“NHS not for Sale
Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement. This would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices.
Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS. Similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS.
Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale.”
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Burns in the following terms:
“NHS not for Sale
Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement.
This would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices. Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS.
Similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS. Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale.”
Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Burns, then moved the motion.
Councillor McIntyre, seconded by Councillor Graham, moved as a first amendment:
“Council notes that under the World Trade Organisation Pharmaceutical Tariff Elimination Agreement pharmaceutical products are already subject to Zero per cent tariffs. The price of drugs will therefore be unaffected by a trade agreement with United States of America or any other signatory country.
The council also notes under the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement overseas business already have the right to bid for government contracts, including those in the NHS.
Both the European Union and the UK Government have parties to this agreement since 1994”.
Councillor Harte, seconded by Councillor Sharkey, moved as a second amendment, an addition to the motion:
“Council also notes, with concern, the affect that any trade deal, with the USA, could have on any other aspects of public services, including local authorities, and affecting regulations in a range of areas such as food safety, employment rights and the environment.
We are also aware of the danger that democratic decisions, taken by our governments, could be at severe risk in any free trade deal.
This council should also stress the importance that a TTIP style trade agreement and an Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, an Investor Court System or an alternative but similar system should be off the table”.
In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors K MacLaren and Burns being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to amend the motion to include the second amendment and the motion, as amended, became the substantive motion.
On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Begg, Binks, Graham, Kerr, J MacLaren, McIntyre and Strang.
The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam-McGregor, Bibby, Brown, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Davidson, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Don, Dowling, Grady, Harte, Hood, Hughes, Kennedy, Mack, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCartin, McCulloch, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Sharkey, Shaw, Sheridan and Steel
The following member abstained: Councillor Mackay.
7 members having voted for the amendment, 35 members having voted for the motion and 1 member having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.
DECIDED: NHS not for sale –
(a) That the Council notes with extreme concern the comments by US President Donald Trump that the NHS will be part of a future UK/USA trade agreement;
(b) That this would open up the NHS to more privatisation and increased drug prices.
Although Scotland has its own NHS there is a danger that any further privatisation in the NHS covering England and Wales would have Barnett consequentials on the funding available to Scotland’s NHS;
(c) That, similarly expected increases in the price of drugs from the USA would also negatively impact on Scotland’s NHS. Council believes that the NHS across the UK is a valuable public service. Council will contact the new Prime Minister to express our concern about the NHS being used as a bargaining chip in any trade deal with the USA or anyone else and will ask the Prime Minister to clearly state that the NHS is not up for sale;
(d) That the Council also notes, with concern, the affect that any trade deal with the USA could have on other aspects of public services, including local authorities and affecting regulations in a range of areas such as food safety, employment rights and the environment;
(e) That we are also aware of the danger that democratic decisions taken by our governments could be at severe risk in any free trade deal; and
(f) That this Council should also stress the importance that a TTIP style trade agreement and an Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, and Investor Court System or an alternative but similar system should be off the table.