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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Climate Change Sub-Committee
17 Nov 2021 - 14:00 to 16:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Membership Section
Standard Items
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Recording of Meeting

This meeting will be recorded for subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 0141 618 7112.

To find the recording please follow the link which will be attached to this agenda once the meeting has concluded.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Convener intimated that this meeting of the Climate Change Sub-committee would be recorded and that the recording would be available to watch on the Council's website.
Items Of Business
Presentation by the Head of Service (Curriculum & Quality).

The Head of Service (Curriculum & Quality) introduced a presentation on Learning & Teaching about Climate Issues in Renfrewshire Schools.

Areas covered in the presentation included Priorities for Service Improvement, Rights Respecting Schools, Laudato Si Schools (a scheme for RC Schools devised by Pope Francis relative to climate change), Keep Scotland Beautiful, Climate Action Week and COP 26.

Members thanked the Head of Service (Curriculum & Quality), the Primary Science Development Officer and the children from St Margaret’s Primary School for their presentation.

DECIDED: That the presentation be noted.

Report by Head of Policy & Commissioning.

Under reference to item 2 of the Minute of the meeting of the Sub-committee held on 1 September 2021, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the work which had been undertaken by the Council in response to the climate emergency.

Reference was made to the report considered at the meeting of this Sub-committee held on 1 September 2021 outlining progress in connection with the work undertaken in response to the climate emergency declared by the Council in June 2019.

The Sub-committee had subsequently agreed key priorities to be progressed by
officers, recognising that it was a particular priority to continue to develop
Renfrewshire’s plan for achieving the target of net zero carbon emissions by
2030 working alongside citizens, community planning partners and businesses.

The report provided an update on the work undertaken to progress these priority actions and highlighted some of the key activities that had been undertaken since the last update to Board, with section 7 of the report setting out the key priority actions which had been identified by officers for completion over the next six-month period.

The Head of Policy & Commissioning advised that a consultancy/academic partner had been sought to assist with the technical aspects of the Net Zero Plan, but that a recent procurement exercise had been unsuccessful in obtaining a bidder for this contract and there might be a consequential in the timescales of the full Net Zero Plan.

It was noted that services had continued to progress a range of activities which supported the Council’s response to the climate emergency.  An overview of these activities had been provided to the Sub-committee in December 2020, and appendix 1 provided an updated position.

Draft guidance to the Community Climate Fund including  projects which could be funded, funding criteria and the application process were included in appendix2 to the report.


(a)  That the progress achieved in relation to the current work programme and associated updated timetable be noted;  

(b) That the progress achieved in relation to wider climate activity across the Council, as outlined in appendix 1 to the report, be noted; 

(c) That the proposals for progressing a pilot Community Climate Fund and the allocation of £50,000 of the Climate Action Change Fund for this purpose be approved;  

(d) That the proposal to endorse the National Climate Resilience Summit ambition statement, as outlined in section 6 of the report, be approved, and the Sub-committee recommend approval at the next meeting of the Leadership Board; and  

(e)  That it be agreed that the key priorities for the progression over the course of the next six-month period, as detailed in section 5 of the report be approved, and that the timeline for the programme be noted; 

Presentation by Head of Policy & Commissioning.

Under reference to item 2 of the Minute of the meeting of the Sub-committee held on 1 September 2021, the Strategy, Policy & Insight Manager gave a presentation on the Climate Survey.

It was noted that the survey was was shared with the Public Services Panel and on the Council website, publicised through social media for the general public. Pollution of rivers and seas, the effects of climate change, flooding and the impact on the economy were areas covered in the survey.

Members thanked the Strategy, Policy & Insight Manager for her presentation.

DECIDED: That the presentation be noted.

Presentation by Head of Economy & Developement.

The Head of Economy & Development gave a presentation on Climate Change and Planning.

The presentation included the influence of planning on net zero, renewable technologies, building adaptions, business growth, travel, green spaces, the location of new developments and waste management.

Officers responded to members’ comments and questions on planning application regulations, the protection of trees during house building and the new trees policy which was currently under development.

Members thanked the Head of Economy & Development for his presentation.

DECIDED: That the presentation be noted.

Report by the Chief Executive.

There was submitted a report by Chief Executive relative to the Clyde Climate Forest initiative which had been developed as part of a wider response to tackling climate change across the Glasgow City Region.  The purpose of the initiative was to support tree planting projects which contributed to a new urban “forest” across the City Region area that delivered a broad range of climate and ecological benefits.


(a)  That the development of the Clyde Climate Forest and the role of the initiative in contributing to the Council’s response to climate change be noted; and

(b)  That the delivery of future phases of the initiative in Renfrewshire be explored be approved subject to consultation with local communities and stakeholders.

Report by the Chief Executive.

There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding Renfrewshire Council’s Public Bodies Climate Change Duties report for the period 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021


(a)  That the report by noted; and 

(b)  That the Sub-Committee recommend that the report by approved at the next meeting of the Leadership Board.



Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Neill Graham 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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