S Graham, Chief Executive’s Service, advised that the Paisley East Local Partnership had in previous years received a greater value of applications for funding than it had available to award. As a result, Paisley East Local Partnership members had previously discussed the desirability of agreeing a methodology to apply in principle to applications received.
Paisley East Local Partnership had previously agreed a number of priorities for the area. The agreed priorities were outlined. These priorities were used as an initial assessment of the extent to which applications meet, partially meet or do not meet the needs of Paisley East.
Potential options that could be taken into account by Paisley East Local Partnership as principles to apply to funding decisions in the 2023/24 funding round were outlined with the aim of assisting the Local Partnership to reach a consensus on funding awards. These included fully funding projects that were most preferred, which would leaving limited funding for other applications; cap the value of awards given; award a pro rata/percentage of the application funding sought; geographical considerations; further analysis on project fit with local priorities; and exclusion of applications not supplying feedback from previous awards.
It was highlighted that the options were not exhaustive or mutually exclusive and members of the Partnership might wish to explore other options.
There followed discussion.
(a) That the options for criteria to assess Local Partnership funding applications received for decision in May 2023 be noted; and
(b) That the following principles be agreed and applied when considering funding applications for Paisley East Local Partnership in May 2023
(c) That no cap be placed on the value of awards made;
(d) That applications from groups located within the Paisley East Local Partnership area and meeting local priorities be prioritised.
(e) That previous recipients of grant funding not submitting feedback, having been issued with a reminder, be excluded from consideration of future funding and
(f) That the options papers developed in due course, detailing proposals to help determine awards, which would act as a starting point for discussion be circulated to all members of the Local Partnership as soon as possible prior to the next meeting.