Consideration was given to a Notice of Review in respect of the Planning Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for the erection of two chalets at East Fulwood Farmhouse, Houston Road, Inchinnan, Renfrew PA4 9LX. (22/0706/PP).
The following materials were before members in relation to the Notice of Review:
(i)the Planning Authority’s Submissions which included the report of handling, accompanying documents and decision notice; and
(ii) the Notice of Review, together with supporting statement and productions submitted by the applicant.
The Independent Legal Adviser advised, as a preliminary matter, that a statutory consultee, SEPA, had submitted an objection to the proposal when it had been first considered which had not subsequently been withdrawn and accordingly that SEPA were, for the purposes of this review, considered an interested party. The Independent Legal Adviser advised further that SEPA, as an interested party, were notified of the review and was entitled to make further representations if it so wished. The LRB was advised the SEPA had made no further representation but that it had confirmed, following receipt of the Notice of Review, that its original objection was maintained.
The Independent Legal Advisor also took the opportunity to inform members that in the event the LRB was minded to grant planning permission in respect of the proposal, that, due to there being an objection from a statutory consultee, notification would require to be given to Scottish Ministers so that they may consider whether to call in the review for determination.
The Convener confirmed that the LRB required to decide whether it had sufficient information before it to make a decision on this matter or whether further procedure was required to allow the LRB to determine LRB01.24/Planning Application 22/0706/PP. It was agreed that the LRB had sufficient information before it to reach a decision. The Convener then advised that the LRB required to determine the application in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan, including any supplementary guidance, unless material considerations indicated otherwise.
Councillor Paterson proposed that the application be refused as the proposed development is at a location susceptible to flooding. It does not therefore align with the precautionary and avoidance principles advocated by the sustainable flood risk management framework and is contrary to Policy 22 of National Planning Framework 4, Policy I3 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and the associated New Development Supplementary Guidance on Delivering the Infrastructure Strategy (Flooding and Drainage) for the reasons detailed in the report of handling. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That LRB 01.24/Planning Application 22/0706/PP be refused for the undernoted reason
1. The proposed development is at a location susceptible to flooding. It does not therefore align with the precautionary and avoidance principles advocated by the sustainable flood risk management framework and is contrary to Policy 22 of National Planning Framework 4, Policy I3 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and the associated New Development Supplementary Guidance on Delivering the Infrastructure Strategy (Flooding and Drainage).