There was submitted an report by the Chief Executive inviting standing members of the Local Partnership to agree the appointment of community representatives to vacant positions within the Local Partnership.
The report intimated that Local Partnerships comprised of an equal number of elected members from Renfrewshire Council and community representatives. Following the review of Local Partnerships in autumn/winter 2023/24, the community representative positions now required to be refreshed and applications had been invited form current and new community representatives.
The report advised that this Local Partnership had seven standing members, being those elected members from Renfrewshire Council representing the Partnership area, as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report; that there were seven spaces for community representatives and that active community councils were automatically allocated one of these spaces and paragraph 3.4 of the report detailed the four active community councils in the Partnership area being allocated a space; and that there were three spaces remaining to be filled by community representatives and paragraph 3.7 of the report provided information in relation to the four applications received.
The report detailed the criteria developed to support members on the appointment of community representatives.
DECIDED: That Jacqueline Doherty, Langbank Swingpark Regeneration; Hayden
Sutherland, Bishopton Community Development Trust; and Ali Whitty, Erskine Arts be be allocated a community representative space on the Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton & Langbank Local Partnership.