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Meeting Summary
Shadow Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board
20 Mar 2015 - 09:30 to 11:00
  • Documents
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  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Standard Items
Apologies received from members of the Board.
Morag Brown
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Councillors Derek Bibby, Jacqueline Henry, Michael Holmes and Iain McMillan (Renfrewshire Council) Donald Sime, John Brown and Donald Lyons (Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board).
Councillor I McMillan, Convener, presided.
David Leese, Chief Officer Designate to Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership; Sandra Black, Chief Executive Peter MacLeod, Director of Children’s Services; Alan Russell, Director of Finance and Resources, Ken Graham, Head of Corporate Governance; Alistair McArthur Acting Head of Finance and Resources; Anne McMillan Head of Resources, Lilian Belshaw, Democratic Services Manager, Frances Burns, Health and Social Care Integration Project Manager; Lynn Mitchell, Managing Solicitor (All Renfrewshire Council) Jean Still, Fiona McKay and Jonathan Bryden, Heads of Service (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde).
Items Of Business
The Chief Officer Designate asked for nominations for the post of Chair of the Shadow Joint Board.

It was proposed that Councillor Iain McMillan be appointed as Chair of the Joint Board.

There being no further nominations it was agreed unanimously that Councillor McMillan be appointed as Chair of the Joint Board.

Councillor McMillan thereafter took the Chair.

Councillor McMillan asked for nominations for the post of Vice Chair of the Joint Board.

It was proposed that Donny Lyons be appointed as Vice Chair of the Joint Board,

There being no further nominations it was agreed unanimously that Donny Lyons be appointed as Vice Chair of the Joint Board.
Councillor McMillan welcomed those attending the first meeting of the Shadow Integration Joint Board and asked that the members introduce themselves.
3 Minute
Minute of Meeting of Members of the Shadow Integration Joint Board held on 5 February, 2015
There was submitted the Minute of the Meeting of members of the Shadow Integration Joint Board held on 5th February 2014.

DECIDED: That the Minute be noted.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to the proposed remit of the Board and the appointments made by the Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

The report intimated that the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 required that health and social care services for adults (as a minimum) must be integrated and set out options for delegated governance arrangements. The Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde had agreed that the arrangements for Renfrewshire should be a corporate body model with its own legal identity. This model, known as an Integration Joint Board (IJB), must be established and be able to take on the functions delegated to it by the Council and Health Board in terms of the legislation by 1st April, 2016 at the latest.

The report set out the action already taken to prepare for the establishment of the IJB. However, it was noted that it could not be formally constituted until the Scottish Ministers had approved the Integration Scheme. This had been submitted to the Scottish Ministers and it was anticipated that the approval process would take up to 12 weeks to complete. It was therefore proposed that a Shadow IJB be established to ensure continuity in governance arrangements and oversight of integration arrangements during the period prior to the IJB being formally constituted. The proposed remit of the Shadow IJB, setting out in wide terms what were anticipated to be the main areas of interest and activity for the Shadow IJB, was appended to the report.

It was noted that in relation to membership, the Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde had decided on the number and nature of their representation on the Shadow IJB. There would be eight voting members comprising four representatives from each of the constituent bodies and details of the representatives were set out in the report. In addition, it was intimated that the Shadow IJB was able to appoint non-voting members and details of the arrangements for the appointment of non-voting members was the subject of a separate report to this meeting and which was dealt with at item 6 of this Minute.

It was noted that there were some editorial amendments which required to be made to the proposed remit.


(a) That the remit for the Shadow IJB, which formed the Schedule to the report, be approved;

(b) That it be noted that the Shadow IJB would have eight voting members comprising four elected members and their substitutes appointed by Renfrewshire Council and four non- Executive Directors and their substitutes appointed by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Board;

(c) That it be noted that non-voting members may be elected to the Board, and that this was the subject of a separate report to this meeting; and

(d) That it be noted that there were some editorial amendments which required to be made to the remit.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to the numbers and categories of non-voting members of the Shadow IJB, taking into account the legislation setting out the range of non-voting members who would be able to attend the IJB once it was formally constituted.

It was noted that the legislation relating to health and social care integration expected that once IJBs were formally established there would be non-voting members on the Board. The report set out who, in terms of the legislation, would be co-opted as non-voting members. The report intimated that the legislation also provided that once established the IJB may appoint further non-voting members and that it would appoint at least one further non-voting member from each of the following: staff of the parties engaged in the provision of services under the delegated functions, third sector bodies carrying out activities related to health and social care in the Renfrewshire area, services users residing in the Renfrewshire area and persons providing unpaid care in the Renfrewshire area.

The report proposed that the Shadow IJB might wish, at this stage, to identify suitable representatives from these groups in anticipation of the IJB being formally constituted later in 2015.


(a) That it be agreed that the post holders and representatives of the groups listed in paragraph 3.3 of the report be co-opted as non-voting members of the Shadow IJB; and

(b) That the Chief Officer Designate in co-operation with the Council’s Head of Corporate Governance be requested to make arrangements for the identification of suitable non-voting members of the Shadow IJB from the groups listed in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the report.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to proposed procedural standing orders to govern the arrangements for and procedure at meetings of the Shadow IJB.

The standing orders, appended to the report, comprised a detailed set of rules which would regulate the conduct of meetings of the Shadow IJB. It was intended that the standing orders would be able to be adopted by the IJB, with only minor amendments, once it had been formally constituted. The main features of the standing orders were set out in the report.

DECIDED: That the procedural standing orders, which formed the schedule to the report, be approved.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a report by the Chief Office Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to the development of the draft Integration Scheme for the Renfrewshire area. The report intimated that the Integration Scheme was a formal legal partnership agreement between Renfrewshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and was based on the Model Integration Scheme template provided by the Scottish Government. It had been developed jointly by officers of the Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. It was noted that the Integration Scheme required to cover all matters prescribed in the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Integration Scheme) (Scotland) Regulations 2014, including the integration model chosen; the functions to be delegated to the IJB; the governance arrangements under which the IJB would operate; clinical and care governance arrangements; workforce matters; the role and responsibilities of the Chief Officer of the IJB; financial arrangements; risks, claims and complaints; information sharing and dispute resolution.

The report set out feedback received through the consultation process and outlined the approval process for the Integration Scheme.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Chief Officer Designate
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership relative to the Health and Social Care Partnership’s planned service delivery priorities and performance monitoring arrangements for 2015/16.

The report intimated that Renfrewshire CHP and Renfrewshire Council’s Social Work Service had in place development and improvement plans respectively which had clear priorities and actions which were being reviewed to ensure relevance and clarity for 2015/16. Details of these plans were set out in the report. It was noted that during 2015/16 existing performance management systems would continue for social work and health services and that regular reports would be submitted to the IJB. The development of the Health and Social Care Partnership’s strategic plan would be completed later in 2015 and would operate from April, 2016 onwards.


(a) That the plans in place to plan, deliver and performance monitor services in 2015/16 be noted; and

(b) That it be agreed that future joint performance reports be presented to the IJB at regular intervals.
Report by the Chief Officer Designate
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership relative to an outline of the proposed approach to developing the Strategic Plan for the IJB and setting out the planned approach to establishing a Shadow Strategic Planning Group to take forward initial work on the development of the Strategic Plan ahead of the formal creation of the IJB.

The report intimated that the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 placed a duty on IJBs to develop a strategic plan and guidance had been produced by the Scottish Government setting out how strategic commissioning required to operate in order for integration to deliver improved outcomes for local people. It was noted that in preparing the strategic plan the legislation required that the IJB must have regard to the integration delivery principles; the national health and wellbeing outcomes and the potential impact of any changes on other integration authorities. There was also an obligation under the legislation to plan a minimum of two localities for each IJB area. The report set out the format of the strategic plan; timelines and milestones; and arrangements for engagement and consultation. It was noted that a public engagement event had taken place on 19th March, 2015 at which around 80 people had attended and in respect of which formal feedback would be provided to members of the Shadow IJB.

The legislation also stated that the IJB must establish a strategic planning group to agree a proposed framework for the plan and then take forward development of a draft for approval by the IJB once formally constituted. Details of the required representation on the strategic planning group were provided in the report. It was proposed that, in advance of the formal establishment of the IJB, a shadow Strategic Planning Group be established, chaired by the Chief Officer Designate, ensuring broad representation across communities of interest and geography and that the first meeting of the group be held no later than 31st May, 2015. It was noted that officers would establish a process for identifying appropriate members to the Shadow Strategic Planning Group and that the Chief Officer Designate, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Shadow IJB, would arrange for their appointment prior to formal approval by the Shadow IJB at its meeting to be held on 19th June, 2015.

The Chief Officer Designate gave an assurance that trade unions would be included in the Shadow Strategic Planning Group.


(a) That the creation of a Shadow Strategic Planning Group be agreed and that the Chief Officer Designate in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair be asked to identify appropriate members of the Group;

(b) That the Shadow Board note progress in establishing a process to develop the strategic plan and to request the Chief Officer Designate to further develop that process. Further updates would be brought to future meetings; and

(c) That members be provided with feedback from the public consultation event held on 19th March, 2015.
Report by the Chief Officer Designate
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership relative to the proposed approach for supporting the development of Board members through 2015/16.

The report referred to the role of the IJB, in particular the challenges as a governance body of gaining insight, understanding and foresight, clarification of priorities and defining expectations; holding to account effectively and seeking assurance, and how this could best be achieved. The report set out a proposed development approach, the outcomes from which could shape the development programme for 2015/16. The report detailed initial headings for development work, including knowledge building, effective ways of working and forming and optimising working relationships and governance. It was suggested that it would be helpful for there to be information sharing with other IJBs on this matter.

It was proposed that a survey be issued to members for completion prior to the next meeting of the IJB to be held on 19th June, 2015, analysis of which would assist with the establishment of the development programme. This was agreed.


(a) That the next steps in shaping proposals for IJB development be agreed;

(b) That a survey be issued to members for completion prior to the next meeting of the IJB to be held on 19th June, 2015; and

(c) That it be noted that from these steps it was planned to establish a 2015/16 IJB development programme for consideration at the meeting of the IJB to be held on 19th June, 2015.

Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources Renfrewshire Council relative to the administrative arrangements which required to be put in place to support the operation of the IJB. The report intimated that as a newly established body the Shadow IJB required to have sufficient administrative, secretariat, policy and professional resources available to it to support its activities. Details of the proposed support arrangements were outlined in the report.

DECIDED: That the support arrangements set out in Section 3 of the report be approved.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to access to meetings and meeting documents. The report intimated that the IJB was not a statutory committee in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and, unlike the Council, was not required to comply with the access to information requirements of that legislation. It was noted that Renfrewshire Council, at its meeting held on 26th February, 2015 had agreed to recommend that the IJB published and circulated its papers in order to inform service users, elected members and their constituents.

The report also referred to IJBs being designated as public authorities by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 which provided a statutory right of access to all information held by Scottish public authorities and it was likely that the majority of the information considered by the IJB would require to be provided under a freedom of information request. Accordingly, the report proposed (a) that the same procedures, as appropriate, which applied to access to meetings and documents of meetings of the Council and its Boards, were applied to the Shadow IJB; and (b) that agendas for meetings of the Shadow IJB were published on the Council’s and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde’s websites three clear days prior to the meeting.


(a) That the same procedures as appropriate which applied to access to meetings and to documents of meetings of the Council and its Boards in terms of the access to information provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 are set out in Part A in Schedule 7A of the Act be applied to the Shadow IJB;

(b) That the agendas and minutes of the Shadow IJB are published on the Council’s and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde’s websites; and

(c) That a report be submitted to a future meeting outlining the arrangements for the development of a publication scheme.
Proposed Template for Reports to the Shadow Integration Joint Board
There was submitted a proposed template for reports to meetings of the Joint Board.

DECIDED: That the template be approved.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate and Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council providing an update on the development of legislation and guidance for health and social care integration, including key provisions.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Joint Report by the Chief Officer Designate and the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources, Renfrewshire Council relative to the timetable of future meeting dates based on five meetings per annum. It was proposed that meetings be held at 9:30am on 19th June, 18th September, 20th November, 2015 and 15th January and 18th March, 2016.


(a) That the proposed timetable of future meetings be agreed; and

(b) That a report be submitted to a future meeting with proposed dates beyond March 2016.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Ms Morag Brown  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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