There was submitted a report by Children’s Hearings Scotland relative to Professional Development Award completion guidance for Area Support Teams.
The report advised that the aspiration in CHS was that all Panel Members were confident and competent to make the best decisions for infants, children, and young people in hearings. One of the key components to achieving this was to ensure they were given the best training to equip them for their role, and therefore all Panel Members, who had joined the National Panel since 2014, were required to complete the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) accredited Professional Development Award (PDA).
The aim of the report was to provide ASTs with all the necessary information about the PDA and the expectation of Panel Members to complete the award as part of their commitment to their role, and also included guidance on what should be done if any Panel Member had not progressed on their PDA journey, as expected within the recommended timelines.
The report detailed background information; the current position; CHS Chairing policy; Panel Member reappointment guidance; minimum requirements of reappointment; criteria for not reappointing a Panel Member; training requirements imposed by the National Convener; exceptional circumstances preventing PDA completion within two years; and PDA extension requests.
DECIDED: That the report be noted.