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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
29 Sep 2022 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Membership Section
Standard Items
Further Information

This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email 

Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Hybrid Meeting
Please note that this meeting is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers.  However, it is a hybrid meeting and arrangements have been made for members to join the meeting remotely should they wish.
Webcasting of Council Meeting
This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed.  The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 0141 618 7112.  To find the webcast please navigate to and select the meeting from the calendar.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Provost Cameron intimated that this meeting would be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site.
Items Of Business
A minute's silence was held as a mark of respect following the recent death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.

Council, 30 June 2022, pages 137-154

Special Regulatory Functions Board, 4 August 2022, pages 155-158

Communities and Housing Policy Board, 16 August 2022, pages 159-174

Appointments Board, 17 August 2022, pages 175-176

Regulatory Functions Board, 17 August 2022, pages 177-188

Education and Children's Services Policy Board, 18 August 202, pages 189-194

Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board, 22 August 2022, pages 195-200

Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 23 August 2022, pages 201-204

Planning and Climate Change Policy Board, 23 August 2022, pages 205-214

Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel, 25 August 2022, pages 215-216

Petitions Board, 29 August 2022, pages 217-220

Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, 31 August 2022, pages 221-230

Regulatory Functions Board, 1 September 2022, pages 231-244

Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, 8 September 2022, pages 245-260

Cross Party Sounding Board, 8 September 2022, pages 261-262

Leadership Board, 14 September 2022, pages 263-274

Special Regulatory Functions Board, 15 September 2022, pages 275-282

Special Economy and Regeneration Policy Board, 22 September 2022 (copy to follow)

Hear from Provost
The Provost provided a verbal update in relation to the duties she had undertaken since the last meeting of the Council on 30 June 2022.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources 
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Council’s financial outlook.

The report outlined a range of measures which the Council would require to consider in the short and medium term, and the use of financial flexibilities including the use of reserve balances to address a timing disconnect between the Council’s ability to generate savings at scale whilst maintaining stability within the organisation and the delivery of services, and the speed at which costs were increasing.


(a) That the update in the Council’s financial outlook provided in the report be noted;

(b) That the update provided in relation to service concession accounting arrangements be noted and the revised accounting policies, outlined in paragraph 3.3, be approved; 

(c) That the update provided in section 4 in relation to the financial pressures being forecast in the current financial year be noted and the mitigating actions, outlined in paragraph 4.6, be approved; and 

(d) That the capital investment update, as outlined in section 6, be noted and that delegated authority be granted to the Director of Finance & Resources to implement the proposed amendments to the Council’s capital planning and borrowing arrangements, noting that these may require to be adjusted should the current proposals for Scottish Government funding change, be approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to an update on the Council’s audited Annual Accounts for 2021/22.

The report advised that the Council’s unaudited Annual Accounts for 2021/22 were considered at the meeting of the Council held on 30 June 2022 and submitted for audit by the statutory deadline of 30 June 2022. An extension to the statutory deadline for approval of the audited accounts had been provided in Local Government Finance Circular 6/2022 as detailed in section 3 of the report.

The audited Annual Accounts 2021/22 required to be completed for approval by 30 November 2022.


(a) That the revised deadline for the Council’s audited accounts be noted;

(b) That it be agreed that the meeting of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 31 October 2022 be rescheduled to 14 November 2022; and

(c) That it be noted that a special meeting of the Council would be called on or before 30 November 2022 to approve the audited accounts.
Report by Chief Executive
  1. pdf Council Plan (592Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the Council Plan for the period 2022 to 2027.

The new Council Plan 2022 – 2027 had been developed during summer 2022 in tandem with the refresh of the Renfrewshire Community Plan which covered the longer period of 2017-2027. Both Plans were considered and developed through the meeting of the Cross Party Sounding Board held on 8 September 2022. The Council Plan was attached as Appendix 1 to the report and set out the vision of “Creating a fairer Renfrewshire built on innovation, wellbeing and opportunity”.

The report intimated that a performance framework for the Council Plan would be developed ensuring that six-monthly updates on implementation could be provided to Elected Members. The framework would be finalised and reported to the meeting of the Leadership Board to be held on 30 November 2022.


(a) That the Council Plan 2022-2027 attached as Appendix 1 be approved; 

(b) That it be noted that the Council Plan was considered by the Cross Party Sounding Board on 8 September 2022;

(c) That it be agreed that a performance scorecard for the Council Plan would be developed and reported to the Leadership Board in November 2022; and

(d) That it be agreed that six-monthly updates on progress would be reported to the Leadership Board.
Report by Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to a refresh of the Community Plan 2017-2027.

The report advised that the Community Plan had been reviewed mid-term considering the significant changes to the context in which the Council and its partners were operating as a result of issues such as climate change, COVID 19 and the emerging cost of living crisis. The refreshed plan was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

The report indicated that the refreshed plan had been developed in tandem with the new Council Plan, providing an opportunity to align the priorities of the Council and the wider Community Planning Partnership. Section 6 of the report set out proposed minor changes to existing Community Planning Partnership governance arrangements which had been identified by partners to support the delivery of the refreshed Plan and to ensure greater transparency and scrutiny of its activities.


(a) That the Community Plan 2022-2027 attached as Appendix 1 of the report be approved;

(b) That it be noted that the Community Plan was considered by the Cross Party Sounding Board on 8 September 2022; and

(c) That the proposed changes to the Community Plan governance arrangements detailed in section 6 be approved.
Report by Chief Social Work Officer
There was submitted a report by the Chief Social Work Officer relative to the Annual Report 2021 and an update on Fostering and Adoption Panels.

The report advised that the annual reports of all Chief Social Work Officers were submitted to the office of the Chief Social Work Advisor at the Scottish Government in order that a national overview report could be produced. The annual report from the Renfrewshire Chief Social Work Officer provided a summary of the activities relating to the Chief Social Work Officer during 2021/22 and was attached as Appendix 2 to the report.

The report further advised that at the meeting of the Council held on 19 May 2022, it had been agreed that consideration of appointment of members to the Adoption and Fostering Panel would be continued and that the Head of Child Care and Criminal Justice had been instructed to submit a report to Council in respect of these appointments. Section 7 of the report detailed the Adoption and Fostering Panel membership and governance arrangements and proposed changes to these arrangements.  


(a) That the key activities outlined in the Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report be noted;

(b) That the commitment of social work staff in the consistent delivery of quality frontline services be acknowledged; 

(c) That it be noted that the report would be submitted to the Office of the Chief Social Work Advisor at the Scottish Government;

(d) That it be agreed that the next annual report from the Chief Social Work Officer would be presented in Autumn 2023; and

(e) That the information in relation to the membership of the Adoption and Fostering Panels be noted, and that it be agreed that Council does not make appointments to these panels, and any elected member who was interested in being a member should contact the Head of Child Care and Criminal Justice for further information.
Report by Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to Renfrewshire Community Protection Chief Officers’ Group Annual Report 2021/22. A copy of the annual report was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

The report highlighted the key areas of activity overseen by the Renfrewshire Chief Officers’ Group and indicated that the Chief Officers’ Group provided regular reports to the Member Officer Group, which comprised of elected members on a cross-party basis, and key officers from the Council and partners. The Member Officer Group Terms of Reference set out that the Group would be chaired by a “senior member of the administration”, and the administration had nominated Councillor Jacqueline Cameron as Chair of the Member Officer Group.


(a) That the report be noted; and

(b) That it be noted that Councillor Jacqueline Cameron would Chair the Member Officer Group.
Report by Chief Executive
 Under reference to item 5 of the Minute of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board held on 31 August 2022, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to options for a revised procedure for Community Asset transfers following a commitment offered at that Board to submit for consideration a series of options for revising the Council’s current approach to reaching decisions on applications from community bodies for asset transfers.

The report detailed two options for consideration in sections 4.3 and 4.4.

Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor J Cameron, moved the following option: 

“Council removes the existing delegation to officers and all CAT applications are considered by Elected Members. The terms of reference of the existing Sub-committee of the ILE Board would be amended to become the decision-making forum for CAT applications. The Sub-committee would retain its existing membership”; and the Head of Corporate Governance be authorised to make changes to the Council’s governance documents necessary to give effect to the Council’s decision.

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor McGonigle moved as an amendment:

Council agrees all future Community Asset Transfer applications will be determined by the Infrastructure Land and Environment Policy Board.

Council also agrees that any review by the applicant wishing to challenge the Board’s decision will be considered by the Appeals Board. 

Council further authorises the Head of Corporate Governance to make changes to the Council’s governance documents necessary to give effect to the Council’s decision.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Devine, Gilmour, G Graham, N Graham, Gray, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, Kenny MacLaren, Mags MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

19 members having voted for the amendment and 23 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the existing delegation to officers be removed and all CAT applications be considered by Elected Members. The terms of reference of the existing Sub-committee of the ILE Board be amended to become the decision-making forum for CAT applications; 

(b) That the Sub-committee retain its existing membership; and

(c) That the Head of Corporate Governance be authorised to make changes to the Council’s governance documents necessary to give effect to the Council’s decision.

Report by Director of Finance & Resources

Under reference to item 7 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 19 May 2022, there was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to a review of the terms of reference and remit of all Policy Boards. The proposed revised terms of reference were set out in Appendix 1 to the report.  The report intimated that given the ongoing services reviews under the Council’s transformation programme, it was anticipated that further changes might be appropriate once those reviews had been concluded and that a further report would be brought back to Council for consideration should such matters be identified.

The report also proposed a timetable of meetings of the Council and its Boards to December 2024, including a rescheduling of the Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-committee due to be held on 25 October 2022; proposed the appointment of nominees to CoSLA’s policy boards; intimated a change of membership on the Planning and Climate Change Policy Board proposed by the Labour Group; proposed the appointment of the Director of Finance & Resources as Director of Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP; and sought an amendment to Section 5 of the Council’s Scheme of Delegated Functions to add senior officers as lead officers to Local Partnerships. 


(a) That the revised terms of reference of its Boards as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;

(b) That the timetable for meetings of the Council and its Boards, including the dates during which there were to be recesses until December 2024 be approved;

(c) That it be agreed that a report be submitted to the September 2024 meeting of the Council relative to the timetable from January 2025 onwards;

(d) That it be noted that the meeting of the Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-committee scheduled to be held on 25 October 2022 would now be held on 26 October 2022;

(e) That it be agreed that meetings of the Appeals and Local Review Body, although timetabled, be cancelled if there was no substantive business;

(f) That the Council agrees its nominees to each of CoSLA’s four Policy Boards as follows: 

Health and Social Care Board, Councillor Adam;
Community Wellbeing Board, Councillor McGurk; 
Children and Young People Board, Councillor Rodden; and 
Environment and Economy Board, Councillor Shaw; 

(g) That it be noted that Councillor Smith would replace Councillor Davidson on the Planning and Climate Change Policy Board;

(h) That the changes to the Scheme of Delegated Functions to allow senior officers to act as lead officers to the Local Partnerships, as set out in section 5 of the report be approved; and

(i) That the appointment of Alastair MacArthur as director of the Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP be approved.


Report by Chief Executive
Under reference to item 9 of the Minute of the Meeting of Council held on 30 September 2021, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the proposed development of a National Care Service (NCS) in Scotland.

The report advised that the Scottish Government had identified the National Care Service as the mechanism by which improvements identified following the publication of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care Services could be delivered and had undertaken consultation on the proposed National Care Service in late 2021. The Council had submitted a formal response to the consultation in November 2021.

The report indicated that in March 2022 the Scottish Government had published independent analysis of the consultation responses received and advised that it intended to bring forward legislation to establish a National Care Service in Summer 2022. The National Care Service (Scotland) Bill was subsequently introduced to Parliament on 20 June and its accompanying documents were published on 21 June 2022. 

The report intimated that the lack of detail provided within the Bill made it difficult to comment on the potential impact of the proposed NCS, and to assess the likely implications for service users and carers, the workforce, and the Council as a whole. 

A draft consultation response had been submitted by the Council to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee subject to approval of full Council to comply with the deadline of 2 September 2022. The draft response reiterated the position of the Council, as submitted to Scottish Government through the national consultation exercise in 2021, whilst reflecting a number of key points and issues which were identified though professional networks. 

DECIDED: That the response to the National Care Service Bill consultation, which had been submitted as a draft, subject to Council approval, to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee on 2 September 2022 be approved.
Report by Lead Officer
There was submitted a report by the Lead Officer relative to a review undertaken by the Audit Risk & Scrutiny Board into linking the National Cycle Route 7 to Howwood.

The report summarised the evidence presented in relation to the review and made a number of recommendations. The report had been approved by the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board at its meeting held on 2 August 2022.


(a) That the report and its recommendations be approved; and

(b) That the Council’s thanks be conveyed to those who had contributed to the review.

"Community Welcome Spaces


Council notes with grave concern the continuing increase in energy prices, and the significant impact that the cost of living crisis is already having on residents across Renfrewshire.


Council notes that the energy price cap is forecast to increase by 81% in January, increasing prices to a completely unsustainable level, causing significant financial strain and harm on the people of Renfrewshire.


Pushing those who are already struggling further into poverty.


Council believes the UK government should intervene and cap energy prices, and instructs the Chief Executive write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to express our concerns for the serious hardship being inflicted on the people of Renfrewshire due to a lack of serious action by the UK Government to protect people.


Council notes the emerging work by councils and their partner culture and leisure trusts across the nation to create Community Warm Banks and Safe Spaces. Council will work with OneRen to create Welcoming Spaces within our civic buildings, leisure facilities and libraries, giving residents the opportunity to be warm throughout winter as well as tackle the impacts of social isolation."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Campbell and Hughes in the following terms:

“Community Welcome Spaces

Council notes with grave concern the continuing increase in energy prices, and the significant impact that the cost-of-living crisis is already having on residents across Renfrewshire. 

Council notes that the energy price cap is forecast to increase by 81% in January, increasing prices to a completely unsustainable level, causing significant financial strain and harm on the people of Renfrewshire. 

Pushing those who are already struggling further into poverty. 

Council believes the UK government should intervene and cap energy prices, and instructs the Chief Executive write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to express our concerns for the serious hardship being inflicted on the people of Renfrewshire due to a lack of serious action by the UK Government to protect people. 

Council notes the emerging work by councils and their partner culture and leisure trusts across the nation to create Community Warm Banks and Safe Spaces. Council will work with OneRen to create Welcoming Spaces within our civic buildings, leisure facilities and libraries, giving residents the opportunity to be warm throughout winter as well as tackle the impacts of social isolation.

Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Hughes, then moved the motion.

Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor J Cameron moved an amendment that: Council notes with grave concern the continuing increase in energy prices and the significant impact that the cost-of-living crisis is already having on residents across Renfrewshire.

Council notes that the energy price cap is forecast to increase by 81% in January, increasing prices to a completely unsustainable level, causing significant financial strain and harm on the people of Renfrewshire.

Pushing those who are already struggling further into poverty. Council believes the UK Government should intervene further with urgency and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to express our concerns for the serious hardship being inflicted on the people of Renfrewshire due to a lack of serious action by the UK Government to protect people.

Council notes the emerging work by councils and their partner culture and leisure trusts across the nation to create Community Warm Banks and Safe Spaces. Council will continue to work with OneRen to create Welcoming Spaces within our civic buildings, leisure facilities and libraries, giving residents the opportunity to be warm throughout winter as well as tackle the impacts of social isolation.

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor Leishman, moved as a second amendment that: Council notes with grave concern the continuing increase in energy prices, and the significant impact that the cost-of-living crisis is having on residents across Renfrewshire. 

Council notes that the energy price cap was forecast to increase by 81% in January increasing prices to a completely unsustainable level causing significant financial strain and harm to the people of Renfrewshire. 

Council further notes the main reason for these increases is fueled by the brutal Russian occupation of parts of Ukraine and in turn Russia turning of the gas taps to Europe as a result of Europe’s and the United Kingdom’s support for Ukrainian Sovereignty. 

Council commends the UK government on their interventions to cap energy prices for local businesses and households across Renfrewshire so that the public can be shielded as much as possible from the continuing rise of energy costs associated with our support for the people of Ukraine.

Council notes the emergency work by councils and their leisure trusts across the nation to create Community Warm Banks and safe spaces. Council will work with OneRen to create Welcoming Spaces within our civic buildings, leisure facilities and libraries, giving residents the opportunity to be warm throughout winter as well as tackle the impacts of social isolation.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Campbell and Hughes, being the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to accept the first amendment, which became the substantive motion. 

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Ann-Dowling, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Clark, Davidson, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, McFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McEwan, McGuire, McGurk, McMillan, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mullin, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw, Smith and Steel.

Five members having voted for the amendment and 37 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That Council notes with grave concern the continuing increase in energy prices and the significant impact that the cost-of-living crisis was already having on residents across Renfrewshire; 

(b) That Council notes that the energy price cap was forecast to increase by 81% in January, increasing prices to a completely unsustainable level, causing significant financial strain and harm on the people of Renfrewshire;

(c) That Council believes the UK Government should intervene further with urgency and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to express our concerns for the serious hardship being inflicted on the people of Renfrewshire due to a lack of serious action by the UK Government to protect people; and

(d) That Council notes that the emerging work by councils and their partner culture and leisure trusts across the nation to create Community Warm Banks and Safe Spaces. Council would continue to work with OneRen to create Welcoming Spaces within our civic buildings, leisure facilities and libraries, giving residents the opportunity to be warm throughout winter as well as tackle the impacts of social isolation.

"Council welcomes the completion of 131 new homes in Glenburn which consists of 109 for social rent and 22 made available through the New Supply Shared Equity scheme (NSSE). Council further welcomes the funding of over £12 million from the Scottish Government through the Scottish Government’s Strategic Housing Investment Programme. (SHIP)


Council notes the intent of this administration to continue to expand social housing and affordable homes at every opportunity throughout Renfrewshire and reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that everyone within our local authority has access to affordable, high quality housing."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors MacFarlane and McGurk in the following terms:

“Council welcomes the completion of 131 new homes in Glenburn which consists of 109 for social rent and 22 made available through the New Supply Shared Equity scheme (NSSE). Council further welcomes the funding of over £12 million from the Scottish Government through the Scottish Government’s Strategic Housing Investment Programme. (SHIP) 

Council notes the intent of this administration to continue to expand social housing and affordable homes at every opportunity throughout Renfrewshire and reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that everyone within our local authority has access to affordable, high-quality housing”.

Councillor MacFarlane, seconded by Councillor McGurk, then moved the motion, which was approved unanimously.


(a) That Council welcomes the completion of 131 new homes in Glenburn which consists of 109 for social rent and 22 made available through the New Supply Shared Equity scheme (NSSE). Council further welcomes the funding of over £12 million from the Scottish Government through the Scottish Government’s Strategic Housing Investment Programme. (SHIP); and

(b) That Council notes the intent of this administration to continue to expand social housing and affordable homes at every opportunity throughout Renfrewshire and reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that everyone within our local authority has access to affordable, high-quality housing.

"Council notes that the cost-of-living crisis is impacting on all residents of Renfrewshire, but particularly our most vulnerable including older people, children and people with disabilities.


With the announcement that the energy cap will increase by 80% in October, fuel and food prices rising exponentially and with the official inflation rate currently sitting at 10.1% (and predicted to rise), few households will manage to make ends meet.


Council agrees that this situation is unacceptable and declares this a Cost-of-Living Emergency.


Council notes the work of the Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-Committee in providing financial support, assistance and advice via Scottish Government funding and council budget allocations but understands the limitations in the face of such a dire emergency.


Council agrees that the UK government hold the levers of power to address the cost-of-living emergency and calls upon them to:


· Cancel the planned energy cap rise
· Fund a freeze on energy bills
· Reinstate the £20 Universal Credit uplift
· Reverse the increase in National Insurance contributions
· Reintroduce the triple-lock protection on pensions


Council agrees to write to the Prime Minister calling upon them to introduce the above measures with urgency."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors J Cameron and Adam in the following terms:

“Council notes that the cost-of-living crisis is impacting on all residents of Renfrewshire, but particularly our most vulnerable including older people, children and people with disabilities.

With the announcement that the energy cap will increase by 80% in October, fuel and food prices rising exponentially and with the official inflation rate currently sitting at 10.1% (and predicted to rise), few households will manage to make ends meet.

Council agrees that this situation is unacceptable and declares this a Cost-of-Living Emergency.

Council notes the work of the Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-Committee in providing financial support, assistance and advice via Scottish Government funding and council budget allocations but understands the limitations in the face of such a dire emergency.

Council agrees that the UK government hold the levers of power to address the cost-of-living emergency and calls upon them to:

· Cancel the planned energy cap rise
· Fund a freeze on energy bills
· Reinstate the £20 Universal Credit uplift
· Reverse the increase in National Insurance contributions
· Reintroduce the triple-lock protection on pensions

Council agrees to write to the Prime Minister calling upon them to introduce the above measures with urgency”

Councillor J Cameron, seconded by Councillor Adam, then moved the motion.

Councillor Paterson, seconded by Councillor Steel, moved an amendment that the following points be removed from the motion:

· Reverse the increase in National Insurance contributions; and
· Fund a freeze on energy bills

Councillor McMillan, seconded by Councillor Ann-Dowling, moved as a second amendment that: Council welcomes the mitigating measures the UK government has put in place to help consumers with the increasing price of energy bills.

This is however only a short-term measure and the situation is likely to get worse and governments in both London and Edinburgh need to be quick to react.

Council believes that people on universal credit should have the recently withdrawn £20 increase reinstated.

Council notes that the ‘triple lock pension’ is likely to be re-introduced in April 2023.

Furthermore, council supports the idea of a windfall tax on the higher-than-expected profits being made by energy companies to be used to help consumers pay their bills.

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor McGonigle, moved as a third amendment that: Council notes that the cost-of-living crisis is impacting on all residents of Renfrewshire, but particularly our most venerable including older people, children, and people with disabilities.

Council declares this a cost-of-living emergency.

Council notes the work of the fairer Renfrewshire Sub Committee in providing financial support, assistance and advice via Scottish and UK governments funding and council budget allocations but understands limitations on the face of this dire emergency.

The UK government has announced support to help businesses through this cost-of-living crisis. UK government announced a cap on wholesale energy price units, which will see firms get a discount of half the wholesale prices anticipated this winter.

The support from the UK government to ease the burden of this global crisis on businesses and households across the UK is welcome.

Council notes the triple lock protection for pensioners is secure for the remainder of this parliament.

Council welcomes the scrap to national insurance contributions by the UK government.

Council agrees to write to our prime minister to review Universal Credit payments to reflect the inflationary environment we are currently in.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Cameron and Adam, being the mover and seconder of the motion, agreed to accept the first amendment, which then became the substantive motion.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Cameron and Adam, being the mover and seconder of the motion, agreed to accept the second amendment as an addition to the motion and the motion, as amended became the substantive motion.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors N Graham, Gray, Leishman, J MacLaren and McGonigle.

The following members voted for the substantive motion: Councillors Adam, Airlie-Nicolson, Ann-Dowling, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Clark, Davidson, Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, G Graham, Hannigan, Hood, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McEwan, McGuire, McGurk, McMillan, McNaughtan, Montgomery, Mullin, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw, Smith and Steel.

Five members having voted for the amendment and 37 members having voted for the  motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That Council notes that the cost-of-living crisis is impacting on all residents of Renfrewshire, but particularly our most vulnerable including older people, children and people with disabilities.

With the announcement that the energy cap will increase by 80% in October, fuel and food prices rising exponentially and with the official inflation rate currently sitting at 10.1% (and predicted to rise), few households will manage to make ends meet;

(b) That Council agrees that this situation is unacceptable and declares this a Cost-of-Living Emergency;

(c) That Council notes the work of the Fairer Renfrewshire Sub-Committee in providing financial support, assistance and advice via Scottish Government funding and council budget allocations but understands the limitations in the face of such a dire emergency; 

(d) That Council agrees that the UK government hold the levers of power to address the cost-of-living emergency and calls upon them to:

· Cancel the planned energy cap rise
· Reinstate the £20 Universal Credit uplift
· Reintroduce the triple-lock protection on pensions;

(e) That Council agrees to write to the Prime Minister calling upon them to introduce the above measures with urgency;

(f) That Council welcomes the mitigating measures the UK government has put in place to help consumers with the increasing price of energy bills;

(g) That it be noted that this is however only a short-term measure and the situation is likely to get worse and governments in both London and Edinburgh need to be quick to react;

(h) That it be noted that Council believes that people on universal credit should have the recently withdrawn £20 increase reinstated;

(i) That Council notes that the ‘triple lock pension’ is likely to be re-introduced in April 2023; and

(j) That, furthermore, Council supports the idea of a windfall tax on the higher-than-expected profits being made by energy companies to be used to help consumers pay their bills.

"Single Sex Toilet Provision in Renfrewshire Council Funded Organisations


Renfrewshire Council recognises that it has an obligation to ensure provision for single-sex toilets for males and females, in the interests of respect for privacy, preserving decency, preventing trauma and/or ensuring health and safety; and to avoid creating what women and girls in particular might perceive and experience as an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. Council agrees that all organisations in receipt of local authority funding, and providing more than one toilet facility for public use in a non-residential building, must ensure single-sex toilet provision is made available."

Provost Cameron ruled that the Notice of Motion by Councillors Ann-Dowling and McMillan was not competent in terms of Standing Order 21(b).

"Prevention of Prostate Cancer Deaths in Renfrewshire


“Council notes with concern the fact that there are around 12,000 prostate cancer deaths in the UK every year, and that prostate cancer is the 2nd most common cause of cancer deaths in men across the UK.


“Council believes this is an ongoing major health challenge for men in Renfrewshire and urges both the Scottish and UK Governments to take a more pro-active approach to driving down prostate cancer rates, in particular, by devising a reliable prostate cancer screening test kit for men over 45 yrs old which can be distributed by the NHS as part of a national health screening programme”.

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Hannigan in the following terms:

“Prevention of Prostate Cancer Deaths in Renfrewshire”

 “Council notes with concern the fact that there are around 12,000 prostate cancer deaths in the UK every year, and that prostate cancer is the 2nd most common cause of cancer deaths in men across the UK. 

Council believes this is an ongoing major health challenge for men in Renfrewshire and urges both the Scottish and UK Governments to take a more pro-active approach to driving down prostate cancer rates by devising a reliable prostate cancer screening test kit for men over 45 years old which can be distributed by the NHS as part of a national health screening programme”.

Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Hannigan, then moved the motion, which was approved unanimously.


(a) That Council notes with concern the fact that there are around 12,000 prostate cancer deaths in the UK every year, and that prostate cancer is the 2nd most common cause of cancer deaths in men across the UK; and

(b) That Council believes this is an ongoing major health challenge for men in Renfrewshire and urges both the Scottish and UK Governments to take a more pro-active approach to driving down prostate cancer rates by devising a reliable prostate cancer screening test kit for men over 45 years old which can be distributed by the NHS as part of a national health screening programme”.

"Collection of Grass Cutting at War Memorials and Cemeteries


"Council agrees, due to public sensitivity, that council staff will collect grass cuttings in and around war memorials and cemeteries in Renfrewshire whilst undertaking grass maintenance programmes"."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Hannigan in the following terms:

“Collection of Grass Cutting at War Memorials and Cemeteries”

“Council agrees, due to public sensitivity, that council staff will collect grass cuttings in and around war memorials and cemeteries in Renfrewshire whilst undertaking grass maintenance programmes”.

Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Hannigan, then moved the motion.

Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Burns, moved as an amendment that: Council agrees to review the current grounds maintenance regime for war memorials and cemeteries.  The Convener of the ILE board with the relevant officers will engage with the mover and seconder to consider any issues and report to back to the relevant board on the outcome.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Andy Doig and Hannigan, being the mover and seconder of the motion, agreed to accept the amendment to the motion.

DECIDED: That Council agrees to review the current grounds maintenance regime for war memorials and cemeteries.  The Convener of the ILE board with the relevant officers will engage with the mover and seconder to consider any issues and report to back to the relevant board on the outcome.

"Reconfiguration of the Bowfield Rd/Midton Rd junction, Howwood (B776)


“Council welcomes agreed measures by council officers to improve the safety of the Bowfield Rd/Midton Rd junction, Howwood (B776), including increased signage at the Renfrewshire/East Renfrewshire border concerning HGV traffic, and re-lining of the junction.


“Council however notes continued concern by Bowfield Rd residents, in particular, over safety for pedestrians at this junction, and instructs council officers to examine options for the re-configuration of the Bowfield Rd/Midton Rd junction to maximise safety, including the option of compulsory purchase”."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors Andy Doig and Hannigan in the following terms:

“Reconfiguration of the Bowfield Road/Midton Road Junction, Howwood (B776)

Council welcomes agreed measures by council officers to improve the safety of the Bowfield Road/Midton Road junction, Howwood (B776), including increased signage at the Renfrewshire/East Renfrewshire border concerning HGV traffic, and re-lining of the junction. 

Council however notes continued concern by Bowfield Road residents over safety for pedestrians at this junction, and instructs council officers to examine options for the re-configuration of the Bowfield Road/Midton Road junction to maximise safety, including the option of compulsory purchase”

Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Hannigan, then moved the motion.

Councillor Gilmour, seconded by Councillor G Graham, moved as an amendment that: Additionally, these options should be brought before Ward 9 Elected Members, Howwood Community Council and residents for consultation prior to implementation.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors Andy Doig and Hannigan, being the mover and seconder of the motion, agreed to accept the amendment as an addition to the motion and the motion, as amended was approved unanimously.


(a) That Council welcomes agreed measures by council officers to improve the safety of the Bowfield Road/Midton Road junction, Howwood (B776), including increased signage at the Renfrewshire/East Renfrewshire border concerning HGV traffic, and re-lining of the junction;

(b) That Council notes continued concern by Bowfield Road residents over safety for pedestrians at this junction, and instructs council officers to examine options for the re-configuration of the Bowfield Road/Midton Road junction to maximise safety, including the option of compulsory purchase; and

(c) That these options should be brought before Ward 9 Elected Members, Howwood Community Council and residents for consultation prior to implementation.

"Congratulations Motion, England’s Woman Football Team.


Council congratulates the England’s Woman football team on their recent success in lifting the World Cup at Wembley Stadium.


This Success has seen a surge in Woman and Girls taking up football as a sport. Council agrees to invest where they can in Woman/Girls football to capitalise on this success. Council instructs our officers to make sure that every girl in schools across Renfrewshire have the same opportunity to play football as boys in their PE classes."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillors N Graham and McGonigle in the following terms:

“Council congratulates the England’s Woman football team on their recent success in lifting the World Cup at Wembley Stadium. 

This success has seen a surge in woman and girls taking up football as a sport. Council agrees to invest where they can in woman/girls’ football to capitalise on this success.

Council instructs our officers to make sure that every girl in schools across Renfrewshire have the same opportunity to play football as boys in their PE classes”.

Councillor N Graham, seconded by Councillor McGonigle, then moved the motion

Councillor G Graham, seconded by Councillor McMillan, moved as an amendment that: Renfrewshire Council congratulates the England women’s football team on winning the UEFA Women’s Championship at Wembley this summer. The council also offers it’s best wishes to Scotland’s women’s football team in their quest to qualify for the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2023.  
As a result of the UEFA Women’s Championship this year, there had been a significant increase in girls and young women wanting to play football. To ensure success at the highest level, it is essential to invest in girl’s football at an early age. This Council recognises that all Renfrewshire High Schools offer girls access to football as part of their broad General Education and commends Education Services in ensuring that all girls in our High Schools have the same equity of access to football as their male peers.

In terms of Standing Order 27, Councillors N Graham and McGonigle, being the mover and seconder of the motion, agreed to accept the amendment which was approved unanimously.


(a) That Renfrewshire Council congratulates the England women’s football team on winning the UEFA Women’s Championship at Wembley this summer. The council also offers it’s best wishes to Scotland’s women’s football team in their quest to qualify for the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2023;
(b) That it be noted that as a result of the UEFA Women’s Championship this year, there had been a significant increase in girls and young women wanting to play football. To ensure success at the highest level, it is essential to invest in girl’s football at an early age; and

(c) That Council recognised that all Renfrewshire High Schools offer girls access to football as part of their broad General Education and commends Education Services in ensuring that all girls in our High Schools have the same equity of access to football as their male peers.

"Child Poverty


It is widely recognised that holiday periods add to the stress of family poverty and results in less access to food and social activity for them than their peers. Foodbanks report increased demand during holiday periods.


18% of our children and young people live in relative low income families, whilst a15% live in absolute low income families. The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is hitting these working families the hardest.


Renfrewshire Council recognises these facts. To assist local families this Council agrees to establish a Holiday Hunger Fund of £1 million pounds to be utilised over the lifetime of this administration. This fund will be used to increase the provision of meals and social activities for school children over school holiday periods throughout Renfrewshire. The Council will commit £200,000 per annum from this fund to enable 3rd sector groups in our communities to apply for money to establish new provision in areas where there is a currently unmet need."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillor G Graham, seconded by Councillor Gilmour in the following terms:

“Child Poverty”

“It is widely recognised that holiday periods add to the stress of family poverty and results in less access to food and social activity for them than their peers. Foodbanks report increased demand during holiday periods. 

18% of our children and young people live in relative low-income families, whilst a15% live in absolute low-income families. The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is hitting these working families the hardest.
Renfrewshire Council recognises these facts. To assist local families this Council agrees to establish a Holiday Hunger Fund of £1 million pounds to be utilised over the lifetime of this administration. This fund will be used to increase the provision of meals and social activities for school children over school holiday periods throughout Renfrewshire. The Council will commit £200,000 per annum from this fund to enable 3rd sector groups in our communities to apply for money to establish new provision in areas where there is a currently unmet need”.

Councillor G Graham, seconded by Councillor Gilmour, then moved the motion.

Councillor J Cameron, seconded by Councillor Nicolson, moved as an amendment that: Council agrees that this request be forwarded to the recently established Fairer Renfrewshire sub-committee for consideration.  The sub-committee should review the current provision over school holiday periods and seek to identify any gaps which may require to be addressed. A special meeting of the cross-party sub-committee is currently being arranged which will consider our and our partners response to the cost-of-living crisis in Renfrewshire.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment:

Councillors Adams, Airlie-Nicolson, Burns, J Cameron, Provost L Cameron, Councillors Campbell, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Hannigan, Hughes, Innes, MacFarlane, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, McEwan, McGurk, McNaughtan, Mylet, Nicolson, Paterson, Rodden, Shaw and Steel.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Ann-Dowling, Clark, Davidson, Devine, G Graham, N Graham, Gray, Hood, Leishman, J MacLaren, McCulloch, McDonald, McGonigle, McGuire, McMillan, Montgomery, Mullin and Smith.

23 members having voted for the amendment and 19 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That Council agrees that this request be forwarded to the recently established Fairer Renfrewshire sub-committee for consideration. The sub-committee should review the current provision over school holiday periods and seek to identify any gaps which may require to be addressed. A special meeting of the cross-party sub-committee is currently being arranged which will consider our and our partners response to the cost-of-living crisis in Renfrewshire.

"Closure of Barrochan Road.


Council is concerned about the closure of Barrochan Road, Houston, for up to 12 weeks for emergency replacement of gas pipes.


Council notes with concern the detrimental impacts on local businesses in Houston and the very real possibility of these businesses closing altogether.


Council agrees to work with SGN and local businesses affected to mitigate as much as it can the disruption this will cause."

There was submitted a Notice of Motion by Councillor McGonigle, seconded by Councillor J MacLaren in the following terms:

“Closure of Barrochan Road

Council is concerned about the closure of Barrochan Road, Houston, for up to 12 weeks for emergency replacement of gas pipes. 

Council notes with concern the detrimental impacts on local businesses in Houston and the very real possibility of these businesses closing altogether. 

Council agrees to work with SGN and local businesses affected to mitigate as much as it can the disruption this will cause”.

Councillor McGonigle, seconded by Councillor J MacLaren the moved the motion which was approved unanimously.


(a) That Council is concerned about the closure of Barrochan Road, Houston, for up to 12 weeks for emergency replacement of gas pipes;

(b) That Council notes with concern the detrimental impacts on local businesses in Houston and the very real possibility of these businesses closing altogether; and 

(c) That Council agrees to work with SGN and local businesses affected to mitigate as much as it can the disruption this will cause.

Additional Meeting Documents

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Alison Ann-Dowling3She indicated that she had a connection to several items on the agenda, relating to foster care including item 3 – Financial Sustainability and General Fund Financial Outlook as she was a foster carerNon-Pecuniaryshe indicated that she had applied the objective test and did not consider she had an interest to declare and intimated that it was her intention to remain in the meeting and to take part in any discussion or voting thereon.
Councillor Michelle Campbell8 and 11indicated that she had a connection to items 8 and 11 of the agenda – Renfrewshire Community Protection Chief Officers’ Group- Annual Report 2021/22 and National Care Service Bill respectively- as she was an employee of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde but not in the Council’s area. Non-Pecuniaryshe indicated that she had applied the objective test and did not consider she had an interest to declare and intimated that it was her intention to remain in the meeting and to take part in any discussion or voting thereon


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