There was submitted a report by Head of Policy and Commissioning providing an update on the Climate Change actions agreed by Council at its meeting on 27 February 2020, detailed in the appendix to the report.
A progress update was provided and any new opportunities, challenges or issues to be aware of were highlighted in order for members of the Sub-Committee to consider which areas they required more information on.
It was proposed that these actions would form the basis of an adaptation plan for the Council, which would be structured around the broad themes identified. The adaptation plan for climate change would be developed collaboratively across the Council with a target date of March 2021.
It was highlighted that under the first section within the Governance/Innovation part of the appendix would be prioritised in early 2021 not 2022 as stated.
The Chair proposed that a further section be added under the Waste/Food section of the appendix that officers identify and progress a new growing grounds project which we can go to communities to partner with us to develop, lever in external funding and provide educational benefit.” This was agreed.
(a) That the update and comments relating to the previously agreed Climate Change actions, as highlighted in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted;
(b) That the priority areas would be progressed as part of the adaptation plan for the Council;
(c) That a further section be added under the Waste/Food section of the appendix that “officers identify and progress a new growing grounds project which we can go to communities to partner with us to develop, lever in external funding and provide educational benefit; and
(d) That an up-date be provided to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee on the growing grounds proposal and work being progressed.