Committee Members
Alan Russell (Renfrewshire Council) - Chair
Angela Scott (Aberdeen City Council): Greg Colgan (Dundee City Council): Eddie Fraser (East Ayrshire Council): Paul Manning (South Lanarkshire Council): David Robertson (Scottish Borders Council):
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Conflicts of Interest
Members are asked to declare any conflicts of interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no conflicts of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Review of Focus
The Chief Executive of Scotland Excel referred to Scotland Excel’s five-year strategy, approved by the Joint Committee in December 2022, which outlined the organisation’s business goals and priorities from 2023/28 and which had been developed around five corporate goals being: journey towards a net zero Scotland; drive for efficiency to support the financial sustainability of local public service; community wellbeing with equal access to services, economic development and fair work; resilient supply chains that maximise opportunities for Scottish businesses and the third sector; and advancement of skills to deliver Scotland’s economic transformation. The strategy was supported by annual operating plans.
Following detailed discussions, members of the group provided feedback and discussed several key actions resulting from the discussions.
DECIDED: That the key actions be written up and circulated to members of the group.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting