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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Local Partnership - Paisley East
10 May 2023 - 18:00 to 19:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Councillor Carolann Davidson: Councillor Eddie Devine:Councillor Neill Graham: Cathie Cassie Forbes, ROAR Connections For Life: Chris Johnstone, Rainbow Turtle: Elaine Loch, Paisley Opera: Dorothy Finlay, Charleston Tenants and Residents Association: Councillor Bruce McFarlane, Councillor Kenny MacLaren: Councillor Mags MacLaren: Councillor Marie McGurk: Councillor John McNaughtan: Piero Pieraccini, Paisley Development Trust: Councillor Will Mylet: Councillor Jennifer Adam; Florence Garabedian, Active Communities; Andrew Ramsay, Paisley
East & Whitehaugh Community Council; Nicola Gooch, Hawkhead & Lochfield Community Council; Councillor Graeme Clark, Councillor Ben Smith, Councillor Janis McDonald, Fergal McCauley, Ralston Community Council.
Standard Items
Items Of Business
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please email 

Apologies from members.
Councillor Ben Smith, Councillor Marie McGurk, Andrew Ramsay, Paisley East & Whitehaugh Community Council; and Piero Pieraccini, Paisley Development Trust:
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Chris Johnstone declared an interest in item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1100 submitted by Rainbow Turtle as he was a member of that organisation and intimated his intention to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor Clark declared an interest in item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application 1066 submitted by Active Communities (Scotland) Ltd as a family member was associated with the organisation and application 1104 submitted by Friends of Barshaw Park as he was a member of that organisation and intimated his intention to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Eline Loch declared an interest in item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application 1104 submitted by Friends of Barshaw Park as she was a member and active volunteer of that organisation and intimated her intention to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor Graham indicated that he had a connection with item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application 1055 submitted by Renfrewshire Walking Network as he attended the walking football sessions. He indicated that he had applied the objective test and did not consider he had an interest to declare. 
Minute of previous meeting held on 15 February 2023.
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of this Local Partnership held on 15 February 2023.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.
Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the 2022/23 budget allocated to this Local Partnership. An appendix to the report detailed the distribution of funds.

The report advised that the 2022/23 budget allocated from the General Fund and the Paisley Common Good Fund of £64,002.39 for this Local Partnership had been awarded to local groups. Feedback received from projects funded during financial year 2022/23 were also appended to the report. During discussion reference was made to the variance between the quality of the feedback received.  

DECIDED:  That the report be noted. 
Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the applications for Local Partnership grant funding.  

The available allocation for Paisley East Local Partnership was £64,647, comprising £52,247 from the General Fund, £12,400 from Paisley Common Good Fund.  From this allocation £550 had been ringfenced for community representative’s expenses. The total amount available for allocation was £64,097. The total value of applications received was £119,746.76 which meant that the available allocation was oversubscribed.  

The report advised that the Celebrating Renfrewshire Fund component for this Local Partnership was £24,095 and would be allocated by young people through a participatory budgeting exercise to take place during May 2023.   

Based on views expressed at the meeting of this Partnership held on 15 February 2023 regarding a structured process for the allocation of grant funding, no cap had been placed on the value of awards proposed; applications from groups located within the Paisley East Local Partnership area meeting local priorities had been prioritised; previous recipients of grant funding who had not submitted feedback, having been issued with a reminder, were excluded from consideration of future funding; and the options papers developed, detailing proposals to help determine awards, which would act as a starting point for discussion had been circulated to all members of the Local Partnership prior to the next meeting. The report intimated that applications had been assessed into categories of (i) those with direct reference to the local priorities where the project was located in or specific to the area; and (ii) those with direct reference to the local priorities where the project was not located in or specific to the area and that it was proposed that applications in category (i) above be awarded 75% of the amount requested while those in category (ii) be awarded 31.65%. The Partnerships Planning and Development Manager also advised that, since the preparation of the report, feedback in respect of local partnership funding awarded in 2022/23 had been received from Rainbow Turtle, REEM and Paisley Peoples Archive. Arrangements would be made to circulate copies of the feedback reports to members of the Local Partnership.

It was agreed that, in principle, the proposal be accepted but that the applications be considered individually and determined as follows:

FR1041 REEM (Renfrewshire Effort to Empower Minorities)- REEM Drop-in Centre – awarded £642.

FR1042 Paisley Society of Model Engineers – Replacement shipping container for
materials storage – awarded £1005.91.

FR1045 Renfrewshire Effort to Empower Minorities (REEM) – Taste of Culture (Black History month) - awarded £1,125.

FR1049 Dates-N-Mates – Dates-N-Mates - awarded £6,000

FR1051 The Renfrewshire Toy Bank – The Renfrewshire Toy Bank - awarded £1800.

FR1055 Renfrewshire Walking Network – Promote Walking in Renfrewshire - awarded £570.

FR1056 Paisley Peoples Archive – Echoes of the Past, Save Heritage - awarded £700.

FR 1061 – Paisley Pirates IHC – Paisley Pirates Ice Hockey Club (Incorporating Junior Development) - Provision of ICE - awarded £684.39

FR1063 – Paisley Sea cadets/Brediland hall – Hall Improvements and running costs – No award.

FR1064 Fèis Phàislig – Fèis Phàislig 2023/24 - awarded £4266.

Declaration of Interest

Councillor Clark having previously declared an interest in application FR1066 took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

FR1066 Active Communities (Scotland) Ltd - Jingle Bell Run 2023 - awarded £3037.50.

FR1069 Impact Arts (Projects) Ltd - Make It Your Own (MIYO) - awarded £7,500.

FR1074 – SSAFA’s Glasgow’s Helping Heroes – Social Groups for the Armed Forces
Community - awarded £2430.37.

FR1080 Meikleriggs Cricket Foundation – Community Cricket Coaching – No award.

FR1083 Kelburne Cricket Club Cricket Section – School Coaching Programme and Summer Camp - awarded £2,925.

FR 1092 – 5th Paisley (Oldhall) Scout Group – Upgrade – awarded £1,875.

FR 1097 RIG Arts – Adult Textiles Workshops – awarded £5,504.25.

Declaration of Interest

C Johnstone having previously declared an interest in application FR1100 took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

FR 1100 Rainbow Turtle - Fair Trade Education and Promotion - awarded £3,000.

Declaration of Interest

E Loch and Councillor Clark having previously declared an interest in application FR1104 took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

FR1104 Friends of Barshaw park - Proud, safe, Community Connections - awarded £5,887.50

FR1106 PACE Theatre Company – PACE Youth Theatre Bursary Fund – No award.

FR1108 Ralston Playgroup – Toy and garden repair add upgrade - awarded £1,875.

FR1110 School of African Cultures – KARIBU HUB 2 - awarded £3,142.50.

FR 1111 – Scotia Trampoline Academy – Scotia Trampoline Academy Expansion Plan - awarded £3,750.

FR 1116 – Buddies of Hunterhill – Creating a community group & making our outdoor space safe – No award.

FR 1124 – The Breastfeeding Network - Renfrewshire Breast Buddies - No award.

FR1137 Stronger Communities Glenburn - Cost of living help – No award.

FR 1143 Lamont Farm Project – Lamont Farm Project – No award.

FR 1152 Renfrewshire Access Panel – Accessibility for all - awarded £2561.61.

FRtbc Ralston Bowling Club – Ralston Bowling Club – Noted that the application had been withdrawn.


That the undernoted applications be recommended for funding as follows:

FR1041 REEM (Renfrewshire Effort to Empower Minorities)- REEM Drop-in Centre – awarded £642.

FR1042 Paisley Society of Model Engineers – Replacement shipping container for
materials storage – awarded £1005.91.

FR1045 Renfrewshire Effort to Empower Minorities (REEM) – Taste of Culture (Black History month) - awarded £1,125.

FR1049 Dates-N-Mates – Dates-N-Mates - awarded £6,000

FR1051 The Renfrewshire Toy Bank – The Renfrewshire Toy Bank - awarded £1800.

FR1055 Renfrewshire Walking Network – Promote Walking in Renfrewshire - awarded £570.

FR1056 Paisley Peoples Archive – Echoes of the Past, Save Heritage - awarded £700.

FR 1061 – Paisley Pirates IHC – Paisley Pirates Ice Hockey Club (Incorporating Junior Development) - Provision of ICE - awarded £684.39.

FR1063 – Paisley Sea cadets/Brediland hall – Hall Improvements and running costs – No award.

FR1064 Fèis Phàislig – Fèis Phàislig 2023/24 - awarded £4266.

FR1066 Active Communities (Scotland) Ltd - Jingle Bell Run 2023 - awarded £3037.50.

FR1069 Impact Arts (Projects) Ltd - Make It Your Own (MIYO) - awarded £7,500.

FR1074 – SSAFA’s Glasgow’s Helping Heroes – Social Groups for the Armed Forces
Community - awarded £2430.37.

FR1080 Meikleriggs Cricket Foundation – Community Cricket Coaching – No award.

FR1083 Kelburne Cricket Club Cricket Section – School Coaching Programme and Summer Camp - awarded £2,925.

FR 1092 – 5th Paisley (Oldhall) Scout Group – Upgrade – awarded £1,875.

FR 1097 RIG Arts – Adult Textiles Workshops – awarded £5,504.25.

FR 1100 Rainbow Turtle - Fair Trade Education and Promotion - awarded £3,000.

FR1104 Friends of Barshaw park - Proud, safe, Community Connections - awarded £5,887.50

FR1106 PACE Theatre Company – PACE Youth Theatre Bursary Fund – No award.

FR1108 Ralston Playgroup – Toy and garden repair add upgrade - awarded £1,875.

FR1110 School of African Cultures – KARIBU HUB 2 - awarded £3,142.50.

FR 1111 – Scotia Trampoline Academy – Scotia Trampoline Academy Expansion Plan - awarded £3,750.

FR 1116 – Buddies of Hunterhill – Creating a community group & making our outdoor space safe – No award.

FR 1124 – The Breastfeeding Network - Renfrewshire Breast Buddies - No award.

FR1137 Stronger Communities Glenburn - Cost of living help – No award.

FR 1143 Lamont Farm Project – Lamont Farm Project – No award.

FR 1152 Renfrewshire Access Panel – Accessibility for all - awarded £2561.61.

FRtbc Ralston Bowling Club – Ralston Bowling Club – Noted that the application had been withdrawn.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Graeme Clark3Declaration of Interest: Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding PersonalMember of Friends of Barshaw Park who had submitted an application for funding
Councillor Neill Graham3Declaration of Interest: Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding PersonalRenfrewshire Walking Network - as he attended the walking football sessions
Christopher Johnstone3Declaration of Interest: Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding PersonalMember of Rainbow Turtle who had submitted an application for funding
Ms Elaine Loch3Declaration of Interest: Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding PersonalMember of Friends of Barshaw Park who had submitted an application for funding


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting