There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to progress made by the Council and its partners to progress the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme across Renfrewshire.
The report provided an update on the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme including information on recent statistics and research in relation to the cost-of-living crisis; the proposed Fairer Renfrewshire Programme 2024/25 including indicative funding to help support a community-led model of support for people impacted by a brain injury and their families in Renfrewshire; and attached the response submitted by the Council to the Scottish Government’s National Good Food Nation Plan Consultation before the deadline for responses of 22 April 2024.
Councillor J Cameron, seconded by Councillor Campbell, moved:
a) That the content of the report and the work being undertaken to progress the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme be noted;
(b) That £0.516m be allocated from the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme budget, to deliver key additional elements of the 2024/25 Fairer Renfrewshire Programme as detailed in Section 5;
(c) That it be agreed that officers engage with stakeholders on the development of a new community-led model of support for people impacted by a brain injury and their families, with £90,000 funding earmarked from the Fairer Renfrewshire funding to support this upon final agreement and approval of the model in June 2024;
(d) That it be agreed that delegated authority be provided to the Head of Policy & Partnerships in relation to the award of grant funding for the summer holiday activity and food programme, in consultation with the Council Leader;
(e) That the consultation response, attached at Appendix 1, submitted in relation to the National Good Food Nation Plan be homologated; and
(f) That a report to be submitted to a future meeting of this Board on the background to the decision to cease funding for the brain injury service provided by Quarriers.
Councillor McMillan, seconded by Councillor Ann-Dowling, moved as an amendment that Council is concerned over the decision to cease funding the Head Injury Service which has been provided by Quarriers for Renfrewshire Residents since 2003.
Council asks for a report to be given to the next appropriate board on how this decision was made.
Furthermore council agrees that funding be found for this much valued service to continue during the next financial year and steps be made for it to operate in the longer term.
On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors
Ann-Dowling, Clark, G Graham, N Graham, Leishman and McMillan.
The following members voted for the motion: Councillors J Cameron, Campbell, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, McGurk, Shaw and Steel.
6 members having voted for the amendment and 7 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.
(a) That the content of the report and the work being undertaken to progress the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme be noted;
(b) That £0.516m be allocated from the Fairer Renfrewshire Programme budget, to deliver key additional elements of the 2024/25 Fairer Renfrewshire Programme detailed in Section 5;
(c) That it be agreed that officers engage with stakeholders on the development of a new community-led model of support for people impacted by a brain injury and their families, with £90,000 funding earmarked from the Fairer Renfrewshire funding to support this upon final agreement and approval of the model in June 2024;
(d) That it be agreed that delegated authority be provided to the Head of Policy & Partnerships in relation to the award of grant funding for the summer holiday activity and food programme, in consultation with the Council Leader;
(e) That the consultation response attached at Appendix 1 submitted in relation to the National Good Food Nation Plan be homologated; and
(f) That a report to be submitted to a future meeting of this Board on the background to the decision to cease funding for the brain injury service provided by Quarriers.
Councillor Nicolson re-joined the meeting prior to consideration of the following item of business and resumed the Chair.