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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff
6 Feb 2024 - 14:00 to 16:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Standard Items
Representing Renfrewshire Council Management 

Councillor E Rodden; Councillor J Paterson; J Calder, Head of Education/Interim Chief Education Officer; J Colquhoun, Education Manager (Development); K Henry, Head Teacher, St Andrews Academy; J Houston, Head Teacher, Mossvale Primary School; A Hall, Education Manager (Development); M Thomas, Education Manager (Development) (all Education and Childrens' Services); and M Boyd, Head of People & Organisational Development (Finance and Resources)

Representing Renfrewshire Council Teaching Staff 

K Fella/M Russell (Joint Secretary), JP Tonner, T Millar, Y Murray, D Tollan, B Kelly, D Baxter and P Quinn (all EIS); R Kane(SSTA); and L Gibson (NASUWT).
Further Information
A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available online at

For further information, please email 


Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
M Thomas, Education Manager (Development), J Colquhoun, Education Manager (Development) and JP Tonner and M Russell (both EIS).
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
There were no declarations of interest or transparency statements intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Consider the appointment of a Chairperson for this meeting.
In accordance with the terms of the local recognition and procedure agreement, which stated that the Chair of the Committee should alternate between the two sides comprising the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff, it was agreed that Councillor E Rodden would chair this meeting of the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff.

DECIDED: That Councillor E Rodden chair this meeting of the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff.
Minute of previous meeting, held on 14 November 2023, as agreed by the Joint Secretaries. 
  1. pdf 14.11.23 Minute (112Kb)
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting held on 14 November 2023.

Under reference to Item 9 of the Minute, Supply Teachers’ Concerns, the Teachers’ Side requested that their concerns regarding the number of specialist ASN staff be recorded in the minute. The Clerk confirmed that this would be amended.

DECIDED:  That the Minute be approved subject to the above amendment.
2 Matters Arising
Matters arising from the Minute of the previous meeting, held on 14 November 2023.
Under reference to Item 3 of the Minute, Matters Arising, JNC/15 Grievance Procedures, an update was requested by the Teachers’ Side. E Henry, Interim Head of Education, advised that she would set up a working group to discuss this.

An update was also requested by the Teachers’ Side in respect of the action tracker document. The Clerk advised that the provision of an action log had been discussed with the Democratic Services Manager, that both sides would have to agree this was required and that this had not been progressed due to the departure of the Joint Secretary (Management Side). The Clerk advised that she would discuss the practicalities of this further with the Joint Secretaries after the meeting.

Under reference to Item 5 of the Minute, Standard Circular 57, the Teachers’ Side requested an update on the accessibility of Standard Circulars and it was advised that this area of work remained in progress.  The Teachers' side also requested an update on the addition of safeguarding triggers to the SEEMIS system, it was advised that this had not yet been progressed and that this would be taken forward by E Henry, Interim Head of Education.

Under reference to Item 8 of the Minute, Let’s be Heard – Scotland’s Covid Enquiry, the Teachers’ Side advised that they were aware of one secondary school which had participated, that this had been beneficial to pupils, and queried if any additional schools had taken part. It was advised that M Thomas, Education Manager (Development), was dealing with this and as she was not present at the meeting would provide a future update.


(a) That E Henry, Interim Head of Education, would set up a working group to discuss JNC/15 Grievance Procedures;

(b) That the Clerk would discuss the provision of an action log/tracker with the Joint Secretaries after the meeting;

(c) That work in connection with the location of Standard Circulars to ensure access for all required parties remained ongoing;

(d) That the addition of triggers within the SEEMIS system to assist with safeguarding code red pupils would be taken forward by E Henry, Interim Head of Education; and

(e) That M Thomas, Education Manager (Development) would provide an update on the Let’s be Heard – Scotland’s Covid Enquiry participants.
Report by Principal HR & OD Adviser.
There was submitted a report by the Principal HR & OD Adviser relative to the work undertaken to reduce violent incidents in schools since the last meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teachers (JNC).

The report outlined the plans and actions taken following an incident at a secondary school which included a review of access and egress points, radio protocols and the segregation, where possible, of members of the public from school grounds and that discussions with the Civil Contingencies Service remained ongoing.

The report advised of the number of incidents reported on the Businessworld (BW) system and that BW training had been carried out with Headteachers.  

There followed a general discussion on the number and type of incidents reported and the practicalities of BW. The Teachers’ Side expressed concern that there remained glitches with the BW system, the Principal HR & OD Adviser invited the Teachers’ Side to provide specific examples of BW glitches and that these would be discussed with the BW Team.

The report advised that Renfrewshire Council’s Corporate Health & Safety team were part of a new national health & safety working group. The Principal HR & OD Adviser was heard in answer to queries on this and advised that the next meeting of the working group was scheduled to be held in six weeks and that he could provide an update to the JNC at a future meeting.


(a) That the Teachers’ Side would provide specific examples of any BW glitches and that these would be taken forward with BW Team;

(b) That the Principal HR & OD Adviser would provide an update to a future meeting of the JNC following the next meeting of the national health & safety working group; and

(c) That otherwise the report be noted.
Report by Interim Head of Education.
There was submitted a report by the Head of Education relative to a change to applications for permanent contracts made under the JNC/20 scheme. It was noted that the date at paragraph 1.5 of the report should have read 30 November not 20 November.

The report advised that an amended submission date of 30 November for applications had recently been trialled and requested that the submission date for JNC/20 applications be permanently changed from 30 April to 30 November to better serve mutual interests.

There followed a general discussion on the practicalities of the proposed submission date; the date of 30 November was then agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the change to the submission date for JNC/20 applications from 30 April to 30 November be agreed.
Report by Joint Secretary (Teachers’ Side).

There was submitted a report by the Joint Secretary (Teachers’ Side) relative to the use of mobile phones in schools.

The report advised that the number of incidents which involved the misuse of mobile phones had increased and that it was felt that mobile phone misuse was having a negative impact on attainment. The report requested a review of the existing policy on mobile phone use in schools and discussion on whether the existing policy remained adequate and whether it was being consistently implemented in schools. 

Concerns were raised that the policy was not being consistently applied in all schools and that the use of phones and other digital devices caused disruption to learning, issues of cyber-bullying, stress and wellbeing impacts both to pupils and staff, device thefts and digital poverty. It was advised that mobile phones when used under the direction of staff, for example to complete subject choices or other educational matters, could be beneficial.

It was discussed that the Council’s current policy on mobile phone use in schools, being from 2007, was outdated due to the extensive developments in digital and mobile technology since and was therefore no longer fit for purpose and that it was essential to refresh the policy as soon as possible.  It was agreed that staff would be notified that the current policy would be reviewed and that meantime the current policy would be re-circulated to all Head Teachers with the caveat that mobile phones were only to be used as directed by staff. 

The Head of Education advised that G Lyons, Interim Head of Education, would take forward the review of the mobile phone use in schools policy and that she would request that a working group be set up to facilitate this. Councillor Paterson suggested that it was crucial to include parent representatives in the review. The Teachers’ Side agreed that parents required to be involved in discussions to ensure they were aware of their responsibilities in terms of the policy and that it would also be beneficial to include senior pupils in addition to parents in any consultation exercise.


(a) That staff be advised that the mobile phone use in schools policy would be reviewed;

(b) That a working group be set up to facilitate the review of mobile phone use policy; and 

(c) That the Council’s 2007 policy on mobile phone use in schools be reissued with the caveat that mobile phones should only be used as directed by staff.

Report by Joint Secretary (Teachers' Side).
There was submitted a report by the Joint Secretary (Teachers’ Side) relative to the under-resourcing of the additional support needs (ASN) provision which had led to a reduction in Pupil Support Assistants and ASN teachers within mainstream schools and other education settings resulting in an adverse impact on learning, wellbeing and behaviour.

The Teachers’ Side requested a meeting with the Management Side to discuss how a joint approach could help support teachers in addressing ASN provision issues.

The Teachers’ Side expressed concern that they were not provided with full details of ASN support required in advance of pupil requirements and that there were gaps in the support received.  E Henry, Interim Head of Education, advised that she would discuss specific issues further with the Teachers’ Side and the Joint Secretaries agreed to have a discussion on the provision of ASN support outwith the meeting.


(a) That E Henry, Interim Head of Education, would discuss specific issues around ASN provision with the Teachers’ Side as required; and

(b) That the Joint Secretaries would discuss the provision of ASN support outwith the meeting.
Report by Joint Secretary (Teachers’ Side).
There was submitted a report by the Joint Secretary (Teachers’ Side) relative to teachers entitlement to Trade Union time being allocated during in-service days as agreed in JNC/11 (Revised). 

The report advised that at the last in-service day in October 2023 some schools did not incorporate trade union meetings into their agendas for that day which meant some teachers did not receive their entitlement to time for Trade Union meetings.

The report requested that Headteachers be reminded of the need for time for union meetings (two hours per session) during in-service days and that where that time had not previously been provided that this would be carried forward.

DECIDED: That Headteachers be reminded of the need for time for union meetings during in-service days and that where that time had not previously been provided that this would be carried forward to subsequent in-service days.
8 Date of Next Meeting
Members are asked to note that the next meeting of the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff is scheduled to be held at 2.00pm on 26 March 2024.
Members were asked to note that the next meeting of the Renfrewshire Council Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff was scheduled to be held at 2.00pm on 26 March 2024.


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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