There was submitted a report by the Director of Children's Services relative to the development of a full-estate pupil projection model, in conjunction with Edge Analytics, which set out expected pupil numbers across Renfrewshire for the next 10-year period.
The report referenced the Council's Learning Estate Strategy, approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 22 August 2024, and advised that a full-estate pupil projection model which spanned the next 10-year period was required to help shape this. The model offered an estimate of the number of pupils expected to attend each of Renfrewshire’s primary and secondary mainstream schools, taking into account a number of key factors as detailed within the report.
The findings from the projections were outlined, together with an analysis of the implications and next steps for the schools where future capacity planning interventions would require to be considered. The report provided an explanation of the approach taken and key components which supported the construction of the roll-projection model, as well as supporting detail to outline bespoke adjustments that had been made by Edge Analytics to align the model to a Council wide school estate approach.
(a) That the content of the report, including the final 10-year roll-projection estimates for each of Renfrewshire’s primary and secondary mainstream schools, be noted;
(b) That the approach being taken to assess all schools identified in the report as requiring future capacity planning to be undertaken, and the planned next steps for each, be noted;
(c) That it be noted that the recently approved Learning Estate Strategy approach would be used to provide a strategic framework to progress planning for any long term and permanent intervention considerations for the estate; and
(d) That the information provided on the approach and key components used to create the roll-projection model, including the detail about the specific model created for Renfrewshire’s mainstream school estate by the Council’s commissioned partner, Edge Analytics, be noted.