There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to a petition received from Ms M Letford in the following terms:
“Please find attached a petition with regards to our situation on Storie St, as you can see all residents agree there is an issue with the parking, we are the only street in the area which does not have parking bays either for parking permits or paying. We also have a double yellow line which means no parking during the day, this was placed recently after one resident complained! So residents then have to drive around the area to find a bay available for permits. I understand that the bays are not just for permit holders only but for all public to use when coming into town, but the issue is you have people using them to park their cars and head off to work for the day! Which leaves the residents with very little parking spaces! Some of the residents have also been hit with parking fines when parked on the street they live in, when they can’t get a space anywhere else and have no option but to park on the street. An example would be one Saturday afternoon at 4.45/5, 7 residents were issued parking fines! We are not asking for parking bays on both sides of the street but at least one side and the double yellow removed, this would not cause any congestion to the street as canal terrace has bays on one side which is a smaller road. We would be grateful if someone from the department would come out and assess the situation and a solution be resolved.
Storie Street Residents Parking 46-69A & 46-69B: Petition 2023
Aiming to resolve the issue with parking for residents regarding the double yellow lines and markings which are creating major issues for ALL residents.
We propose for the yellow lines and markings to be removed and replaced with parking bays for resident parking with permit only.
Please sign below to show your support:”
Ms Letford was in attendance at the meeting and was accompanied by a fellow petitioner, Ms Hainey. The Board heard from the petitioners in support of their petition.
The Board heard from the Transportation & Development Manager agreed that it was
reasonable to request that the parking provision on Storie Street be examined. It was
stated that in order to provide parking spaces there would need to be a Permanent
Traffic Regulation Order put in place. It was noted that the process for implementing a
Permanent Traffic Regulation Order required a two-stage consultation to be
completed and that the action to be taken could not be determined until this had been
carried out. It was further noted that, should it be determined that parking bays should
be installed on Storie Street, it could take between 12 and 18 months for this work to
take place due to the process which required to be followed.
Councillor Burns, seconded by Councillor Campbell moved that the petition be referred to the Director of Environment, Housing and Infrastructure for further consideration. This was agreed unanimously.
DECIDED: That the petition be referred to the Director of Environment, Housing and Infrastructure for further consideration.