Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the proposed refurbishment and potential reuse of the Steeple Buildings in Kilbarchan, offering an overview of the options appraisal and updates on essential repairs scheduled for 2025.
The report stated that Steeple Buildings, located in Kilbarchan's Conservation Area and jointly owned by Renfrewshire Council and the Kilbarchan General Society (KGS), held cultural significance as a Category A listed property and were the centre of the village's annual Lilias Day celebrations. OneRen leased the building as a community hall, though it had remained closed since the Covid pandemic. It was highlighted that there were other venues available in Kilbarchan.
Reference was made within the report to the appointment of Glasgow Building Preservation Trust as consultants to conduct a detailed Options Appraisal looking at future uses for the Steeple Buildings. The objectives of the appointment were outlined and a copy of the Options Appraisal was attached as Appendix 1 of the report. It was noted that while continued ownership by Renfrewshire Council and KGS was preferred by the community, the Options Appraisal had not reached a consensus on the building’s future management and presented three potential management options for consideration.
Mention was also made within the report to the significant stakeholder engagement that had taken place, including extensive consultation with Kilbarchan Community Council (KCC) and their desire to create a 'Friends of the Steeple' sub-group. After a series of informal public meetings with various stakeholders, it had been agreed to formally establish the 'Friends of the Steeple' sub-group as part of KCC. The temporary sub-group, consisting of 12 members, including a KGS representative, was interested in playing a more active role in decision-making around the Steeple Buildings.
The implementation of a first phase of major repairs, valued at £308,000 plus VAT, prioritising immediate and urgent work on the roof, leadwork, and rainwater systems had been approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 23 January 2024. During September 2024, conservation specialists MAST Architects were appointed to develop and oversee the delivery of the first phase of these repairs. In addition to conserving the main external fabric, the first phase aimed to explore the possibility of reopening the building in an interim capacity. The findings of an upcoming electrical report prepared by Building Services would help determine whether interim use of the building would be feasible without further works.
It was highlighted that additional works, not classified as urgent, had also been identified in the condition report and that initial discussions had been held with National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and Historic Environment Scotland (HES) regarding the possibility of obtaining funding to meet the funding shortfall. A summary of the outcome of the discussions was provided. The estimated cost of the refit and refurbishment of the interior for the Option Appraisal preferred option together with the anticipated cost of the first phase of major repairs was £692,000 plus VAT.
(a) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to investigate the recommendations from the options appraisal, undertaking feasibility work to further explore in more detail the design and funding of the preferred option;
(b) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to offer further support to stakeholders, specifically the 'Friends of the Steeple' group, to help them explore governance options and determine whether any transfer of ownership or management, potentially through a Community Asset Transfer, might be viable; and
(c) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to explore the ecomuseum model as a way of framing the Kilbarchan Cultural Quarter concept.