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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Communities and Housing Policy Board
29 Oct 2024 - 13:00 to 14:45
  • Documents
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  • Declarations of Interests
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Further Information

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Members of the Press and Public
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Hybrid Meeting
Please note that this meeting is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers.  However, it is a hybrid meeting and arrangements have been made for members to join the meeting remotely should they wish.
Webcasting of Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Convener will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  To find the webcast please navigate to

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Convener intimated that this meeting of the Policy Board would be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast on the Council's internet site.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Members are asked to declare an interest or make a transparency statement in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest or the transparency statement.
Minute of meeting of the Police and Fire and Rescue Services Scrutiny Sub-committee held on 20 August 2024.
  1. pdf PFRSmin (62Kb)
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Sub-committee held on 20 August 2024, a copy of which forms the Appendix to this Minute.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.
Joint report by the Directors of Finance & Resources and Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.

There was submitted a General Services Revenue, Housing Revenue Account and Capital Budget Monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for the period 1 April to 13 September 2024.  

The report stated that the projected outturn as at 31 March 2025 for all services reporting to this Policy Board was a break-even position against the revised budgets for both the General Services and Housing Revenue Account.  The projected Capital outturn for projects reporting to this Policy Board was a break-even position. Summaries were provided over the relevant services in the tables within the report, together with further analysis. 

Budget adjustments, authorised by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure and the Director of Finance & Resources were outlined in paragraphs 6.2 and 7.2 of the report for homologation by the Policy Board while paragraph 6.3 of the report detailed proposed budget adjustments for approval.


(a) That the projected Revenue outturn break-even position, be noted; 

(b) That the projected Capital outturn break-even position, be noted; 

(c) That the budget adjustments, detailed in sections 6.2 and 7.2 of the report, be homologated; and

(d) That the proposed budget adjustments, detailed in section 6.3 of the report, be approved. 

Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to key service activities and providing an operational performance update in connection with services and key projects and changes to service areas covered within the remit of this Policy Board since the previous meeting. 

Updates were provided in respect of housing management, public protection, community development and justice social work activities detailing specific projects and recent changes within each service area. 

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the performance and achievements of the Environment, Housing & Infrastructure Service during the period 1 April to 30 September 2024. 

The report stated that the Service Improvement Plan 2023/26 for the Environment, Housing & Infrastructure Service, approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 16 May 2023, set out the priorities for the development of the service over a three-year period, the actions which would ensure continuous improvement across the service and the performance indicators which ensured the impacts could be measured. The report provided details of the key achievements of the Service during the period; a progress update on changes made to the action plan and scorecard to reflect the new Council Plan themes linked to the Service Improvement Plan; a progress update on implementing the action plan linked to the 2024/27 Service Improvement Plan; an assessment of performance in relation to the service scorecard of core performance indicators; and an overview of priorities for the service over the next six-month period. The report also indicated that the Service had made good progress in delivering positive outcomes for Renfrewshire and its residents. It was highlighted that to complement the six-monthly update on the Service Improvement Plan, a Service Update report would continue to be submitted to each meeting of this Policy Board providing an overview of key service activities, an operational performance update on the services and key projects and updates on any other relevant changes to service areas covered within the remit of the Board. 

DECIDED: That the report, including updated performance information and progress to date on delivering the actions contained within the Environment, Housing & Infrastructure Service Improvement Plan, be noted. 
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure    relative to the Environment, Housing & Infrastructure Annual Health and Safety Plan 2024/25 mid-year update.

The report advised that the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Plan, a key priority within the Council’s People Strategy 2021/26, promoted a positive Health and Safety culture to ensure compliance with relevant Health and Safety legislation and supported the Council Plan in working together to achieve a thriving and connected Renfrewshire, creating opportunities for all. In addition, the report provided an update on the work undertaken by the Environment, Housing & Infrastructure Service to implement the actions contained in the Annual Health and Safety Plan 2024/25, approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 21 May 2024. Appendix 1 to the report set out a brief update for actions contained in the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Annual Health and Safety Plan 2024/25. It was highlighted that the report and update on the Plan was also being submitted to the Infrastructure, Land & Environment Policy Board and the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board to approve those elements of activity covered within the remits of those Policy Boards.


(a) That the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure  Annual Health and Safety Plan 2024/25 update, attached as Appendix 1 to the report, be approved insofar as it related to the areas of activity delegated to this Policy Board; and 

(b) That it be noted that the report and update on the Plan was also being presented to the Infrastructure, Land & Environment Policy Board and the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board to approve those elements of activity covered within the remits of those Policy Boards. 
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) 2025/30. 

The report indicated that the SHIP detailed how the Council and partners would deliver new affordable homes across Renfrewshire over the next five-year period and contained funding provision for new build Council housing being delivered as part of the Council’s Housing Led Regeneration and Renewal Programme. It was noted that funding for affordable housing would be targeted to achieve the objectives contained within Renfrewshire’s Local Housing Strategy and support the delivery of a range of new build affordable housing projects across Renfrewshire. The draft Renfrewshire SHIP 2025/30, had been approved for consultation at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 20 August 2024 and the Renfrewshire SHIP 2025/30 developed to take cognisance of feedback received during the consultation process.  A summary of changes made together with the rationale for inclusion in the Plan was provided. It was highlighted that confirmation had been received that the Council would receive a Resource Planning Assumption of £13.013 million in 2024/25. Details of Resource Planning Assumptions in the period beyond April 2025 were still to be confirmed by the Scottish Government with future funding levels expected to be set out in the draft Scottish Budget on 4 December 2024. 

DECIDED: That the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2025/30, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be approved for submission to the Scottish Government.
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2023/28 annual update for 2023/24, a copy of which was appended to the report.

The report advised that the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) outlined the strategic vision for housing and housing-related services in Renfrewshire and sought to provide clear direction for strategic housing investment. The LHS linked with other key plans and strategies including the Local Development Plan, Renfrewshire’s Community Plan and the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan and contained five strategic priorities, detailed in the report, that took account of current national and local policy priorities. The report highlighted key achievements and progress, during the previous 12-month period, in the delivery of the five strategic priorities and actions within the Renfrewshire LHS 2023/28. 

DECIDED: That the progress made, during the period 2023/24 in implementing the actions of the Local Housing Strategy 2023/28, be noted. 
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to homelessness in Renfrewshire and providing an overview of progress in terms of implementation of the local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019/24 (RRTP). 

The report provided an update on the nature and scale of homelessness in Renfrewshire and the current and emerging pressures, making reference to the impact of the Covid recovery years, pressures arising from the cost-of-living crisis, the impact of the migration and asylum humanitarian programmes, a slowing down in the turnover rate of social rented housing and the impact in Renfrewshire since the suspension, in December 2022, of the ‘local connection’ criteria for homeless applicants. It was noted that local authorities across Scotland were continuing to experience significant pressures in meeting demand for social housing and there was clear evidence nationally of rising homeless presentations, record numbers in temporary accommodation and increasing waiting times for those in housing need. Renfrewshire continued to experience increasing homelessness and local housing pressures, there was less resilience across the homeless system, and it was anticipated Renfrewshire would continue to struggle to provide both temporary and permanent accommodation, in line with statutory duties, for those in housing need. A summary of the actions taken locally to respond to the emerging homeless/housing support pressures was provided. The report indicated that 12 local authorities had now declared housing emergencies, as well as the Scottish Government’s announcement, during May 2024, of a National Housing Emergency. Announcements on any associated new guidance and/or measures to support Councils in tackling and preventing homelessness were awaited with the local position being monitored very closely. Assurances were provided that a further report would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board should the position be reached where the Council’s statutory duties in relation to meeting the needs of those who were homeless could not be met.

Reference was also made within the report to the new Housing (Scotland) Bill 2024 which aimed to, amongst other things, help prevent homelessness. It was proposed that the Housing (Scotland) Bill would introduce an ‘ask and act’ duty on public bodies to ask about a person’s housing situation and act to avoid them becoming homeless wherever possible. The Bill sought to reform provision for people threatened with homelessness up to six months ahead of settled accommodation being likely to be lost. It was highlighted that there was a degree of concern that the proposed provisions might lead to an increase in referrals or approaches for help, advice, information and temporary accommodation to local authorities’ homeless teams. The provisions were currently subject to public consultation and scrutiny by the Scottish Parliament, along with other areas covered by the Bill including proposals for provisions for tenants experiencing domestic abuse and a New Deal for Tenants which included long term rent controls for private tenancies. It was noted that a further report on the Housing Bill proposals and consultation would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board for consideration. 

The report stated that Renfrewshire’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) 2019/24 had been effective in supporting the upscaling of a Housing First approach to support those who were homeless as well as minimising the time those who were homeless had to spend in temporary accommodation, and seeking a stepped increase in the number and proportion of lets to homeless applicants by the Council and Registered Social Landlords. It was highlighted that a funding announcement for RRTP’s in 2024/25 had been made by the Scottish Government awarding £190,000 to Renfrewshire which was in line with what had been received in the previous five-year period and would facilitate the continuation of established initiatives detailed within Renfrewshire’s RRTP, as well as focused resettlement assistance for those moving out of temporary accommodation and the deployment of Say Women, as the Council’s delivery partner in an innovative project to support young women who had been subjected to sexual violence and were at risk of homelessness. 

DECIDED: That the continuing local and national pressures that were resulting in an increase in homeless applications and demand for housing support and the impacts these increases were currently having and may have in the future be noted. 
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure    relative to progress achieved in terms of the work to improve void property performance by the Single Voids Team.

The report stated that as a result of the restrictions that had to be put in place during Covid, effectively stopping void repair works and the re-letting of homes, the number of voids held by Registered Social Landlords and local authorities including Renfrewshire Council increased significantly. The challenges in driving down this backlog were exacerbated by other factors including a shortage of resources across the construction sector and difficulties in dealing with utilities shippers. 

As part of the Council’s response to reducing the backlog an end-to-end review of void processes was carried out. Following the review officers have been working differently to support an improved reletting and void approach, including: the appointment of a Single Voids Manager reporting to the Head of Housing Services and the establishment of a Single Voids Team, co-located at the Underwood Road depot, bringing together staff from both Housing and Building Services; and the procurement of a preferred utilities. It had previously been agreed that the Single Voids Team pilot should continue throughout financial year 2024/25, with a quarterly review being undertaken in early January 2025.

The report advised that the establishment of the Single Voids Team had been successful in streamlining processes, including ensuring consistency of scoping works in voids and reducing the amount of additional work required after initial post-inspection. The Service had concentrated on reducing the numbers of voids, thereby directly reducing void rent loss and indirectly ensuring that re-let times reduced. The report provided details of specific targets set and performance levels attained in void related areas.

DECIDED: That the completion of the implementation of several of the specific recommendations, the Team’s success in achieving Void Rent Loss and Average Re-let Time targets and the progress to date towards the target for Void Numbers be noted.
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the Assurance Statement 2024 which the Council required to submit to the Scottish Housing Regulator in terms of the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Framework for the Regulation of Social Housing in Scotland. 

The report referred to the regular reports submitted to this Policy Board regarding performance and benchmarking which demonstrated continuing strong performance across most areas of the housing service during 2023/24 and identified areas where practice could be improved. Appendix 1 of the report detailed the Regulator’s Framework requirements for all local authorities and Registered Social Landlords and provided evidence to demonstrate Renfrewshire Council’s compliance. A copy of the proposed Annual Assurance Statement 2024 for Renfrewshire Council was attached as Appendix 2 of the report, for approval. 

Councillor Nicolson proposed that prior to signing of the Assurance Statement by the Convener the language in Appendix 2 be amended to clarify the ambiguity as to what the Council was in actual compliance with as there were various references within the Appendix to non-compliance in certain areas.  To clarify the position, it was suggested that the Appendix be amended prior to ‘signing off’ to reflect the specific percentage of gas safety checks achieved and the current position/numbers in terms of properties (i) with valid electrical installation condition reports and (ii) passing smoke detector compliance.

Councillor Kenny MacLaren suggested clarification also be provided within the Statement in respect of whether the policies and procedures associated with the Landlord Compliance Strategy had been developed, were being developed or being reviewed and submitted to the Policy Board for consideration in the future.   

The Convener proposed that, in relation to the revised Assurance Statement  it be delegated to officers to provide amended wording that reflected the general consensus of the Board and that thereafter the Convener be authorised to sign the Statement and to arrange for its submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator. This was agreed unanimously. 


(a) That the regulatory requirements and evidence of Renfrewshire Council’s compliance, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted; 

(b) That the Renfrewshire Council Annual Assurance Statement 2024, attached at Appendix 2 of the report, be amended as appropriate to reflect views expressed by elected members during the meeting and that thereafter the Convener be authorised to sign the Statement and to arrange for its submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the Council’s performance in terms of the key Social Housing Charter indicators in comparison to other local authorities.

The report provided analysis of the Council’s performance during 2023/24 in relation to key Housing Charter indicators, such as tenant satisfaction, housing quality and maintenance, customer and landlord relationship, estate management, anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance, tenant disputes, housing options and access to housing, homelessness, factoring and good value from rents and services charges. Comparative information together with analysis was provided in respect of other social housing providers. The report also detailed a number of key areas for focus on improvement during the forthcoming year.

DECIDED: That the Council’s performance during 2023/24, compared to other social landlords, in relation to key Housing Charter indicators be noted.
Report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the failure of the property at 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley to meet the Tolerable Standard, as defined within the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987, seeking approval to issue a Demolition Order in terms of Section 115 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 for the property and seeking authority to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order, to complement the Demolition Order process, and bring the remaining privately owned property into Council ownership. 

The report advised that at the meeting of the former Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board held on 30 October 2018 the Housing Investment Strategy for the Tannahill Area, Ferguslie Park, involving the construction of around 100 new Council homes on vacant land adjacent to existing housing and the demolition of 253 properties, 223 of which were Council owned and 30 privately owned, was approved. The report advised that positive progress had been made in terms of delivery of the Housing Investment Strategy with 101 new build homes delivered on the site of the former St Fergus Primary School, 29 of the 30 privately owned properties acquired and contractors on site to demolish 52 of the 53 blocks originally approved for demolition. 

The report intimated that the previous decision, measures had been taken to acquire privately owned properties within the area where this facilitated the delivery of the investment programme. The report advised that despite efforts to engage the owner in agreeing voluntary acquisition the property at 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley, was still in private ownership. The property had been subject to significant fire damage and was therefore considered to fail to meet the Tolerable Standard, as defined within the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987. The report sought approval to issue a Demolition Order in terms of Section 115 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 in respect of the property and to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order, to complement the Demolition Order process and bring the privately owned property into Council ownership once the block containing 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley had been demolished. The report highlighted that the Council would seek to recover the expenses of demolition via the statutory powers available.



(a) That the issue of a Demolition Order in respect of the property at 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley PA3 1PD be approved; 

(b) That the Council undertake the demolition of 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley PA3 1PD in the event that, subject to their right to appeal, the owners failed to demolish the property within the prescribed period; and 

(c) That the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure be authorised, in the event that further efforts to acquire the property voluntary were unsuccessful, to promote and submit a Compulsory Purchase Order to the Scottish Ministers for approval to acquire the property at 146 Tannahill Road, Paisley PA3 1PD after conclusion of the demolition order process.

Report by Director of Children's Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Outcome Activity Report 2023/24. 

The report intimated that Community Justice Renfrewshire, like other justice partnerships, was required to report on local progress towards national justice outcomes. These local achievements were relayed to Community Justice Scotland who combined them with those of other justice partnerships to create a national report.  

The report advised that Community Justice Scotland supplied community justice partnerships with a reporting template which required to be used to describe the local community justice activity delivered over the preceding financial year and its contribution to national justice outcomes. The draft Community Justice Renfrewshire’s Annual Outcome Activity Return 2023/24, a copy of which was appended to the report, detailed the opportunities identified over the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, and how these had informed the current approach locally. In accordance with guidance, the return emphasised collaborative activity rather than detail activity progressed by individual teams, services, or organisations. This reduced duplication of reporting and focused on the partnership’s added value. It was noted that the draft Return had been submitted to Community Justice Scotland in advance of the submission deadline, with an indication that the finalised Report would be submitted and published following approval and/or amendment by this Policy Board. 


(a) That the Reporting Template for the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report 2023/24, a copy of which was appended to the report, be approved; and 

(b) That it be noted that the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report Template 2023/24 had been submitted to Community Justice Scotland in draft format and the finalised Report would now be submitted and published. 
Report by Director of Children's Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the proposed creation of a Renfrewshire Community Justice Grant Scheme as a pilot initiative to provide funding to third sector organisations whose local activities both promoted and linked to national community justice improvement outcomes. .

The report advised that an element of the justice social work services ringfenced grant of £80,634 for 2024/25  received by the Council from the Scottish Government, provided an opportunity to commission third sector organisations to try and bolster justice social work activity by creating third sector capacity to respond to local population need, as directed by justice partners. The report proposed that a Community Justice Third Sector Grant Scheme be established as a pilot-initiative for one year to support activity that aligned to the National Strategy for Community Justice aims.  Reference was made within the report to the requirement that third sector grant allocations be guided by partnership decision making and it was proposed that Community Justice Renfrewshire, comprising decision makers from statutory public and third sector partners, identify the parameters of the grant scheme, review applications and evaluate impact and that authority be delegated to the Council’s Head of Child Care & Criminal Justice, who was Chair of Community Justice Renfrewshire, allocate the third sector commissioning element of Renfrewshire’s justice social work grant though the proposed scheme.  The report stated that the support focused outreach work with third-sector organisations who worked with Renfrewshire’s justice-experienced population scheduled to be undertaken in the future would map current resources and capacity and identify where it could be enhanced. This insight would also form the basis of specific grant guidance and ensure the proposed grant scheme aligned to local need and national justice improvement outcomes.



(a) That the proposed Community Justice Third Sector Grant Scheme, outlined in Section 4 of the report, be approved; and 

(b)That authority be delegated to the Head of Child Care & Criminal Justice to grant awards in line with guidance that would be developed for the Community Justice Third Sector Grant Scheme.

Report by Chief Executive.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to community funding.  

The report advised that in order to strengthen the oversight of funding applications, a consolidated community funding report was submitted each meeting cycle providing updated information and setting out recommendations for approval in relation to the Greenspaces, Villages Investment and Sustainable Communities Funds. The report noted that the Greenspaces and Villages Investment Fund was well established and the Sustainable Communities Fund had been launched in early October 2023. An officer panel had been established to review applications and make recommendations on funding awards to this Policy Board. The panel had met to consider applications received through the fifth funding round which had closed on 31 August 2024. 

The report provided, in Section 4 and Appendix 1, specific information relating to recent applications to the Sustainable Communities Fund together with recommendations for funding. While Section 5 of the report set out recommendations in relation to the allocation of Villages Investment funding. 

The report stated that the Sustainable Communities Fund had been very popular since its launch and had attracted a significant number of applications. As the Fund had been in operation for one year, it was proposed that a formal review of the guidance be undertaken.  The review would provide the opportunity to reflect learning points from the first year of operation and clarify guidance to support both applicants and officers applying guidance when developing recommendations. It was further recommended that a review of the Villages Investment Fund guidance and operation was carried out simultaneously to ensure alignment of both funds and their processes. In recognition that there were applications currently in the process of being assessed for funds, it was proposed that both funds be paused for new applicants to allow the review to be completed. Section 6 of the report detailed the context and arrangements for the review of guidance and operation for both funds. It was indicated that details on the review of the operation and guidance of the Sustainable Communities Fund would be submitted to the next meeting of this Policy Board.


(a) That the funding recommendations, detailed in Section 4 and Appendix 1 of the report, in relation to the proposed allocation of the Sustainable Communities Fund be approved;

(b) That the Villages Investment Fund update, with one recent award highlighted under delegated authority arrangements previously agreed and detailed in Section 5 of the report, be noted;

(c) That the planned review of the Sustainable Communities Fund and Villages Investment Fund guidance and processes be noted; and 

(d) That it be agreed that the Sustainable Communities Fund and Village Investment Fund be paused to new applications pending the revision of guidance for the funds.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Carolann Davidson 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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