There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to a proposed Exemption Order to allow Renfrewshire Council to grant exemptions at specific roads from the nationwide pavement parking ban in accordance with the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.
The report provided a background to the pavement parking ban and detailed situations where exemptions to the ban might be deemed appropriate. A number of streets had been proposed for exemption, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, and consultation around these had been undertaken during August 2024. Responses to the consultation were summarised in the report. It was noted that areas of the Exemption Order which were subject to requests for extensions to the exemption would be removed from this Order to allow the requests to be examined and would then be subject to a future Order. It was further noted that these locations would not be considered for enforcement whilst a subsequent Order was being developed.
Members were advised that, in accordance with the ‘Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations 1999’ and the Council’s procedures, this Policy Board could decide on the objections itself or to appoint a Reporter to do so. It was determined that the objections would be considered and decided on at this meeting of the Policy Board and that they be not upheld.
The report advised that this Policy Board had delegated authority to exercise the functions of the Council in relation to road traffic regulation. The report sought to have specific powers relating to road traffic regulation delegated to specified officers by virtue of an amendment to the Scheme of Delegation, as detailed in section 7.2 of the report.
(a) That the objections made in relation to The Renfrewshire Council (Pavement Parking Exemptions) Order 2025 would be considered and decided on at this meeting of the Policy Board rather than appointing an independent Reporter and that the objections be not upheld;
(b) That the implementation of an amended Exemption Order, which included the roads as listed at Appendix 1 of the report be approved and that the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure in conjunction with the Convener of this Policy Board be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order;
(c) That the commencement of enforcement activity associated with the national pavement parking ban, in accordance with the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, by Renfrewshire Council’s Parking Attendants be approved;
(d) That an amendment to paragraph 20 on page 92 of the scheme of delegation, as detailed in section 7.2 of the report, be approved for immediate implementation; and
(e) That it be noted that this was the first in a series of exemption reports which were likely to be submitted to this Policy Board as additional areas for exemption required to be considered.