There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive which provided updates on various items of business relevant to the Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership.
The report provided details of funding allocated by Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership from the General Grant Fund and, through a Participating Budgeting exercise known as Celebrating Renfrewshire. Appendix 1 to the report set out the funds allocated by this Local Partnership in 2024/25 and provided details of the current budget position.
Information on decisions made by Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership at the meeting held on 6 June 2024 in terms of grants awarded was provided. From an available budget of £46,158.56 awards to applicants had been made totalling £30,412.42, the balance remaining for 2024/25 was £15,746.14.
The report also provided an update on the Local Partnership Development Programme; Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Priorities 2024 detailed in Appendix 2; and details of the recent appointment of the Local Partnerships Development Officer. Information was also detailed on the Winter Connections programme for 2024/25, and an overview of Winter Connections projects being hosted by local organisations in the Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership was also provided.
(a) That the contents of Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership Update Paper be noted; and
(b) That the budget position be noted.