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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
3 Mar 2016 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
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  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Standard Items
Members’ attention is drawn to the enclosed statement regarding declarations in terms of Section 112 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992.
A copy of the procedure to be followed in respect of consideration of the Revenue Estimates and Council Tax is attached to the Revenue Budget and Council 2016/17 report.
Further Information
This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email or telephone 0141 618 7112.
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Webcasting of Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. 

The Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal data collected during this webcast will be handled in accordance with the relevant legislation and the Council’s Data Protection Policy. 

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Councillors Bibby, B Brown, M Brown, Caldwell, Clark, E Devine, M Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, Glen, Grady, Provost Hall, Councillors Harte, Henry, Holmes, Hood, Kelly, Lawson, Mack, J MacLaren, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, M Macmillan, McCartin, McEwan, McGee, McGurk, I McMillan, McQuade, Mullin, Murrin, Mylet, Nicolson, Noon, Perrie, J Sharkey, M Sharkey and Williams.
Provost Hall presided.
S Black, Chief Executive; P Macleod, Director of Children’s Services; S MacDougall, Director of Community Resources; M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; A Russell, Director of Finance & Resources; D Leese, Chief Officer (Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership); J McKellar, Chief Executive (Renfrewshire Leisure Limited); D Amos, Head of Policy & Commissioning and L Mahon, Head of Marketing (both Chief Executive’s); A McMillan, Head of Resources, G McKinlay, Head of Schools, J Trainer, Acting Head of Early Years and M Dewar, Head of Service (all Children’s Services); D Leask, Head of Facilities Management (Community Resources); and A MacArthur, Head of Finance, J Lynch, Head of Property, K Graham, Head of Corporate Governance, M Conaghan, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, A McNaughton, Senior Committee Services Office and D Low, Senior Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources).
Councillor Cameron.

Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor M Macmillan declared a financial interest in item 3 of the agenda as he was a Director on the Board of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and indicated that it was his intention to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

Councillors Holmes, Bibby, Henry and I McMillan declared a non-financial interest in item 3 of the agenda as they were members of the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board and indicated that it was their intention to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

Councillors B Brown, Grady, E Devine and Williams declared a non-financial interest in item 3 of the agenda as they were substitute members of the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board and indicated that it was their intention to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

Councillors M Devine, Harte and Nicolson declared a financial interest in item 1 of the agenda as they were members of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited and indicated that it was their intention to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

The Provost drew Members’ attention to (a) the provisions of Section 112 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 which restricted the voting rights of Members on certain issues if they were in arrears with Community Charge payments or Council Tax payments. If at the time of the meeting a Member had any Community Charge (Poll Tax) arrears, or was two months or more in arrears in payment of the Council Tax, the Member would be restricted in voting on matters which related to setting or adjusting the rate of Council Tax; matters relating to the administration, enforcement and collection of the Community Charge (Poll Tax) or the Water Community Charge (Poll Tax); or matters relating to the administration, enforcement and collection of the Council Tax or Council Water Tax; and (b) the Council’s obligation to comply with the public sector equality duty set out in the Equality Act 2010 when making decisions in relation to its spending priorities.


Councillor McQuade entered the meeting during consideration of the following item.

Councillors Andy Doig and Audrey Doig left the meeting during consideration of the following item.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2016/17 together with the relevant budget papers. The report provided members with an overview of the Council’s projected financial position for the year ahead and set out the information required for the Council to set its budget and Council Tax for 2016/17.

The report referred to the financial settlement for local government covering the period 2016/17 which had been announced on 16 December 2015 and indicated that the grant funding for Renfrewshire amounted to £303.471 million. The settlement figure included a number of planned adjustments by the Scottish Government predominantly arising from responsibilities linked to Children and Young People Act, Kinship Care, delivery of Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and adjustments linked to the inclusion of funding within the settlement for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Discretionary Housing Payments. These adjustments to the grant settlement were linked to associated budgeted adjustments that were set out in Table 2.

The report advised that after adjusting for these areas, the Council’s 2016/17 grant figure had, on a like-for-like basis, decreased by 3.4% from 2015/16, with the Council’s share of the overall local government revenue funding settlement increasing marginally from 3.14% to 3.17%. Included as part of this settlement offer was grant conditional upon agreement to the continuation of the council tax freeze (£2.327 million) and the maintenance of the pupil: teacher ratio and probationer places (£2.7 million). The budget proposals outlined in the report provided sufficient resources to allow the specified condition on the pupil:teacher ratio and provided places for probationers to be met in 2016/17.

In addition to the direct revenue grant provided to the Council, 2016/17 would see the added complexity of an element of social care funding, confirmed as £8.779 million for Renfrewshire, provided via the health budget and Integration Joint Board (IJB) arrangements. Although this funding was to be directed to fund new cost burdens such as delivering the living wage across the provision of adult social care, progressing reductions in social care charging, it was also available to support wider budget pressures in adult social care including demographic and demand-led pressures. The budget proposals set out in the report provided for the £8.779 million of funding passing through in full to the IJB as part of the resources to be transferred for adult social care on 1 April 2016.

The grant offer from the Scottish Government, including the adult social care element, was subject to delivery of the specific conditions as set out in the report and any council that did not sign up to the full package of conditions and measures would not receive their share of £408 million which, for Renfrewshire, amounted to an estimated £13.8 million. Should a council sign up to the package and subsequently fail to deliver on any of the specific commitments on social care spend, including delivery of the £8.25 per hour living wage to care staff, national teacher targets or council tax levels then the Government had reserved its position to apply individual sanctions for authorities. In such circumstances steps would be taken to remove access to or recover some or all of the additional funding support earmarked to deliver the specific measure or measures. If it proved necessary to apply a sanction then the Government had indicated that this would be applied in a proportionate manner to the scale of the failure.

Councillor Holmes tabled the motion on behalf of the Administration.

Councillor Holmes, seconded by Councillor Grady, moved:

“1. That this Administration’s fourth budget will build further on its commitments to invest in economic regeneration, local communities and support the most vulnerable in Renfrewshire.

2. That as recommended by the Director, these budget proposals take a holistic view of resources available, and include the proposed use of the £7.300 million of available capital resources outlined in Agenda item 2.

3. Further, it is agreed that £0.700 million will be drawn from unallocated general fund balances to support these budget proposals and that in line with the recommendations of the Director, that the balance of £1.302 million anticipated to be in excess of £7 million on the closure of the 2015/16 accounts, be transferred to the Investment Programme Capital Fund to provide additional debt smoothing flexibility in 2017/18 leaving unallocated general fund balances at the recommended minimum level of £7 million moving into 2016/17.

4. On Regeneration this budget commits a further £6 million of capital resources, adding to the £1.5 million already being made available from our £5 million investment in pitches, to provide £7.5 million to support the re-provisioning of St James’s playing fields into a recreational town park and outdoor event space in conjunction with the delivery of an outdoor Regional Sports Facility in Ferguslie that will not only provide 21st century outdoor sports facilities but will be a catalyst for the delivery of sustained regeneration within the area. This project which is estimated to cost approximately £15 million to deliver in full, will be taken forward with a range of key partners including Renfrewshire Leisure, the University of the West of Scotland and St Mirren Football Club and this initial funding commitment by the Council represents a significant and clear statement of intent to put in place the necessary arrangements to deliver this key project. Further it is recommended that the Director of Development and Housing Services be instructed to take forward the development of a detailed project proposal in consultation with the key partners, the community and stakeholder groups and engages with appropriate national funding bodies with the intention of providing a full report to Council after the summer recess.

5. To protect services to the most vulnerable in Renfrewshire, agree to invest £8.779 million of resources in Adult Social Care Services as outlined in the Director’s report and which will form part of the resources being delegated to Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership on the 1st April 2016. Further that as part of this delegation process, agree to commit £0.974 million of these resources to reduce the impact of assessed charges for non residential adult care provision through increasing the income threshold used in the charging assessment process by increasing the associated charging buffer from 16.5% to 25% and reducing the charging taper from 85% to 50%. Further, and in addition to the Council’s existing commitment to pay its own staff the living wage, that as part of this resource delegation, and within the constraints of the resources provided by the Scottish Government as part of the financial settlement, the Council agrees to work pro-actively and in partnership with adult social care providers commissioned by the Council to achieve the shared endeavour of securing the payment of the living wage at £8.25 per hour from the 1st October 2016 across all care staff providing services to the Council.

6. That £1million of capital resources, boosted by a further £1 million drawn from the Renfrew Common Good Fund and £0.250 million drawn from the Paisley Common Good Fund, are directed to provide £2.250 million to support major investment in Parks across Renfrewshire. Further that the Director of Community Resources be instructed to take forward the development of a detailed and prioritised programme of investment in consultation with communities and key stakeholder groups, and where appropriate consider community led delivery mechanisms to maximise the opportunity to lever in other external sources of funding and to provide a full report to Council after the summer recess.

7. Recognising the importance of digital connectivity to a modern and thriving economy and population, agree that the provision of digital infrastructure and support across Renfrewshire be enhanced by £1 million of investment, funded £0.3 million from capital resources and £0.7 million from unallocated general fund balances. The investment will deliver free public access wi-fi provision in outdoor public spaces and key buildings in Johnstone, Paisley and Renfrew town centres whilst investing resources to extend the reach of digital participation and innovation initiatives across Renfrewshire’s communities, including the provision of support to communities not covered by superfast broadband from commercial suppliers and the national government programme to develop and take forward specific schemes to address this service gap, ensuring that high quality broadband access will reach more homes across Renfrewshire.

8. To agree the base budget assessment for all services for 2016/17 as recommended by the Director of Finance and Resources, and subject to agreement of item 5 above, agree a 2016/17 base budget of £381.413 million. Further to note that this provides sufficient resources to meet the grant condition to maintain the pupil teacher ratio in 2016 at 2015 levels as measured as part of the school census exercise carried out each September.

9. To agree to make provision of £0.769 million in 2016/17 for pay inflation and make no provision for general non-pay inflation, as recommended by the Director of Finance and Resources.

10. Subject to paragraph 16 below, agree to a 2.5% increase on charges for 2016/17.

11. To agree the resource allocations for 2016/17 for all services, as amended by these proposals.

12. To agree the detailed Revenue Estimates for all services be amended to reflect these proposals and the necessary allocation of central support costs, central repairs costs, capital charges, specific grants and loan charges provision with Directors authorised to take any action necessary to implement these decisions.

13. Subject to agreement of the above, to agree that the council tax for 2016/17 be set at £1,164.69 for Band D subjects, representing a freeze on the 2015/16 levels, and for all bandings to be set at: 

                                                    Council Tax 
    Band                                             2016/17 

    A                                                     776.46 
    B                                                     905.87 
    C                                                 1,035.28 
    D                                                 1,164.69 
    E                                                 1,423.51 
    F                                                 1,682.33 
    G                                                 1,941.15 
    H                                                 2,329.38

14. That the council tax discount regime for empty and unfurnished properties be changed under discretionary powers available to the Council, providing the mandatory 100% discount period of 6 months, a 10% discount for the next 6 months, moving to a 100% levy applying after 1 year unless the property is being actively marketed for sale or rent, in which circumstances the 10% discount will apply for a further period of up to 12 months after which the 100% levy would apply. Further, agree that the change to the existing discount arrangements will take effect from 1st July 2016, providing an appropriate period of notice to affected homeowners and that the Director of Finance and Resources be instructed to develop and provide to the Finance and Resources Policy Board in May, a detailed policy for approval to support the effective operational application of the change.

15. Subject to agreement of points 1 – 14 above, agree that the Council’s budget is underpinned by appropriate decisions and makes appropriate provision to meet the specified commitments in the package of conditions linked to the Council’s grant settlement to ensure the Council accesses its full grant entitlement.

16. To agree to increase charges for services by 2.5% (as detailed in paragraph 10 above) or where appropriate by the rate set in national regulations or guidance, or where charges are based on full cost recovery by the appropriate increase to maintain this position, subject to Directors being authorised to round the charge up or down to a figure deemed by them appropriate, and to note the requirement of financial code 14a that Directors review the amounts their departments charge for goods or services and if they think any charge needs to be increased they will make specific recommendations in this regard to the appropriate Board. The Council therefore agrees that when a Director carries out such a review and believes a charge for goods or services should be levied greater than the agreed increase of 2.5% or the rate set in national guidance, he or she will be entitled to make such recommendations to the appropriate Board for approval, notwithstanding the increase detailed in paragraph 10.”

Councillor K MacLaren tabled an amendment.

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Lawson, moved as an amendment:

“1. That as recommended by the Director, these budget proposals take a holistic view of resources available, and include the proposed use of the £7.300 million of available capital resources outlined in Agenda item 2.

2. Agree to invest £8.779 million of resources in Adult Social Care Services as outlined in the Director’s report and which will form part of the resources being delegated to Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership on the 1 April 2016. Further, that as part of this delegation process, agree to commit £0.374 million of these resources to reduce the impact of assessed charges for non residential adult care provision through increasing the income threshold used in the charging assessment process by increasing the associated charging buffer from 16.5% to 25%. Further, that as part of this resource delegation, and within the constraints of the resources provided by the Scottish Government as part of the financial settlement, the Council agrees to work pro-actively and in partnership with adult social care providers commissioned by the Council to achieve the shared endeavour of securing the payment of the living wage at £8.25 per hour from the 1 October 2016 across all care staff providing service to the Council.

3. Agree to draw £1.8 million for unallocated general fund balances for the following investment:

• £100,000 investment in 2016/17 to support initiatives to tackle bullying within all schools in Renfrewshire.

• £1,500,000 investment in 2016/17 to support environmental improvement programmes including recycling across Renfrewshire to improve the cleanliness of our local environment, particularly in our towns and villages.

• £200,000 investment to freeze charges for council services at their current rate.

4. Subject to investment proposals outlined in 3 above and in line with the recommendations of the Director, any unallocated general fund balances in excess of £7 million on the closure of the 2015/16 accounts, be transferred to the Investment Programme Capital Fund to provide additional debt smoothing flexibility in 2017/18 leaving unallocated general fund balances at the recommended minimum level of £7 million moving into 2016/17.

5. Utilise existing resources to re-join the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA) from the 1 April 2016 to ensure that Renfrewshire is not left out in the cold again during the discussions on the allocation of local government finance.

6. To allocate £7.3 million from the Strategic Asset Management Fund as follows

• £2.3 million additional investment in public parks, play facilities and open spaces;
• £5 million additional investment in roads infrastructure, improving road conditions across Renfrewshire.

7. To agree the base budget assessment for all services for 2016/17 as recommended by the Director of Finance & Resources, and subject to agreement of item 2 above, agree a 2016/17 base budget of £381.413 million. Further, to note that the provides sufficient resources to meet the grant condition to maintain the pupil teacher ratio in 2016 at 2015 levels as measured as part of the school census exercise carried out each September.

8. To agree to make provision of £0.769 million in 2016/17 for pay inflation and make no provision for general non-pay inflation, as recommended by the Director of Finance & Resources.

9. To agree the resource allocations for 2016/17 for all services, as amended by these proposals.

10. To agree the detailed Revenue Estimates for all services be amended to reflect these proposals and the necessary allocation of central support costs, central repair costs, capital charges, specific grants and loan charges provision with Directors authorised to take any action necessary to implement these decisions.

11. Subject to agreement of the above, to agree that the council tax for 2016/17 be set at £1,164.69 for Band D subjects, representing a freeze on the 2015/16 levels, and for all bandings to be set at: 

                                                Council Tax 
    Band                                     2016/17 

    A                                                 776.46 
    B                                                 905.87 
    C                                             1,035.28 
    D                                             1,164.69 
    E                                             1,423.51 
    F                                             1,682.33 
    G                                            1,941.15 
    H                                             2,329.38

12. That the council tax discount regime for empty and unfurnished properties be changed under discretionary powers available to the Council, providing the mandatory 100% discount period of 6 months, a 10% discount for the next 6 months, moving to a 100% levy applying after 1 year unless the property is being actively marketed for sale or rent, in which circumstances the 10% discount will apply for a further period of up to 12 months after which the 100% levy would apply. Further, agree that the change to the existing discount arrangements will take effect from 1 July 2016, providing an appropriate period of notice to affected homeowners and that the Director of Finance & Resources be instructed to develop and provide to the Finance & Resources Policy Board, a detailed policy for approval to support the effective operational application of the change.

13. Subject to agreement of points 1 – 12 above, agree that the Council’s budget is underpinned by appropriate decisions and makes appropriate provision to meet the specified commitments in the package of conditions linked to the Council’s grant settlement to ensure the Council accesses its full grant entitlement.”


The meeting adjourned at 9.55 am and reconvened at 10.05 am.


Councillor Audrey Doig declared a financial interest in items 1and 2 of the agenda as she was an employee of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor Andy Doig declared a financial interest in items 1and 2 of the agenda as he was the spouse of an employee of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


The meeting adjourned at 10.15 am and reconvened at 10.25 am.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McGurk, McGee, Noon, M Brown, McQuade and Nicolson.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

The following members abstained: Councillors Mack, McCartin and J MacLaren.

12 members having voted for the amendment, 22 members having voted for the motion and 3 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That this Administration’s fourth budget will build further on its commitments to invest in economic regeneration, local communities and support the most vulnerable in Renfrewshire;

(b) That as recommended by the Director, these budget proposals take a holistic view of resources available, and include the proposed use of the £7.300 million of available capital resources outlined in Agenda item 2;

(c) That further, it be agreed that £0.700 million will be drawn from unallocated general fund balances to support these budget proposals and that in line with the recommendations of the Director, that the balance of £1.302 million anticipated to be in excess of £7 million on the closure of the 2015/16 accounts, be transferred to the Investment Programme Capital Fund to provide additional debt smoothing flexibility in 2017/18 leaving unallocated general fund balances at the recommended minimum level of £7 million moving into 2016/17;

(d) That, on Regeneration this budget commits a further £6 million of capital resources, adding to the £1.5 million already being made available from our £5 million investment in pitches, to provide £7.5 million to support the re-provisioning of St James’s playing fields into a recreational town park and outdoor event space in conjunction with the delivery of an outdoor Regional Sports Facility in Ferguslie that will not only provide 21st century outdoor sports facilities but will be a catalyst for the delivery of sustained regeneration within the area. This project which is estimated to cost approximately £15 million to deliver in full, will be taken forward with a range of key partners including Renfrewshire Leisure, the University of the West of Scotland and St Mirren Football Club and this initial funding commitment by the Council represents a significant and clear statement of intent to put in place the necessary arrangements to deliver this key project. Further it is recommended that the Director of Development and Housing Services be instructed to take forward the development of a detailed project proposal in consultation with the key partners, the community and stakeholder groups and engages with appropriate national funding bodies with the intention of providing a full report to Council after the summer recess;

(e) That to protect services to the most vulnerable in Renfrewshire, agree to invest £8.779 million of resources in Adult Social Care Services as outlined in the Director’s report and which will form part of the resources being delegated to Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership on the 1st April 2016. Further that as part of this delegation process, agree to commit £0.974 million of these resources to reduce the impact of assessed charges for non residential adult care provision through increasing the income threshold used in the charging assessment process by increasing the associated charging buffer from 16.5% to 25% and reducing the charging taper from 85% to 50%. Further, and in addition to the Council’s existing commitment to pay its own staff the living wage, that as part of this resource delegation, and within the constraints of the resources provided by the Scottish Government as part of the financial settlement, the Council agrees to work pro-actively and in partnership with adult social care providers commissioned by the Council to achieve the shared endeavour of securing the payment of the living wage at £8.25 per hour from the 1st October 2016 across all care staff providing services to the Council;

(f) That £1million of capital resources, boosted by a further £1 million drawn from the Renfrew Common Good Fund and £0.250 million drawn from the Paisley Common Good Fund, are directed to provide £2.250 million to support major investment in Parks across Renfrewshire. Further that the Director of Community Resources be instructed to take forward the development of a detailed and prioritised programme of investment in consultation with communities and key stakeholder groups, and where appropriate consider community led delivery mechanisms to maximise the opportunity to lever in other external sources of funding and to provide a full report to Council after the summer recess;

(g) That recognising the importance of digital connectivity to a modern and thriving economy and population, it be agreed that the provision of digital infrastructure and support across Renfrewshire be enhanced by £1 million of investment, funded £0.3 million from capital resources and £0.7 million from unallocated general fund balances. The investment will deliver free public access wi-fi provision in outdoor public spaces and key buildings in Johnstone, Paisley and Renfrew town centres whilst investing resources to extend the reach of digital participation and innovation initiatives across Renfrewshire’s communities, including the provision of support to communities not covered by superfast broadband from commercial suppliers and the national government programme to develop and take forward specific schemes to address this service gap, ensuring that high quality broadband access will reach more homes across Renfrewshire;

(h) That the base budget assessment for all services for 2016/17 as recommended by the Director of Finance and Resources be agreed, and subject to agreement of item 5 above, agree a 2016/17 base budget of £381.413 million. Further to note that this provides sufficient resources to meet the grant condition to maintain the pupil teacher ratio in 2016 at 2015 levels as measured as part of the school census exercise carried out each September;

(i) That it be agreed to make provision of £0.769 million in 2016/17 for pay inflation and make no provision for general non-pay inflation, as recommended by the Director of Finance and Resources;

(j) That subject to paragraph (p) below, agree to a 2.5% increase on charges for 2016/17;

(k) That the resource allocations for 2016/17 for all services be agreed, as amended by these proposals;

(l) That it be agreed that the detailed Revenue Estimates for all services be amended to reflect these proposals and the necessary allocation of central support costs, central repairs costs, capital charges, specific grants and loan charges provision with Directors authorised to take any action necessary to implement these decisions;

(m) That, subject to agreement of the above, to agree that the council tax for 2016/17 be set at £1,164.69 for Band D subjects, representing a freeze on the 2015/16 levels, and for all bandings to be set at: 

                                                    Council Tax 
    Band                                         2016/17 

    A                                                 776.46 
    B                                                 905.87 
    C                                                1,035.28 
    D                                                1,164.69 
    E                                                 1,423.51 
    F                                                 1,682.33 
    G                                                 1,941.15 
    H                                                 2,329.38

(n) That the council tax discount regime for empty and unfurnished properties be changed under discretionary powers available to the Council, providing the mandatory 100% discount period of 6 months, a 10% discount for the next 6 months, moving to a 100% levy applying after 1 year unless the property is being actively marketed for sale or rent, in which circumstances the 10% discount will apply for a further period of up to 12 months after which the 100% levy would apply. Further, agree that the change to the existing discount arrangements will take effect from 1st July 2016, providing an appropriate period of notice to affected homeowners and that the Director of Finance and Resources be instructed to develop and provide to the Finance and Resources Policy Board in May, a detailed policy for approval to support the effective operational application of the change;

(o) That, subject to agreement of paragraphs (a) - (n) above, agree that the Council’s budget is underpinned by appropriate decisions and makes appropriate provision to meet the specified commitments in the package of conditions linked to the Council’s grant settlement to ensure the Council accesses its full grant entitlement; and

(p) That it be agreed to increase charges for services by 2.5% (as detailed in paragraph (j) above) or where appropriate by the rate set in national regulations or guidance, or where charges are based on full cost recovery by the appropriate increase to maintain this position, subject to Directors being authorised to round the charge up or down to a figure deemed by them appropriate, and to note the requirement of financial code 14a that Directors review the amounts their departments charge for goods or services and if they think any charge needs to be increased they will make specific recommendations in this regard to the appropriate Board. The Council therefore agreed that when a Director carries out such a review and believes a charge for goods or services should be levied greater than the agreed increase of 2.5% or the rate set in national guidance, he or she will be entitled to make such recommendations to the appropriate Board for approval, notwithstanding the increase detailed in paragraph (j).


The meeting adjourned at 11.50 am and reconvened at 12 noon.


Councillor Clark left the meeting during consideration of the following item.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Council’s Capital Plan for non-housing services for the period 2016/19 in respect of children’s services, leisure, community resources, planning, roads and a range of corporate projects. The report advised that the resources available to support investment included prudential borrowing and capital grants as well as contributions from revenue, partners and external funding bodies.

The report indicated that the Scottish Government had published its draft budget for 2016/17 in December 2015 which was subject to parliamentary approval on 24 February 2016. At the same time, the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Economy had announced the provisional local government finance settlement which was subject to parliamentary approval on 25 February 2016. The confirmed total capital grant to the Council in 2016/17 was £12.672 million, a decrease of 35% from 2015/16. The Cabinet Secretary had deferred £3.231 million of capital grant to the next settlement period, providing a total capital grant settlement of £15.903 million for the Council of which £0.240 million related to cycling and walking safer streets specific grant. Taking this deferred element into account, the reduction remained significant at 19%.

At present, there were no Scottish Government budget figures published beyond 2016/17 at individual portfolio level. However, the Scottish Government had provided indicative high level budget figures over the medium term to 2019/20 that outlined sustained growth in capital expenditure levels each year, with total growth of 12% between 2016/17 and 2019/20. These figures reflected the intention of the Scottish Government, if re-elected, to continue to utilise the full extent of capital borrowing available under devolved powers and also indicated a commitment for local government’s share of the capital resource to be maintained over this period. Should the indicative capital spend profile be achieved over the medium term, there remained the prospect that local government could see an increase in future capital grant levels in contrast to an expectation of a sustained decline in revenue grant. At this stage, the figures remained indicative only with firm planning figures over the medium term not expected to be confirmed by an incoming Scottish Government until the second half of 2016. Consequently, uncertainty still existed due to a range of factors that could influence the scale of capital resources available to the Scottish Government.

The report proposed therefore that the Council restrict making any new capital investment commitments to be funded by capital grant, to the grant settlement level that was currently known. It was noted that the capital plan extended beyond 2016/17 to reflect approved programmes already in place and which were being funded by other arrangements including prudential borrowing or specific funding related to the City Deal. It was further noted that this approach did not preclude the Council taking further investment decisions as part of the budget process where separate funding arrangements outwith capital grant were established.

Councillor Holmes tabled a motion on behalf of the Administration.

Councillor Holmes, seconded by Councillor Grady, moved:

“1. To agree the investment programme totalling £149.435 million covering the period up to 2018/19, including the recommendations contained in the report for the allocation of resources to support the delivery of lifecycle maintenance programmes over the period.

2. To endorse the decisions taken by Council in consideration of item 1, to direct the £7.300 million of resources available in the Strategic Asset Management, as follows:

• £6 million, adding to the £1.5 million already being made available from our £5 million investment in pitches, to provide £7.5 million to support the re-provisioning of St James’s playing fields into a recreational town park and outdoor events space in conjunction with the delivery of an outdoor Regional Sports Facility in Ferguslie that will not only provide 21st century outdoor sports facilities but will be a catalyst for the delivery of sustained regeneration within the area.

• £1million, boosted by a further £1 million drawn from the Renfrew Common Good Fund and £0.250 million drawn from the Paisley Common Good Fund, be directed to provide £2.250 million to support major investment in Parks across Renfrewshire.

• £0.3 million, supplemented by £0.7 million to be drawn from unallocated general fund balances to provide a £1 million investment to enhance the provision of digital infrastructure across Renfrewshire.

3. To delegate to the Head of Property Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, authority to adjust, where appropriate, resources across individual components of the proposed property lifecycle maintenance programme detailed in Appendix 4 to the report.

4. Agree to the suite of prudential indicators, treasury management indicators and treasury strategy set out in Appendix 6 of the report, subject to required adjustments arising from decisions outlined in points 1 – 3 above and in relation to any other decisions taken by members at this Council meeting.”

Councillor K MacLaren tabled an amendment.

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Lawson, moved as an amendment:

“1. To agree the investment programme totalling £149.435 million covering the period up to 2018/19, including the recommendations contained in the report for the allocation of resources to support the delivery of lifecycle maintenance programmes over the period.

2. In line with the proposals outlined in the amendment to item 1, to allocate £7.3 million from the Strategic Asset Management Fund as follows

• £2.3 million additional investment in public parks, play facilities and open spaces;

• £5 million additional investment in roads infrastructure, improving road conditions across Renfrewshire;

3. To delegate to the Head of Property Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, authority to adjust, where appropriate, resources across individual components of the proposed property lifecycle maintenance programme detailed in Appendix 4 to the report.

4. Agree to the suite of prudential indicators, treasury management indicators and treasury strategy set out in Appendix 6 of the report, subject to required adjustments arising from decisions outlined in points 1 – 3 above and in relation to any other decisions taken by members at this Council meeting.”

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McGurk, McGee, Noon, M Brown, McQuade and Nicolson.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

The following members abstained: Councillors Mack, McCartin and J MacLaren.

12 members having voted for the amendment, 21 members having voted for the motion and 3 members having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the investment programme totalling £149.435 million covering the period up to 2018/19, including the recommendations contained in the report for the allocation of resources to support the delivery of lifecycle maintenance programmes over the period be agreed;

(b) That it be agreed to endorse the decisions taken by Council in consideration of item 1, to direct the £7.300 million of resources available in the Strategic Asset Management, as follows:

• £6 million, adding to the £1.5 million already being made available from our £5 million investment in pitches, to provide £7.5 million to support the re-provisioning of St James’s playing fields into a recreational town park and outdoor events space in conjunction with the delivery of an outdoor Regional Sports Facility in Ferguslie that will not only provide 21st century outdoor sports facilities but will be a catalyst for the delivery of sustained regeneration within the area;

• £1million, boosted by a further £1 million drawn from the Renfrew Common Good Fund and £0.250 million drawn from the Paisley Common Good Fund, be directed to provide £2.250 million to support major investment in Parks across Renfrewshire;

• £0.3 million, supplemented by £0.7 million to be drawn from unallocated general fund balances to provide a £1 million investment to enhance the provision of digital infrastructure across Renfrewshire;

(c) That it be agreed to delegate to the Head of Property Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, authority to adjust, where appropriate, resources across individual components of the proposed property lifecycle maintenance programme detailed in Appendix 4 to the report; and

(d) That the suite of prudential indicators, treasury management indicators and treasury strategy set out in Appendix 6 of the report, subject to required adjustments arising from decisions outlined in paragraphs (a) - (c) above and in relation to any other decisions taken by members at this Council meeting, be approved.


Councillors Andy Doig and Audrey Doig re-entered the meeting prior to consideration of the undernoted item.

Report by the Chief Executive
There was submitted an update report by the Chief Executive relative to financial due diligence and governance for Health and Social Care Integration.

The report explained that the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 had put in place the framework for the formal integration of health and social care services from 1 April 2016 and had significant implications for the future financial, operational governance and delivery arrangements for adult social care services, community health services for adults and children and elements of acute services in Renfrewshire. The main implications of the legislation had been reported to the Council and to the Leadership Board and update reports had been provided at meetings of the Social Work, Health & Well-being Board.

In order to provide assurances that all necessary work had been undertaken to ensure that Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board (IJB) had all essential governance and other arrangements in place in readiness for integrated health and social care service delivery from 1 April 2016, the report detailed the status of progress across all work areas.

The report also detailed the outcome of the financial due diligence process undertaken by the Director of Finance & Resources and any risks identified as a result.


(a) That the formal legal establishment of the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board in terms of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 be noted;

(b) That the work undertaken in collaboration with the locally established Strategic Planning Group and other stakeholders, to finalise the development of the Strategic Plan for approval by the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board at its meeting on 18 March 2016 and that this approval would trigger the formal delegation of the prescribed social work adult services and the corresponding council budgets from 1 April 2016, be noted;

(c) That the work undertaken to establish sound financial governance arrangements for the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board be noted;

(d) That the current position on the financial due diligence work in relation to the health and social care budgets being delegated to the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board from 1 April 2016 be noted;

(e) That the, as yet incomplete, financial due diligence on the transfer of resources from the Health Board and the direct interest the Council had in the satisfactory conclusion of this, given the potential financial risk to the Council of either under-funding of or over-spending by the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board arising in 2016/17, be noted;

(f) That the structured programme of work which had been taken forward during 2015/16 to prepare for the local implementation of health and social care services from 1 April 2016, to ensure that all legislative and other commitments were met, showing that all he required activity was either complete or on track for completion by the required deadline date be noted; and

(g) That it be noted that from 1 April 2016, updates on activity and performance of the delegated adult social work services, as defined in legislation, would be provided to elected members on a twice-yearly basis at the Leadership Board.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Derek Bibby3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Bill Brown3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA substitute member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Eddie Devine3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA substitute member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion
Councillor Margaret Devine1Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2016/17Non-PecuniaryA member of the Board of RLL - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion and vote as she had a general dispensation from the Standards Commission which allowed her to do so in relation to such matters.
Councillor Jim Harte1Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2016/17Non-PecuniaryA member of the Board of RLL - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion and vote as he had a general dispensation from the Standards Commission which allowed him to do so in relation to such matters.
Councillor Jacqueline Henry3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Michael Holmes3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Mark Macmillan3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernancePecuniaryA member of the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Iain McMillan3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryChair of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion.
Councillor Iain Nicolson1 Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2016/17Non-PecuniaryA member of the Board of RLL - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion and vote as he had a general dispensation from the Standards Commission which allowed him to do so in relation to such matters.
Councillor Tommy Williams3Health and Social Care Integration - Financial Due Diligence and GovernanceNon-PecuniaryA substitute member of the Integration Joint Board - remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion


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