Under reference to item 8 of the Minute of the meeting of the Regulatory Functions Board held on 18 August 2021 there was submitted a report by the Director of Environment, Housing & Infrastructure relative to the consultation exercise launched by the Scottish Government on the extension of the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 proposing to licence further commercial animal related activities, and to replace existing legislation covering animal boarding and riding establishments.
The report advised that under these regulations, the Local Authority where the premises were located was normally considered to be the relevant licensing authority and that the consultation sought views on proposals to extend the current licensing regime to include sectors such as dog walking, dog grooming, providing livery services and businesses offering canine fertility services. Any new licensable activities would have mandatory general and activity-specific conditions attached with these conditions detailed within the Regulations. The proposal allowed for fees to be set locally, which would enable Local Authorities to recover reasonable costs relating to the processing of applications, inspections and enforcement activities. It was noted that there would be resource implications for the Council, should the provisions of the Regulations be enacted in full however it was not possible to quantify, as the Council had no information on the numbers of traders currently operating within Renfrewshire who would require to be licensed. It was proposed, as was currently the case for existing licensable activities, that Licences would be issued for either one, two or three years with their duration dependent on factors including previous compliance, confidence in management of the activity, and whether the licensee was already operating to higher standards than the minimum set.
A copy of the consultation response, prepared and submitted on behalf of the Council prior to the deadline for responses, was appended to the report for homologation.
(a) That the consultation proposals be noted and the response submitted, a copy of which was attached as Appendix A of the report, be homologated and
(b) That a further report, providing an update on the implications for the Service be
submitted to a future meeting of this Policy Board when the regulations had been finalised.