There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the dispersal of the remaining available grant budgets for 2023/24.
The report set out that there was an outstanding balance of £2,028.73, for projects meeting any of the Gleniffer Local Partnership priorities. In addition, a sum of £4,460 remained available from the 2022/23 budget which was set aside for Gleniffer Youth Provision.
Following discussion, it was agreed that West Region Scouts Association, Foxbar Rivers Community Centre and The Thursday Club would be invited to submit a funding application and that authority be delegated to the Partnership Manager to distribute the funding equally between the successful applicants.
It was also agreed that members would circulate information around the Gleniffer Youth Provision funding to the community to encourage applications.
(a) That the content of the report be noted;
(b) That the remaining balances of £2,078.73 and £4,460 for dispersal be noted;
(c) That West Region Scouts Association, Foxbar Rivers Community Centre and The Thursday Club would be invited to submit a funding application;
(d) That authority be delegated to the Partnership Manager to distribute the funding equally between the successful applicants; and
(e) That members would circulate information around the Gleniffer Youth Provision funding to the community to encourage applications.