Under reference to item 6 of the Minute of the meeting of this Policy Board held on 16 January 2024, there was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to homelessness in Renfrewshire and providing an overview of progress in terms of implementation of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019/24 (RRTP).
The report provided updated details on the nature and scale of homelessness in Renfrewshire and the current and emerging pressures, making reference to the impact of the COVID recovery years, pressures arising from the cost-of-living crisis, the impact of the migration and asylum humanitarian programmes, a slowing down in the turnover rate of social rented housing and the impact in Renfrewshire since the suspension, in December 2022, of the ‘local connection’ criteria for homeless applicants. It was noted that local authorities across Scotland were experiencing significant pressures in meeting demand for social housing and there was clear evidence nationally of rising homeless presentations, record numbers in temporary accommodation and increasing waiting times for those in housing need. Renfrewshire continued to experience increasing homelessness and local housing pressures, although Renfrewshire was not currently at risk of ‘systemic failure’, as some other local authorities were, there was less resilience across the system and it was anticipated Renfrewshire would continue to struggle to provide both temporary and permanent accommodation for those in housing need, in line with statutory duties. A summary of the actions taken locally to respond to the emerging homeless/housing support pressures was provided.
Reference was also made within the report to the new Housing (Scotland) Bill 2004, published at the end of March 2024, which aimed to, amongst other things, help prevent homelessness. It was proposed that the Housing (Scotland) Bill would introduce an ‘ask and act’ duty on public bodies, such as health boards, Police Scotland and Registered Social Landlords to ask about a person’s housing situation and act to avoid them becoming homeless wherever possible. The Bill sought to reform provision for people threatened with homelessness up to six months ahead of settled accommodation being likely to be lost. It was highlighted that there was a degree of concern that the proposed provisions might lead to an increase in referrals or approaches for help, advice, information and temporary accommodation to local authorities homeless teams. The provisions were currently subject to public consultation and scrutiny by the Scottish Parliament, along with other areas covered by the Bill including proposals for provisions for tenants experiencing domestic abuse and a New Deal for Tenants which included long term rent controls for private tenancies. It was noted that a further report on the Housing Bill proposals and consultation would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board for consideration.
The report stated that Renfrewshire’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) had been effective in supporting the provision of adequate temporary accommodation, increasing the number of lets to homeless in order to meet needs, providing assistance to help new tenants resettle, and upscaling the provision of wraparound support initiatives. It was highlighted that a funding announcement for RRTP’s in 2024/25 had been made by the Scottish Government awarding £190,000 to Renfrewshire which was in line with what had been received in the previous five-year period and facilitate the continuation of the key initiatives detailed within Renfrewshire’s RRTP, as well as focussed resettlement assistance for those moving out of temporary accommodation and the deployment of Say Women, the Council’s delivery partner in an innovative project to support young women who had been subjected to sexual violence and were at risk of homelessness. A report on progress in terms of implementation of Renfrewshire’s RRTP would be submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board.
(a) That the continuing local and national pressures that were resulting in an increase in homeless applications and demand for housing support and the impacts these increases were currently having and might have in the future be noted; and
(b) That it be noted that reports on the provisions within the new Housing (Scotland) Bill 2024 and the associated public consultation, and implementation of Renfrewshire’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan would be submitted to the next meeting of this Policy Board.