Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the Johnstone Town Centre Vision Framework.
The report made reference to the existing Johnstone Town Centre strategy, produced in 2016, which provided a positive framework for investment within the town centre, the significant changes in retail trends in recent years, commuting patterns and climate resilience which impacted upon our centres. A strong demand had also emerged for town centres as places which supported local living and reduced the need to travel. A vision Framework had been developed, in that context, to reimagine Johnstone town centre, ensuring that it evolved as a diverse, sustainable and thriving place which served both the local community and settlements across West Renfrewshire, both currently and in the future.
The high-level Framework, developed in partnership with the local community, captured the priorities of local people while being flexible in response to changing circumstances, funding opportunities and available support. The Framework set out a vision for Johnstone town centre as a vibrant and distinctive place, supporting residents to live well locally while recognising the role of the centre as a hub for those across West Renfrewshire. It imagined the town centre as a well-connected place which offered a mix of spaces, uses and activities and a place which celebrated its heritage but looked forward to a positive future. Five key principles of identity, movement, economy and prosperity, heritage and culture and people and community underpinned the vision. These principles were supported by ten projects which helped to deliver the vision, ranging from ‘early win’ projects to longer term aspirations. A summary of project types was provided together with funding sources. The Framework provided a guide for action and decisions over initiatives and partnerships within the town centre over the next ten-year period.
Councillor Andy Doig proposed that recommendation 2.1 (ii) of the report be amended by adding “in particular to liaise with the Chief Planning Officer about the progress of the Millbrae planning application, and to liaise with the Chief Executive of OneRen about promoting the Theatre in Johnstone Town Hall as an arts and cultural venue”. This was accepted by the Convener and agreed unanimously.
(a) That the Johnstone Town Centre Vision Framework be approved;
(b) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to progress actions to realise aspirations within the framework, in particular, to liaise with the Chief Planning Officer about the progress of the Millbrae planning application, and to liaise with the Chief Executive of OneRen about promoting the Theatre in Johnstone Town Hall as an arts and cultural venue;
(c) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to explore potential
funding opportunities from external sources to support the delivery of the Framework;
(d) That the Head of Economy & Development be authorised to undertake appropriate consultation and publicity with the local community and stakeholders to support further delivery of the Framework; and
(e) That it be noted that further progress on delivery of the Framework would be submitted to the Policy Board as appropriate.