There were submitted reports by the Chief Executive relative to the following applications for planning permission that required to be determined by the Board.
22/0569/PP - Approval of Matters specified in Conditions 2, 4 and 6 of planning
permission in principle approval 18/0638/PP, for the erection of a residential development comprising 180 dwellinghouses at land at Junction 29, St James
Interchange, Ferguslie Park (bound by Ferguslie Park Avenue, existing Railway) by J29 (Scotland) Ltd
A McKenzie, Planner, made a presentation relative to the proposal.
In terms of Standing Order 59 Councillor Paterson, moved that the application be refused for the reasons detailed within the report. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That the application be refused for the reasons detailed within the report.
22/0574/PP - Erection of a residential development comprising 45 flats with associated access, parking and landscaping at site between Abbeyfield House and Ivy Gardens Station Road Paisley by Springfield Properties PLC
J Weir, Planner, made a presentation relative to the proposal.
Councillor Smith indicated that he was of the view that the application should be granted, outlining the main reasons for adopting this position.
The meeting adjourned at 1.33 pm and reconvened at 1.44 pm.
Councillor McNaughtan, seconded by Councillor Shaw moved that the application be refused for the reasons detailed within the report.
Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Ann-Dowling, moved as an amendment that the application be granted subject to appropriate conditions and a Section 75 Agreement being entered into by the developer to secure the affordable housing units as the proposal was a continuance of the building form and building environment and complied with Policy 14 of National Planning Framework 4 and Policy 1 of the adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan. It was further proposed that delegated authority would be granted to Planning officers to determine the appropriate planning conditions applicable and the terms of the Section 75 agreement to secure the affordable housing units.
On the roll being called, the following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Hannigan, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, McGurk, McNaughtan, Nicolson, Paterson and Shaw.
The following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Gilmour, N Graham, McGuire and Smith.
9 members having voted for the motion and 5 members having voted for the amendment, the motion was accordingly declared carried.
DECIDED: That the application be refused for the reasons detailed within the report.
23/0296/PP - Formation of car park with associated access and landscaping and realignment of boundary wall at India of Inchinnan Greenock Road Inchinnan by
City Gate Construction Ltd
J Weir, Planner, made a presentation relative to the proposal.
In terms of Standing Order 59 Councillor Paterson, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.
24/0025/LB - Realignment of front boundary wall at India of Inchinnan Greenock Road Inchinnan by City Gate Construction Unit
J Weir, Planner, made a presentation relative to the proposal.
In terms of Standing Order 59 Councillor Paterson, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.