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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
24 Sep 2015 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



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Councillors Bibby, B Brown, Caldwell, Clark, E Devine, M Devine, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, Glen, Grady, Provost Hall, Councillors Harte, Henry, Holmes, Hood, Kelly, Lawson, McCartin, McEwan, McGurk, J MacLaren, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, M Macmillan, I McMillan, McQuade, Mack, Mullin, Murrin, Noon, Perrie, J Sharkey, M Sharkey and Williams.
In Attendance
S Black, Chief Executive; P Macleod, Director of Childrens Services; M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; A Russell, Director of Finance & Resources; D Leese, Chief Officer (Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership); S Allan, Head of Amenity Services (Community Resources); and K Graham, Head of Corporate Governance; A MacArthur, Head of Finance, M Conaghan, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, L Belshaw, Democratic Services Manager and R Devine, Senior Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources).
Standard Items
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillors M Brown and Nicolson.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
In relation to agenda Item 16, Councillor M Macmillan declared an interest, as he was a member of the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board. However, as he considered the interest to be covered by a specific exclusion in terms of paragraph 5.18(2) of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, he did not consider it necessary to leave the meeting.  Councillor Mullin also declared an interest in relation to this item as he was an employee of the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board. However, as he considered the interest to be insignificant in terms of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, he did not consider it necessary to leave the meeting.
Minutes of Meetings of Council, Boards and Panels (attached separately)

Council, 25 June 2015, pages 704-721

Appointment Board, 12 June 2015, pages 702-703
Appointment Board, 25 June 2015, pages 1-2
Appointment Board, 26 June 2015, pages 3-4
Regulatory Functions Board, 17 July 2015, pages 5-7
Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board, 18 August 2015, pages 8-10
Renfrew & Gallowhill Local Area Committee, 18 August 2015, pages 11-12
Regulatory Functions Board, 19 August 2015, pages 13-21
Education & Children Policy Board, 20 August 2015, pages 22-29
Paisley North Local Area Committee, 20 August 2015, pages 30-34
Housing & Community Safety Policy Board, 25 August 2015, pages 35-41
Local Review Body, 25 August 2015, pages 42-48
Planning & Property Policy Board, 25 August 2015, pages 49-61
Paisley South Local Area Committee, 25 August 2015, pages 62-64
Environment Policy Board, 26 August 2015, pages 65-67
Finance & Resources Policy Board, 26 August 2015, pages 68-90
Johnstone & the Villages Local Area Committee, 27 August 2015, pages 91-95
Economy & Jobs Policy Board, 2 September 2015, pages 96-102
Houston, Crosslee, Riverside, Linwood & Erskine Local Area Committee, 2 September 2015, pages 103-106
Renfrew & Gallowhill Local Area Committee, 3 September 2015, pages 107-111
Leadership Board, 16 September 2015, pages 112-115
Regulatory Functions Board, 17 September 2015, pages 116-125
Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board, 21 September 2015, 126-134
There were submitted the Minutes of the following meetings of the Council, Boards and Panels on the dates specified:

Council 25 June, 2015
Appointment Board, 12 June, 2015
Appointment Board, 25 June, 2015,
Appointment Board, 26 June, 2015
Regulatory Functions Board, 17 July, 2015
Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board, 18 August, 2015
Renfrew & Gallowhill Local Area Committee, 18 August, 2015
Regulatory Functions Board, 19 August, 2015
Education & Children Policy Board, 20 August, 2015
Paisley North Local Area Committee, 20 August, 2015
Housing & Community Safety Policy Board, 25 August, 2015
Local Review Body, 25 August, 2015
Planning & Property Policy Board, 25 August, 2015
Paisley South Local Area Committee, 25 August, 2015
Environment Policy Board, 26 August, 2015
Finance & Resources Policy Board, 26 August, 2015
Johnstone & the Villages Local Area Committee, 27 August, 2015
Economy & Jobs Policy Board, 2 September, 2015
Houston, Crosslee, Riverside, Linwood & Erskine Local Area Committee, 2 September, 2015
Renfrew & Gallowhill Local Area Committee, 3 September, 2015
Leadership Board, 16 September, 2015
Regulatory Functions Board, 17 September, 2015
Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board, 21 September, 2015

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved.
Report by Director of Children's Services
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the worsening humanitarian crisis in Europe, arising from the ongoing conflict in Syria, and the Council’s participation in the UK government’s vulnerable person relocation scheme.

The report advised that national and local discussions had taken place and that Renfrewshire Council officers had been actively working with partners to identify local requirements in relation to supporting Syrian refugees. The Council was committed to extending its role in the resettlement scheme with the aim of offering a home to at least its fair share in terms of the total number of refugees coming to Scotland and the UK overall and was playing a significant role in co-ordinating local charitable activities with the aim of providing immediate support to refugees displaced in Europe.

Details of the requirements placed on the Council through participation in the UK government’s vulnerable person relocation scheme and the nature of UK Government funding which would be available to support participation were provided. The report also noted that the funding which was available was designed to support the first year of resettlement and was subject to discussion with the Home Office in relation to the needs of the individuals concerned. Ongoing support and costs beyond year 1 would require to be met by the Council. The Director of Children’s Services advised that there had been recent communication with the Home Office and that it was anticipated that 50 Syrian refugees would arrive in Renfrewshire during November 2015. Mention was also made within the report to the launch of the Europe Refugee Crisis Appeal.

In terms of the local collection and distribution arrangements it was proposed that Adelphi Hall be added to the publicised list of collection/drop off points for donations. This was agreed. It was noted that an update report detailing progress would be submitted to the next meeting of the Council. Members also requested that they be regularly kept informed of the situation in the interim period. Furthermore in recognition of the considerable strain the crisis had placed on the resources of the British Red Cross the report proposed that the Council make a financial donation to the British Red Cross to fund its UK-based activities.


(a) That the work undertaken by officers of Renfrewshire Council to actively take forward participation in the resettlement scheme operated by the Home Office be noted;

(b) That the Council agree to extend participation in the resettlement scheme, offering a home to at least its fair share of the total number of refugees being resettled;

(c) That it be noted that participating local authorities could apply for Year 1 support costs from the UK Government, that any potential residual costs beyond year 1 would require to be met by the Council and that proposals for meeting any costs to the Council beyond Year 1 would be the subject of a further report to the Council;

(d) That the strong leadership demonstrated by the Council in terms of harnessing local support for charitable initiatives such as the Renfrew to Calais aid convoy be noted and that Adelphi Hall be added to the publicised list of collection/drop off points for donations;

(e) That the Council make a donation of £10,000 to the Red Cross to fund its UK-based activities in recognition of the considerable strain which the crisis had placed on its resources; and

(f) That a supplementary estimate of £10,000 for this donation be approved.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the audit of the Council’s 2014/15 annual accounts, which had been undertaken by the Council’s appointed external auditors, Audit Scotland.

The report highlighted that the audit process had been completed and the signed audit certificate, which was free from qualification, had been received on 4 September, 2015. In terms of the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014, the Council required to consider and approve the Annual Accounts for signature no later that 30th September. The Assistant Director of Audit (Local Government) had also provided a report detailing all matters arising over the course of the audit to the meeting of the Council’s Audit, Scrutiny and Petitions Board held on 21 September, 2015. In addition the report intimated that the accounts of the charities controlled by the Council had also been audited by Audit Scotland and separate audit opinions on the accounts of these had been provided in accordance with the charities regulations and best practice promoted by the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR). Copies of the accounts for Renfrew, Paisley and Johnstone Common Good Funds and Renfrewshire Council Trust Funds were provided for approval as appendices to the report.


(a) That the Annual Accounts 2014/15 be approved for signature, in accordance with the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014; and

(b) That the accounts of the Renfrew, Paisley and Johnstone Common Good Funds and Renfrewshire Council Trust Funds be approved.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to (i) the Council’s current financial position; (ii) the updated projection covering the current budget strategy period to 2017/18 taking account of decisions already taken by the Council in prior year budgets, developments in key areas such as pay settlements and the Council’s future government grant prospects in the context of the outcome of the UK Government’s budget; (iii) the medium term financial outlook for the Council through to 2017/18 and beyond, taking account of changes in planned UK public expenditure levels announced as part of the UK Government’s July budget; and (iv) the current non-housing capital investment programme.

Reference was made to the report considered at the meeting of the Council held on 13 February, 2014 entitled ‘Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2014/15’ which had established the Council’s anticipated medium term financial position to 2017/18, and confirmed a likely budget saving requirement of between £20 and £30 million. Since that time, the Council had set two budgets, covering 2014/15 and 2015/16, securing agreement for over £16 million of the required savings. The strategy to 2017/18 had been kept under review. The most recently completed review of the strategy had scaled back marginally the forecast budget gap over the period to £28 million. The report stated that notwithstanding this update, uncertainty remained a major factor.

The report advised that the Council’s current financial position remained in line with the financial planning assumptions made when the Council set its budget for 2015/16. In addition, Audit Scotland had recently completed their audit of the 2014/15 accounts and the audited financial position remained in line with that reported to Council in June 2015. Overall the Council’s immediate financial position remained stable and consistent with existing financial and service plans. Although the UK Government’s budget announcement in July 2015 had presented a less significant cut in planned UK public sector expenditure during 2016/17 and 2017/18 than that previously anticipated, allocation of the announced £20 billion of revenue savings across Whitehall departments had yet to be concluded. Where these savings ultimately impacted in terms of devolved and non-devolved budgets would have a significant influence on the Scottish Block Grant through the workings of the Barnett formula. Until the position became clearer it was deemed too early to assume any consequential positive impact on the Council’s grant prospects following the July budget statement.

In addition it was highlighted that the outcome of the UK Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) was not expected to be announced until November 2015, at which point the Scottish Government’s settlement from the UK Government for 2016/17 and planning figures for future years was also anticipated to be confirmed. This would inevitably have consequences for the timing of the Scottish Government setting a budget for 2016/17 and any planning figures for future years. In the context of this anticipated timeline, there was the risk that the Council might not receive its confirmed grant settlement figures from the Scottish Government, which might be for 2016/17 only, until January 2016. Given the close proximity to the February budget setting period, there would be little time for the Council to respond to any unexpected negative outcomes emerging from a local government settlement announcement in January 2016.
As a consequence and in the context of the medium term expectations that the Council would be required to deliver ongoing savings beyond the 2017/18 period, it was important that the Council continued to adopt a strategic and sustainable financial plan linked to the delivery of priorities agreed with partners in the Community Plan.

The report advised that whilst there were ongoing uncertainties over the scale of the budget deficit leading to 2017/18, the advice of the Director of Finance & Resources was that the Council continued to focus on the development of a budget strategy which prepared the Council, its services and workforce for the scale of potential challenge highlighted within the report and in the context of the anticipated financial outlook beyond 2017/18. It was noted that the Council’s budget strategy and financial planning assumptions would continue to be updated and reported to Members as appropriate.


(a) That the updated 2016/18 budget strategy position be noted;

(b) That the update on the outcome of the UK Government’s July budget, the anticipated timing of the subsequent comprehensive spending review announcement in November 2015 and the likely impact on the Scottish Government budget announcement be noted;

(c) That it be noted that the Council’s confirmed grant settlement figures for 2016/17 might not be confirmed until January 2016 and the consequential risks this posed given the proximity to the February
budget setting period be noted;

(d) That the update on the Council’s medium-term financial outlook to 2020/21 and the expectation that the Council would be required to deliver significant annual budget savings each year over the medium term be noted;

(e) That the anticipated capital grant position for 2016/17 and the recommendation to continue to restrict the Council’s commitment to new investment supported by capital grant to the period of grant confirmation provided by the Scottish Government in January 2016 be noted; and

(f) That the Council’s ongoing commitment to the financial planning principles outlined at paragraphs 3.3.4 and 4.2 of the report be approved.
Report by the Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the key elements of the Tackling Poverty Strategy, which included information in respect of the governance, consultation, monitoring and evaluation arrangements to support the strategy and action plan. A copy of the Tackling Poverty Strategy document was appended to the report.

The report made reference to the Tackling Poverty Commission established by the Council during February 2014 which had been asked to consider the nature, causes and impact of poverty in Renfrewshire and to make recommendations to mitigate and minimise the impact of child poverty in Renfrewshire. The Commission had subsequently published its report on 13 March, 2015. The Council had endorsed all of the Commission’s recommendations, made a financial allocation to support a response to the work of the Commission and approved an action plan to tackle poverty.

The report provided a summary of the aims and content of the Strategy. The governance, consultation and monitoring and evaluation arrangements were also outlined. The report stated that the Strategy document had been structured in accordance with the six key priorities, detailed in the report.


(a) That the Tackling Poverty Strategy, a copy of which was appended to the report, be approved; and

(b) That the arrangements for governance, consultation and monitoring and evaluation be noted.
Report by Director of Children's Services
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the role and activities of the Chief Social Work Officer (CSWO) within Renfrewshire Council , the arrangements for the discharge of the functions of that office and the key areas of activity over the previous 12-month period.

The Director of Children’s Services, who is the CSWO, provided an overview of the report, highlighted the key issues and outlined changes to governance in light of the integration of adult health and social care and the creation of the Children’s Services Directorate. He highlighted that the report was retrospective and covered services previously delivered by the Social Work Directorate and which had now transferred either to the Children’s Services Directorate (Criminal Justice Social Work and Children and Families Social Work) or to the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) (Adult Social Work, Domestic Violence Services and Addictions Services).


(a) That the key activities outlined within the report be noted;

(b) That it be noted that the report would be submitted to the Office of the Chief Social Work Officer at the Scottish Government; and

(c) That it be agreed that the next update to Council be submitted in Autumn 2016.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland’s response to the Council’s consultation on ward boundaries within the Renfrewshire local government area in terms of the Fifth Review of Electoral Arrangements and to the 12-week public consultation period which started on 30th July, 2015 and was scheduled to conclude on 22 October, 2015.

The report made reference to the decision, taken at the meeting of the Council held on 30 April 2015, to approve the Council’s response to the Commission’s proposals for consultation in relation to the Fifth Review of Electoral Arrangements ward boundaries within the Renfrewshire Council local authority area. The Council had also agreed unanimously, under the terms of Section 19 (1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to call on the Commission to hold a local inquiry into the impact on Renfrewshire of the Review of Electoral Arrangements and to consider responses received before agreeing proposals for consultation with the public.

The Commission had indicated, in writing, that they had rejected the Council’s request for a local inquiry at this stage but had accepted a limited number of changes put forward by the Council to their proposals, which would be incorporated into the consultation, such as the changes in ward names. The report summarised the Commission’s response to the Council’s proposals, a copy of which was appended to the report, and advised that the Commission had intimated that following the conclusion of the public consultation period the Commission would revisit all 32 reviews undertaken before deciding on the next steps.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the redevelopment of the former Arnotts Building, Gauze Street, Paisley.

Reference was made within the report to the work being undertaken to deliver economic regeneration across Renfrewshire and, in particular, the decision taken at the meeting of the Council held on 27 February 2014 to agree a series of measures to advance the redevelopment of the former Arnotts building. The report also provided members with an update on the redevelopment of the site and sought authority to increase the limit on the existing loan facility, on a temporary basis, to ensure continued cashflow in the project. In addition the report advised that Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP, which was the Council’s Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), managed the delivery of the project and had made considerable progress in the provision of 11 residential flat units for sale and the formation of ground floor commercial space. The Council had committed to a development funding package to support the redevelopment of the former Arnotts Building and to enter into a Head Lease of the commercial space on the ground floor. These measures by the Council provided the LLP with the ability to let the contract for the construction works that were currently underway.

In the original business plan it had been anticipated that the investment sale would be pre-sold ahead of completion of the development. However indications were that this was likely to take longer to conclude with the prospective purchaser. In the context of the development cashflow profile, the investment sale of the commercial unit beyond the original timeframe required an increase in the development funding facility provided by the Council. This had originally been set at £1.6 million and it was now proposed to increase the development funding facility to £2.070 million. In line with the original development funding agreement, this facility would continue to be secured against the development site and all sale proceeds from the residential and commercial units would be paid immediately to the Council to pay down the development funding facility.


(a) That the significant positive progress made in the redevelopment of the former Arnotts building in Paisley town centre be noted; and

(b) That the extension of development funding facility, as outlined in paragraph 3.7 of the report, be approved.
Report by Director of Children's Services
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the proposed funding approach to be adopted to fund the new build of St Fergus’ Primary School, Paisley.

Reference was made within the report to the school estate management plan (SEMP) approved at the meeting of the Education Policy Board held on 8 May, 2014. The approved SEMP had outlined a number of priorities for the Council. One of the highest priorities highlighted within the SEMP was to address the poor condition and sufficiency of St Fergus’ Primary School in Paisley. Following a preliminary feasibility study it had been agreed that the Council would achieve best value by building a new school.

The report stated that the Council had been approached by the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) in September 2014 to consider the possible funding of one of the Council’s current capital projects. The proposition discussed was to provide capital funding on a 50:50 shared basis for a condition ‘C’ building. It was agreed that the most suitable project was St Fergus’ Primary School. Confirmation was requested by the Council that the project could be delivered within agreed timescales and that there were no risks to delivery. The investment made by the SFT would enable funding already allocated within the Council’s asset strategy to be released for reinvestment in other projects. It was anticipated that the Council would receive funding in the order of £2-2.5 million from SFT. It was highlighted that there had been a delay in confirmation of the funding from SFT relating to the accounting treatment associated with infrastructure projects being delivered through the Non Profit Distributing Model (NPD) utilised by the Scottish Government. The report advised that SFT had indicated that they were not in a position to provide formal confirmation of any further funding until these issues were resolved. The design phase of the new school was well advanced with tender documents prepared. It was now proposed that the Council proceed to tender based on the overall capital funding available and in the event that SFT funding was not forthcoming then a further report would be submitted to a future meeting outlining the implications for the SEMP. In the meantime negotiations would continue with SFT in order to secure additional resources for priorities identified within the SEMP.

Councillor Henry, seconded by Councillor Clark, moved:-

(a) That the report be noted;

(b) That the funding approach outlined in the report be approved;

(c) That the ongoing negotiations by Council officers with Scottish Futures Trust be authorised; and

(d) That it be noted that a further progress report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Council.

Councillor M MacLaren, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren moved as an amendment that in addition:

(a) That Council notes that the Scottish Futures Trust had never provided formal confirmation of contributing funding to the project to build St Fergus’ Primary and that the current administration had the funding in place to complete the project; and

(b) That Council condemns the administration’s delay in building a new St Fergus Primary and urges them to get on with the job rather than look for excuses.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, McGurk, Audrey Doig, Noon and McQuade.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, McCartin, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

10 members having voted for the amendment and 24 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the report be noted;

(b) That the funding approach outlined in the report be approved;

(c) That the ongoing negotiations by Council officers with Scottish Futures Trust be authorised; and

(d) That it be noted that a further progress report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Council.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the proposed renewal of the Partnership Agreement (the Agreement) with Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) in terms of the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 for the support and administration requirements of the Renfrewshire Area Support Team (AST) .

At the meeting of the Council held on 28 February, 2013, the Council had agreed the terms of an Agreement with CHS for the two-year period ending on 23 June, 2015. The report advised that the Agreement now required to be renewed and a copy of the proposed Agreement was appended.


(a) That the terms of the Partnership Agreement between Children’s Hearings Scotland and the Council, as set out in the appendix to the report be agreed;

(b) That it be delegated to the Head of Corporate Governance to approve the renewal of subsequent versions of the Agreement provided there were no material changes to the previously approved terms; and

(c) That it be delegated to the Head of Corporate Governance to make the necessary arrangements for the annual Children’s Panel and AST members’ recognition event.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to proposed amendments to the Council’s Scheme of Delegated Functions (the Scheme).

The report advised that the Scheme set out the formal delegations made by the Council to enable decisions to be taken by its Boards and officers. The Scheme was set out in five sections, namely powers reserved to the Council, terms of reference and delegations to Boards, delegations to the Provost and Depute Provost, statutory appointments of officers and powers delegated to officers.

At the meeting of the Council held on 18 December, 2014 changes to the Council’s governance structures and arrangements as a result of the effect of a number of major initiatives previously approved by the Council and the implementation of health and social care integration were agreed. At the meeting of the Leadership Board held on 18 February, 2015, revised chief officer management arrangements for the Council were agreed to bring renewed focus to the delivery of the Council’s key priorities in the context of continued financial restraints. The Head of Corporate Governance, using his delegated authority had established an interim Scheme reflecting these changes, effective from 1 July, 2015. In view of the requirement to make changes to the Scheme, the opportunity was taken, in consultation with Directors and Heads of Service, to consider issues which had arisen subsequent to the previous Scheme being approved by Council on 3 October, 2013 and amendments to the Scheme, as detailed in the appendix to the report, were now proposed.

It was highlighted that the proposed amendments were in keeping with the Council’s aim of ensuring that decisions were taken at the appropriate level and did not contain any obstacles to the efficient operation of the Council’s functions. A summary of the main changes to the Scheme proposed was provided.


(a) That the terms of the revised sections of the Scheme, forming the appendix to the report, be approved; and

(b) That the interim Scheme be revoked at midnight on 24 September, 2015 and the revised Scheme be implemented with effect from 25 September, 2015.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the updated Financial Regulations of the Council.

The report stated that a comprehensive and up-to-date set of Financial Regulations was deemed a key element of corporate governance, as they provided a framework for good financial management. The last revision to the Council’s Financial Regulations had been approved at the meeting of the Council held on 28 February 2013. Since then a revised senior management structure had been approved at the meeting of the Leadership Board held on 18 February 2015. The Financial Regulations had been updated to reflect the resulting changes to officer designations. Furthermore the responsibilities of the Finance and Resources Policy Board had been amended to better align with the remit of the Board and further amendments had been made to reflect the financial governance arrangements required following the establishment of the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership. In addition the framework for transferring between budgets had been updated to reflect the financial governance arrangements for transfers in relation to budgets allocated to approved Council projects. Other minor changes had been made to improve the clarity of the Financial Regulations and to reflect changes in national guidance. A copy of the updated Financial Regulations was appended to the report.

DECIDED: That the revised Financial Regulations, appended to the report, be approved.
Report by Director of Finance and Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the timetable of meetings of the Council and its Boards from August 2016 to May 2017. A copy of the timetable was appended to the report.

The report proposed that: (i) there be four seven-week cycles and one six week cycle with Summer, October, Christmas and Spring recess periods incorporated; (ii) although Appeals and Local Review Body meetings were included in the timetable these would be cancelled if not required; (iii) an additional meeting of the Regulatory Functions Board be included in each timetabled cycle, that four additional meetings of the Regulatory Functions Board, the dates of which were detailed in the report, be held prior to Summer 2016; (iv) two additional meetings of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board be held on 25 January and 25 April, 2016; (v) that the meeting of the Appeals Panel scheduled to be held on 4 February, 2016 now be held at 9.30am on 11 February, 2016; and (vi) that the statutory meeting of the Council be held on Thursday, 18 May, 2017.


(a) That the timetable of meetings, to May, 2017, of the Council and its Boards, including the dates during which there were to be recesses, as detailed in the appendix to the report, be approved;

(b) That the meeting of the Appeals Panel scheduled to be held at 9.30 am on 4 February, 2016 be rescheduled to 9.30 am on 11 February, 2016;

(c) That the additional meetings of the Regulatory Functions Board and Audit Scrutiny & Petitions Board as detailed in paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 of the report be agreed;

(d) That it be agreed that meetings of the Appeals and Local Review Body, although timetabled, be cancelled if there was no substantive business; and

(e) That it be agreed that the statutory meeting of the Council be held on Thursday, 18 May, 2017.


The meeting adjourned at 10.50am and reconvened at 11am.

Notice of Motion by Councillors Bibby and Henry in the following terms:-

"Council condemns views and attitudes which are homophobic and misogynistic, and will continue to work tirelessly to eradicate these views and attitudes and all forms of discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, religion or disability.

Council calls on political parties to ensure that where individuals are found to hold such views decisions not to select them as candidates should be consistently applied at Westminster, Scottish Parliament and Local Council elections."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Bibby and Henry in the following terms:

"Council condemns views and attitudes which are homophobic and misogynistic, and will continue to work tirelessly to eradicate these views and attitudes and all forms of discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, religion or disability.

Council calls on political parties to ensure that where individuals are found to hold such views decisions not to select them as candidates should be consistently applied at Westminster, Scottish Parliament and Local Council elections."

Councillor Bibby, seconded by Councillor Henry, then moved the motion.

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren moved as an amendment that in addition:

(a) Council calls on political parties to ensure that where councillors

(i) vote and speak in favour of the award of Council contracts to their employers
(ii) address other councillors as “Councillor Dog”
(iii) use web sites to make personal attacks on other councillors, including describing them as “prostitutes”
(iv) claim to be on Council business and working for a neighbouring local authority simultaneously
and where MSPs claim expenses for non-existent websites

decisions not to select them as candidates should also be consistently applied at Westminster, Scottish Parliament and local government elections;

(b) Council also condemns the appointment of a convicted arsonist as a Labour front bench education spokesperson and agrees to write to Jeremy Corbyn MP demanding his immediate removal; and

(c) Council also condemns the appointment of a former IRA sympathiser as Labour’s Shadow Chancellor and agrees to write to Jeremy Corbyn MP demanding his immediate removal.


The meeting adjourned at 11.10am and reconvened at 11.20am.

Councillor M Macmillan, seconded by Councillor Holmes moved in terms of Standing Order 37 “that the question be now put”

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted against the motion: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, McGurk, McCartin, Audrey Doig, Noon, J MacLaren and McQuade.

22 members having voted for the motion and 12 members having voted against the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried and a vote was then taken on the substantive motion and amendment.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, McGurk, McCartin, Audrey Doig, Noon and McQuade.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

Councillor J MacLaren abstained.

11 members having voted for the amendment, 1 member having abstained and 22 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That Council condemns views and attitudes which are homophobic and misogynistic, and will continue to work tirelessly to eradicate these views and attitudes and all forms of discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, religion or disability; and

(b) That Council calls on political parties to ensure that where individuals are found to hold such views decisions not to select them as candidates should be consistently applied at Westminster, Scottish Parliament and Local Council elections.
Notice of Motion by Councillors M Macmillan and Holmes in the following terms:-

"Council notes the Conservative Government are proposing a Trade Union Bill that will restrict the ability of this council to engage in good industrial relations practices with our workforce and their representatives.  Council believes the collection of union dues through the check-off arrangement, from which the council receives income, is part of our collective and contractual arrangements with the trades unions and one which we will defend and support.  Council commits not to use agency staff to break or weaken industrial action and to continue to support arrangements that afford trade union representatives sufficient resources to enable them to carry out their functions to ensure the continuation of good industrial relations.  The Leader of the Council commits to writing to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills stating council's opposition to this Bill and our resolve not to co-operate with any attacks on facility time or check off and to write to the First Minister calling on the Scottish Government to stand with Renfrewshire and other local authorities in opposing the proposals in this Bill."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors M Macmillan and Holmes in the following terms:

"Council notes the Conservative Government are proposing a Trade Union Bill that will restrict the ability of this council to engage in good industrial relations practices with our workforce and their representatives. Council believes the collection of union dues through the check-off arrangement, from which the council receives income, is part of our collective and contractual arrangements with the trades unions and one which we will defend and support. Council commits not to use agency staff to break or weaken industrial action and to continue to support arrangements that afford trade union representatives sufficient resources to enable them to carry out their functions to ensure the continuation of good industrial relations. The Leader of the Council commits to writing to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills stating council's opposition to this Bill and our resolve not to co-operate with any attacks on facility time or check off and to write to the First Minister calling on the Scottish Government to stand with Renfrewshire and other local authorities in opposing the proposals in this Bill."

Councillor M Macmillan, seconded by Councillor Holmes, then moved the motion which was approved unanimously.

DECIDED: That Council notes the Conservative Government are proposing a Trade Union Bill that will restrict the ability of this Council to engage in good industrial relations practices with our workforce and their representatives. Council believes the collection of union dues through the check-off arrangement, from which the Council receives income, is part of our collective and contractual arrangements with the trades unions and one which we will defend and support. Council commits not to use agency staff to break or weaken industrial action and to continue to support arrangements that afford trade union representatives sufficient resources to enable them to carry out their functions to ensure the continuation of good industrial relations. The Leader of the Council commits to writing to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills stating Council's opposition to this Bill and our resolve not to co-operate with any attacks on facility time or check off and to write to the First Minister calling on the Scottish Government to stand with Renfrewshire and other local authorities in opposing the proposals in this Bill.
Notice of Motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Mylet in the following terms:-

"Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board to change the name of the new South Glasgow University Hospital to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.  This decision was taken without any consultation with the public and has attracted significant levels of criticism.

Council believes there is no place in modern Scotland for essential public services funded by the state to be named after hereditary monarchs.  Council calls on the Health Board to run a public competition to seek a new name for the hospital."


Councillors M Macmillan and Mullin, having declared an interest in the following item of business, remained in the meeting.

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Mylet in the following terms:

"Renfrewshire Council condemns the decision of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board to change the name of the new South Glasgow University Hospital to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. This decision was taken without any consultation with the public and has attracted significant levels of criticism.

Council believes there is no place in modern Scotland for essential public services funded by the state to be named after hereditary monarchs. Council calls on the Health Board to run a public competition to seek a new name for the hospital."

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor McGurk, in terms of Standing Order 20, then moved the motion.

Councillor I McMillan, seconded by Councillor Gilmour, moved as an amendment that Renfrewshire Council recognises the fantastic work being done by NHS staff across the country including those employed in the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH). Council believes the RAH is failing to meet its waiting time targets because of a lack of resources and support from the Scottish Government.

In terms of Standing Order 37 it was proposed “that the question be now put”. This was agreed.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, McCartin, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, McGurk, Audrey Doig, Noon and McQuade.

10 members having voted for the motion and 24 members having voted for the amendment, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That Renfrewshire Council recognises the fantastic work being done by NHS staff across the country including those employed in the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH). Council believes the RAH is failing to meet its waiting time targets because of a lack of resources and support from the Scottish Government
Notice of Motion by Councillors Lawson and McEwan in the following terms:-

"Council expresses its grave concern at the plight of refugees trying to escape war and persecution and trying to reach the relative safety of Europe.  Council believes that we all have a moral duty to do all that we can to help people in these terrible circumstances.

Council therefore instructs officers to investigate urgently:

1.    The possiblity of making some emergency accommodation available for refugees should it be required.

2.    What support the Council could provide by acting as a central point for donations of items such as sleeping bags, nappies and other essentials that could provide practical support to these refugees and how these items could be transported either directly or via third parties.

Council further agrees to write to the Prime Minister expressing its grave concerns and pressing for urgent action from the UK Government to provide a much greater level of support including the acceptance of more refugees in support of a wider European effort."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Lawson and McEwan which in terms of Standing Order 27 was withdrawn

DECIDED: That it be noted that the notice of motion had been withdrawn in terms of Standing Order 27.
Notice of Motion by Councillors Lawson and K MacLaren in the following terms:-

"Council agrees to fill the two board places allocated to the SNP Group which are currently vacant as follows:

Environment Policy Board: Cllr Will Mylet
Housing and Community Safety Policy Board: Cllr Mags MacLaren

and to replace Cllr Andy Doig on various Council Boards with the following Elected Members:

Economy and Jobs Policy Board: Cllr Brian Lawson
Environment Policy Board: Cllr Kenny MacLaren
Social Work, Health and Well-being Policy Board: Cllr Mags MacLaren
Leadership Board: Cllr Bill Perrie
Emergencies Board: Cllr Kenny MacLaren
Jobs and Economy Thematic Board: Cllr Brian Lawson"
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Lawson and K MacLaren in the following terms:

"Council agrees to fill the two board places allocated to the SNP Group which are currently vacant as follows:

Environment Policy Board: Cllr Will Mylet
Housing and Community Safety Policy Board: Cllr Mags MacLaren

and to replace Cllr Andy Doig on various Council Boards with the following Elected Members:

Economy and Jobs Policy Board: Cllr Brian Lawson
Environment Policy Board: Cllr Kenny MacLaren
Social Work, Health and Well-being Policy Board: Cllr Mags MacLaren
Leadership Board: Cllr Bill Perrie
Emergencies Board: Cllr Kenny MacLaren
Jobs and Economy Thematic Board: Cllr Brian Lawson"

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren, then moved the motion.

Councillor Gilmour, seconded by Councillor Bibby, moved as an amendment that in addition Councillor Andy Doig be removed from Clyde Muirshiel Park Authority Board and replaced with Councillor James MacLaren.

In terms of Standing Order 27, the amendment was accepted by the mover and seconder of the motion and the motion, as amended, was approved unanimously.

: That Council fill the two Board places allocated to the SNP Group which were currently vacant as follows:

Environment Policy Board: Councillor Will Mylet
Housing and Community Safety Policy Board: Councillor Mags MacLaren

and to replace Councillor Andy Doig on various Council Boards with the following Elected Members:

Economy and Jobs Policy Board: Councillor Brian Lawson
Environment Policy Board: Councillor Kenny MacLaren
Social Work, Health and Well-being Policy Board: Councillor Mags MacLaren
Leadership Board: Councillor Bill Perrie
Emergencies Board: Councillor Kenny MacLaren
Jobs and Economy Thematic Board: Councillor Brian Lawson

and to remove Councillor Andy Doig from Clyde Muirshiel Park Authority Board and replace him with Councillor James MacLaren.
Notice of Motion by Councillors McCartin and Mack in the following terms:-

"Renfrewshire Council demands that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon immediately withdraws her proposals for re-introducing national testing for primary school children.

Renfrewshire Council acknowledges that there is still a long way to go in trying to bridge the attainment gap in schools, but the failed systems for national testing of young children is a backward step which has a negative, not a positive effect on attainment in schools.

Renfrewshire Council proposes that the Attainment fund which the Scottish Government has distributed to only 7 councils in Scotland should instead be used, as it has been done in England, to support individual children and their schools where they are struggling with their educational attainment.  This will give schools, particularly those with higher numbers of pupils struggling with educational attainment, the ability to increase support to those children without redirecting resources from the remaining pupils."
There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors McCartin and Mack in the following terms:

"Renfrewshire Council demands that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon immediately withdraws her proposals for re-introducing national testing for primary school children.

Renfrewshire Council acknowledges that there is still a long way to go in trying to bridge the attainment gap in schools, but the failed systems for national testing of young children is a backward step which has a negative, not a positive effect on attainment in schools.

Renfrewshire Council proposes that the Attainment fund which the Scottish Government has distributed to only 7 councils in Scotland should instead be used, as it has been done in England, to support individual children and their schools where they are struggling with their educational attainment. This will give schools, particularly those with higher numbers of pupils struggling with educational attainment, the ability to increase support to those children without redirecting resources from the remaining pupils."

Councillor McCartin, seconded by Councillor Mack, then moved the motion.

Councillor Henry, seconded by Councillor Clark, moved as a first amendment that raising attainment for all children and closing the attainment gap are key priorities for Renfrewshire Council. Council acknowledges the work done by its Tackling Poverty Commission in this regard, highlights the £2m allocated by the Council to Children’s Services and commends the whole service plan to address this issue.

Council agrees with the EIS that assessment is entirely central to teaching and learning, that standardised assessment is a useful addition to the teachers’ toolbox and that this information should be used to inform teacher actions and authority strategy. Council condemns any action by Scottish Government that leads to the publication of raw scores for schools, leading to league tables or teaching to the test.

Council welcomes the recent commitment to additional funding from the Scottish Government but regrets that this will only affect five schools and that Government has indicated that Renfrewshire will be allocated between £100,000 and £400,000 and contrasts that to the £2,145,000 allocated to Dundee, with similar levels of poverty and £1,965,000 allocated to North Ayrshire.

Council further regrets the comment from Paisley MSP George Adam that “funding is going to the right places”, does not believe that this is true when Renfrewshire Council is yet again being short changed by Scottish Government and believes that George Adam should be Paisley’s champion in the SNP rather than the local apologist for Scottish Government.

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren, moved as a second amendment that Council agrees that the new National Improvement Framework will help close the gap in attainment and ensure all children are being equipped with the skills they need. Council agrees that we need to have better information about attainment so that we measure progress consistently and drive forward change.

The new measures will introduce a greater consistency to curriculum for excellence and will not increase teacher workload as they will replace the variety of different assessments already used by most local authorities.

On the roll being called between the motion and the first amendment, the following members voted for the first amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Mack, McCartin and J MacLaren.

The following members abstained: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McGurk, Audrey Doig, Noon and McQuade.

Three members having voted for the motion, nine members having abstained and 22 members having voted for the first amendment, a vote was then taken between the first amendment and the second amendment.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the first amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the second amendment Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, McGurk, Audrey Doig, Noon and McQuade

Councillor McCartin abstained.

23 members having voted for the first amendment,10 members having voted for the second amendment and 1 member having abstained, the first amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: Raising attainment for all children and closing the attainment gap are key priorities for Renfrewshire Council. Council acknowledges the work done by its Tackling Poverty Commission in this regard, highlights the £2m allocated by the Council to Children’s Services and commends the whole service plan to address this issue.

Council agrees with the EIS that assessment is entirely central to teaching and learning, that standardised assessment is a useful addition to the teachers’ toolbox and that this information should be used to inform teacher’s actions and authority strategy. Council condemns any action by Scottish Government that leads to the publication of raw scores for schools, leading to league tables or teaching to the test.

Council welcomes the recent commitment to additional to additional funding from the Scottish Government but regrets that this will only affect 5 schools and that Government has indicated that Renfrewshire will be allocated between £100,000 and £400,000 and contrasts that to the £2,145,000 allocated to Dundee, with similar levels of poverty and £1,965,000 allocated to North Ayrshire.

Council further regrets the comment from Paisley MSP George Adam that “funding is going to the right places”, does not believe that this is true when Renfrewshire Council is yet again being short changed by Scottish Government and believes that George Adam should be Paisley’s champion in the SNP rather than the local apologist for Scottish Government.
The Board may by resolution exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public are present, there could be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6, 9 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1973.

The Council resolved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6, 9 and 10 of Part I of schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
20 Clyde Valley Residual Waste Project - Approval of Appointment of Preferred Bidder

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. item 20 Clyde Valley Waste exempt adobe
    • Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
  2. pdf complete page numbered (1095Kb)

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mark Macmillan16Councillor Macmillan declared an interest as he was a member of the Board of NHS Greater Glasgow and ClydeNon-PecuniaryCouncillor Macmillan indicated, however, as he considered the interest to be covered by a specific exclusion in terms of paragraph 5.18(2) of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, he did not consider it necessary to leave the meeting.
Councillor Sam Mullin16Councillor Mullin declared an interest as he was an employee of NHS Greater Glasgow and ClydeNon-PecuniaryCouncillor Mullin indicated that as the interest was not significant in terms of the Councillors Code of Conduct he would take part in the discussion and voting on the item.


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