There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to a petition received from Mr A Beattie in the following terms:
“On Monday 12th August 2024 I visited Kilbarchan Cemetery to pay respects to my late wife, and as I departed from the cemetery and tried to gain access to the main road another vehicle already on the Bridge of Weir Road nearly collided with me. This has also happened on two previous occasions.
On this occasion there were two reasons for this. I believe the car behind may have been speeding (it’s supposed to be a 30mph zone at this point) and also it is difficult to see the main road at the exit junction from the cemetery due to overgrown bushes etc.
This situation has caused me some angst and want to report this issue before a nasty accident occurs.
Can the Council slightly extend the 30mph zone on the Bridge of Weir Road (facing Bridge of Weir) to make it safer for the people whilst exiting the cemetery.”
Mr Beattie was in attendance at the meeting and addressed the Board in support of his petition.
The Board heard from the Transportation & Active Travel Manager in response to the petition and reference was made to the written response provided at section 1.4 of the report which advised that the section of road referred to in the petition had been assessed and added to the Council’s list of roads requiring traffic calming attention and set out the proposed works. It was noted that there were a number of other sites with more severe issues and which were a higher priority but the location had been identified by the service for attention when funding became available.
Both the Board members and the petitioner were given the opportunity to ask questions of the officer in attendance. Mr Beattie suggested that traffic activated signage which illuminated when approached by speeding drivers would also be beneficial in this area. The Transportation & Active Travel Manager confirmed this would be added to the list of potential traffic calming measures to be used in the area.
In terms of Standing Order 59 Councillor Burns, moved that the petition be referred to the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure for further investigation without any specific recommendation. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That the petition be referred to the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure for further investigation without any specific recommendation.