Under reference to item 9 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 18 September 2023, the Strategic Lead & Improvement Manager submitted a report providing an update on ongoing activity to identify and manage strategic and operational risks; the actions to be undertaken to deliver on the recommendations arising from the completed internal audit review of the IJB’s risk management arrangements; and updates made to the IJB’s Risk and Issues Register, a copy of which was appended to the report.
The report intimated that the Risk Management Framework set out the principles by which the HSCP and IJB identified and managed strategic and operational risks impacting upon the organisation and formed a key strand of the IJB’s overall governance mechanisms. The framework set out how risks and issues should be identified, managed and reported.
The report provided further detail on the key activities completed and the key updates to existing risks.
(a) That the update on risk management activity, provided in section 4 of the report, be noted;
(b) That the summary of actions that would be taken in response to recommendations arising from the internal audit of the IJB’s risk management arrangements, provided in section 5 of the report, be noted;
(c) That it be noted that a revised Risk Management Policy and Strategy would be brought to the Committee for review and approval in March 2024; and
(d) That the updates made to the existing risks and issues, following further assessment and engagement within the HSCP and with partners, as detailed in section 6 of the report, be approved.