There was submitted a report by the Head of Policy and Commissioning providing an update on the Council’s response to the climate emergency.
The report provided a summary of the work undertaken, to date, by the Council to respond to the climate emergency at a strategic level. It outlined the work undertaken specifically by the Climate Emergency Working Group, following the declaration of a climate emergency by Renfrewshire Council in June 2019.
The report also highlighted the key recommendations agreed by Council at its meeting on 27 February 2020 to respond to the climate emergency, and summarised the detailed actions approved at that time. Whilst service level activities in relation to climate change had continued to be progressed in line with existing priorities, the report noted that, at strategic level, work on the climate change agenda had been paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following discussion on the appendix to the report, which outlined the key action plan, it was noted that the implementation of the pilot initiative to turn 75 local homes into low energy homes as set out in the 'Energy' section could not be taken forward at this time due to the costs involved. It was proposed that the action set out in the ‘Waste’ section 'to reduce unnecessary single use plastic use' be changed to 'to eliminate unnecessary single use plastic’. This was agreed.
There was further discussion on various issues, including improving awareness of recycling and promoting better use of Household Recycling Waste Centres, engagement with communities, clarity of the Carbon Offset Plan, the conservation of mature trees in relation to new housing developments and the importance of planning and the Local Development Plan.
(a) That the update provided on the work undertaken, to date, by the Council to strategically respond to the climate agenda be noted;
(b) That the update on recent policy developments and the impact of Covid-19, outlined in sections 4 and 5 the report, be noted;
(c) That the next steps for progressing the Council’s response to the climate emergency, outlined in section 6 of the report, be agreed; and
(d) That it be agreed that the action set out in the ‘Waste’ section in the Appendix 'to reduce unnecessary single use plastic use' be changed to 'to eliminate unnecessary single use plastic’.