There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to progress made in terms of the creation of a Conservation and Heritage Grants Scheme for property owners in and around the centres of Renfrewshire’s villages.
The report provided an update on the creation of a £0.250 million conservation and heritage grants scheme for property owners in and around the centres of Renfrewshire’s villages. The scheme was available across the 11 Renfrewshire villages which previously benefited from the Villages Investment Fund with the application process for the scheme following a similar model to the online process successfully established for the Retail Improvement Scheme, with applications scored on a range of criteria which assessed impact, quality and deliverability. Nearly 50 applications had been received, with a geographical spread across Renfrewshire’s villages. To date, 19 grants had been approved, totalling over £186,000.
(a) That the progress made, to date, in respect of the number of applications received for the scheme be noted;
(d) That, should any of the current allocation remain unspent, a second round of the Scheme be approved; and
That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to seek sources of funding for future rounds of the Scheme.