appointment Board, 21 May 2019, pages 554-555

Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board, 21 May 2019, pages 556-569

Regulatory Functions Board, 22 May 2019, pages 570-577

Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 23 May 2019, pages 578-585

Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 28 May 2019, pages 586-589

Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 28 May 2019, pages 590-599

Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 29 May 2019, pages 600-609

Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 30 May 2019, pages 610-611

Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 5 June 2019, pages 612-633

Regulatory Functions Board, 6 June 2019, pages 634-645

Leadership Board, 19 June 2019, pages 646-660

Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 20 June 2019 (to follow)


There were submitted the Minutes of the following meetings of the Council, Boards and Panels on the dates specified:

Appointment Board, 8 May 2019
Council, 9 May 2019
Appointment Board, 21 May 2019
Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board, 21 May 2019
Regulatory Functions Board, 22 May 2019
Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 23 May 2019 
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 28 May 2019
Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 28 May 2019
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 29 May 2019
Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 30 May 2019, 
Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 5 June 2019
Regulatory Functions Board, 6 June 2019
Leadership Board, 19 June 2019
Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel, 20 June 2019

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved.



Report by Director of Finance & Resources (Accounts attached separately)
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Council’s Accounts and Group Accounts for 2018/19 which were appended to the report and would be submitted for audit by the statutory deadline of June 2019.  The report intimated that the Auditor planned to complete the audit process by early September 2019 and that their report would be made available to all members and submitted to the meeting of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board to be held on 23 September 2019 for consideration.

In compliance with charity accounting requirements, the Council’s accounts did not incorporate statements relating to Common Good Funds and the charitable trust fund which the Council controlled.  Separate accounts had been prepared to account with these requirements.


(a)  That, subject to audit, the Renfrewshire Council Annual Accounts 2018/19 be approved;

(b)  That the Director of Finance & Resources be authorised to submit the Group accounts, once completed as outlined in paragraph 7 of the report, to the Auditor within the relevant timescales;

(c)  That the annual governance statement for 2018/19 be approved;

(d)  That it be noted that Audit Scotland planned to complete the audit of the accounts by early September 2019, that their report would be made available to members and would be submitted to the meeting of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board on 23 September 2019 for detailed consideration;

(e)  That the sums earmarked within the General Fund reserves and Housing Revenue Account reserves as outlined in paragraph 3.3 of the report be approved;

(f)  That the transfer of resources as outlined below be approved:

Opening Contributions Used/ Closing
Balance to Reserves Transferred Balance
    £m       £m      £m    £m
Insurance Fund 2.543          -         - 2.543
Reservoir Repair Fund 0.315          -         - 0.315
Education Capital Items 1.132       0.246     (0.331) 1.047
Investment Capital Fund   85.785                  2.023   (11.075)     76.733

Total 89.775        2.269    (11.406) 80.638

(g)  That, subject to audit, the annual accounts for the Renfrew, Paisley and Johnstone Common Good Funds and the Coats Observatory Trust Fund, copies of which were attached, which under accounting regulations required to be prepared and audited separately from the Council’s accounts, be approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Treasury Management Annual Report 2018/19 submitted in accordance with the Local Government Investments (Scotland) Regulations 2010 and outlining treasury management activity over the year. 

The report intimated that during 2018/19 all aspects of the Treasury Policy Statement were complied with and provided an overview of Treasury activities including the Treasury Portfolio Position as at 31 March 2019, reviews of borrowing and investment outturn, borrowing strategy and new borrowing, investment strategy and investment outturn.  Details of debt rescheduling and compliance with Treasury limits was also provided.

DECIDED: That the Treasury Management Annual Report 2018/19 be approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
  1. pdf MTFS combined (6045Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the medium-term financial strategy published by the Scottish Government on 31 May 2019, a copy of which was appended to the report. 

The publication set out the Scottish Government’s view of the public finances and its approach to using the financial powers available under the Scotland Acts 2012 and 2016 over the medium term.  The document addressed a key recommendation of the Scottish Parliament Budget Process Review Group and would inform the new annual budget cycle.  The document would be updated annually. 

The strategy outlined key priorities for the Scottish Government and potential scenarios for funding and detailed other areas of public services, including local government, that were likely to face further reductions in funding over the period of the strategy. 


(a) That the fiscal outlook published by the Scottish Government and the increased risks emerging to the national budget, driven principally by lower than forecast growth in tax revenues, be noted;

(b) That the implications for the Council in terms of an increased risk of further reductions in grant funding over the medium term be noted; and

(c) That it be noted that an updated financial outlook for the Council would be presented to members in Autumn 2019.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to proposed changes to the Labour Group membership of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, Investment Review Board, Leadership Board and Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board. 


(a) That the appointment of Councillor Hood to replace Councillor Dowling on the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board be approved; 

(b) That the appointment of Councillor Sharkey to replace Councillor Dowling on the Investment Review Board be approved; 

(c) That the appointment of Councillors Sheridan and Harte to replace Councillors Bibby and Kennedy on the Leadership Board be approved; and 

(d) That the appointment of Councillor Brown to replace Councillor Hood on the Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board be approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
  1. pdf Polling scheme (192Kb)
Under reference to item 8 of the Minute of the meeting of Council held on 28 February 2019, there was submitted a report by Director of Finance & Resources relative to a revised timetable for the conduct of the statutory review of polling places and polling districts (the review).  

The report intimated that at the time of setting the timetable for the review it was not anticipated that the European Parliamentary Elections would require to be conducted on 23 May 2019 and the results counted on 26 May 2019.  Consequently, the alternative polling places suggested by respondents during the first phase of consultation had yet to be assessed.  It was therefore necessary to revise the timetable for the review to allow those assessments to be made and for the Returning Officer to comment on the proposals.  The revised timetable was detailed in the report.    

DECIDED: That the revised timetable for the conduct of the statutory review be noted.
Report by Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the Renfrewshire Community Protection Chief Officers Group Annual Report 2018/19, a copy of which was appended to the report, highlighting the key benefits of partnership working and providing an overview of the main elements of work that those involved in public protection had delivered during 2018/19.

The report explained that, as elsewhere in the country, Renfrewshire faced challenges to address a range of local protection issues.  However, the Community Protection Chief Officers Group (the Group) together with local multi-agency partnerships continued to recognise, alongside scrutiny and reflection, the value of a proactive focus on awareness raising and preventative approaches to protect people in the community.

In addition, the annual report set out key priorities that the Group would progress jointly during 2019/20.

DECIDED: That the key activities progressed by the Chief Officers Group during 2018/19 and the identified priorities to be taken forward in partnership during 2019/20 be noted.
“Susan McDonald

Renfrewshire Council congratulates former councillor Susan McDonald on receiving the British Empire Medal (BEM) in this month’s Birthday Honours.  Susan was an outstanding councillor for Paisley North and West for 5 years.

The council should also recognise the seven other Renfrewshire residents who also received awards in the honours list: Maureen Bell, James Campbell, Henrietta Wright, John MacKin, John Reid, Anne Brogan and Jennifer Durward.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McCartin and Andy Doig in the following terms:

“Susan McDonald 

Renfrewshire Council congratulates former councillor Susan McDonald on receiving the British Empire Medal (BEM) in this month’s Birthday Honours. 

Susan was an outstanding councillor for Paisley North and West for 5 years. 

The council should also recognise the seven other Renfrewshire residents who also received awards in the honours list: Maureen Bell, James Campbell, Henrietta Wright, John MacKin, John Reid, Anne Brogan and Jennifer Durward.” 

Councillor McCartin, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: Susan McDonald -

(a)  That Renfrewshire Council congratulates former councillor Susan McDonald on receiving the British Empire Medal (BEM) in this month’s Birthday Honours; 

(b)  That Susan was an outstanding councillor for Paisley North and West for 5 years; and 

(c)  That the Council should also recognise the seven other Renfrewshire residents who also received awards in the honours list: Maureen Bell, James Campbell, Henrietta Wright, John MacKin, John Reid, Anne Brogan and Jennifer Durward.


In terms of Standing Order 16, the Provost intimated that she intended to change the order of business to facilitate the conduct of the meeting by considering together items 9 and 12 of the agenda – Notices of Motion 2 and 5 respectively.

“Climate Emergency

This council believes that:

1. All governments have a duty to limit the negative impacts of Climate Breakdown, and local government recognises it cannot and should not wait for national government to act.

2. It is important for the residents of Renfrewshire that the council and other public authorities commit to reducing CO2 eq emissions and work towards carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;

3. Bold climate action can deliver economic benefits by way of new jobs, economic savings, market opportunities and improved well-being.

This council agrees to:

1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’; 

2. Pledge to work proactively with others to make Renfrewshire carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions; 

3. Continue to work with partners and community groups across Renfrewshire to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans; 

4. Assist communities to become more resilient to the impacts of global warming, particularly to flooding and to drought

5. Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency;


6. Report to Full Council before the end of 2019 with the actions the Council has, and will take, to address this emergency.”

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McCartin and Andy Doig in the following terms:

“Climate Emergency 

This council believes that: 

1. All governments have a duty to limit the negative impacts of Climate Breakdown, and local government recognises it cannot and should not wait for national government to act.
2. It is important for the residents of Renfrewshire that the council and other public authorities commit to reducing CO2 eq emissions and work towards carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;
3. Bold climate action can deliver economic benefits by way of new jobs, economic savings, market opportunities and improved well-being. 

This council agrees to:
1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’; 

2. Pledge to work proactively with others to make Renfrewshire carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions; 

3. Continue to work with partners and community groups across Renfrewshire to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans; 

4. Assist communities to become more resilient to the impacts of global warming, particularly to flooding and to drought 

5. Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency; 

6. Report to Full Council before the end of 2019 with the actions the Council has, and will take, to address this emergency.” 

Councillor McCartin, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, then moved the motion.

Councillor Adam-McGregor, seconded by Councillor Don, moved as a first amendment an addition to the motion:

“Environment and Climate Emergency

The Scottish Government on 14 May 2019 declared that there is a global climate emergency. The evidence is irrefutable, and the science is clear. We all have a part to play: Government, councils, individuals, communities, businesses, other organisations. 

It is not too late to turn things around. 

Council therefore agrees 

1. To recognise that there is an environment and climate emergency; 

2. That this emergency could impact on all areas of Council policy; 

3. That a cross party working group is established to examine in detail what actions could be taken to address this emergency; 

4. That officers begin, without delay, to prepare options for the working group to consider." 

Councillor McIntyre, seconded by Councillor Graham, moved as a second amendment the insertion of:

“That this Council agrees to:

1.  Include climate change in the Council Register of Strategic Risks.

2.  Include climate risk as a category in reports to council meetings and boards.  This should be introduced as a heading in the implications of report section in the same manner as financial, legal and equality & human rights issues.

3.  Ask all electricity suppliers to the council how much of their electricity production is certified by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin or has been carbon offset.  If electricity is supplied centrally then write to the Scottish Government asking the same question.

4.  Investigate the feasibility of setting up a revolving fund for energy efficiency improvements to buildings within the council estate.  The fund would be replenished by the savings resulting from the energy improvements”.

Councillor Nicolson further proposed that point 6 of the motion be changed by removing “2019” and inserting “the financial year 2019/20.”

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors McCartin and Andy Doig being the mover and seconder of the motion, accepted the further proposed amendment to point 6, accepted the first amendment as an addition and accepted the inclusion of the second amendment.  The motion, as duly amended, was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  Climate Emergency -

That this Council believes:

(a)  That all governments have a duty to limit the negative impacts of Climate Breakdown, and local government recognises it cannot and should not wait for national government to act;

(b)  That it is important for the residents of Renfrewshire that the council and other public authorities commit to reducing CO2 eq emissions and work towards carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;

(c)  That bold climate action can deliver economic benefits by way of new jobs, economic savings, market opportunities and improved well-being.

That this council agrees to:

(d)  declare a “Climate Emergency”;

(e)  pledge to work proactively with others to make Renfrewshire carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions;

(f)  continue to work with partners and community groups across Renfrewshire to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans;

(g)  assist communities to become more resilient to the impacts of global warming, particularly to flooding and to drought;

(h)  ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency;

(i)  report to Full Council before the end of the financial year 2019/20 with the actions the Council has, and will take, to address this emergency.

The Scottish Government on 14 May 2019 declared that there was a global climate emergency.  The evidence was irrefutable, and the science was clear.

We all have a part to play: Government, councils, individuals, communities, businesses, other organisations.  It was not too late to turn things around.

Council therefore further agrees:

(j)  to recognise that there is an environment and climate emergency;

(k)  that this emergency could impact on all areas of Council policy;

(l)  That a cross-party working group is established to examine in detail what actions could be taken to address this emergency; and

(m)  That officers begin, without delay, to prepare options for the working group to consider.

This Council also further agrees to:

(n)  include climate change in the Council Register of Strategic Risks;

(o)  include climate risk as a category in reports to council meetings and boards.  This should be introduced as a heading in the implications of report section in the same manner as financial, legal and equality & human rights issues;

(p)  ask all electricity suppliers to the council how much of their electricity production is certified by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin or has been carbon offset.  If electricity is supplied centrally then write to the Scottish Government asking the same question; and

(q)  investigate the feasibility of setting up a revolving fund for energy efficiency improvements to buildings within the council estate.  The fund would be replenished by the savings resulting from the energy improvements.


Councillor Nicolson declared an interest in item 10 – Notice of Motion 3, and item 11 – Notice of Motion 4, as he was a non-executive member of the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board.  He indicated that it was his intention to take part in the discussion relating to these items as the general dispensation from the Standard Commission allowed him to take part in and to vote in relation to these matters.
“NHS not for Sale

Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement.  This would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices.

Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS.  Similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS.

Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Burns in the following terms:

“NHS not for Sale 

Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement.
This would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices. Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS.

Similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS. Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale.” 

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Burns, then moved the motion.

Councillor McIntyre, seconded by Councillor Graham, moved as a first amendment:

“Council notes that under the World Trade Organisation Pharmaceutical Tariff Elimination Agreement pharmaceutical products are already subject to Zero per cent tariffs.  The price of drugs will therefore be unaffected by a trade agreement with United States of America or any other signatory country.

The council also notes under the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement overseas business already have the right to bid for government contracts, including those in the NHS.

Both the European Union and the UK Government have parties to this agreement since 1994”.

Councillor Harte, seconded by Councillor Sharkey, moved as a second amendment, an addition to the motion:  

“Council also notes, with concern, the affect that any trade deal, with the USA, could have on any other aspects of public services, including local authorities, and affecting regulations in a range of areas such as food safety, employment rights and the environment.

We are also aware of the danger that democratic decisions, taken by our governments, could be at severe risk in any free trade deal.

This council should also stress the importance that a TTIP style trade agreement and an Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, an Investor Court System or an alternative but similar system should be off the table”.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors K MacLaren and Burns being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to amend the motion to include the second amendment and the motion, as amended, became the substantive motion.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment:  Councillors Begg, Binks, Graham, Kerr, J MacLaren, McIntyre and Strang.

The following members voted for the motion:  Councillors Adam-McGregor, Bibby, Brown, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Davidson, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Don, Dowling, Grady, Harte, Hood, Hughes, Kennedy, Mack, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCartin, McCulloch, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Sharkey, Shaw, Sheridan and Steel

The following member abstained:  Councillor Mackay.

7 members having voted for the amendment, 35 members having voted for the motion and 1 member having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: NHS not for sale –

(a)  That the Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement;
(b)  That this would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices. 
Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS;

(c)  That, similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS. Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale;

(d)  That the Council also notes, with concern, the affect that any trade deal with the USA could have on other aspects of public services, including local authorities and affecting regulations in a range of areas such as food safety, employment rights and the environment;

(e)  That we are also aware of the danger that democratic decisions taken by our governments could be at severe risk in any free trade deal; and

(f)  That this Council should also stress the importance that a TTIP style trade agreement and an Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, and Investor Court System or an alternative but similar system should be off the table.
“RAH Car Park

Council notes the problems caused by the recent changes to the main car park at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) and the impact this has had on staff and local residents. The decision by the Health Board to change the parking policy with little consultation has negatively impacted on local residents as staff seek to find alternative places to park.

Council calls for better communication between the Health Board and council officers to resolve the parking issues within the RAH and surrounding areas.

Council will contact the Chief Executive of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board to express our concern over the impact that these changes to the parking policy has had on Renfrewshire residents and on all the staff at the RAH.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Burns in the following terms:

“RAH Car Park
Council notes the problems caused by the recent changes to the main car park at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) and the impact this has had on staff and local residents. The decision by the Health Board to change the parking policy with little consultation has negatively impacted on local residents as staff seek to find alternative places to park. 

Council calls for better communication between the Health Board and council officers to resolve the parking issues within the RAH and surrounding areas. 

Council will contact the Chief Executive of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board to express our concern over the impact that these changes to the parking policy has had on Renfrewshire residents and on all the staff at the RAH.” 

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Burns, then moved the motion.

Councillor McCartin, seconded by Councillor Mack, moved as an amendment:

“Council further calls on Paisley’s MSP, George Adam, to raise this matter in the Scottish Parliament, to access funding to meet the challenges this parking problem faces, and to challenge the Health Board to provide more car parking facilities on site to support visitors, staff and local residents”.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors K MacLaren and Burns being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to accept the amendment as an addition to the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: RAH Car Park - 

(a) That the Council notes the problems caused by the recent changes to the main car park at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) and the impact this has had on staff and local residents. The decision by the Health Board to change the parking policy with little consultation has negatively impacted on local residents as staff seek to find alternative places to park;

(b) That the Council calls for better communication between the Health Board and council officers to resolve the parking issues within the RAH and surrounding areas; 

(c) That the Council will contact the Chief Executive of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board to express our concern over the impact that these changes to the parking policy has had on Renfrewshire residents and on all the staff at the RAH; and

(d) That the Council further calls on Paisley’s MSP, George Adam, to raise this matter in the Scottish Parliament, to access funding to meet the challenges this parking problem faces, and to challenge the Health Board to provide more car parking facilities on site to support visitors, staff and local residents.
“Environment and Climate Emergency

The Scottish Government on 14 May 2019 declared that there is a global climate emergency.  The evidence is irrefutable and the science is clear.

We all have a part to play: Government, councils, individuals, communities, businesses, other organisations.  It is not too late to turn things around.

Council therefore agrees

1. To recognise that there is an environment and climate emergency; 

2. That this emergency could impact on all areas of Council policy;

3. That a cross party working group is established to examine in detail what actions could be taken to address this emergency;

4. That officers begin, without delay, to prepare options for the working group to consider."
This item was considered at item 9 above.
“Child Poverty

That this council expresses concern about the recent report by the poverty and inequality commission that child poverty targets set by the Scottish Government have not been met and seeks clarity regarding the local position in Renfrewshire.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Sheridan and Kennedy which Provost L Cameron ruled was not competent in terms of Standing Order 28 – rescinding of decisions – as it was contrary to the decision which had been taken at item 7 of page 651 of the Minute of the meeting of the Leadership Board held on 19 June 2019 and there had been no material change in circumstances justifying the matter being reconsidered.
“UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Renfrewshire Council notes with disappointment the delay on the consultation for the proposed UK Shared Prosperity Fund, intended to replace EU funding to the regions following Brexit.

Furthermore, with no date provided for the consultation to commence it is unlikely to be conducted prior to our expected exit date of the 31st of October 2019 leading to a substantial delay in the establishment of a shared prosperity fund.

Therefore, Council agrees to write to the UK Government urging them to bring forward the consultation and get on with establishing a shared prosperity fund to be managed by the relevant devolved administrations should Brexit occur on the 31st of October.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Paterson and McNaughtan in the following terms:

“UK Shared Prosperity Fund 

Renfrewshire Council notes with disappointment the delay on the consultation for the proposed UK Shared Prosperity Fund, intended to replace EU funding to the regions following Brexit. 

Furthermore, with no date provided for the consultation to commence it is unlikely to be conducted prior to our expected exit date of the 31st of October 2019 leading to a substantial delay in the establishment of a shared prosperity fund. 

Therefore, Council agrees to write to the UK Government urging them to bring forward the consultation and get on with establishing a shared prosperity fund to be managed by the relevant devolved administrations should Brexit occur on the 31st of October.” 

Councillor Paterson, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  UK Shared Prosperity Fund – 

(a) That Renfrewshire Council notes with disappointment the delay on the consultation for the proposed UK Shared Prosperity Fund, intended to replace EU funding to the regions following Brexit;

(b) That furthermore, with no date provided for the consultation to commence it is unlikely to be conducted prior to our expected exit date of the 31st of October 2019 leading to a substantial delay in the establishment of a shared prosperity fund; and

(c) That therefore, Council agrees to write to the UK Government urging them to bring forward the consultation and get on with establishing a shared prosperity fund to be managed by the relevant devolved administrations should Brexit occur on the 31st of October.


The meeting adjourned at 11.00 am and reconvened at 11.10 am.

“Statues in Dunn Square, Paisley

Council agrees that the statue of Queen Victoria and Dr Dunns Memorial in Dunn Square, Paisley are cleaned. Also, the statues of Sir Peter Coats and Thomas Coats Esq be part of the clean-up.

Council also agrees to release a programme in which all statues, monuments and plaques are visited by Council and are assessed for upgrade or clean-up.”


There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Graham and McIntyre in the following terms:

“Statues in Dunn Square, Paisley 

Council agrees that the statue of Queen Victoria and Dr Dunns Memorial in Dunn Square, Paisley are cleaned. Also, the statues of Sir Peter Coats and Thomas Coats Esq be part of the clean-up. 

Council also agrees to release a programme in which all statues, monuments and plaques are visited by Council and are assessed for upgrade or clean-up.

Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor McIntyre, then moved the motion.  This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  Statues in Dunn Square, Paisley –

(a)  That the Council agrees that the statue of Queen Victoria and Dr Dunn’s Memorial in Dunn Square, Paisley are cleaned. Also, the statues of Sir Peter Coats and Thomas Coats Esq be part of the clean-up; and

(b)  That the Council also agrees to release a programme in which all statues, monuments and plaques are visited by Council and are assessed for upgrade or clean-up


In terms of Standing Order 16, the Provost intimated that she intended to change the order of business to facilitate the conduct of the meeting by considering together items 16 and 18 of the agenda – Notice of Motion 9 and Notice of Motion 11 respectively.
“Tv Licence

Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to AXE FREE TV licence for most over 75 year old residents and charge £154.50.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McGurk and Adam-McGregor in the following terms:

“Tv Licence 

Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to AXE FREE TV licence for most over 75-year-old residents and charge £154.50.” 

Councillors McGurk and Adam-McGregor then moved the motion.

Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor McCartin, moved as a first amendment the addition of:

“BBC and removal of free TV licences for 75-year olds not on pension credit.

Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to remove free TV Licences for 75-year olds not on pension credit and notes that this has been condemned by the National Pensioners Convention, Age UK, and Independent Age as a retrograde step which will increase social isolation amongst pensioners.
Council calls on the Westminster Government to amend the Digital Economy Act (2017) to allow it to finance free TV licences for all pensioners over 75 years to promote the social independence and dignity of older people. 

Council also calls on the Westminster government to reinstate the funding which it withdrew from the BBC which has forced the BBC to take this action.” 

Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor McIntyre, moved as a second amendment:

Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to axe free TV licence for most over 75-year-old residents.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors McGurk and Adam-McGregor being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to accept the first amendment as an addition to the motion and the motion, as amended, became the substantive motion.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment:  Councillors Begg, Graham, Kerr, J MacLaren, McIntyre and Strang.

The following members voted for the motion:  Councillors Adam-McGregor, Bibby, Binks, Brown, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Davidson, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Don, Dowling, Grady, Harte, Hood, Hughes, Kennedy, Mack, Mackay, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCartin, McCulloch, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Sharkey, Shaw, Sheridan and Steel.

6 members having voted for the amendment and 37members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED:     TV Licence -

(a)  That Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to axe free TV licence for most over 75-year-old residents and charge £154.50; 

(b)  That Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to remove free TV Licences for 75-year olds not on pension credit, and notes that this has been condemned by the National Pensioners Convention, Age UK, and Independent Age as a retrograde step which will increase social isolation amongst pensioners;
(c)  That the Council calls on the Westminster Government to amend the Digital Economy Act (2017) to allow it to finance free TV licences for all pensioners over 75 years to promote the social independence and dignity of older people; and

(d)  That the Council also calls on the Westminster government to reinstate the funding which it withdrew from the BBC which has forced the BBC to take this action. 
“Council will contact Scottish Water to request Top Up taps are installed in Renfrewshire in all Towns and Villages to help reduce use of single plastic bottles and boost the benefits of drinking water in Renfrewshire.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Burns and Hughes in the following terms:

“Council will contact Scottish Water to request Top Up taps are installed in Renfrewshire in all Towns and Villages to help reduce use of single plastic bottles and boost the benefits of drinking water in Renfrewshire.” 

Councillor Burns, seconded by Councillor Hughes, then moved the motion.

Councillor J MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Begg, moved as an amendment:

“Council recognises that there are a number of obsolete drinking fountains in council parks and public places and agrees to bring back a report to the ILE Board regarding their number and the cost to refurbish”.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Burns and Hughes as the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to accept the amendment as an addition to the motion.  The motion, as amended, was agreed unanimously.


(a)  That the Council will contact Scottish Water to request Top Up taps are installed in Renfrewshire in all Towns and Villages to help reduce use of single plastic bottles and boost the benefits of drinking water in Renfrewshire; and

(b)  That the Council recognises that there are a number of obsolete drinking fountains in council parks and public places and agrees to bring back a report to the ILE Board regarding their number and the cost to refurbish.
“BBC and removal of free TV licences for 75 year olds not on pension credit

Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision by the BBC to remove free TV Licences for 75 year olds not on pension credit, and notes that this has been condemned by the National Pensioners Convention, Age UK, and Independent Age as a retrograde step which will increase social isolation amongst pensioners.

Council calls on the Westminster Government to amend the Digital Economy Act (2017) to allow it to finance free TV licences for all pensioners over 75 years to promote the social independence and dignity of older people.

Council also calls on the Westminster government to reinstate the funding which it withdrew from the BBC which has forced the BBC to take this action.”
This matter was considered at item 16 above.
“Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI)

This Council affirms its support for the WASPI women and their campaign.”

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Sharkey and Kennedy in the following terms:

“Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) 

This Council affirms its support for the WASPI women and their campaign.” 

Councillor Sharkey, seconded by Councillor Kennedy, then moved the motion.

Provost Cameron proposed that the motion be amended to read that “this Council re-affirms its support for the WASPI women and their campaign” and in terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Sharkey and Kennedy as the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to this amendment.  The motion, as amended, was approved unanimously.

DECIDED:  Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) –

That this Council re-affirms its support for the WASPI women and their campaign.


Councillors Kenney and Devine, having declared an interest in the undernoted item, left the meeting and did not take part in the discussion or voting thereon.

“Council Property: 16 Cairngorm Crescent, Paisley

This council insists in an independent inquiry into the allocation of 16 Cairngorm Crescent, Glenburn. SCRN 108744”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Mack and Andy Doig in the following terms:

“Council Property: 16 Cairngorm Crescent, Paisley
This council insists in an independent inquiry into the allocation of 16 Cairngorm Crescent, Glenburn. SCRN 108744” 

Councillor Mack, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  Council Property:  16 Cairngorm Crescent, Paisley –

That this council insists in an independent inquiry into the allocation of 16 Cairngorm Crescent, Glenburn.  SCRN 108744.


Councillors Kennedy and Devine returned to the meeting prior to consideration of the undernoted item.
“Re-instatement of Plaque: Willie Gallagher

Reinstate the plaque commemorating the life and residency of Willie Gallagher at No.68 Rowan Street, Paisley.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Mack and Andy Doig in the following terms:

“Re-instatement of Plaque: Willie Gallagher 

Reinstate the plaque commemorating the life and residency of Willie Gallagher at No.68 Rowan Street, Paisley.” 

Councillor Mack, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, then moved the motion which was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED:  Re-instatement of Plaque:  Willie Gallagher

That the plaque commemorating the life and residency of Willie Gallagher at No. 68 Rowan Street, Paisley be re-instated.


Councillor Davidson left the meeting prior to consideration of the undernoted item.
“Riverbrae School

That this council expresses its concern over the recent HMIE report into Riverbrae school and seeks clarity on what actions are in place to remedy the issues raised and within what timescale.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Sheridan and Kennedy which Provost L Cameron ruled was not competent in terms of Standing Order 28 – rescinding of decisions – as it was contrary to the decision which had been taken at item 10 of page 582 of the Minute of the meeting of the Education & Children’s Services Policy Board held on 23 May 2019 and there had been no material change in circumstances justifying the matter being reconsidered.

Motion to Suspend Standing Orders

Councillor Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Harte, moved in terms of Standing Order 44 that Standing Order 28 – rescinding of decisions – be suspended to allow the Council to consider the Notice of Motion by Councillors Sheridan and Kennedy.

On the roll being called, the following members voted to suspend Standing Order 28:  Councillors Begg, Bibby, Binks, Brown, Devine, Dowling, Grady, Graham, Harte, Hood, Kennedy, Kerr, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McIntyre, Montgomery, Sharkey, Sheridan and Strang.

The following members voted against the motion to suspend Standing Order 28:  Councillors Adam-McGregor, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Don, Hughes, Mack, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCartin, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

The following member abstained:  Councillor Mackay.

19 members having voted for the motion to suspend Standing Order 28, 22 members having voted against the motion to suspend Standing Order 28, and 1 member having abstained, the necessary two-thirds of members present and voting at the meeting was not achieved as required for the suspension of Standing Orders and accordingly the motion to suspend Standing Order 28 was defeated.

Supplementary Agenda

Standard Items
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email or telephone 0141 618 7112.

Webcasting of Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed.  The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 0141 618 7112.  To find the webcast please navigate to and select the meeting from the calendar.
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
To Follow Item

I refer to the agenda for the meeting of the Council to be held on 27 June 2019 at 9.30 am and enclose the undernoted report relative to item 1 previously marked 'to follow':

Placing Requests and Exclusions Appeals Panel - 20 June 2019

Items Of Business
Minutes oif Meetings of Council, Boards and Panels
Minute of Meeting held on 20 June 2019.

Additional Meeting Documents

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Eddie Devine20The matter related to a member of his family.PecuniaryLeft the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
Councillor Karen Devine-Kennedy20The matter related to her.PecuniaryLeft the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
Councillor Iain Nicolson10He was a member of GG&CHB and indicated that as he had a dispensation he would remain in the meeting and participate in the discussion and voting.Non-PecuniaryRemained in the meeting.
Councillor Iain Nicolson11He was a member of the GG&CHB and indicated that as he had a dispensation he would remain in the meeting and participate in the discussion and votingNon-PecuniaryRemained in the meeting.


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