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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Planning & Property Policy Board
24 Jan 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
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Councillor Kelly, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; F Carlin, Head of Planning & Housing Services, D Bryce, Development Standards Manager and S Marklow, Assistant Manager - Policy (all Development & Housing Services); and J Lynch, Head of Property Services, V Howie, Finance Business Partner, F Hughes, Asset Manager, N Young, Assistant Managing Solicitor (Litigation and Advice) and K Brown, Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources).
Councillor McGurk.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Joint report by the Directors of Finance & Resources, Community Resources and Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a joint revenue budget monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources, Community Resources and Development & Housing Services for the Planning and Property & Construction Services Divisions for the period 1 April to 11 November 2016.




(a) That the budget position be noted; and


(b) That it be noted that there had been budget realignments of £377,767 processed since the last report related to the transfer of finance personnel to Finance and Resources, partially offset by budget increases for Corporate Landlord Maintenance.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a capital budget monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for the Planning Service and Corporate Projects (Property) Divisions for the period 1 April to 11 November 2016.


DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

Under reference to item 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 30 April 2015, there was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to a community asset transfer request received from Linwood Community Development Trust.


The report intimated that at its meeting on 30 April 2015, the Council had approved the transfer of surplus playing fields to Linwood Community Development Trust.  The Trust had now submitted a Community Asset Transfer Request for the remaining ground and buildings, as outlined on the plan appended to the report, which were currently still being used for school purposes and were located on a 1.23 hectare site.  The ground and buildings had been declared surplus with the approval of the closure of the three existing additional support needs schools, Clippens, Kersland and Hollybush to be replaced with the new build Additional Support Needs School Riverbrae, Linwood.  In terms of the community asset request, the Trust was looking for the Council to transfer the remaining school grounds, including the former Janitor's cottage, at a transfer value of £1 if asked.




(a) That the transfer of the surplus buildings, as indicated on the plan appended to the report, be agreed subject to the terms and conditions detailed in the report;


(b) That the Head of Corporate Governance be requested to conclude the transfer of the site and buildings to Linwood Community Development Trust in terms of the Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy; and


(c) That it be noted that should the Linwood Community Development Trust be unable to secure the necessary funding for this project or necessary planning consents then the ground and buildings would remain with the Council on its surplus list.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources seeking authority to dispose of the site of the former Todholm Library, Lochfield Road, Paisley to Barnardo’s for their GAP Homes Initiative.


It was proposed that the Head of Property Services discuss with Barnardo’s the inclusion of a 'clawback' within the terms and conditions for the disposal.  This was agreed.




(a) That it be agreed to dispose of the surplus site, as indicated on plan E2569, to Barnardo’s for their GAP Homes initiative, subject to the terms and conditions detailed in the report;


(b) That the Head of Corporate Governance be requested to conclude the disposal of the site to Barnardo’s;


(c) That it be noted that the proposed disposal was subject to Barnardo’s reaching an appropriate arrangement with Children’s Services in respect of nomination and servicing costs for any young adults, which the Council were looking to assist via this housing/through-care initiative;


(d) That it be noted that should Barnardo’s be unable to secure an agreement with Children’s Services the necessary funding for this project or necessary statutory consents for this proposal then the site would remain with the Council on its surplus list as available; and


(e) That it be agreed that the Head of Property Services discuss with Barnardo's the inclusion of a 'clawback' within the terms and conditions for the disposal.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources seeking authority to conclude a 20-year lease for site 2 Bridgewater, Kilpatrick Drive, Erskine, as detailed on the plan appended to the report, with the Church of Scotland’s social care and support arm, Crossreach.




(a) That the grant of a 20-year lease of site 2, as indicated on plan E2575A, to Crossreach for their educational facility be agreed, subject to the terms and conditions detailed within the body of the report;


(b) That the Head of Corporate Governance be requested to conclude the 20-year ground lease of the site to Crossreach based on the terms and conditions detailed in the report;


(c) That it be noted that the proposed ground lease was subject to Crossreach being satisfied with the ground conditions following appropriate site and soil tests and on them obtaining all necessary statutory and licensing consents for their proposed educational establishment; and


(d) That it be noted that this Policy Board could anticipate that it would be asked to consider a future planning application for this site from Crossreach or their agents at a later date.
Presentation and report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services seeking approval of the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report 2017 and accompanying supporting documents.


The Head of Planning & Housing Services gave a presentation on the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Main Issues report and highlighted the key stages in the process.


The report intimated that the Main Issues Report was a key stage in the review of the current Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and sought to provide options for consultation which reflected key land use and economic issues, emerging priorities and the opportunities that existed to encourage sustainable economic development in Renfrewshire.


The report highlighted that the Main Issues Report would be subject to consultation and publicity for 12 weeks from 6 February to 1 May 2017 and was an important document in terms of consultation and engagement as the responses given would shape the context of the new Renfrewshire Local Development Plan, which in due course would reflect the land use priorities and settled view of the Council in terms of its role as the Local Planning Authority.




(a) That the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report 2017 and accompanying Main Issues Report Environmental Report be approved;


(b) That the publication of the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report 2017 and accompanying Main Issues Report Environmental Report for consultation for 12 weeks to inform the preparation of the next Renfrewshire Local Development Plan be agreed; and


(c) That the Director of Development & Housing Services be authorised to progress the necessary publicity and consultation in relation to the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report 2017 and the accompanying Main Issues Report Environmental Report.







Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the Town Centre Strategies for Renfrew and Erskine.


The report intimated that the Board had previously approved draft Town Centre Strategies for Renfrew and Erskine as the basis for consultation with local communities and key stakeholders.  A publicity and consultation exercise was undertaken in late 2015.  The outcomes from the consultation exercise had been considered and the finalised strategies for Renfrew and Erskine had been prepared, and were appended to the report.


DECIDED: That the Town Centre Strategies for Renfrew and Erskine, as appended to the report, be approved.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

Under reference to item 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the Planning & Property Policy Board held on 10 March 2015, there was submitted an update report by the Director of Development & Housing Servises summarising the key outputs of the Semple Trail Heritage Project.


DECIDED: That the conclusion and successful delivery of the Semple Trail Heritage Project be noted.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

Under reference to item 23 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 29 September 2016, there was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services providing a comprehensive report on the activities and actions of the Building Repair Task Group (BRTG) focusing on the effectiveness of the group and its use of legal powers.


The report detailed the work undertaken by the BRTG since it was established in January 2013 and highlighted the successful initiatives delivered within conservation areas and the restoration of a number of buildings.  The report advised that the Council would continue to address the issue of poorly-maintained buildings using the resources available to it and would continue to encourage and support private owners to do the same. It was recognised that in some instances there would be occasions when it was no longer viable to retain property as a result of its age, condition or the limitations on its potential for re-use.  In these circumstances, it was noted that officers would liaise with land owners, Historic Environment Scotland and other relevant bodies to ensure that due process was followed and that in the circumstances where a property was no longer viable then a suitable use should be promoted for the site to ensure that it provided an ongoing benefit to the community and area in which it was located.


DECIDED: That the positive work undertaken through a range of Council initiatives to improve the condition of listed buildings and those in conservation areas which had fallen into disrepair as a means of improving the condition of Renfrewshire’s built heritage and as a driver for economic recovery be noted.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the Scottish Government's ‘consultation on raising planning fees’.


The report intimated that the consultation document proposed raising the maximum fee to £125,000 for major applications in some categories and included a reduced charge per unit to ensure that applicants in Scotland did not pay more than they would in other parts of the UK.  The aim of the revised cap was to better reflect the level of resources major applications demanded and the consultation paper made clear that any increase in fees must be linked to sustained improvements in performance and that the proposed fee increase would provide increased resources to planning authorities to help support performance improvement.




(a) That it be agreed that the report form the response to the Scottish Government consultation on planning fees; and


(b) That the proposals to increase the maximum cap in relation to certain categories of planning applications be supported.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the Scottish Government ‘consultation on building warrant fees’ which sought views on increasing building warrant and other associated fees with the intention of making the Building Standards system achieve full cost recovery.


The report outlined the proposed changes to the building standards system and highlighted that the Scottish Government was proposing to introduce an alternative funding mechanism to resource their Building Standards Division which historically had been funded through general taxation.  To facilitate this, it was proposed that local authorities collect building warrant fees but transfer an agreed proportion to the Scottish Government for the running of its Building Standards Division.  A 2016 Scottish Government commissioned study suggested that the altered fee structure would deliver approximately £3.5 million in additional funding and proposed that £2 million be allocated to support local authority service improvements and £1.5 million be diverted to the Scottish Government to cover the Building Standards Division costs.  The consultation also proposed to substantially increase the fee for those submitting late building warrants and completion certificates where no building warrant was obtained.


The report welcomed the increase in relation to building warrants and associated fees. However, the proposal to fund the Scottish Government’s Building Standards Division from locally-raised building warrant fees represented a significant change from current funding models and was not welcomed. A copy of the terms of the respondent information was appended to the report.




(a) That the content of the Scottish Government consultation on building warrant fees be noted and the suggested fee increases be welcomed but concern be expressed at the proposal to require a proportion of the fee income to be remitted back to resource the Scottish Government’s Building Standards Division; and


(b) That the terms of the respondent information contained in Appendix 1 to the report be homologated.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the outcome of planning and related appeals in Renfrewshire which had been submitted to the Scottish Government’s Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals between 1 September 2015 and 31 December 2016.  


DECIDED: That the outcome of appeals in Renfrewshire in relation to planning and related matters be noted.
Proposal of Application Notices
Proposal of Application Notices are included for members information only. Members should note that the Notices may subsequently come before them for determination as planning applications and as such should consider the guidance contained in the Scottish Government Guidance on the Role of Councillors in Pre-Application Procedures and the Councillors Code of Conduct.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to proposal of application notices.


DECIDED: That the key issues identified to date be noted.
Planning Applications
Members must deal with planning applications in an objective manner to ensure that they cannot be challenged with accusations of bias or predetermination. Votes on planning applications must be seen to be impartial and not influenced by party political issues.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to  applications for planning permission that required to be determined by the Board.


(a) 16/0511/LB – Ward 3: Listed Building Consent: Demolition of former Arnott’s department store: Former Arnott’s Store, Smithhills Street, Paisley: Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP


DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.



(b) 16/0512/CC – Ward 3: Conservation Area Consent: Demolition of building within the conservation area: Former Arnott’s Store, Smithhills Street, Paisley: Park Lane Development (Renfrewshire) LLP


DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.



(c) 16/0643/PP – Ward 8: Full Planning Permission: Demolition of buildings and structures and erection of two retail units (Class 1), restaurant with drive-through (Class 3) and formation of community woodland with associated access, parking and landscaping: Paton’s Mill, 93 High Street, Johnstone, PA5 8SN: 4th Developments (Johnstone) Ltd


Councillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor B Brown, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.


Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, moved as an amendment that the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal would generate a significant increase in vehicles on this road and the current infrastructure would be incapable of coping with this number of vehicles.  The conditions suggested by the Director of Community Resources (Roads Traffic) would not resolve the congestion upon the roads.


2. The proposal was contrary to page 45 of the New Development Supplementary Guidance in relation to air pollution.


On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Audrey Doig, Andy Doig, K MacLaren, J MacLaren, Nicolson and Perrie.


The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Caldwell, E Devine, Gilmour, Hood, Kelly, Murrin and M Sharkey.


6 members having voted for the amendment and 8 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.



(d) 16/0672/PP – Ward 8: Full Planning Permission: Demolition of existing outhouse and erection of 18 flatted dwellings and associated amenity space, new access road and parking: 8 Nether Johnstone and Land to South West, Milliken Road, Kilbarchan, Johnstone: Williamsburgh Housing Association


Councillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor B Brown, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.


Councillor Gilmour, seconded by Councillor Andy Doig, moved as an amendment that the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal would be contrary to Policy ENV 1 'Green Belt' of the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan.


2. That the terms of the Access Statement were not acceptable and the potential widening and improvement of Milliken Road and increased parking provision was not sufficient to offset the impact of the additional traffic on the road.


3. The proposal would not comply with the Green Belt Review of 2013 which restricted development to discreet sites which had ‘good design, layout, enhanced landscaping and provides opportunities to enhance the green network.


4. The conclusion of the report that the development would enhance the setting of the village was not accepted and that there would be a negative impact on the nearby conservation area.


On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Caldwell, Audrey Doig, Andy Doig, Gilmour, Hood, K MacLaren, J MacLaren, Nicolson, Perrie and M Sharkey.


The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, E Devine, Kelly and Murrin.


10 members having voted for the amendment and 4 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.


DECIDED:  That the application be refused for the following reasons;


1. The proposal would be contrary to Policy ENV 1 'Green Belt' of the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan.


2. That the terms of the Access Statement were not acceptable and the potential widening and improvement of Milliken Road and increased parking provision was not sufficient to offset the impact of the additional traffic on the road.


3. The proposal would not comply with the Green Belt Review of 2013 which restricted development to discreet sites which had ‘good design, layout, enhanced landscaping and provides opportunities to enhance the green network.


4. The conclusion of the report that the development would enhance the setting of the village was not accepted and that there would be a negative impact on the nearby conservation area.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Marie McGurk 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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