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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Scotland Excel Chief Executive Officers Management Group
17 Aug 2022 - 10:00 to 12:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Committee Members
Angela Scott (Aberdeen City Council): Annemarie O’Donnell (City of Glasgow Council):  Greg Colgan (Dundee City Council): Eddie Fraser (East Ayrshire Council): Cleland Sneddon (South Lanarkshire Council): 

Alan Russell (Renfrewshire Council) - Chair
Standard Items
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Conflicts of Interest
Members are asked to declare any conflicts of interest on any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.

There were no conflicts of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.


1 Minute
Minute of meeting of this Group held on 20 June 2022.

There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Chief Executive Officers Management Group (CEOMG) held on 20 June 2022.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.


Report by Chief Executive of Scotland Excel.

There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive of Scotland Excel providing an update on key developments within Scotland Excel since the meeting of the CEOMG held on 20 June 2022.

The report provided detailed updates on Corporate Services (including Digital) ICT and Education Team; Corporate Developments in Care Services, Adult and Older People’s Care; National Care Home Contract (NCHC); Residential Rehabilitation Care and Support; Social Care Agency Workers; Children’s Residential Care & Education; Special Recognition £500 Payment Project and Construction Transport and Environment.  

Information was also provided on work being undertaken with member councils and associate members; National Care Service (NCS) Bill Consultation; Scotland Excel 5 Year Strategy; Savings Opportunities – A National approach to new opportunities; The Academy; projects being undertaken with member councils; community wealth building; climate change; and new associate members.

DECIDEDThat the report be noted.



S Brannagan, Head of Customer and Business Services, gave a presentation in relation to reviewing the methods used to demonstrate the value derived from being a member of Scotland Excel. The presentation highlighted that it was recognised that there were many benefits other than monetary value, which included supporting local economies, community benefits, living wage and fair work practices.

The presentation highlighted measures to be taken to enhance the format of future reporting.  A project would be launched to identify what members valued and would involve stakeholder engagement to help improve the value of future reports provided to members.

DECIDED: That the information provided be noted.



H Carr, Head of Strategic Procurement, gave a presentation in relation to the National Care Service Bill which provided information on various subjects, including the timeline, the scope and remit of Scotland Excel contracting activity, the Financial Memorandum, collaborative development, Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, care boards running costs and role of local authority.

During discussion it was recognised that additional support work would be required for this to address concerns and would include improved communications with the Scottish Government and liaison with both CoSLA and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives.

Members were advised that following publication of the Bill, Scotland Excel had participated in key stakeholder meetings to seek clarity on the content of the Bill in preparation to respond to the Call for Views published on 8th July. The draft response would be presented to the Executive Sub Committee on 19th August 2022. Following discussion, it was agreed that the draft response be forwarded to members of this group. 


(a) That the presentation be noted; and

(b) That a copy of the draft response being presented to the Executive Sub-committee on 19 August 2022 be forwarded to members of the CEOMG.



H Carr, Head of Strategic Procurement, gave a presentation on strategic sourcing opportunities which provided information on changes made to demonstrate more visibility, commitment to changes and increase awareness of available opportunities in relation to savings.

Members were provided with examples where savings available had not been utilised, being rebates when purchasing cards were used, selecting non-brand products, bulk buying where possible to achieve discounts available and reduced delivery costs were examples of where more savings could be achieved.

Scotland Excel had launched projects to identify initial saving opportunities and could analyse councils spending and provide a platform for discussion.


(a) That the presentation be noted; and

(b) That Council Chief Executives and Directors of Finance be provided with more visibility and understanding around the matters raised during the presentation in order to commit to change and be aware of the available opportunities in relation to savings.


Note that the next meeting of this Group will be held at 10.00 am on 9 November 2022.
DECIDEDThat it be noted that the next meeting of this Group would be held at 10.00 am on 9 November 2022.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Mr Eddie Fraser 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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