There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive of Scotland Excel relative to the award of a fourth-generation renewal framework for Security Services and Cash Collection for a period of 48 months. It was noted that subject to approval and completion of a standstill period, the framework would commence in February 2024.
The report intimated that the framework would provide a mechanism for councils to procure a range of security services including cash collections.
The report summarised the outcome of the procurement process which contained four lots, as detailed in Table 1 of the report. The framework had been advertised at £17.5 million per annum, totalling an estimated spend of £70 million over the four-year period of the framework. This advertised spend allowed for increased participation from councils and associate members not currently utilising the framework. Appendix 1 to the report detailed the participation, spend and savings summary for those participating in the framework.
Tender responses had been received from 21 suppliers and, based on the criteria and scoring methodology set out in the tender documents, a full evaluation of all compliant offers had been carried out with the confirmed overall scoring achieved by each supplier detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.
Members were advised that recommendations in the report had been made on the outcome of the evaluation on the basis of the submitted tenders. For two bidders, Confida FM Limited and Profile Security Services Limited, the award would be subject to further investigation with the Regulator in respect of corporate restructures which had come to the attention of Scotland Excel after preparation of the report. In the circumstances approval was sought for delegated authority to be granted to the Chief Executive of Scotland Excel to determine whether the clarification obtained was to Scotland Excel’s satisfaction before awarding to the bidders concerned. This was agreed unanimously.
Based on the evaluation undertaken, and in line with the advertised criteria and weightings set out in the report, it was recommended that a multi-supplier framework arrangement be awarded to the remaining 17 suppliers, as outlined in Appendix 2 to the report.
The report detailed the approach taken by suppliers in relation to fair work practices and their position on the payment of the Real Living Wage together with the other benefits that would be achieved through the framework. The report intimated that, in accordance with Scotland Excel’s established contract segmentation tool, the framework had been classified as class C.
(a) That further investigation be undertaken with the Regulator in respect of corporate restructures at two of the bidders, Confida FM Limited and Profile Security Services Limited;
(b) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive of Scotland Excel to determine whether the clarification subsequently obtained was to Scotland Excel’s satisfaction before proceeding to award to the bidders concerned; and
(c) That the award of the framework agreement for Security Services and Cash Collection to the remaining 17 suppliers, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report, be approved.