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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board
30 Aug 2017 - 13:00 to 14:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Further Information
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Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Councillor McEwan, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
S MacDougall, Director of Community Resources; O Reid, Head of Public Protection, G McNeil, Head of Amenity Services, C Dalrymple, Regulatory and Enforcement Manager, R Marshall, Business Regulation Manager, K Markwick, Amenity Services Manager - Roads & Transportation, G Hannah, Strategic Change Manager, A McNab, Transportation Manager, K Anderson, Amenity Services Manager – Waste, D Kerr, Service and Coordination Manager and C Grainger, Planning and Performance Manager (all Community Resources); S McFadden, Project Director for City Deal (City Deal) and Barbara Walker, Depute Project Director (City Deal) (both Development & Housing Services); and J Lynch, Head of Property Services, F Hughes, Asset Manager, C Doogan, Energy Manager, C Thorpe, Corporate Asset/Energy Manager, D Farrell, Financial and Resources Manager and R Devine, Senior Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources).

The meeting adjourned at 1.20pm and re-convened at 1.25pm.


(a)That regular progress reports be submitted to future meetings of the Board relative to the assessments undertaken of street lighting levels and the review of the LED Street Lighting Investment Programme;

(b)That the update report also provide information in respect of sites in the Linwood area where remediation works had been undertaken on land that contained contamination; and

(c)That the Operational Performance report be otherwise noted.

Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Joint report by Director of Finance and Resources and Director of Community Resources.
There was submitted a joint revenue budget monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources and Community Resources in respect of services reporting to the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board for the period 1 April to 23 June 2017.

DECIDED: That the budget position be noted.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources.
There was submitted a capital budget monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources in respect of services reporting to the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board for the period 1 April to to 23 June 2017.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by Director of Community Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources which provided an overview of key service activities during the period 1 April to 23 June 2017.

The report provided a progress update in respect of the main projects and activities delivered by services within Community Resources, together with key performance indicators. In connection with the LED Street Lighting Investment Programme. It was proposed that regular progress reports be submitted to future meetings of the Board relative to the assessments undertaken of street lighting levels and the review of the Programme. Having noted that there were currently no sites in Renfrewshire that were listed on the contaminated land register, it was further proposed that the aforementioned update report also provide information in respect of sites in the Linwood area where remediation works had been undertaken on land that contained contamination.  This was agreed.
Report by Director of Community Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to a refresh of the Renfrewshire Local Transport Strategy.

The report advised that the current Local Transport Strategy (LTS) had been prepared in 2007. Most of the actions arising from the LTS had been implemented and those remaining were being progressed through Renfrewshire’s projects in the Glasgow City Region City Deal. In addition various initiatives such as the Renfrewshire Strategic Economic Framework 2016/18 and Paisley Town Centre 10-Year Action Plan made commitments to prepare a new Local Transport Strategy for Renfrewshire. The recent advent of major economic drivers, such as the Glasgow City Region City Deal, made an up-to-date LTS vital to achieving the Council’s economic and social ambitions. The LTS took policy cues from the National and Regional Transport Strategy hierarchy. However, the National and Regional Transport Strategies had been produced in 2006 and 2008 respectively and were both currently undergoing review. In the circumstances it was deemed appropriate to refresh the LTS for Renfrewshire, taking account of legislative changes since 2007, emerging themes and opportunities. The proposed LTS 2017 Refresh, a copy of which was appended to the report, set out a number of interim strategic aims and actions for the period up to the publication of the new National Transport Strategy based on active travel; demand management; network performance; strategic road and rail connections; development; network maintenance; and road and community safety. In due course a new, fully rewritten LTS, taking account of policies yet to emerge from the new National and Regional Transport Strategies, would be produced.

The report also highlighted that in addition to the LTS, the Council was undertaking a specific Transport Strategy for Paisley for the period 2017/27, highlighting specific interventions that could be implemented in the short to medium term to support the bid for UK City of Culture 2021.

DECIDED: That the Renfrewshire Local Transport Strategy Refresh 2017 be approved for publication.

Report by Director of Finance and Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the Scottish Government Climate Change Bill.

The report made reference to the devolved responsibility for setting carbon targets, the Climate Change (Scotland) Act passed in 2009 and the progress made both nationally against the targets contained within the Act and locally in terms of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan. The report further intimated that the Scottish Government Climate Change Bill proposed carbon targets for the period 2020 to 2050, with interim targets set for 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. The consultation document sought views in relation to these targets and their impacts. A copy of the Council’s proposed response was appended to the report. It was noted that the response was supportive of the proposed targets but expressed concerns that the momentum of the early years would not be sustained and highlighted the need for finance and staffing resource assessments to be undertaken to define the requirements and facilitate planning.


(a)That the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Climate Change Bill 2017 be noted;

(b)That the proposed targets contained therein be welcomed, in principle;

(c)That the Board’s concerns about the resources and scheduling of later targets be expressed; and

(d)That the submission of the response to the consultation, contained in the Appendix to the report, be approved.

Report by Director of Community Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to the Council’s response to the consultation document by the Scottish Government entitled ‘Draft Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017’.

The consultation sought views on proposed new legislation to regulate the supply of water for larger or commercial private water supplies, which were being introduced to align with, and implement, the EU Drinking Water Directive 2015/1787. The deadline for submissions to the consultation had been 28 July 2017 and the Director had submitted the response, a copy of which was appended to the report, on behalf of the Council to meet this deadline .


(a)That the consultation on the proposed draft Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 be noted; and

(b)That the action of the Director of Community Resources in submitting a response to the consultation on behalf of the Council, a copy of which was appended to the report, be homologated.




Report by Director of Community Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to the Public Protection Service Operational Service Plan 2017/20.

The report, which had also been considered at the meeting of Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board held on 29 August 2017, summarised the activities, actions and targets for the Public Protection Service, as delivered by Community Resources, for the period 2017/20. Included within the 2017/20 Plan was the statutory Business Regulation Service Plan 2017/18 for Food Safety Enforcement and Health & Safety Enforcement. The Operational Service Plan was structured into four themes, namely Introduction and overview, Action Plan, Performance Indicator Scorecard, and Service appendices. The indicators within the scorecard would be monitored and incorporated into the six-monthly reporting process.


(a)That the Public Protection Operational Service Plan 2017/20, incorporating the statutory Business Regulation Service Plan 2017/18 for Food Safety Enforcement and Health & Safety Enforcement, be approved; and

(b)That it be noted that the report had also been considered at the meeting of Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board held on 29 August 2017 in terms of those activities within the Plan which were within the remit of that Policy Board.

Report by Director of Community Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to air quality within Renfrewshire and, in particular, detailing the findings of the Council’s most recent Local Air Quality Management report, entitled ‘Renfrewshire’s 2017 Annual Progress Report’.

The report stated that all councils required to submit an Annual Air Quality Progress report, providing an overview of air quality in accordance with standards set out in technical guidance. The 2017 Annual Progress Report contained detailed monitoring and technical information and was available as a background paper to the report.

The 2017 Renfrewshire Annual Progress Report reviewed air quality monitoring data from 2016 and concluded that there had been an overall reduction and downward trend in pollution levels in Renfrewshire. For the first time in over a decade there had been no exceedances of statutory air quality objectives identified at any of the monitoring locations in Renfrewshire. Air quality was affected by a number of factors, including weather conditions. Whilst the results of monitoring during 2016 and the overall conclusion in the Annual Progress Report were positive, it was noted that it was likely that, in future, exceedances could occur and be recorded. On that basis, air quality monitoring would continue to be undertaken and an Air Quality Action Plan would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board. The Council would require to continue with the current monitoring programme for a further two to three years, before any consideration was given to amending or revoking the Air Quality Management Areas declared for Paisley Town Centre, Johnstone High Street and Renfrew Town Centre.



(a) That the outcome of Renfrewshire’s 2017 Air Quality Annual Progress Report and that there were no exceedances of statutory air quality objectives identified at any of the monitoring sites throughout Renfrewshire during 2016 be noted;

(b) That it be noted that air quality was affected by a number of factors, including weather conditions, that it was expected that, in future, exceedances could occur and that monitoring would continue for a further two to three years at least; and

(c)That it be noted that a Renfrewshire Air Quality Action Plan was currently being drafted and would be submitted to a future meeting of this Board for consideration and approval.

Report by Director of Community Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to the proposed Renfrewshire Council (Johnstone Station and Associated Side Roads) (Various Restrictions) (Amendment) Order and, in particular, the objection made and not withdrawn.

The report advised that following approaches from residents of Fraser Avenue Johnstone, to re-consider the previously rejected proposals for traffic management in Fraser Avenue and the surrounding streets, it was proposed that a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be approved to support traffic flow and the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The proposed TRO would allow for better management of available road space around the train station by restricting inappropriate long stay commuter car parking on the double bends on Fraser Avenue, allowing an improvement in two way traffic flow and forward visibility for vehicles using the road, while also improving road safety and the ease with which properties on Fraser Avenue could be accessed. A summary of the detail and location of the proposal, and the objection were appended to the report.

The making of TROs was a function delegated to the Director of Community Resources after consultation with the Convener of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board and the local ward members unless objections were received. Following consultation on the above TRO, one objection had been received and not withdrawn. In accordance with the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 and the Council’s procedures, the report advised of the options available when considering and determining the objection, which were either to consider the objection itself in fulfilment of its statutory obligations to give consideration to all objections made and not withdrawn or to appoint an independent Reporter to convene a hearing to consider the objection.  It was proposed that no reporter be appointed on this occasion and that having considered the objection made and not withdrawn it not be upheld.  This was agreed. 






(a)That it be agreed, following consideration that the objection made and not withdrawn, in relation to the Renfrewshire Council (Johnstone Station and Associated Side Roads) (Various Restrictions) (Amendment) Order, be not upheld and that an independent reporter not be appointed;

(b)That the implementation of the restrictions on Fraser Avenue, Johnstone, as advertised, be approved; and

(c)That the Director of Community Resources, in consultation with the Convener of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order.

Report by Director of Community Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to the draft proposal lodged by Mark Ruskell MSP that a 20 mph speed limit be introduced in built up areas to replace the current 30 mph default speed limit on restricted roads.

The report made reference to the decision taken at the meeting of this Board held on 7 June 2017 to delegate authority to the Director of Community Resources, in conjunction with the Convener of the Board, to submit a response on behalf of Renfrewshire Council by the deadline, with the caveat that the response was subject to approval at the next meeting of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board. The Scottish Government had subsequently extended the deadline for submissions to 15 September 2017. Accordingly a copy of the proposed Council response to the consultation was appended to the report for approval.

DECIDED: That the response, a copy of which was appended to the report, be approved for submission to the Scottish Government as the Council’s response to the consultation on the Proposed Restricted Roads (20mph Limit) (Scotland) Bill.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources which sought approval to declare an area of land adjacent to the property at 1 Woodside Avenue, Bridge of Weir, and identified on a plan attached to the report, as surplus to requirements. The report proposed that, in the event the land was declared surplus to requirements, the land would be sold to the owner of the property at 1 Woodside Avenue, Bridge of Weir for incorporation within their garden ground and to facilitate the creation of a new access route into the property.

It was noted that there was a Tree Preservation Order covering the larger area of amenity space within which the 340 square metres of land proposed for disposal was located.


DECIDED: That the area of land located adjacent to 1 Woodside Avenue, Bridge of Weir, as identified on the plan appended to the report, be declared surplus to requirements, with a view to its disposal to the adjacent owner.

Joint report by Director of Development and Housing Services and Director of Finance and Resources.

Please note that the maps related to this item are attached on CMIS as meeting documents . For those receiving paper copies the maps have also been attached at the back of the agenda pack.

There was submitted a joint report by the Acting Director of Development & Housing Services and the Director Finance & Resources relative to the City Deal Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) Cycleway Compulsory Purchase Order.

The report advised that the GAIA project comprised the realignment of Abbotsinch Road between Arran Avenue and Greenock Road/Inchinnan Road; a new bridge across the White Cart; and improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, all aimed at improving connections between the Westway, Inchinnan and Airport Business Parks and as an enabler for the delivery of a world-class business and commercial offering located around the airport. Planning applications had been submitted in respect of the project, while the public benefits of the GAIA project were detailed, together with the associated funding arrangements, which included provision for land acquisition. In order to further progress the Project it was necessary to progress land assembly. The planned infrastructure required for the project required the acquisition of property, titles and interests, identified on a schedule attached to the report.

Scottish Government guidance (Planning Circular 6/2011) recommended a “twin track” approach to land acquisition in order to provide a greater degree of certainty should voluntary negotiations falter and to resolve any defects in the title in the land to be acquired. The Policy Board had previously approved the use of compulsory purchase order (CPO) in principle. The Council therefore continued to adopt the recommended approach of pursuing the acquisition of land required on a voluntary basis while at the same time progressing with the preparation of a CPO to be used as a fall back in the event of failure to reach agreement with the affected parties. It was highlighted that not all of the interests would need to be acquired using CPO powers and that it might also be the case that, as the Council proceeded with the CPO and voluntary discussions, other, as yet, unidentified, titles or interests might come to light which were not listed within the schedule which would form part of the CPO. The use of CPO powers was considered appropriate for the Project on the basis that the land interests to be acquired were restricted in nature and the Project, once completed, would provide significant public benefits which outweighed the remaining interests. It was proposed that the Council, as Roads Authority, would use the powers of compulsory purchase in terms of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 in order to assemble the land required for this Project, as the land to be acquired was solely to construct the infrastructure.


(a)That the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order be approved to acquire the titles and interests in the land required to implement the Project, identified on Plans GAIA Cycleway CPO Plans 1,2,3 and 4, appended to the report, where voluntary acquisition was not achieved;

(b)That the list of owners and interests currently identified and included in the GAIA Cycleway CPO Land Schedule, be noted; and

(c)That it be noted that voluntary acquisition discussions would continue with all affected parties concurrently with the publication of the Compulsory Purchase Order and that voluntary acquisition would be progressed wherever practicable.

Joint report by Director of Development and Housing Services and Director of Finance and Resources.

Please note that the maps related to this item are attached on CMIS as meeting documents.  For those receiving paper copies the maps have also been attached at the back of the agenda pack.



There was submitted a joint report by the Acting Director of Development & Housing Services and the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the City Deal Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) Compulsory Purchase Order.

The report advised that the GAIA project comprised the realignment of Abbotsinch Road between Arran Avenue and Greenock Road/Inchinnan Road; a new bridge across the White Cart; and improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, all aimed at improving connections between the Westway, Inchinnan and Airport Business Parks and as an enabler for the delivery of a world-class business and commercial offering located around the airport. Planning applications had been submitted in respect of the project, while the public benefits of the GAIA project were detailed, together with the associated funding arrangements, which included provision for land acquisition. In order to further progress the Project it was necessary to progress land assembly. The planned infrastructure required for the project required the acquisition of property, titles and interests, identified on a schedule attached to the report.

Scottish Government guidance (Planning Circular 6/2011) recommended a “twin track” approach to land acquisition in order to provide a greater degree of certainty should voluntary negotiations falter and to resolve any defects in the title in the land to be acquired. The Policy Board had previously approved the use of compulsory purchase order (CPO) in principle. The Council therefore continued to adopt the recommended approach of pursuing the acquisition of land required on a voluntary basis while at the same time progressing with the preparation of a compulsory purchase order to be used as a fall back in the event of failure to reach agreement with the affected parties. It was highlighted that not all of the interests would need to be acquired using CPO powers and that it might also be the case that as the Council proceeded with the CPO and voluntary discussions other, as yet, unidentified, titles or interests might come to light which were not listed within the schedule which would form part of the CPO. The use of CPO powers was considered appropriate for the Project on the basis that the land interests to be acquired were generally limited/minor in nature and the Project, once completed would facilitate the delivery of a world class business and commercial offering located around the airport. Only one party faced significant acquisitions in terms of their overall ownership. Voluntary terms had been agreed with that party. As such the public benefits outweighed the remaining interests. It was proposed that the Council would use powers of compulsory purchase as Planning Authority under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 or as Roads Authority under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984. The most appropriate powers would be used and finalised when the outcome of specific voluntary negotiations were completed.


(a)That the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order be approved to acquire the titles and interests in the land required to implement the Project, identified on Plans GAIA CPO Plans 1,2,3,4 and 5, where voluntary acquisition was not achieved;

(b)That the list of owners and interests currently identified and included in the GAIA CPO Land Schedule be noted; and

(c)That it be noted that voluntary acquisition discussions would continue with all affected parties concurrently with the publication of the Compulsory Purchase Order and that voluntary acquisition would be progressed wherever practicable.

The Board may by resolution exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public are present, there could be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6, 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1973.
The Board resolved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6, 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
14 City Deal - Voluntary Acquisition of Land for the Glasgow Airport Investment Area Project
  1. CombinedGAIA Acquisition ILE Board August 17 Final__Combined_Print
    • Information relating to any individual;
    • Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
15 Disposal of land: Garthland Lane, Paisley
  1. Exempt - Proposed Land Sale - Garthland Lane, Paisley_Print
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
16 Roads Trading Budget Monitoring Report
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
17 Vehicle Maintenance Trading Budget Monitoring Report
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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