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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Local Partnership - Paisley North, West & Central
16 May 2023 - 18:00 to 20:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Councillor Carolann Davidson;  Mike Dillon (Paisley North Community Council); Margaret Dymond (Maxwellton Court Tenants Association); Darran Gillan (YMCA Paisley); Councillor Edward Grady: Heather Kay (STAR Project); Alison Love (Disability Arts Forum); Councillor Janis McDonald; Councillor Cathy McEwan; Claire McGinley (Paisley YMCA); Terry McTernan (Ferguslie Community Council): Councillor Kenny MacLaren: Councillor Mags MacLaren: Councillor John McNaughtan: Jay Jay Muyania (REEM); Councillor Will Mylet: Councillor Jim Paterson; Councillor Ben Smith; and John Wilby (Paisley West & Central Community Council).
Councillor John McNaughtan, Chair.
Standard Items
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillor Jim Paterson and Councillor Ben Smith.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor Davidson declared that she had a connection with item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1043 submitted by Brick Lane Music Academy CIC as she had attended this organisation. She indicated that she had applied the objective test and did not consider she had an interest to declare.

Councillor McDonald declared that she had a connection with item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1043 submitted by Brick Lane Music Academy CIC as she had attended this organisation. She indicated that she had applied the objective test and did not consider she had an interest to declare.

Councillor McEwan declared that she had a connection with item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1043 submitted by Brick Lane Music Academy CIC as she had attended this organisation. She indicated that she had applied the objective test and did not consider she had an interest to declare.

Terry McTernan indicated that he had a connection with item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1044 submitted by Own Yer Bike. He indicated that he had applied the objective test and did not consider he had an interest to declare. 

Heather Kay declared an interest in item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1096 submitted by STAR Project as she was a member of that organisation and intimated her intention to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Margaret Dymond declared an interest in item 3 – Applications for Local Partnership Grant Funding – in respect of application FR1148 submitted by Shopmobility as she was a member of that organisation and intimated her intention to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon.
Minute of previous meeting held on 21 February 2023.
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of this Local Partnership held on 21 February 2023.  A member of the Local Partnership suggested that under Item 6 there was a more general issue of Council officials failing to reflect the views of community groups when formally reporting to elected members.  It was agreed that the minute be amended to reflect this. 

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved subject to an amendment under item 6. 
Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the 2022/23 budget allocated to this Local Partnership. An appendix to the report detailed the distribution of funds.

The report advised that the 2022/23 budget allocated from the General Fund and the Paisley Common Good Fund of £55.701.95 for this Local Partnership had been awarded to local groups. Feedback received from projects funded during financial year 2022/23 were also appended to the report. 

DECIDED:  That the report be noted. 
Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the applications for Local Partnership grant funding.  

The available allocation for Paisley East Local Partnership was £56,722, comprising £45,822 from the General Fund, £10.900 from Paisley Common Good Fund.  From this allocation £500 had been ringfenced for community representative’s expenses. The total amount available for allocation was £56,222. The total value of applications received was £184,849.33 which meant that the available allocation was oversubscribed.  

The report advised that the Celebrating Renfrewshire Fund/Youth Challenge Fund component for this Local Partnership was £21,133 and would be allocated by young people through a participatory budgeting exercise to take place during May 2023, with decisions being made in June 2023.   

Applicants for funding in 2023/24 had been provided with guidance, as well as a description of the Local Priorities identified by Paisley North, West and Central Local Partnership. Local Partnership members were asked to consider the applications for funding summarised at Appendix 1 and 2 of this report, and to assess these against the Local Priorities agreed by Paisley North, West and Central.  An initial assessment had been carried out by officers to support Local Partnership members in their decision-making. Where applications had made clear reference to the Local Priorities identified by the Local Partnership, these were identified in the first table at Appendix 1. Applications that made a partial or no reference to Paisley North, West and Central Local Priorities were summarised in the second table of Appendix 1. 

DECIDED: That the undernoted applications be recommended for funding as follows:

(a) Applications with direct reference to the Paisley North, West and Central Local Priorities and where the project is located in or specific to Paisley North, West and Central

FR1037 Twist and Hit Cheerleaders - Declined
FR1039 Outspoken Arts Scotland Limited - Awarded £3,383
FR1040 Forever Young - Awarded £1,015
FR1041 REEM Drop In - Awarded £1,938
FR1043 Brick Lane Music Academy CIC - Awarded £3,383
FR1044 Own Yer Bike - Awarded £3,383
FR1045 REEM Black History Month - Awarded £1,692

FR1047 Kelburne Hockey & Community Sports Club - Declined
FR1049 Dates-N-Mates - Declined
FR1051 The Renfrewshire Toy Bank - Awarded £1,800
FR1055 Renfrewshire Walking Network - Awarded £570
FR1060 Storm Gymnastics CIC - Declined
FR1064 Fèis Phàislig - Awarded £3,383
FR1070 Paisley Barbell Powerlifting Club - Awarded £1,000
FR1072 Early Years Scotland - Awarded £3,383
FR1079 Renfrewshire Environmental Trust - Awarded £1,353
FR1080 Meikleriggs Cricket Foundation - Declined
FR1083 Kelburne Cricket Club Cricket Section - Declined
FR1094 Gallowhill Senior Citizens Indoor Bowling Club - Awarded £1,500
FR1095 Basketball Paisley - Declined

Declaration of Interest

H Kay having previously declared an interest in application FR1096 took no part in the discussions or voting thereon.

FR1096 STAR Project - Awarded £5,000
FR1100 Rainbow Turtle - Awarded £2,030
FR1103 8th Paisley Boys Brigade - Declined
FR1106 PACE Theatre Company - Declined
FR1107 Jones & Us - Awarded £1,763
FR1109 St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation - Declined
FR1110 School of African Cultures - Awarded £2,835
FR1121 Renfrewshire Stroke and Disability Art - Awarded £750
Therapy Group
FR1135 Renfrewshire Rainbow Buddies - Awarded £2,706
FR1136 Right2dance - Awarded £3,031

Declaration of Interest

M Dymond having previously declared an interest in application FR1148 took no part in the discussions or voting thereon.

FR1148 Shopmobility - Awarded £2,044
FR1153 Renfrewshire Access Panel - Awarded £1,733
FR1159 Gallowhill Bowling Club - Awarded £1,400

(b) Applications with direct reference to the Paisley North, West and Central Local Priorities and where the project is not located in or specific to Paisley North, West and Central

FR1061 Paisley Pirates Ice Hockey Club - Awarded £1,000
FR1063 Paisley Sea Cadets/Brediland Hall - Awarded £760
FR1074 SSAFA’s Glasgow’s Helping Heroes - Awarded £3,383
FR1108 Ralston Playgroup - Declined
FR1137 Stronger Communities Glenburn - Declined
FR1144 Lamont Farm Project - Declined

(c) Applications with partial or no reference to the Paisley North, West and Central Local Priorities

FR1056 Paisley People’s Archive - Declined
FR1089 Eat Up - Declined
FR1092 5th Paisley Oldhall Scout Group - Declined
Item for discussion.
J Wilby, gave a presentation to members which highlighted the number of historical assets
and listed buildings within the Paisley North, West & Central Local Partnership area covered by the Heritage Trail which were short walking distance apart.  The presentation highlighted concerns about the insufficient lighting, graffiti and poor footpaths which impacted on accessibility and the number of people using the trail. 

The presentation provided members with suggested measures which could be used to improve/restore the Trail and included contact being made with officers of Renfrewshire Council with the aim to secure repairs to street furniture. existing lighting; provision of additional lighting; removal of graffiti; and improvements to footpaths to enhance areas of the trail identified.  It was also highlighted that action should be taken to create a leaflet which highlighted all the trails assets to be circulated around local cafes and bars which would increase activity on the trail and improve trade for these local businesses.

DECIDED: That the contents of the presentation be noted.
Members are asked to note that the next meeting of the Paisley North, West and Central Local Partnership is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 12 September 2023 at 6.00pm.
DECIDED: That it be noted that the next meeting of the Paisley North, West & Central Local Partnership be held in West End Community Centre at 6.00 pm on 12 September 2023.


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting