Under reference to item 1 of the Minute of the meeting of the IJB held on 25 September 2024, the Clerk submitted a report relative to the appointment of the IJB Vice Chair, the appointment of Health Board voting members to the IJB Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee and the appointment or reappointment of various category two and three members to the IJB.
In accordance with the terms of the Integration Scheme, Colin Neil, seconded by Cath Cooney, proposed that Margaret Kerr be appointed as Vice Chair of the IJB until September 2025 when she would then take up the position of Chair.
There being no further nominations, it was noted that Margaret Kerr would be Vice Chair of the IJB until September 2025 when she would then take up the position of Chair.
The report intimated that the IJB had established an Audit Committee which came into effect on 1 April 2016, now known as the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee. It had been agreed that the membership would comprise two voting members from the Health Board, two voting members from the Council and two members from the non-voting membership. Also, that the Chair of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee must not be the Chair of the IJB or be a representative of the same constituent authority as the Chair of the IJB. Following the appointment of new Health Board voting members on the IJB, the four Health Board voting members were invited to nominate two of their number to sit on the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee and were also invited to propose which of the two nominated members was to be appointed as Chair of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee.
Colin Neil, seconded by Cath Cooney, moved that Margaret Kerr and Karen Turner be nominated to sit on the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee and that Margaret Kerr be nominated as Chair of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee until September 2025.
The report provided details in relation to the reappointment and appointment of non-voting members which required to be made on or before 22 November 2024.
There was discussion regarding the importance of the regular meetings between the Chair, Vice Chair and Chief Officer, and of both the Council and Health Board being suitably represented at pre-agenda meetings.
(a) That it be noted that Margaret Kerr had been appointed as Vice Chair of the IJB until September 2025 when she should then take up the position of Chair;
(b) That it be noted that in line with the proposed approach to the appointment of members of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee, Margaret Kerr and Karen Turner had been nominated by the voting members to sit on the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee and that Margaret Kerr had been appointed as Chair of the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Committee until September 2025;
(c) That it be noted that Karen Jarvis (Registered Nurse) had been reappointed as a non-voting member to the IJB until March 2025 and that Alan McNiven (Third Sector Representative) together with Alice McBride as Alan’s proxy, had been reappointed as a non-voting member to the IJB for a period of three years;
(d) That it be noted that Stephanie MacGregor-Cross (Council Staff Member), Amanda Walton (Trade Union – Health Board Staff) and Mark Halliwell (Unpaid Carer) together with Willie Paton, Mark’s proxy, had been appointed as non-voting members to the IJB for a period of three years; and
(e) That it be noted that Wilma Mathieson (Service User) had been appointed as a non-voting member to the IJB on an interim basis and that it be noted that the HSCP would undertake a recruitment process for the appointment of a replacement for Stephen Cruickshank together with a proxy.