Matters arising from the Minute of the previous meeting, held on 14 November 2023.
Under reference to Item 3 of the Minute, Matters Arising, JNC/15 Grievance Procedures, an update was requested by the Teachers’ Side. E Henry, Interim Head of Education, advised that she would set up a working group to discuss this.
An update was also requested by the Teachers’ Side in respect of the action tracker document. The Clerk advised that the provision of an action log had been discussed with the Democratic Services Manager, that both sides would have to agree this was required and that this had not been progressed due to the departure of the Joint Secretary (Management Side). The Clerk advised that she would discuss the practicalities of this further with the Joint Secretaries after the meeting.
Under reference to Item 5 of the Minute, Standard Circular 57, the Teachers’ Side requested an update on the accessibility of Standard Circulars and it was advised that this area of work remained in progress. The Teachers' side also requested an update on the addition of safeguarding triggers to the SEEMIS system, it was advised that this had not yet been progressed and that this would be taken forward by E Henry, Interim Head of Education.
Under reference to Item 8 of the Minute, Let’s be Heard – Scotland’s Covid Enquiry, the Teachers’ Side advised that they were aware of one secondary school which had participated, that this had been beneficial to pupils, and queried if any additional schools had taken part. It was advised that M Thomas, Education Manager (Development), was dealing with this and as she was not present at the meeting would provide a future update.
(a) That E Henry, Interim Head of Education, would set up a working group to discuss JNC/15 Grievance Procedures;
(b) That the Clerk would discuss the provision of an action log/tracker with the Joint Secretaries after the meeting;
(c) That work in connection with the location of Standard Circulars to ensure access for all required parties remained ongoing;
(d) That the addition of triggers within the SEEMIS system to assist with safeguarding code red pupils would be taken forward by E Henry, Interim Head of Education; and
(e) That M Thomas, Education Manager (Development) would provide an update on the Let’s be Heard – Scotland’s Covid Enquiry participants.