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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Regulatory Functions Board
28 Mar 2024 - 10:00 to 15:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Membership Section
Standard Items
Further Information - online meetings only

This meeting is on-line only but is a meeting which is open to members of the public by prior arrangement. A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please email

Members of the Press and Public - contact details
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should contact to allow the necessary arrangements to be made.


Recording of Meeting

This meeting will be recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact committee services on


To find the recording please follow the link which will be attached to this agenda once the meeting has concluded.

Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillors Audrey Doig and Rodden.
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
Submit the undernoted application for grant of a Short-term Let Licence. The applicant has been asked to appear personally for the first time together with the objector to the application:-

Applicant: Mohammed Asif Khan
Premises: Flat 1/2, 8 Clarence Street, Paisley
There was submitted the undernoted application for grant of a Short-term Let Licence. The applicant had been asked to appear personally for the first time together with the objector to the application:-

Applicant: Mohammed Asif Khan
Premises: Flat 1/2, 8 Clarence Street, Paisley

Mr Khan, the applicant, joined the meeting by telephone call. There was no appearance by or on behalf of Paisley East & Whitehaugh Community Council, the objector to the application. After consideration of all matters before the Board the Depute Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of three years. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of three years.
Submit the undernoted application for renewal of a Street Trader’s Licence. The applicant has been asked to appear personally for the first time together with the late objector to the application:-

Applicant: Stephen Gillman
Premises: outside 21 High Street, Paisley
Activity: toy model cars, models and coins
Operating hours: Saturdays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Licence No.: ST010

There was submitted the undernoted application for renewal of a Street Trader’s Licence. The applicant had been asked to appear personally for the first time together with the late objector to the application:-

Applicant: Stephen Gillman
Premises: outside 21 High Street, Paisley
Activity: toy model cars, models and coins
Operating hours: Saturdays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Licence No.: ST010

Mr Gillman, the applicant, joined the meeting by video call, together with Mr Morrison, Head of Economy & Development, Renfrewshire Council, who had submitted an objection received outwith the statutory timescale to the application, who also joined the meeting by video call. 

On hearing the reasons for the lateness of the objection, Mr Gillman objected to the late objection being taken into account. The Convener proposed that the objection be taken into account when the application was being considered. This was agreed unanimously. 


After consideration of all matters before the Board, the meeting adjourned to allow members to consider this application. The meeting was reconvened and the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of two years. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of two years.

Submit the undernoted application for renewal of a Private Hire Car Operator's Licence. The applicant has been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

Applicant: Syed Azhar Islam Shah
Licence No.: PH1573



There was submitted the undernoted application for renewal of a Private Hire Car Operator’s Licence. The applicant had been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

Applicant: Syed Azhar Islam Shah
Licence No.: PH1573

Mr Shah, the applicant, and Mrs Shah, his wife, both joined the meeting by telephone call. After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that Mr Shah’s application for renewal of his Private Hire Car Operator’s Licence be granted for a period of two years and that standard condition 1 of his licence be amended to enable Mr Shah to continue to operate his present vehicle, registration number FP15 VWH until 1 May 2024, subject to the vehicle continuing to be tested at three-monthly intervals. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That Mr Shah’s application for renewal of his Private Hire Car Operator’s Licence be granted for a period of two years and that standard condition 1 of his licence be amended to enable Mr Shah to continue to operate his present vehicle, registration number FP15 VWH until 1 May 2024, subject to the vehicle continuing to be tested at three-monthly intervals.
The Board may by resolution exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of items 4(a), (e), (f), 5, 6, 7 and 8 as it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public are present, there could be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
The Board resolved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of part I of schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
Submit the undernoted applications for the surrender and re-issue of Taxi Operators’ Licences. Applicants (a), (b), (c) and (e) have been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

(a) Present Operator: Ian Mottram         
Proposed Operator: James Tiffoney      
Licence No.: TX110         

(b) Present Operator: John McIntyre
Proposed Operator: Brian Scott
Licence No.: TX047

(c) Present Operator: David Pearson
Proposed Operator: Thomas Simpson
Licence No.: TX064

(d) Present Operator: Neil Doherty              
Proposed Operator: Anthony Doherty
Licence No.: TX068

(e) Present Operator: John Stewart Reid
Proposed Operator: Anthony Barlow
Licence No.: TX235

(f) Present Operator: William Marshall       
Proposed Operator: Nicholas Blunt
Licence No.: TX056
There were submitted the undernoted applications for the surrender and re-issue of Taxi Operators’ Licences. Applicants (a) and (b) had been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

(a) Present Operator: Ian Mottram         
Proposed Operator: James Tiffoney      
Licence No.: TX110

Mr Tiffoney, the proposed operator, joined the meeting by video call. Mr Mottram, the present operator, had previously intimated that he would not be attending the meeting. After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted.

(b) Present Operator: John Stewart Reid
Proposed Operator: Anthony Barlow
Licence No.: TX235

There was no appearance by or on behalf of Mr Reid, the present operator. Mr Barlow, the proposed operator, joined the meeting by video call. After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted.

(c) Present Operator: William Marshall       
Proposed Operator: Nicholas Blunt
Licence No.: TX056

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted.
Submit the undernoted application for grant of a Taxi Driver’s Licence:-

Thomas Gatley






There was submitted the undernoted application for grant of a Taxi Driver’s Licence:-

Thomas Gatley

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of one year. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of one year.
Resume consideration of application (a) and submit applications (b) to (i) for grant of Private Hire Car Drivers’ Licences. Applicant (a) has been asked to appear personally for the second time and applicant (b) has been asked to appear personally for the first time together with Police Scotland who has submitted an objection and a late supplementary letter to application (a) and an objection to application (b):-

(a) Sajjad Hussain
(b) Preacher Muguza


The meeting will adjourn following consideration of item 6(b) and reconvene at 1.30 pm.

(c) Ali Almaliki
(d) Abdul Waheed Minhas
(e) Yamman Darbo
(f) Mobolaji Adisa
(g) Emad Fariabi
(h) Mohamad Alnayef
(i) Musaab Mohamed Hussein
Under reference to item 7(c) of the Minute of the meeting of this Board held on 1 February 2024, the Board resumed consideration of application (a) for grant of a Private Hire Car Driver’s Licence and there was submitted application (b) for grant of a Private Hire Car Driver’s Licence. Applicant (a) had been asked to appear personally for the second time and applicant (b) had been asked to appear personally for the first time together with Police Scotland who had submitted an objection and a late supplementary letter to application (a) and an objection to application (b):-

(a) Sajjad Hussain

Mr Hussain, the applicant, and his Solicitor, Mr Reid, both joined the meeting by video call together with Sergeant Robertson, who also joined the meeting by video call, on behalf of the Chief Constable, who had submitted an objection and a supplementary letter received outwith the statutory timescale to the application. 

On hearing the reasons for the lateness of the supplementary letter, the Convener proposed that the letter be taken into account when the application was being considered. Mr Reid had no objection to the late supplementary letter being taken into account when the application was being considered.

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the meeting adjourned to allow members to consider this application. The meeting was reconvened and the Convener proposed that the application be refused. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be refused.


Councillor Montgomery left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item of business.

(b) Preacher Muguza

Mr Muguza, the applicant, joined the meeting by video call. Sergeant Robertson, remained in the meeting by video call having not left following consideration of the previous item of business, on behalf of the Chief Constable who had submitted an objection to the application. After consideration of all matters before the Board, the meeting adjourned to allow members to consider this application. The meeting was reconvened and the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of one year. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of one year.
Submit the undernoted applications for grant of Private Hire Car Operators’ Licences. Applicant (a) has been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

(a) Rahmatullah Naqibullah
(b) Slim Abidi
There were submitted the undernoted applications for grant of Private Hire Car Operators’ Licences. Applicant (a) had been asked to appear personally for the first time:-

(a) Rahmatullah Naqibullah

Mr Naqibullah, the applicant, joined the meeting by telephone call. After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of one year. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of one year.

(b) Slim Abidi

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of one year. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of one year.
Submit the undernoted application for variation of a Private Hire Car Operator’s Licence:- 

Applicant: Thomas Daley
Variation: increase to 8 passengers
Licence No.: PH0567








There was submitted the undernoted application for variation of a Private Hire Car Operator’s Licence:- 

Applicant: Thomas Daley
Variation: increase to 8 passengers
Licence No.: PH0567

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted.
Submit the undernoted application for renewal of a Late Hours Catering Licence:-

Applicant: Asda Stores Limited
Premises: Phoenix Retail Park, Linwood, Paisley
Activity: supermarket
Operating hours: Monday to Sunday – 11.00 pm to 5.00 am.
Licence No.: LHC050
There was submitted the undernoted application for renewal of a Late Hours Catering Licence:-

Applicant: Asda Stores Limited
Premises: Phoenix Retail Park, Linwood, Paisley
Activity: supermarket
Operating hours: Monday to Sunday – 11.00 pm to 5.00 am.
Licence No.: LHC050

After consideration of all matters before the Board, the Convener proposed that the application be granted for a period of two years. This was agreed unanimously.

DECIDED: That the application be granted for a period of two years.

Supplementary Agenda

Membership Section
Standard Items
Additional Items
I refer to the agenda for the meeting of the Regulatory Functions Board to be held on 28 March 2024 and enclose the undernoted items of business which were not included in the notice calling the meeting and which the Convener has agreed be considered as urgent items of business.
Items Of Business
Submit the undernoted application for grant of a Short-term Let Licence:-

Applicant: Kevin Moir
Premises: 69 Piper Road, Johnstone
In terms of Standing Order 57, consider request from Jason Tannahill, on behalf of Renfrewshire Public Hire Association that a deputation be heard in the following terms:-

"Following on from our discussion at the recent Taxi Trade meeting I would like to request that the Regulatory Functions Board afford us the opportunity to have a deputation appear before them when they are discussing the Vehicle age and specification of Taxis in order for us to speak to our position regarding the WAV policy adopted by the Council and to discuss the findings of the response which we submitted during the consultation.

I hope this accommodation can be made as we have serious concerns about Taxi provision in Renfrewshire if the current policy is not changed."


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Audrey Doig 
Councillor Emma Rodden 
NameReason for Absence
Councillor Andy Steel 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting